>T White row boat, f0D\ m lenght. adrift in ^ 'liver owner may re ^ K bv proving property ?c s"1"'this advertisement, .If^Lett. Sul'Ply- N" C ? is auto glass that just dr?P us a card. "?"The 10 4U0tC y?U ?V make and model. I?1*. Auto ?'arts. P. O., wwberton. N. C. j ?fi IV*" I ^pTfor a farmer. One ^fmule and harness, "d anil mower. All in !Mule works any-, $424.00. Worth t* A j \\. Stanley. Sup-j -^12T ;;-Room cottage' 8,,^ furnished. Hot andi water, with bath.; 4 o A Atlantic Ave. See, jiSkeet Core. Phone 3217, it?*1 I -77,>7 Large air compress 5?tctric water pump with ' i tank concrete air-op Ct5; block machine; good; covered building. 24x40 , Build-ng ha? good lumber ? metal. Priced for quick * ^ \V L. A-d ridge or J.; fflBtff, Southport. N. C | ' ~~ Auto jypHOLSTERING (wertible Top* Mi Umngs Skfc Pa^19 ga: Covers 5ccv Repair into Painting ??* s E E PLTDE SPRADLEY'S | CaRAGE & BODY SHOP | i^RENTi Three-bedroom cot-; ' Large living room, kitch ? Electric refrigerator and fit For Reservations write t,* A. H Crcmer. Long jjj.Ji. Southport. X. C. | rp^VRITEn REPAIR Anv make. Also do .wring and cleaning on i Machines. Prices Sable- See Mr. Harper Sate Port Pilot Office, | contact me at 310 East iter Street. \\ hiteville, ,f. Phcne 3088. j 7~jXlE: Black tongue Jer r r,u|k cow with 6-weeks old hfer calf. Will produce 3 to r pllons milk per day. Price Sr both $175.00. Phillip R. Kdsr. Route No. 2. Box 56, Unjr No. 1" I-eland. N. C. FOR? I.?"*! KK NOTICE I to* is hereby given that by r> a decree "t the Superior r : Brun^u-k County, N. C.. r. iv -Ith day cf May. 1948. K trtion entitled "Brunswick rr Kliza Bobbins. Ma Mi > ?> Ti oiuer. et als." M.I .;>>!? ?tier will 1 tt* a: j'Ubti' auction sale to the let b-i<Uier for cash on the ?6th I o? Juh. i:?iv at I- o'clock noon. ??.' <'';rfhouse door. Southport.' . . \ the lccree of said r ? :<>r e the payment of IU. the following described real | &? . -. Northwest town-j t Brunswick County. X. C., i r*. ar J described as follows: kjhriag at a popular in Clay | C Bra: h. runs south 12 poles lirike; thence south 45 west! tpls to a pine; thence west 75 fa : a stake thence north 45 16 poles to a pine: thence east | >~ fo the- Begit nittg. contaln I- a-res. more or less. I v- subject to report to and faction by the Court. Ten days ?- r raise ot bi* before report n 1 i?n ? be paid at sale. ? the :5th day Ol June. 1948. K J FRKVATTK, Commissioner. nUlLOSlRK NOTICE :i a hereby given that by | i deer?** ot th* Superior , :: Bruns* ?. k ? ounty. N. C., ' * - -ith day of May. 194X. - fi t tlei: "Brunswick i 5 versus Mrs. Nola Rowan Rail husband. Think." I Wrragned commissioner will J* a public auction sale to the j for ? asi on the 2?th I ? li'^. at 1: o'clock noon, ?' ' :-u>k door at Southport. ' >atisfv the decree of said te the payment of I * Mlottitig described real ' . :i. Northwest town lJ k ? antv. X. C.. jV"; : i->'i:t^d as follows: 'hf Atlantic Coast Line ? ?>? the nor* h, and the on the south and east, i ?f ? a? res field, and knowu il .. Rowan Thirsk Lands. I bST- to re|>ort to and I nt! the Court. Ten days k of bid before report 1 V * J?. *5 ^ sale. ?* 25th day ot June. 1948. p K. .1 PRKVATTE. ^-ommisaioner. L v NOTICE ??2TALiourl y. ?0re Et Ala T1"?? of an order r ti k- the Superior I V. ?runs*,,* t.ounty. North i ' " M i x>:"" ?proceedings! u j( *+ White et al.n vs.' w orr,," "r the under ^ II on the -Ith J1 ir 11 " o'clock P. ut Shallot te, ^ ^ ?r,trr ,or sale to the *'? or r.. . 'UHl1 those cer-1 !?** ot la,,ti iyi"8 : 1 rur,<w?,'k County, t *T,!r""i .'?ot No-1 ?* '??hi. H. White V- !l ' ?lialloMe, same ' *i'. " < in , * re>. ">ore or ^ lar.:. ..f Janle M. *Ui.:_v '""Ianil Melix tart , "orlheast. and p t ^ ,r "'"CripMon re k N" iv ? l,ook of .\tai>? f.' . ry '' "? 'he Brunswick vh . *rli"" lot of lan<l on ? Koad ^ ^ilmi'iKton and ll'T L- s' High "arf'Ularly li1" *? KfKinmng on 2 "ri,'jrort?aiil road; runs ! i^haK ""'ex to a' ? H!v?: thence : ^ ! link, i west north x a, s,ake and it?J? a >uk?- ?mi tf*?? ??!,. 7 rlh??c# south ' M rt|,u <" to a stake: * i w?"t 26 i ? ?14 r?" the said wil t ? Road: S ^ 10 'he Be-1 | acres. and lA1! a,,;/ conveyed by f?3t ^'0 T vvk ' -NIeli?sa. 7' i? re fere nee to LVr"n,w|ct Coun- I V \r nv*>>(i k '^ueh there- i V SuliSL b.y T. T. White; S'. ? apiiear by reference to Rook 81. Page 101 ' of the Brunswick County Keglstry.' | Tract III: A certain tract or par cel of land in Lockwood's Folly Township. Brunswick County. North Carolina, adjoining the lands of | Jackson Stanland. and more parti-1 cularly described as follows: Begin-1 ning at a glazed post oak in an el bow of Henry T. While's line: runs! thence south 54 degrees east to Henry : T. White's line: thence with Henry T. White's line to ihe Beginning. | containing one-fourth l'4> of an acre, more or less, as will appear bv reference to Book 7?. i'agc 221!. of the Brunswick County Registry. Tract IS": Being l.ot No. 9. known as the Sam Hewett Place: Beginning at a stake Kourk's corner; runs thence north 6-15 east 495 feet lo a I stake, the dividing corner in the Will: thence south 84 -30 east 7;:? feet to a stake, the other dividing i corner; thence south 14-30 west 500 feel to a stake: thence north 84-30 I west *147 l'eet to the Beginning con taining 7-881100 acres; also another! tract or parcel. Tract V: Being r*ot N'o. !>>..: Be-1 ginning at a stake. Uourk's "corner' on the north side of the Brittain ' Road: runs thence south 71-45 east I 83? feet to a stake; thence north S4 east 1445 feet to a stake at the edge of Turkey Cock Bay: thence north; 250 feet to a stake in said bav;. thence north 87 west 143? reel to' a! pine on the western edge of said bav; I thence north 30 east ?85 feet to ' a i stake at the edge of said bay: thence I west 1180 feet to a stake (slump); | thence south 1-30 west 840 feet to the Beginning, containing 3JV-j acres. That Tract [ is to In? subdivided into thret? lots, each to have a front age of approximately 78 feet on l\ S. Highway No. 17 in the Town of Shallotte. North Carolina, and that said tra?t will be offered as separate lots and also as a whole: that Tract II and Tract III as above describe? 1 j will be sold as one unit: that Tract ( IV as above described will be sold as one unit and Tract V as above I described will be sold as one unit. This the 23rd day of June, in is K. I. MINTZ 7-2lc NOTICE OF SU.K UNDER PEED OK TKIST Under and by virtue of authority, contained in a certain Deed of Trust , executed by James S. Fullwood and. wife. Nora 1*. Fullwood, to Fannie Parker. Trustee, on the 1st day of j March. 1947. recorded in Book 8?i. at ' .Ma I ?11. Wit. I VV. Page 189. office of the Register of, Peeds of Brunswick County. North Carolina, default having been made \ I) I u III In. a it u * 1 ... i ^ * in the payments of the indebtedness secured thereby, the undersigned trus-, tee will offer for sale at public a tic- , t ion. for cash, at twelve o'clock noon,! at the Courthouse Door in Brunswick; County, on the 17th day of July. 194S I all those certain tracts or pan-els of land located In Brunswick County, I North Carolina .and described as fol lows: FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a stake. C. A. Brown's corner, runs. thtnee north 7?l? east 60 poles to a stake, southwest corner of field Lot No. r?: thence same course 8 poles and i yard to a stake southwest corner1 of field Lot No. 5: thence north I west 23 poles to a stake side of the field ditch: thence westwardly with said ditch 8 i>oles and 1 yard to a stake: thence north 80 west 49 poles j to a stake west corner of woods Lot | No. 4. also C. H. Brown's line: thence | south 30 west 20 poles to C. A.: Brown's corner; thence with another, of Brown's lines to t lie BRtilNNl.M?, containing 12'j and 1 1-3 acres, and lieing the same tract ot land deeded to Charles Morgan and Morena Mor-; gan bv heirs of Ben Fullwood under date of December 31. 1908. recorded I in Book ll-l'age 30:'. ami being field l,ot No. t> and woods l.ot No. b. and part of the Ben Fullwood Estate. | And being the same land convenyed by Morena Morgan, widow, to Jamesi Fullwood by deed dated 28th day ofi November. 1939. I SECOND TRACT: Beginning at a lightwood knot in a bay about north from w here said James S. Fullwood s house now stands, runs thence north 7?t.. west 28 poles and 15 links t o ano'ther lightwood knot: theme south 41- east 22 poles and 19 links toanoth-| er" stake; thence south 7B'i east -s | poles and 15 links to a stake near James S. Kullwood's home: thence! north 4 west 22 poles and 19 links to the place of BEUINNMNU. contain ing 4 acres, surveyed by 1.. H. I helps October 29. ?30 And being the samel land conveyed bv B. W. Johnson and wife to James S. Fullwood by deed dated the 3Uth day of October. 1930. Dated and Posted this the loth day of June^A"4^IE PARKER. Trustee. Frlnk And Herring. Attorneys 7-7c FORKCl.?SI RK NOTIC K Notice is hereby given that b> virtue of a decree of the r'.'r Court of Brunswick County. N- ( -' dated the 24th day of Ma>. 1. X. an action entitled >'"?is" k County versus Nora Ashe una t he"' u'ndenji g lied commissioner will exi>ose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the -6th day of July. 1948. at 12 o clock noon. at the Courthouse door. : \ C. to satisfy the decree ot said, (?ourt to enforce the payment or $81.33. the following descri^ real estate, located in Northwest Touii ship. Brunswick County, N. bounded and described as tollows. Beginning at Kddle Browns corner on Old Mount Misery Road, running south 110 yards to a Stake: thence southwest 170 yards to a ftake, thence northeast 140 yards to a make- thence 170 yards to tiie De winning. containing 2Hr v s ni ?IS or less. And known as the William A All sales subject tc report to and confirmation by the report a .; 8 This the 25th day ^^E Commissioner. 7-21c FOKEC'IOSIRK X'TICF Notice is hereby ??ven th?} |~*| virtue ot a decree of the super o Court of Brunswick louii . N 'x' Jtf'^an '"action tW *&nySS| Coumy v ersui Abbie Williams. Lanie, Iho undersigned commissioner will i l^osT at public auction sale to ^the highest bidder for cash on ^he ^th ni,yth?e Courthouse door. Southport N C to satisfy the decree of san south 30 east 40 I ^ sai,i rottd lo"" the r?"Beginning. contaming 15 acres. And known as the ham ai drews Estate land?. ?ort to and ?stt,'sr^rftHrr Commissioner. 7-21c rniir('i OSl'KE NOTICE FOBKtLWi?? - that by Notice is htrehy fe Superior virtue of a decree or the i Court of Brunswick tounty. ^ dated the ^4th day ? ?? Brunswick in an action ?"l,??antiB "j,. and County versus Kd tsryam. Hazel Bryant, i ioner will the undersigned ~lM<sM?ne ^ ^ expose at public au?J'h ((,e 26th highest bidder for otlock noon, day of July. !!"*? a , Southport. j at the Courthouse door. ^o?i i~ |d N. C. to satisfy the ae^ment 0f court to described real ?K Bryant's corner: runs sou t0 with Joe Bryant? 1n$0 yards to a a stake: thence wesit .71V y*? tQ ? stake; thence north vjiggry road; stake on old ^ount . yards to thence down the roa j a(.re And W^.he^EdBr'y'ant Estate lands. I All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. I This the 23th day of June. 1948. ' E. J. PRfcVATTE, , Commissioner 7 oi - 21c POKKt'LOSlHE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that bv, virtue of a decree of the Superior} Court of Brunswick County, N. c., ? dated the 24th day of May. 1948.1 jn an action entitled "BrunswicK, County versus Kathleen Allen and husband. Allen, and Vera i Formy," . I the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the! highest bidder for cash on the 26th day of July. 194s. at 11* o'clock noon. | at the Courthouse door. Southport. i N. C.. to satisfy the decree of said couw to enforce the payment of j $lh8.52, the following described real j estate, located in Northwest town ship. Brunswick County, N. C.,! bounded and described as follows: ; Hounded on the north bv C. J. ' I-ovlek, on the east by Vera Formy, | on the south by L). N. Knox estate, I and on the west by C. J. Lovick. ?; containing 20 acres, woods and known as the Kathleen Allen land. All sales subject to report to and' confirmation by the Court. Ten days, allowed for raise of bid before report' made. Cash t?> be paid at sale. This the 25th day of June, 1948. E. J. l'HKVATTK, Commissioner. 7-210 FOUEC'I.OSl* HE XOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, N. C., dated the 21th day ot May, 1948, in an action entitled "Brunswick J County versus Benjamin # Andrews, j Clara May Andrews et al," the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 2Gth day of July. 1948. at 12 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse ? door, Southport, X. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $o:i8.83, the following described real estate, located in .Northwest town ship. Brunswick County, N. C.. botindttd and described . as lollows: i Beginning at an iron stake in a, stump hole on the north side ol the, old landing road; runs thence north] 27 degrees 15" east 1100 feet to a' spruce pine on the south side of the _ inside Landing Itoad; thenec with an old line south .'*0 east Gl?5 feet to an iron stake on the north side of the old landing road; thence westwardly with said road to the Beginning, con-| tainiug 7l? acres. Anil known as| the B. J. "Andrews Estate lands. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days | allowed for raise of bill before report mad?*. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 25th day of June. 1948. i-:, j. ruKva rit;, Commissioner. 7-21c FOKEC I.OSI UK NOTIC K Notice is hereby given that by virtue ?d* a decree ol the Superior: Court of Brunswick County, N. C., dated the 21th day of May. 1948, in an action entitled "Brunswick | County versus Lillie Wells and hus-1 band, Wells,"??- | the undersigned commissioner will ? expose at public auction sale to the.) highest bidder for rash on the 26th day of July. 1948, at 12 o'clock noon,: at * the Courthouse door. Southport. | N. C.. to satisfy the decree of said; court to enforce the payment of $174.17. the following described real] estate, located in Northwest town-1 ship. Brunswick County, N. C., bounded and described as lollows: I Eight iS) acres of Rebecca fields as divised to Josie Fields, mother of l.illie Wells, as appears in Book C. ot Wills. I'age 397. Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, Bruns wick County. North Carolina. and know u as i ho i.illie Well? lanu. AH ?ales subject to report to anil confirmation* l>v the Court. Ten days allowed for raise Ot bid before report mail? fash te b? paid a? sale. This the 25th 'lay ot June. 1918. E. J. rRKVATTK. Commissioner. T-21c KoltKt I ?Sl I(K NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue ot a decree of the .Mipcrlur Court of Brunswick County. N. C., dated the 21th day ot May. 19?. in an action entitled Brunswick County versus Dan Troy, Andrew Troy. Ben Troy. John Troy et als. ? the undersigned commissioner win expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the -Oth day of July. 1948. at 12 o'clock noon, at" the Courthouse dooi". Southport. N. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment ot ,<304.:rr. the following described real estate, located in Northwest town ship, Brunswick County, N. C.. bounded and described as follows: First Tract: Bounded on the Noith by Henry Kelly, on the east H. Reynolds. on the south by . the lands of the Einma V. Mintz Estate, containing 3 acres. Second Tract: Bounded on the east by the (iuarantee Trust & Title Companv, on the south by the Guar antee Trust & Title Company ami OH the west by the lands of the W. M. Chinnis Estate, containing 11 a<Third Tract: Bounded on the south bv Joe Verzaal, on the west by Joe Yerzall. and on. the north by Fred Mints, containing ti. acres and known as the W. H. Troy Estate Lauds. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at *ale. This the 25th day or June^lMS. Commissioner. 7-21c VOHECI.OSCRE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that t>> virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick t ounty. N. C.. dated the -4th day of Ma>. 151^ in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Frankie \\ iliiams anil wife. Annie Williams, et als. -? the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the -bth day of July. 191?. at 12 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door, .Southport. X. C.. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of ?170 90. the following described real estate, located in Northwest town ship. Brunswick County. N. C? bounded and described, as follows. Beginning at a stake. K O. Wil liams. and Annie Williams dividing corner, runs thence north 5 west lb chains and 45 links to a stake; thence south 351 - west IS chains to a stake, thence south 51 east lo chains and "II links to a stake in said dividing nV: thence With said dividing line north 4- east 13 chains to the Be ginning. containing 20 acres, more "'Beginning at a stake, in F. O. Williams and Annie Williams di viding line, and runs thence south 45 east- 6 chains and 20 links to a maple; thence north 42 east 13 chains to a stake; thence north 45 west 5 chains and 95 links to a stump in said dividing line: thence with said dividing line south 42 west 13 chains to the Beginning, containing 8 acres, more or less. And known as the 11. A. Williams Kstate l.aiids. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before reiiort made. Cash to be paid at sale. Thi, ,he 25th day ?fR Commissioner. 7-21c foreclosure notice Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, -N. C.. dated the 24th day of May. 1948. in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Sam Porter and Nora the^undeTsigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the hlehest bidder for cash on the -6th day of July. 1948. at 12 o clock noon, at the Courthouse door. Southport. N C to satisfy the decree of said court"to enforce the Payment of ?519 the following described real estate located in Northw-est town funded and described as follows; Bounded on the north and east by Nathan Smith, on the south by Sam Porter, on the west by W. T. Med ship, Brunswick County. N. C., lin, cojitaining 27 acres woods and known as the J. D. Butler Estate lands. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the .25th day of June. 1948. E. J. PRKVATTE. I Commissioner. 7-21o FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by | virtue of a decree of the Superior. Court of Brunswick County, X. C.. dated the 24th day of May, 1948,1 in an action entitled "Brunswick . County versus Tamar Grady and j Lottie Shaw," 1 the undersigned commissioner will I expose at public auction sale to the! highest bidder for cash on the 20th ! day of July. 1948, at 12 o'clock noon, | at t lie Courthouse door, Southport, N. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of; $101.43, the following described real, estate, located in Northwest town ship, Brunswick County, X. C., ; bounded and described as follows: Bounded on the south by John' Toomer Estate lands, on the west and north by the lands of the B. J. Waters Estate, on the east by. the lands of the Emma Williams! Estate, containing 1.2 acres home, \ and known as the late J. S. Bal-' lard Estate lands. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report j made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 25th day of June, 1948. E. J PREVATTE, I Commissioner. 7-21c FOHKI'I.OSIKK NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by, virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, N. C., dated the 24th day of May. 1948, in an action entitled "Brunswick1 County versus Viola Alston." the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 20th' day of July. 1918. at 12 o'clock nopn. at the Courthouse door, Southport. j N. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $187.50, the following described real estate, located ip Northwest town ship, Brunswick County. X. C.? bounded and described as follows: Eleven (11) acres of hold adjoin-, ing Aurellia E. Weston on the east, Cleorge Weston on the south. and the lands of the West Virginia Pulp I Paper Company, on the north and i west, and being the Richard Weston's share of the Ed. Weston Sr. Estate Lands. All sales subject to report to and confirmation b.v the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. . This the 25th day of June. 1948. E. J. PREVATTE, Commissioner. 7-21c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior j Court of Brunswick County, X. C? daied the 24th day of May, UM.s. in an action entitled "Brunswick County Aurellia E. Weston and J. E. Weston," 1 tiie undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 20tn day of July. 19J8, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door, Sputhporl. X. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $105.09, the following described real estate, located in Northwest town ship, Brunswick County, N. bounded ,and described us follows: Six (??) acres home and six acres woods adjoining Kichard Weston and the lands of the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company, and being , ,a part of the Ed Weston, Sr. Estate, ami known as the A. E. Weston lands. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 25th day of June. 1948? : E. J. PREVATTBj Commissioner. ' 7-2 lc FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, X. C, dated the 24th day of May, 1948, in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Lattimore Ballard, Ira Ballard et als," the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 26th day of July, 1948, at 12 o'clock nooil, at the Courthouse door, Southport, N. C.. to satisfy the decree of said court, to enforce the payment of $111.32, the following described real estate, located in Northwest town ship, Brunswick i County, N. C., bounded and described as follows: ? Bounded on the west by the State Highway, on the north by Bessie Ballard, on the east and south by the. lands of A. G. Ballard Estate, containing 10 acres home and known as the Welson Ballard Estate lands. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid belore report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 25th day of June, 1948. KT. J. I'KEVATTE, Commissioner. 7-21c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N, C\. dated the 24th day of May. 1948, in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Andy Everett, and lx>uise Everette," the undersigned commissioner will exi>ose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 26th clay of July. 194?. at 12 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door, Southport, N. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of estate, located in Northwest town ship, Brunswick County, N. C.t bounded, and described as follows: The two tracts of land conveyed by deed of J. W. Brooks and wife, dated January 1, 1909, and recorded in Book 5, Page 503. of the records of Brunswick County and known as the Cedar Hill Plantation Tract ly ing south of Indian Creek in North west Township in Brunswick County, North Carolina, and the swamp lands described in said deed of Brooks, lying north of Indian Creek. and on the west side of the northwest branch of the Cape Fear River. As described in a deed to Mary Ida Bryant and recorded in Book 29, Page 95, Office of the Register of Deeds for Brunswick County, North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 25th day of June. 1948. E. J. PREVATTE. Commissioner. 7-21c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. C.. dated the 24th day of May. 1948, in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Ella Wallace and James Everette," the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 2fith day of July. 1948, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door, Southport, N. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $333.48, the following described real estate, located in Northwest town ship, Brunswick County. N. C., bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a cypress on Moll's Branch at Bryant's landing, running with landing road south about 24 west 07 ]K>les to a black gum: thence with a road north about 68 west 16 poles to a pine; thence north to a stake on Moll's branch; thence down said branch as it mean ders to the Beginning, containing 10 acres, by estimation, and known as the Amos Wallace lands. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 25th day of June, 1S48. E. J. PREVATTJ5; Commissioner. 7-21c I FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that bv virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. C\. dated the 24th day of May, 1918, in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Mainly Hopkins, Amy M osel y, Rachel Waters, H. 1>. Rob bins," the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on I he 26 th day of July. 1948, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door. Southport, N. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce I he payment of $607.19. the following described real estate, located in Northwest town ship, Brunswick County, N. C., bounded and described as follows: On the south side of Mount Misery Road. Beginning at a slake. runs south 20 west 12 poles to a pine; I l hence south 17 east 32 poles I o a pine; thence south 30 east 16 poles to a pine; thence south 50 east 14 poles to a pine: thence east 60 i*oles; to a poplar; thence with Clay Hill! Branch about 60 poles t *? the Mount Misery Road; thence with the Mount Misery Road about 135 poles to the Beginning, containing 40 acres, more, or less. Except 2',i acres sold to Edward liams, both of which deeds appear j Everette. 8 acres sold to Emma Wil of record in the Office of the Regis ter of Heeds for Brunswick County. ' And known as the R. J. Waters Estate Hand. All sales subject to report to and confirmation tar the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 25th day of .lune, X948. i E. J. l'KEVATTE, Commissioner. I 7-21c . FORECLOSURE NOTICE ? Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree ol the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. C., dated the 24th day of May, 1948, in an action entitled "i^runsw ick j County versus Thelma Reddick, < James Everette, George Everette et j al-" ni l he undersigned commissioner *.ni expose at public auction sale to the) highest bidder for cash on I he '6th . day of July, 1918, at 12 o'clock uoo;?. at the Courthouse door, Southport, N. C., to satisfy the decree of saul court to enforce the payment of $102.96, the following described real estale, located in Northwest town-1 ship, Brunswick County, N. C., bounded and described as follows: 1 Bounded on the west by Ruby | Harvell. on the south by the lands, of the Regun Estate, and on ihe ? west by the lands of the Rtgati Estate, * and on the south by ihe | lands of the Chap Clemmons Estate, j containing 12 acres, home and known as the G. U. Everette Estate lands. All sales subject to report (o and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 25th day of June. 1948. E. J. PREVA.TTE, Commissioner. 7-21c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of ihe Superior Court of Brunswick County, .V C., dated the 24th day of May. 1948, in an action entitled "Brunswick Cal et hi uii a< iiw? vuiiwix ......... County versus Arthur Everette, vin Everette. Martha Everette, als," ... the undersigned commissioner vull. expose at public auction sale lo the highest bidder for cash on Ihe 26th1 day of July. 1948. at 12 o'clock noon, j at'the Courthouse door. Southport, N. C., to satisfy the decree of said i court to enforce the payment ol $123.74. the following described real estale. located in Northwest town-1 ship, Brunswick County, N. C.? | bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron stake. T. L>. Havis' corner; thence a straight,, lino I to run of Indian Creek; down said j creek to Steven Cornnir comer; thence with said line to main road; thence up said road to the Begin ning. containing . 0 acres, more or less. ' All sales suoject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten day?? allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 25th day of June. 1948. . E. J. i'REVATTE. Commissioner. 7-21c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is' hereby given that by virtue of a decree ot' the Sunerior ( Court of Brunswick Coupty, TT. C., j dated the 24th day of May. 1948. in an action entitled "Brunswu'k County versus Harriet Everette. Su sie Robinson, Margaret Roy. et als," the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on llie 26th . day of July, 1948. at 12 o'clock noon,; at the Courthouse door, Southport, I N. C., to satisfy ihe decree of. said j court to enforce the payment of $107.45, the following described real j estate, located in Northwest town ship. Brunswick count y. X. C., bounded and described as follows: Bounded on the south by cedar Hill Highway, on the east by the Allen - Everette. on the north by E. W. Godwin, and on the W68t by Tamar Grady, containing 2 acres field and woods, and known as the Albert and Dinah Everette Estate lands. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 25th day of June, 1948, E. J. I'REVATTE, Commissioner. 7-21c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. C., dated the 24th day of 4May. 1948. in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus George' Hatcher, Louise Hatcher, and J. S. Bobbins," the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on Ihe 26th day of July. 1948, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door, Southport. N. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce Ihe payment of $137.67, the following described real estate, located in Northwest town ship, Brunswick County, N. C., bounded and described as follows: Bounded on the south by the lands of the James Ballard estate on the; east, north and west bv K. Godwin, containing 2 acres, woods' and known as the Catherine Hatch er Estate lands. All sales subject to report to and, confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 25th day of June, 1918. E. J. I'REVATTE, Commissioner. 7-21c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Sui>erior Court of Brunswick County, N. C., dated the 24th day of May. 1948. in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus John Hawkins and wife, Minnie Hawkins," the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 26th day of July, 1948, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door, Southport, N. C., %:> satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of | $94.79, the following described real estate, located in Northwest town- i ship, Brunswick County. N. C., I bounded and described as follows: Bounded on the so&th and east by International Paper Company on' the north and west by the lands of. i the Marilda Allen Estate, containing | 75 acres woods, and known as the John Hawkins land. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 25th day of June, 1948, E. J. PRBVATTK, Commissioner. 7-21c FORECLOSURE NOTICE ? Notice Is hereby given that by vfrtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. C.. dated the 24th dayA of May. 1948., in an action ent"led "Brunswick County versus Ruby Harvell and. C. W. Harvell." , , ... the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the j f highest Milder for rash 011 the 2f?th day of July, 1948, a& 12 o'clock iiooh, at the Courthouse door. 5outhport, N. C., to satisfy the decree of said eourt to enforce the payment of $i;f..94, the following described real estate, located in Northwest ^ town ship. Hrunswick County, X. C? hounded ami described as follows: Hounded oil tin? south by the Mike (I a use Kstate lands, on tlie east by the William McNeal Kstate. on the" north by Frank .lones, and on the west 1? L. A. Hodge, con taining la acres, woods. ;md known as i he Kuby llarvell lands. All sales subject t?? report to and | confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for . raise of bid l?efore report made. Cash to be paid a I sale. This the 25th day of June. 1048. K. .1. PlUJVAl'TK, Commissioner. 7-21c 1 ORKCf.OSlKK NOTICI! Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of 11>?* Superior Court of Hrunswick County, X. C? dated the 2 It h day of May. 1948, in an action entitled "Hrunswick County versus Thomas Johnson and wife, .lohnson," the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction salt* to the highest bidder for cash on the 20th day of July. 1918, af 12 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door. Southport, X. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce " the payment of $ IS.25. the following described real estate. located in Northwest town ship Hrunswick County, X. C., bounded and described as follows: Hounded on the south by the lands of ,1. T. Ambouster Kstate, on the west by L. (.'. McKoy. on the north uiul east by J. W. Peterson, contain ing 20 acres woods. and known as the Kuther Johnson Kstate lands. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 25th day of June, 1048. i k. J. I'KKv.vi n:. Commissioner. 7-21c ? VOHFCI.OSIKF. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by vi rt ti? of a decree of the Superior j Court of Hrunswick County, N. <\. dated the 24th ??.?> oi WQr, IMS, in an action entitled "Hrunswick1 County versus Lizzie tirainger and Thomas Jolinson," the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 2lltl? i day of July, 1048. at 12 o'clock noon. J at tin- courthouse door, Southport. I 7s*. ito satisfy Hie decree of said j 170.11. the following descrilied real estate, located in Northwest town-1 ship... Hrunswick County* N. i bounded and described as follows: Bounded on the north by the lands) of the .1. \V. Peterson Kstate, on the] east by the Lizzie Loflin Kstate, lands, on the south by Lewis Smith, on the west by ,J. W. Peterson Kstate! land, containing 25 acres, .and known ( as the Klsic Johnson Kstate lands. | All sales subject to i\?i>ort to and | confirmation by tin- Court. Ten days j allowed for raise of bid before report made.. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 25th, day f>f June. 10IS. K. J. ' PHKYATTK, Commissioner. 7-21 c FORFt I.OS1 RE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by j virtue of a deoce of Hie Superior Court of Hrunswick County. X. C.?l dated the 24th day of May. 1018, J in an action entitled "Hrunswick1 County versus Sip McPliersoit, Alex' Mcpherson, t'allie Mcpherson, .Mamie, McPhterson," the undersigned commissioner will expose ai public auction sale to the) highest bidder for cash on the 2Cth| day of July. 1018. dt 12 o'clock noon, at Hi?- Courthouse door* Southport. X. C? to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of! $142,93, the following described real estate, located in Northwest town ship, Hrunswick County, ' X. C.J bounded and described as' fpllows: Hounded on tlie west bv' Willie I J. Pearce, on the norih oy Sani Kagles. on Hu? west by Annie Kelly, and on the south by the lands o^ the John Atkinson Kstate. containing; 5 acres, and known as the Laura, .Mcl'herson Kstate lands. All sales subject to report to amV confirmation by the Court. Ten days, allowed for raise of bid before repent made. -Cash to be paid at sale. This the 25th day of June. 1018. K. J. I'KBVATTK, Commissioner. 7-2'lc FORECI.OSl'KE XOTIIK Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Suiierlor Court of Hrunswick County. X. C? duted the 24th day of May, 1018, in an action entitled "Hrunswick County versus Jesse Williams, Jane Williams. Lena Williams, et als."? the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the ;26th day of July. 1018, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door. Southport. N. C.. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $470.30, the following? described real estate, located in Xorthwest town ship, Hrunswick County, X. C? bounded and described as follows: Hounded on the north by Sophia Pelham, on the east by Henderson Formy, and on the south b) L. P. Medlin, containing 175 acres, of field and woods, and wnown as the Kate MfcKoy Kstate lands. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court; Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 25th day of June. 1048. K. J. PHKYATTK. Commissioner. 7.-21 c ? FORECLOSIRE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by Court of Hrunswick County. N. <\. dated the 42Ith day of May, 1018, iu an action entitled "Hrunswick County versus Henry M. Murray and* wife. ? Murray." the undersigned * commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 26th day of July, 1018, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door, Southport, n. c.. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the pavment of *4 2.75, the following described real estate, located in Northwest town ship, Hrunswick County, N. C., bounded and described as follows: Hounded on tre south by Solomon Atkinson Kstate, on the north by Charlie Hatten, on the east by fJulf State Creasotle Company, containing .3 acres, and being a part of the Liza Reaves lands, and known as the Henry M. Murray lands. All sales . subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 25th day of June. 1918. K. J. PKKVATTK, Commissioner. 7-2'lc FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Hrunswick County, N. C.. dated the 24th day of May, 1018, in an action entitled 'Hrunswick County versus Wilson Perkins ami wife, Perkins," the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 2lith day of July. 1018. at 12 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door. Southport, N. (\, to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $35.SO, the following described real estate, located in Northwest town ship. Brunswick County, N. C., bounded and described as follows: Hounded on the north, east, south, and west by G. D. Perkins, contain ing 5 acres woods, and known as the Wilson Perkins lands. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 25th day of June. 1048. E. J. PKKVATTK, Commissioner. 7-21c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswirtc County. N. C., dated the 24th day of May, 1948. in an action entitled "Hrunswick County versus W. J. Pearce, Joe Pearce, Sip Mcpherson et als," the undersigned commissioner will f'xpow nt public auction kiK* to the highest Indder for cjuh on the 2fith day of July. 1948, at 12 o'elock noon, at the ? Courthouse door; Southport. X. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $293.1-1, the following described real estate, located in Northwest town ship. Kruuswick County, N. C? bounded and described as follows: Hounded on the east by Heorge Beat t y. on the north by tins Hall Estate, on the west by Lizzie I'earce. more particularly describe?! as follows: First Tract: HeKinning nt a pine stump, runs south 17 'east .% |*?les t?? a pin.-: thence south 42 vnl .10 |K)les to a stake; thence north 17 west to a stake; thence norlh 42 leant f?0 poles to the lieginniiiK, con j taining lo acres more or less. Sccond Tract: IteginniiiK at. a gum 'on the Mount Misery Ifoad. rims ! with saitl road souih f?0 east 1*? poles [to a stake; thence south 42 west .".I l?oles to a gum; I hence north 7 fi west li DOM8 to a pine slump: I hence north 42 east fit polrts to the ite^innlng. containing 5 acres, more or less. All wiles subject to report to nnd confirmation by the Couit. Ten days 'allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to l?e paid at sale. This the 25th day of June, 1918. K. J. PltKVATTK. Commissioner. ,7-21f FORFCI-OSIRK NOTICE j Notice is hereby given that by ! virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. dated the 21th day of May. 194*. in an aetion entitled "Hrunswick Comity versus W. S. Southerlnnd, Tccman Southerland, et a Ik," J the undersigned commissioner will exjiose at public auction sal?* to Ihe highest bidder for cash on the 26th day of July, 1948, at 12 o'clock 110011. at the Courthouse door, Sfuthport, x. (to satisfy the deefee of said icourt to enforce the payment of $3.14.58, the following described t;eal I estate, located In Xorflnvest town ship. Brunswick Couuty, X. C., hounded and described as follows: i Hounded on the north by F\ .T. Klutz, on the east by Celia Swan, on the south by 11. \Y. Lcniion, and oij tlie west by Ituchel Cornair' instate, containing 6 acres, more or lew*, and known as the Hetty SoutjuTland place. All sales subject to report to and confirmation bv the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash lo Ik* paid at sale. This ill?- 25th day of June* , i9is. K. .1. PUKVAT+K. Commissioner.' 7-21c I FORKCLOSt'KF NOTICE Notice is jierehy given that by virtue of a decree 'of the Superior Court of Urunswick County. X.. C., dated the 21th ?lay of May. 1948, f in an action entitled "Urunswick County versus 1 >eena Swan. Sam Williams. IKiukIus Williams et als." the undersigned commissiotiei will expose at public auction sale to the' highest bidder for cash on the 2iiio day of .1 iilv. 1948, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door, Southport, X. C., to satisfy the decree of said coiti't 'to en font* t lie "payment ot $343.28, the following described teal estate, located in Northwest (QVf/U ship. Brunswick County, X. Cn j bounded aiid describe! as follows! I Hounded oil the south by ih?- lapds of the James Williams Estate, im-j the west by ? Ham Jtohbins, on the'i north and east by 10. W. ?Iodj?rF|l. containing 111 acres, woods, and! kuokn as the Celia Swan Estate hands. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash 'to he paid at sale. This the 2.1th day of June. 1918. 10. J. ? l'HEYATTR. . Commissioner. 7-21c FORW I.OhCUK NOTM F Xolice is hereby' given that ? by virtue of a' decree - o t the Suj?eriui\ Court of Brunswick *oyuty, N. C., dated the 211 h t day oU May. IP tK. in an action cntirtMfc JHrunfcwick ??oimjjr.-yerwii Mae mi ? wi4Wu; tirihi" ftifeCR, Janie Kelly et alf?? the unde'rslgued cnjfiptiMSipner wm exposent'? public junction sale to the [highest' bidjler for cash1 dn . the 26th day of July. 1918,* a^ 12 o'clock noon, at. the (liurihotme tfooh* /Sofilhpoi t. N. C.. ft? satisfy the dfcrrfcc of said court to enforce the payment of $59,96, the rolldwlrig described real estattf located Jo Noflivesl town ship. Brunswick County.' X. ('.,1 bounded-abd describe?! as follows: I Bounded on the east by the lands J of the J. S. Kohbius Estate lands, ' on the south by* the lands of the C. L. Troy Estate, on the west by; W. J. Martin, on the nortll by l?. i W. Codwin, containing 7.5 jjcres. and known as the Mary Shaw listat? lands. I All sales subject to report to "and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to )?e paid a? sale. This the Jl.1th day of June, 1948. .10. J. JFREVA l-TK. ? Commissioner. f-nc FOHECbONtJtK KOTITE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. .V ('., dated the 21th day of May, Uw in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Ernestine Falime,' Adell McDowell, Kllen McRae, et als," the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auctioip sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 26th day of July, 101>?. at 12 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door. Southport, X. C.. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the ?payment ot $70.39. the following described real estate, located in Northwest town ship, Brunswick County, N. C., bounded and described as follows: Twelve 112) acres field and woods adjoining the land's of Herbert Hrew on the sputh, James Hallard on the east, ana 10. Q. Hod win on the north and west, and known as the Koherl Williams Estate lands, AU sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale This the 25th day of June. 1948. K. J. PIsKVATTE, Commissioner. 7-21c FOKECLONV ItF NOTICE Xolice is hero^ given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, X'. C\. dated the 21th day of May, 1918, in an action entitled "Hrunswick County versus Elizabeth Clemmons, Evangeline Thurmau. et als," the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 26th day of July. 1948. at ll' o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door, Southport. N. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $27.1.33, the following described r^al estate, located in Northwest town ship. Brunswick County, X. C., bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a jtake in x. j. MorSc' corner; running south 23 de gree 15 minutes west 1070 feet to the run of Howell Branch; thence up and with the center of the run of said branch westward direction 268 feet to a stake in the run of Howell's Branch'; thence north 23 degree 45' east about 1202 feet to a stake to southern line of the right of-way of the Seaboard Airline Hail road; thence along the said right-j of-way in a south (1.1 degree 1.1' east ! 268 feet to the Beginning. containing. 7 eracs. And being the same pro perty conveyed to Sampel J. Clem-1 mons by deed recorder in Hooks 38. Page 4, Office of the Register! of Deeds for Brunswick County, I North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days' allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 25th day of June, 1948. E. J. PKEVATTE, Commissioner. 7-2lc FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by; virtue of a decree of the Superior, Court of Hrunswick County, "N. C., i dated the 24th day of May. 1948, | in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus May Belle Bobbins j and Hansom Robbins." the undersigned commissioner will expose nt public auction m le to th^ hi.i; h?*ht bidder for rash on ifce If#?tli iluy of July. 1948. at 12 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse d?x?r. Southport, X. C? to satisfy the decree of suid court to enforce the payment of $53.36, the following described real estate, located in Northwest town ship. Brunswick County. N. C\, bounded and dt^tibe?! as follows; . Bounded on the west and north by Jacob Ixnlge woods, on t life east by Ned Reaves Kstatc lands. a??d on the south by Cedar Hill Highway, containing 29 acres wood*. and -idiown as i he late Louisa L. Davis Estate lands. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. j This the 25th day of June. 1948. K. J. PKKVATTK, Commissioner. 4, 7- 21c P0KKCL08FBB ITOTId I Notice is hereby ?riven that by 'virtue of a decree of the Superior .Court of Brunswick County, ' N. C., dated the 211 h day of May, 1948, in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Jack Watkins and i Carrie Watkins." the undersigned commissioner will e\|ww at public auction sale to the | highest bidder for cash on the . 2Cth i day of July. 1918. at 12 o'c loc k noon, lat the Courthouse door, SouUiport, IN, C.. to satisfy the decree of said I court to enforce the payment cf ?2f?4.34. the following descrilnid real ??stale, located in Northwest town ship. Brunswick County, V ' C.# bounded and described as follows: 4funded on the north by the line of Columbus County. North Carolina, on the south by Kmma Adama; and on the east by McMilliaii land* f con taining 10 acres, and known as the .M. J. Watkins lands. All sales subject to reoort t(\ and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale? This the 25th day of June, 1$48. R J. rniiVATTa Commissioner. . . 7-21o FORFCT.nftrirn notice: Notice' i? liereby given that by virtue of a du r?' of t ho tfti|>erlor (Viirt of Hrunswlck County, N. C., dated the 24th day of .May, , .194#, in :i n action entitled ?'Kruratwlck Count v versus ?1. I*. Webb and wife, , ill?' undersigned commissioner will ? \|M?sr m public auction Hale to the highest bfdder for cash on tlu.v2t*th ! <l;i> of July. 1918. at 12 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door. Soutliport, X.. to tmtiHfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $l-'t-fi. the following' de*crlbeliM real estate, located in Northwest ,,iown .-hp. Bruoiwirk County, N. C., bounded' and described as follows: Beginning at a large |?lne in. the Allen line; runs thence south 1 de gree east to a small red oiik in Daniel Freeman's line; thence ? ?outli 12 east to a small spruce pine; thence south; (heme east; them-o north to i in* Allon line; then?? with said Allen line to the Hegiiinin^. so as to include 10 acres. All sales subject to report to and r*infirni.lMori by the Court. Terr-day* allowed far raise of bid before report n?Jule. .Cash to be paid at sale. This the 2."Uh day of J tine, 1948. K J. fitrvATTK, Commissioner., lo %* K KnitKCMVKVKK NOTICK Votive is hereby given that by virtue' of ?? ? *?? of i! d?W of (He Superior Court ?f Hrnusyiirk County.; .V ? iluiriJ llie -(111 ilny of Maf. 1HS. in nil action entitled "HrimswirK Count V versus Daisy Williams. Delia Williams and Sum Williams." the undersigned commissioner will i n pose at pulilic auction sale to the highest bidder for cutJi on the 26th day. of July., 1918. a< 12 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door. South|w?rt, IN. C. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of ? S-RT.Rii, the following described real estate, located in Northwest town ship. Hrunswlck County. N. * Itmnuifd and described as follows: TWiunrtert on the west by the lands of i he .1. I. Konblns Uslate. on the south by the lands of ?. D. Mosely listate, on the north by Hertha Sul livan. and on the east by J- W Corbet t. containing 23 acres field and woods, and known as the James Williams Kstate land. . All sales Mibjccl to report lo and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for rfis) of bi? Ufore rejwrt made. Cash to t?- p.-d<f at sale. This the 2f?i1Cdit of June. 1948. J. I'RKVATTH , Commissioner. 7-21c KOBKCI.OStKK NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Hrunswlck County. N, C., "dated tin- 2ltli day Of May. *"194^ in an action entitled "Hrunswlck County versus Jesse Williams. Jane Williams. Una Williams, et als/ ? the undersigned commissioner will cxpofce at public auction sale to the highest bidder f<?r cash on the 20th day o( July. 194#. at 12 o'clock Jioon, at the Court house door. Soutnp"rt. N. C.. to satisfy the decree of: said court to enforce the paymertf of $214.75. the following described : real estate, located in Northwest town ship. Hrunswlck County. N. i C* bounded add described as follows: Hounded on th" ?I'M by O. J. I.ovirk, "on tho north by U ?"? liams. on the cant by the laniM or the li. D. Itobl.ln* Kntate. ronlMnlnic W aires. also bounded by the Kit* MrKoy +>tntu laHcl*. and known as Ihe Sclh Williams Kstate land?,. All pale.? subject to re|>ort lo> and confirmation by the Court. Teirjlsjf* allowed for raise of Mil before nimil mad*. Ouill to be paid at ?at?.1B This the 2.11 h day of June. tft8. K. J. I'HKVATT* Commissioner. i foreci.ohi re notice?* Notice is hereby given t ha Li by virtue of a decree of the superior Court of Brunswick County, N. C., dated the 24th day of May. 1948, in an action entitled "Hrunswlck County versus Maggie Troy, John Troy, * Donnie Troy,* Kachel Troy, et the undersigned commissioner will exi>ose at public auction sale to the highest I?m?ler for cash on the 26th day of July. 1948. at 12 o'clock ??oon, at the Courthouse door. SouUfwrt, N. C.. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment; of $82.42, the follow ing de?cribe<L real estate, located in Northwest Town ship. Hrunswlck County, N. C., bounded and described as follows: Hounded on the east by W. 8. Southcrland, on the south by the binds of the Hetty Southerland instate, on the west by Kachel Cor nair KVtate. on the north P. J. K In 17. containing 5 acres field and woods, and known as the John Troy Kstate lands. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 25th day of June. 1948. K. J. I'REVATTE. Commissioner. 7-21c F O RFC r.OHC RE XOTICE Notice is hereby 'given that by virtue of a d^r?i? of the Superior Court of Itrunswick County, N. C.? dated the 24th day of May, 1948, In an action entitled "Hrunswlck County versus Archie Taylor and John Grady," the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bldfler for cash on the 2Gth day of July, 1948. at 12 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door. Southport, N. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $158.23, the following described real estate, located In Northwest town ship. Hrunswirk County. N. C., bounded and described as follows: Hounded on the north by John Grady, on the east by E. W. God win. on the south and west by the land? of Anna Falrley Kstate. con taining 2 acres, words, and known as the Archie Taylor lands. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 25th day of June, 1948. E. J. PJiEVATTE, Commissioner. /-Mc J

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