?* ?ng Pilot Cmtw Brunswick County THE STATE PORT PILOT -^gsiXTEEN NO. 12 8-PAGES TODAY A Good Newspaper In A Good Community ' J Most of The News 1 All The Time Southport, N. C., Wednesday, June 30th, 1948 fUBUSHED every wednesdaj fi.so per yea* fliers Listed Flower Show 'field At Bolivia - T<Th<>? D?" Cc# Clubs And Drew fJi?ofi53Entrie8 0' rEcSEmeBmbers j To Make This Reg? *Lt on Calendar Of % Women Act.v.t.e. In Brunswick n?<r Show sponsored by *E ?.??' 1 Horn. /^ration clubs was held **7, at the lunch room at 'Jailer faring been called ft several years during the *d immediately following. | Lll interest was shown by -*fived from all sections, ^county, and the club w-om ^rtjKd an interest In hav-1 , program added to the t Lj,, of activities. 2^,? is a list of names ifi. ^Perfection of Bloom ^Ven: 1st pnie, Mrs. Zfbelm; 2nd prize. Mrs. --fof Bloom (small 1st pnze. Mrs. Garland * 2nd prize. Mrs. Eph ? jmfori. . \'tlstic Arrangement: jiving room. 1st prize. Mrs. I u?g; 2nd prize. Mrs. Jesse living room. 1st prize, , a L Russ; 2nd prize, Mrs. jr P.eid. table with dishes, 1st j Mrs. Foster Mintz: 2nd ( Mrs. Zelma R- Hewett. (M table without dishes, .srae, Mrs. Joe T. Ramseur. IpriK. Mrs Mary Long. X!? table. 1st prize, Mrs. m Mmtz. Itioir. 1st prize. Mrs. G. L. 2nd prize. Mrs. Joseph, p.- .jI 1st prize. Mrs. Zelma ftwett. 2nd prize, Mrs. J. Msor.. tor arrangements, 1st prize, i Jesse Purvis, 2nd prize, i G. L Skipper. i K (tower. 1st prize, Mrs. | in- Panford. 2nd prize, Mrs. k Robbins. M tray. 1st prize. Mrs. J. J. j ?rc 2nd prize, Mrs. E. W. ( |kr fcSf 1st prize, Mrs. Mary ?r 2r: prize. Mrs. Ruth Kye. frt arrangement, 1st prize, s 0. C. Burton; 2nd prize, G. L Skipper. ta ill. Potted Plants: 1st * Mrs. Earl Hewett; 2nd Ulrs W. E. Stanaland. IritfSiWi Flaihts frlrts S AT SUPPLY >SS Rev. Fred Hiritz as the s-'? preacher, there will be Ns at the Supply Baptist Sunday morning at 11 ^ Md again at 8 o'clock tar; evening. The public is ?My invited to attend these n ^tTtroit ?? Barber of Charlotte, va to?? with his family at *? Beach last week, caught Wy four and a half pound trout. Nice as this fish 11 ?ne pound pompano & hy his daughter, Miss 8? Barber, was iust as pleas her. " Tl'RTLE 1 seagoing turtle, weigh !!:?W 300 pounds, was caught Holden beach strand Fri 'aght by K. G. Mace, Jr.. '1 mmpanion. The big crea * an? waddling ashore at 2 ** ? the morning and the waiting for it. The from Lillington. r'E \RMsTR()\(, HERE P* ftank M. Armstrong, of Patent Judge of the 15th pT' aas purchased one of s!-*r-.ght cottages at Long IJJudge Armstrong,Mrs. (ad their son and ^ Moved in yesterday. ?Kitig here adds to the .Prominent families who up Long Beach. viu- game |L??W Sandfiddlers, a ion t comPnsed of play 's?. . 13 years o? aSe t " Shallotte boys of ?2m age ?rouP tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock I?*1" diamond in South t *ill mark their second * season, Southport opening encount ago. ON THE WATERFRONT IMPROVEMENT?The recent local improvement which overshadows all others so far as upstate visitors are concerned is the complete face-lifting received by Mack's Cafe on the Southport waterfront. This has been a favorite place for tourists and sportsmen for years. REA Office Moves Into Own Building For First Time Since Orga nization Brunswick Elec tric Membership Corpora tion Occupies Own Build ing NEW BUILDING COMING LATER Meanwhile, Attention Will Be Centered Upon Ex- j pansion Of Distribution , System For the first time since the cor poration was organized and began serving Brunswick, Columbus and a portion of Bladen and Robeson counties, the Brunswick REA at Shallotte is now occupying its own quarters. With the construction of a large office building pending, a new steel warehouse has recently been completed near the Shallotte high school. Convenient and at tractive office quarters have been arranged for temporary use in this building and all office work era moved in during the past J week. After getting settled down in i the new quarters the corporation 1 is planning to push its expansion j projects with all possible speed. Several hundred miles of new i lines are being built this sum | mer and fall. Brunswick county comes in for a good part of this expansion works -which also included the (new office building and the ware i house just completed. Construction Of Road Important Streets Being Expanded On Holden Beach; Need For Start On Two Beach Properties Below Holden Property Dr. R. H. Holden who owns a [big block of the beautiful Holden [Beach property, has a shovel and ' two dump tractors at work laying off some new roads and street. Some of these roadways will ex tend from the present main roads to the inland waterway, where Dr. Holden has docks for the ac ommodation of yachts and other boats. . The main road is also being extended further down the beach. Oyster shells and mud that was thrown up from the inland water way by dredges is being used as 1 a road foundation. Dr. Holden has also started construction on what will be a modern cafe and dinging room on a block on which the new ' roads are being built. The upper floor will contain a number of appartments for rent. In an interview Saturday with D. D. Bruton of Chadbourn and i Jim Kyle of Fayetteville, both of these beach property owners were keenly Interested in the need of a road. It is being suggested that the road down through Holden Beach be extended on through the Robinson Beach and the Bellamy and Robinson i Beaches. ... Both of these beaches are with out roads, except down the strand from Holden beach at low tid-. Eight or more fine homes are down on these beaches with no way to get to them except down the strand. Many other homes, I (Continued On fage b'ourl Christmas Gard Comes In June Hoyle Hinsou, Shallotte man, rweivpd a Oiristmas card from Laurinburg last week. If it were not for the postmark and the "Christmas, 1947" on the card he would have thought somebody was starting their Christmas mailing early. The card was sent from Laurinburg by Mr. Hinson's Dec. 16, 1947. It arrived at its destination on June 22, 194#. Just where it has been since it hail its stamp cancel!- 5 'he above date i? kind of puzzling. The card was in good condition and showed little Indication of having been somewhere in the mail for six months and six days. Lengthy Docket Tried In Court ! Variety Of Cases Settled Before Judge W. J. Mc Lamb In Recorder's Court Here Wednesday A variety of cases were dispos ed of here in Recorder's court Wednesday before .fmlge W. J. with the following entries being made: W. L. Hutchinson, possession, fined $15.00 and costs. German Evans, failure to stop when entering highway, costs. Will Gay Adams, Jr, speeding, not guilty. Marshal Dewey, speeding, capi as. Lois Johnson, non support, con tinued under $300.00 bond. Glenn Wilson, larceny, con tinued to June 30th. Ralph L. King, assault, con tinued to June 30th. Clyde Norman McLeod, speed ing, capias. Lucas Llcyd Martin, speeding, fined $15.00 and costs. Aldus S. Krierda, speeding, capias. Avery Overton G&rris, speeding, fined $15 00 and costs. Haskell M. Irvin, transporting, (Continued on page four) Shrimp Showing Up In Quantity Quality Of Product Is Not So Good, But Is Reported To Be Improving; Five , Houses Operating ? Southport shrimp catches ran I to as high as 20 bushels Monday, 'pronounced increase over the take last week, the top catches were 11 bushels to the boat. In size 'the shrimp were described as fair, slightly larger than those i taken last week. Five houses are buying, J. A. 'Arnold, Lewis J. Hardee. Dallas Pieott W. S. Wells and Paul Fodale. About 39 boats were out 'Monday and a substantial increase < in the number is expected each 'lav Should there be a continued 'increase in the daily boat produc tion and also improvement in the Quality, both of which are ex acted. a sizable fleet will be working out of Southport in an Iother ten days._ _1_ Inspection Lane Operating Near Here This Week Motor Vehicle Inspection Lane No. 28 Set Up Near Southport For Operation Through Saturday MOTORISTS SLOW TO BRING CARS Supervisor Warns Against Waiting Until Last Min ute For Having Vehic les Inspected This Year Mortor Vehicle Inspection Lane No. 28 set up for business Mon day at the intersection of the beach road with Highway No. 130, and throughout the remain . der of this week will operate at that location. Supervisor J. S. Edgerton wish es to urge Brunswick county j motorists to speed up the rate of having their vehicles inspected. 'He points out that while there are | approximately 4,000 automobiles I and trucks of various kinds in [ the county, only 600 of them have thus far been inspected. "This is going to Crete a last minute rush with which we will be unable to cope," he said Tues day. "The law requires that all motor vehicle be inspected one time during 1948, and or.e-half of the year already is gone." Supervisor Edgerton also point ed out that the law requires that farm trailers be inspected. There, is no charge for this type of | i conveyance. The lane operated at Shallotte the last part of last week and | during that period approximately .'i00 vehicles were inspected, with j j about 50-percent being rejected j i because of some minor defect. In j i most instances, Edgerton said, | j these were corrected and the vehicle returned for approval. ; Southport Wins Upset Victory Humble Strong Spofford Nine Sunday; Will Play| Three Games During j Holiday Week-End An underdog Southport base ball team blasted the high and | mighty Spofford Spinners Sunday afternoon afternoon by a score j of 8 to 7, with relief pitcher |Clark fanning the last man with' the tying and winning runs on i base. Jimmy Radcliff started for Southport and pitched good ball for the first six innings. At that point the little right hander tired and gave way to Clark, who struck out six during his three innings stint. Stephens, Southport center fielder, led the locals at bat with a double and two singles in four times at bat. Webb also had three hits, two of them doubles, in j five appearances, while Fisher added a triple for his five times at bat. i An interesting week end pro gram is in prospect for local fans. On Sunday the Cape Fear League schedule calls for South port to play at home, and on 'Monday a double-header has been arranged with a strong indepen dent team on the local diamond, i Honor Man J. E. KIRBY, Jr., son of Mr. ' I and Mrs. Elbert Kirby of Supply,, ' recently graduated from the Elec-. trician's Mate School at San Di-1 ego, Cal., as honor man in his | class with an average of 97.20. Bible School Session Comes To Close Here Commencement Exercises Held Sunday Morning j During Church School i Hour At Trinity Method- ? ist Church The Daily Vacation Bible School which has been in ses sion at Trinity Methodist church throughout the past 10 days came to a close Sunday morning with appropriate commencement exercises for the girls and boys | who attended. r The Rev. L. D. Hayman, pas-| tor, served as superintendent of [the school, which had an enroll-1 ment of 53 children. Of this num- j her, 41 qualified for. certificates. [ ?Following is the program pre-1 sen ted Sunday morning: Two J songs. "I Read In God's Dear i Book" and "O, Who Can Make1 A Flower," by the kindergarten ; group; "Achievements of the; (Continued On Page Four) j Alabama Man Visits County J. B. Gore Returned To! Brunswick Recently For Visit With Members Of His Family Leaving Brunswick county in 1891 for Hurtsboro, Ala., where he has lived nearly all of the time since then, J. B. Gore has concluded a visit to his sisters and brother, Mrs. M. L. White, Mrs. Corine Parker and D. L. Gore, at Shallotte. Raised near Shallotte, Mr. Gore studied telegraphy, served with the Atlantic Coast Line at Con way for a time and then went to Alabama. He- was the first, and for a time the only, white man living in Pittsville, Ala. He was there for a year and then when the Seaboard Air Line got its road finished on into Hurtsboro, he moved on there and continued (Continued on page three) Our ROVING W. B. KEZIAH Sometimes the humble little shrimp is the subject of interest-1 ing stories, not all of which are lucid in all of their details. This j week Ed Marlowe, Southport man, who is now working on the U. S. Dredge Lyman, sent us a copy| of the Houston, Texas, Post. It carried a story originally writ ten for the Des Moines, Iowa, Register-Tribune tfy Ries Tuttle. Some Brunswick shrimpers may' get a kick out of reading how| Mr. Tuttle described the opera-, tion of the try net. He said: "Shrimp lying in the mud jump j as the bottom of the net dis turbs them and they pop into j the bag of the net. A 'feeler' line runs from the bag to one of the] crew who can feel the shrimp hitting the net. When' he is satis fied a good sample has been col lected the try net is hauled aboard." We are maintaining pretty close contact with the beaches in Brunswick county and the more we see of them the more we are convinced of the tremen dous part they are going to play in the development of Brunswick county. Already we have had a number of inquiries regarding farm lands and business oppor tunities, the writers of these let ters having had their interest aroused by the proximity to the finest and safest bathing beaches on the Carolina coast. But for several weeks we have been suf fering over one thing. Since early in May our beach property own ers and others interested have been flooded with requests for the renting or leasing of cottages for a week, two weeks or a month sometime during the sum mer or fall. Except for instances here and there created by unex pected developments, all vacancies were long ago taken up. Unless (CcnUnued on pagt 4). Block Plan For Sale Of Property Pays Off Purchase Of 750-Foot Blocks On Long Beach Has Result ed In Sale Of Lots To People Over State Two years ago, with building restrictions still not entirely lift ed and with material still pra- j ctically unobatinable, the owners of the huge Long Beach property hit upon an idea that is sure to result in continuous, substantial, development. The company had around fif-' teen thousand acres of very at-1 tractive land. This included an ocean frontage of about 1 miles in one continuous strand, except j for several hundred building lots' that had been sold. So, on both sides of the high-! way the company offered to sell j tracts a full city block in size to influential and desirable resi dents who would build homes for themselves as soon as possible. Having their own lot of whatever size they desired, the purchaser would have fifteen or more sur- J plus lots that they could sell to friends, relatives or others who would make desirable neighbors on the block. This plan is bidding fair to work out well towards the devel opment of Long Beach. i More than a hundred people | bought full city blocks. These purchasers reside in a wide area, I covering several states. Many have not yet been able to make any progress towards developing their block. A considerable num ber however have made some pro gress and a few have gone at the undertaking with the utmost seri ousness and are finding their ef (Continued on page' three) Carlyle And Johnson j Backed In Brunswick: Report Official Election Returns PRECINCT .c o ?-i o O >? ? cd Hoods Creek I 36 80 47 48 93 I 174 i 77 102 27 59 48 Leland Town Creek Bolivia Southport, 1 Southport, 2 Mosquito .... j 4 j 9 Supply I 15 15 Seacession .. I 28 9 Shallotte .... j 911 40 Frying Pan ..) 531 34 Grissettown I 86: 12 23 78 59 37 99 177 5 5 20 74 49 84 Shingletree .. 147] 26 163 Long wood j 391 5 j 40 Ash ! 95 421 76 Waccamaw .. | 181 10 Exum i 24 J 15 TOTALS j 1078J 532; 27 26 1042 13 79 87 1 36 53 41 6 i 23 17 I 57 37 6 10 4 62 i; 12 ! 544 Charlotte Men Have Good Luck Member Of Party Aboard Moja Yesterday Wasj Companion Of Sportsman Who Made First Trips To Gulf Stream From Here Getting 180 large bluefish and 10 mackerel while fishing abdard the Moja of Captain Victor P. j Lance yesterday called to the mind of Karl Ginter of Char lotte the pioneering gulf stream fishing that Dr. F. P. Summers and he engaged in here in the late 1930's. Often Summers went alone with Capt. T. H. Watts and vari ous mates. More often Ginter was his single companion. In scores of trips to the gulf Summers was never known to take more j than two companions. Those fel lows really brought in fish. Dr. Summers, a chemist, is now in New York. This was Ginter's first fishing trip here since 1939 and he stated it was* also the first real fishing he has had since that time. His com (Continued On Page Four) Drivers Exam Causes Rush "C" And "D" Drivers In Last-Minute Rush Mon day As Last Day For Tests Arrived Monday, the last day on which the "C" & "D" drivers could ap-1 i ply for examination and new li cense, saw the biggest crowd of any day since the examinations began. The examiner and Patrol-j man C. J. Pierce, who did the' test driving, had to work all day and it is probable that a consid-: erable number of operators failed to get their papers. Beginning with the first of July parties whose names begin I with "E" and "F" will take their turn at the examinations. The last minute rush that the "C"j and "D" drivers got into should1 be a cautioning measure to the "E" and "F" folks. Apparently, it does not pay to wait until the j last day or near that to apply for the licenses. Voters of This County Gave Strong Support To Win ning Candidate For Con gress But Were Wrong On Governor SCOTT IS WINNER IN STATE VOTING Former Commissioner Of I Agriculture Gains Demo I cratic Nomination By Big Margin Saturday Brunswick county Democrats supported a winning candidate for congress and a losing candi date for governor Saturday as E. Ertle Carlyle was given a 2 to jl majority over W. Kerr Scott. I Voters throughout the district j rallied to the support of the 7th i Judicial District Solicitor to give ;him a big lead over the Wil mington wholesale druggist. Car lyle had 26,207 votes to 16,178 for Bellamy. In Brunswick county the vote was 1,042 for Carlyle, 544 for Bellamy. The voters of Town Creek pre cinct hold the distinction of be ing the only ones to support the winning candidate for governor, as Brunswick went for Johnson by a vote of 1,078 to 532. How ever, throughout the State Scott piled up a 40.000-vote majority to win the Democratic nomina tion. which practically assure his election in November as the next Governor of North Carolina. Good Fishing Reported Here Parties Out F rom South port During Past Week Have Had Very Good Catches For This Season Of Year . t Sport fishing, particularly just offshore among the bluefish and mackerel, appeared to be break ing good the first of this week with fine catches being made and an abundance of fish being reported. I Sunday Captain Victor Lance' of the Moja reported a party of Pat Dugan, Bob Bradish, Fay etteville; Bill and Ronnie South ward, Richmond, Va.; Walt Thiel and Rich Thiel of Fayetteville, getting 140 blues and mackerel and two large barracuda. Other big barracuda were hooked and the fishermen were unable to hold them. Friday Mr. and Mre. Glen' Frazier and a party from Seuth port were out on the Moja with Captain Lance and got 28 large blues. Thursday Mr. and Mrs. J. T.' Wilkinson and party from Scot land Neck were out with Captain Lance and got 44 bluefish. This trip had been planned for the gulf but the weather was too rough. ( Monday evening Capt. Hulan Watts of the Idle-On reported W. H. Sanders and party from Chase City, Va., getting 200 large blue fish. i Sunday, Ballard Garner and' a Wilmington party with Captain Watts got 2 amberjack of about 35 pounds each; 3 barracuda of 20 pounds each; 3 dolphin of o. 12 and 15 pounds each and 6 bonita, or albacore an fIUwa,y Dr GCOrge j0hn~" and a Wilmington party were out on the Idle-On with Captain Jrlr* ?d got 4 lar*e amber jack, 4 large barracuda; 2 dol phin, 6 bonita and 100 pounds of large sea bass. Friday R. R. Lewis and a Wil mington party on the Idle-On got | Continued on page 3 Tobacco Markets Of This Area To Open August 3 Fir?t Flue-Cured Leaf Will Be Auctioned On July 22 When Georgia - Florida Sale* Begin 50-POUND TOLERANCE ON BASKET ALLOWED Sale* Speed Of 400 Pile? Per Hour And Five Hour. Sale* Day Are Con tinued Border Belt tobacco market? will open on Tuesday, August 3. The date was announced late Tuesday at Raleigh following a meeting of a 15-man marketing committee which fixed the sche dule for all belts and adopted a number of sales regulations. The entire opening slate fol lows: Georgia-Florida?July 22. Border Belt?August 3. Eastern North Carolina?Aug ust 19. Middle Belt?September 2. Old Belt and Virginia?Sept ember 13. However, August 3, was the date which attracted the eye of tobacco growers, warehousemen and business leaders of this area. The committee voted Tuesday to set the sales day at five hour? throughout the flue-cured artk and fixed the rate of sales at 400 piles per hour. While retaining the maximum weight of 250 pounds per pile, a tolerance of 50 pounds on grow ers' sales was allowed. This has the effect of allowing up to 300 pounds per basket provided th? tobacco is in the hands of th? producer. The committee explained that this was permitted so as not to penalize growers having piles of leaf weighing more than 280 pounds but less than 300 pound?. The tolerance will save weighing, handling and auction charges on the overflow from grades weighing only slightly more than the established maxi mum. Fred S. Royster of Henderson was reelected chairman of th'c committee and J. B. Roundtree of Lumberton was reelected se cretary. The committee voted to allow individual markets to set their own closing dates and to observe Labor Day, Armistice day and the usual Thanksgiving holidays. It was announced that ware housemen would hold a meeting prior to the opening of the vari- ' ous belts to hear explanations of the marketing regulations and operations of the Tobacco Stab ilization corporation. The first of these meetings will be held at Blackshear, Ga? on July 10. The committee requested the inspection service, tobacco branch. U. S. Department of Agriculture to enforce marketing regulation on all markets. Calvin Wescott Dies In Hospital Well Known Resident Of Southport Died Following Extended I lines*; Funeral Services Thursday After noon Calvin Wescott, well known 66 year old resident of Southport, died last night at the Dosher Hospital, where he had been n patient for some time. He had been in failing health for a num ber of years. Surviving is one daughter, Mrs. Vera McKeithan and two grand children. He is also survived by one sister, Mrs. Harry Dosher, all of Southport. Funeral services will be held at Bethel Baptist church Thurs day afternoon at 3:00 o'clock. Rev. H. M. Baker of the South port Baptist church officiating. Burial will be in the Bethel church cemetery. Other details an to the funeral had not been com pleted this morning. Baptists Holding Revival This Week A scries of revival services are being held each evening this week at Trinity Methodist church un der the auspices ot the South port Baptist church, whose con gregation is without the use of its own church auditorium. Preaching is being done by the Rev. J. R. Allen, for 28 years a missionary to Brazil. The spe cial song service each evening wj? being conducted by Clifton A. Baker, brother of the pastor ??At the local church. A cordial in vitation 'has been extended tor everyone who will to att?n& ^

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