^ Pilot Covers Ls??k c?unty THE STATE PORT PILOT Most of The News All The Time A Good Newspaper In A'Good Community ?^sixnEN no. 13 S-PAGE? today Southport, NTC., Wednesday, July 7t"hTl948 published every wepnespai h.?o pek tea* u Smith Submit# i L,U Semi-Annual Re & To Members Of Of County Com mon?? _ <RT0% home Health Nurse Has '"La Many Honors Recent Weeks S. CM zens her last semi-annual, first half of this W retiring on June 30 *g smith, county health | regret at leaving 1 wountv and the pleas t S derived through * with each board of coun ters J"rmg a period J, quarter of a century. , months ago Mrs. Smith J, to her health and that she needed a rest. ^ Ration was accepted 'Z>t bv the county corn ers and Brunswick people Since her resignation; ^jered Mrs. Smith has re- , iaany honors from the i laong whom she has i Among the events held " vas a county-wide picnic ug 3each a week before her prt. She also received a Svcj Bond from the Shal ? ,1/ciub and another that pdiased through contribu ij( friends in all sections. laves Southport next t return to her former! -t Sumter. 5. C. Inttg is Mrs. Smith's last ;tie county commission-. irerr.g the period from Jan o June 30 of this year: rel 430 visitors at her fc: vaccination or advice te matters. [K 201 homes, made 20 to schools 10 trips out mnty. 1? visits to hospital, jj to county home, 18 con es -itth county officials. 12 kci; with doctors, 9 ty i: :.:s held. 2.480 typhoid i. s. 207 babies given km and whooping cough i children given small uconation, 6 pre-school i sead. 276 pre-school child .teiied clinics. 4 trips to Jsiatortum, 10 trips to see idealists. 5004 miles driven H ittnag from her work in Kdt county. Mrs. Smith B 'iat the step is being great reluctance, and s will greatly miss her ?fcughout this section. Kkww just how to thank *ho has been so hap woperative throughout I have spent in my 1 are in Brunswick county," *&? nor can I tell the peo a' ~uch I appreciate the " 3?y have paid me during ' ?km. Ill just have to ? F-it to say Thank You' ill and to say 'Goodbye, W Bless You.' " M tfStut Fltihti h C AMP i fctty Jo Fulcher left iCamp Millstone where P "tend 4-H Camp. JOINED ROTARY L MUliken of Shallotte, r '? playing the Hawiaan j rjWr.tly entertained the L"* R?tary Club at one r*Ww meetings. 5? ?ARX UESTROYF.D (j,100*?0 tarn full of to ~ ^.Vh the curing was in completed belonging to i^.t.r.e of Shallotte was S?t ?[ hhallotte was { ?7 fire Sunday after* RECOVERED k,.1 J^ntiac coach, be h-,..'^ells was stolen in front of the ?V ' Aas ^covered late **n in Wilming . ' * - Wilmington febocn arrested, theft. boss ^ "le ^aibab of [V,? tArnoI<J yesterday, l 1 ievw^er of Norwood j % nt,;en and a half, erel- Others in! pe ^?nalu Berger. j jLj???8 Parker and S??er- ^ made .SL^t the fact to i . Wlnds forced Port early. I TRUCKING TOBACCO HARVEST?On farms throughout Brunswick county at this season workers are busy bringing tobacco in from the fields to the curing barn. Above is shown a comely lass wKo is driving the home-made tobacco slide for the day. *j Skipper Involved In Incident Visits Home Captain Rudy Gray Of SS Martin Behrman Spend ing Some Time At Old Hotne In Brunswick Coun ty i CENTRAL FIGURE f IN DUTCH ROW Controversy Centered About Ownership Of Cargo Being Shipped From Indonesia During. War Now spending sometime at his old home near Holden Beach, waiting orders to resume com [mand of his ship, Captain Rudy Bray, formerly master of the ,S. S. Martin Behrman,. still gets a laugh but has not lost all of | his irritation at the seizure of his j ship and cargo by the Dutch, I nearly a year and a half ago. The Martin Behrman had sail-; ed from Batavia to Singapore and j j put In at a Dutch port. She had aboard a cargo, the ownership of which was in dispute by reason of administrative or government changes. The Dutch sent an arm ed guard aboard the ship to seize it and the cargo. Captain Gray, exercising his rights as' an American citizen commanding an American owned vessel, defied the boarding party. The forceful language he used in 'telling the Dutch that they were i pirates and several other things, j attracted international attention. I Nevertheless, yielding only to, armed force, he went ashore, I leaving his ship in the hands of the Dutch, but not abandoning! lit. The Dutch unloaded the car-! i go, but meanwhile Captain Gray; i from his hotel was letting the world know about it. The seizing of the ship creat- [ . ed such a stir that the Dutch finally reloaded the cargo aboard I the vessel and after 33 days 'Captain Gray was told he could return to his vessel and get the h . . . out of there, or words to that effect. He was not held a prisoner ashore. The ship was simply seiz (Continued on page four) Sumbits Report On Vets Work Veterans Service Officer Makes Report Of Activity j During Months Of May! And June; Calls Atten tion To Services For the months of May and June Cecil Edwards, Veterans Service Officer for Brunswick county, has made the following report of activities through his Wfice. Received 124 letters, mailed out 106; had 9 long distance calls; had 308 Interviews, made 22 field trips, discussed 56 educational ] matters, 3 employment cases, 19] readjustment allowance cases, 78 j compensation and pension cases, 2 loans P. L. 346, 2 insurance, 1 hospitalization, 103 legal or busi-1 ness advice cases, 44 miscellan- j eous matters. Relative to the services done by| his office Mr. IMwards points out several matters that veterans, and other interested parties J should keep in mind. He says: : | "Veterans of the recent wari who have never applied for their j terminal leave allowance have j until Sept. 7, 1948, ill which to j make application. All who are eligible for terminal leave pay should inquire at the office. "Veterans on job training or on the farm training program and who have not received the correct amount of subsistence pay per month should contact the office and have corrections (Continued on page i) j Will Build House All In One Day Robert L. Jone?, local con tractor who has built more homes on Long Beach than any other man. Is assembling ma terial with which to erect a beach cottage In a single day's operation. Recently there has been owners about securing the ser vices of a builder who could give them fast and economical construction. This one-day house idea will be the local contrac- j tor's answer to these prospec tive home-owners. Jones has placed orders for everything necessary for the building of a 5-room cottage, and there Is a possibility ttoat Friday of this week will be set as the date for this all-out ef fort by a corps of workman. Southport Boy" Fatally Injured Edwin W .Dosher, Jr., Died Tuesday Morning Of In-! juries Suffered In Fall | While Playing Sunday J A tragic death occured at the' Dosher Memorial Hospital Tues day morning at 5 o'clock when Edwin W. (Dickie) Dozier, Jr., died as the result of internal in juries sustained in a fall while at play with other young boys Sunday evening. The boy was regarded as one! of the best-all-round youngsters i of Southport, and news of his J death was a general shock. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed win W. Dozier, Dickie and sev eral other small boys were play ing late Sunday afternoon. They were chasing each other and while running at full speed the boy slipped and fell, striking his chest on the cement curbing. He was able to get up and appeared for some time not to be seriously hurt. Hemorrhages set in and he was rushed to the hospital where it was found he was suffering from a ruptured spleen and other internal injuries. An operation was performed without avail, and (Continued On Page Four) Lieut.-Governor Elect Buys Lot i H. P. (Pat) Taylor Buys 3uilding Lot At Holder* Beach And Makes Plans For Constructing Cottage H. P. (Pat) Taylor of Wades boro. Democratic nominee for Lieut-Governor, purchased a resi dential lot at Holden Beach Mon day. It is said that he contem plates the immediate construction of a summer home there. The lieut-governor-elect will make a fine addition to the fact grow ing list of Influential citizens who are purchasing property on the Brunswick county coast. Mr. Taylor's brother, Wayland Ward Taylor, of Chadbourn, also purchased a residential lot at Holden Beach Monday. His fam ily spent last week at the beach. Like his brother, he plans im mediate construction of a home. Both of the Taylor's are un derstood to have real estate hold ings at Ocean View, Va., but say they prefer to. build their summer homes at Holden Beach. The Taylor's are nephews of V. L. Ward, who has been a resi dent of Holden Beach and vicini ty for several years. j Loan Rate For Tobacco Higher Than Last Year Agriculture Department An nounces That Farmers May Borrow 3.9 Cents More Per Pound On Flue Cured Crop i NEW FIGURE BASED 1 ON COST OF LIVING Rates On Various Grades Of Leaf Expected To Range From 14 To 65 Cents Flue-cured tobacco farmers will be able to borrow on their 1948 crop at an average of 43.0 cents per pound, or 3.9 cents above the figure for last year, the Agriculture Department In Washingon has announced. The new loan figure is based on 90 cents of parity as of June 15. Parity is the government-esti mated cost-of-living for the farm er and the cost of producing the tobacco. W. P. Hedrick, marketing specialist with the State Depart ment of Agriculture, said his de partment had been notified of the new loan figure, and also was told that the schedule of rates by various grades would be an nounced later. They are expected to range from about 14 to 65 cents. The U. S. Agriculture Depart ment said that all CCC price sup port loans will be made available to cooperating growers during the 1948-49 marketing season for each specified type of tobacco through farmers cooperative and other responsible organizations. Minesweeper Is Purchased Here rMS 39/ FurchM^d ' Last Week By BrunswicE Nav igation Company And Will Be Converted Into Menhaden Fishing Craft Please^ with the performance of the two mine sweepers, pur chased a year ago and converted into menhaden fishing vessels, the Brunswick Navigation Com pany has purchased another, the Y. M. S. 397. R. F. Plaxco, general manager of the company, states that the new boat will arrive this week from Virginia and will be con verted into a fishing boat as speedily as possible with the work being done here at the factory. The boat was purchased from the Virginia State Highway Commis-; sion which purchased it from the Navy with the intent of using it 1 as a ferry boat. Finding another I craft more suitable for conversion into a ferry, the highway com mission decided to sell the 397. Like the Plaxco and the Bruns wick, the new boat is 136 feet in length and is in fine condi tion. It is powered by two 500 horsepower diesels which will give it a wide range in search of fish and the ability to get them home long distances without spoilage. TTie Plaxco and Bruns wick, identical boats, are capable of making 17 or 18 knots per (Continued On Page Four) | War Hero VERNON LEE HEWETT, son of Mrs. Bertie Turner of Supply, whose body recently was return- j ed to this country for interment j at Oak Grove Baptist Church. ] He was killed in France on July 6, 1044. f Growth Of REA Is Remarkable From Modest Beginning, Brunswick Rural Electric Membership Corporation Now Serves 3,000 Homes With only about 800 patrons in 1940, the Brunswick Electric Membership Corporation is now serving 3000 homes and will be linked up with 5000 when the extension project is completed in the early fall. This has been a remarkable growth, hard to understand when it is considered that instead of running wiring in thickly placed homes in towns and cities, the Brunswick REA has had to cover much of three counties, connect ing only with scattered farms, communities and small villages. The 5000 homes that th? REA 3 serving or preparing to serve will represent more population than i? found in a City of 20,000 (Continued On Page Four) Watts Boats In Luck Fishing ? n Both Idle On And Botfly Brought In Good Catches During Past Weefr As Fishing Parties Here In Numbers Starting Tuesday with a! party of Whiteville men including W. F. Dyer of The News Reporter, the two party boats of V- H. Watts, the Botfly and tfte Idle On, have been both busy*: and successful. ^ The Whiteville party fished aboard the Idle On and ($fr>e in with a nice catch of 12jfj large; blueflsh. In addition to Djtor, the party included W. M. Bojtice, A. C. Yarborough, Ross Davfe, H. H. Dannivant and H. E. Harri- j Bon. Clyde Kendall and party of Salisbury were out Wednesday i and caught 4 cero, 2 dolphin, lj baracuda, 6 albacore and 100-lbs. j of large sea bass. The Fourth 6f July trip had a' party headed by Mr. Ferabee of | (Continued On Page Four) W. B. REZ I AH Our i ROVIN# Reporter "While I have not yet started developing Ocean Isle, I like all [that home building stuff you are putting in the paper," said D. ( Stowe Crouse, Myrtle Beach real-| tor who owns the island at pause Landing. Mr. Grouse amplified his' statement by adding that tlye on-| ly way to build up a place is for the owners to build. "From J what I know of them," he. con-1 tinued, "there are hundreds of the finest sort of people owning building lots at Holden Beach, Long Beach and Caswell Beach. |Thc beach strands of Brunswick codnty are not excelled anywhere. The playgrounds only need deve-j loping and the folks who have bought building lots have great er power for developing than any body else." | Watermelons are now coming in generally and it appears that Bennie Price of the Bethel church [community slipped one over us in j some way. He has been supplying the local market for two weeks and our impression was that they were Georgia melons. That is, we supposed that until one of the store keepers told us that they were home-grown products. Red Barber of Charlotte and Long Beach had a birthday, Sunday, July 4th. He celebrated it by going fishing with us the second time this year. Mrs. Barber and, Peggy told us to be careful with j Red, it was the 4th of July in addition to being his birthday-and he was still young. It is generally known that to bacco marketing is hot work, especially for the auctioneer. Jim mie Wolt, one of the ace sellers of the weed on the Fairmont market when it is in operation, has been conditioning himself for this seasons work. All , spring (Continued on page three) Measurements Show Width Of Strand Broad Beaches, Gradually Sloping, Feature Places Along Coast Of Brunswick With the results typical of what Is to be found on all of the beaches on the Brunswick coun ty coast, D. Stowe Crouse of Myrtle Beach, S. C., owner of the Ocean Isle property at Gause Landing, has brought this paper some interesting figures relative to the strand at his beach. The Crouse measurements show 400 feet of strand from the high tide to the low water mark at Ocean Isle. By sending a ham to wade in the surf with a measure,! Mr. Crouse further ascertained that from the low water mark to a depth of 5 feet, at low water, the distance was 170 feet. Since the average rise and fall of the tide is not over 4 feet on this coast, the Crouse measure ments Indicate that at high tide a bather can wade upwards of 400-feet without getting in water over five feet in depth. At low tide he can go 170 feet without getting over the 5 foot depth. It is believed that measure ments at Holden Beach, Long Beach and Caswell Beach, whlcl^ are being obtained, will tally closely with those at Ocean Isle. These figures will illustrate a very, important point that Is be ing contended for the Brunswick county beaches. They will sh?w the gradually sloping nature of th^ strands from high water marks on out into the ocean. It is pointed out that the wide strands leave a beautiful expan-t sive playground. Most Important, of all, the gentle slopes eliminate too dangerous surfs that creata, undertows, dangerous to bathers, I It is not impossible for the fool-! hardy to drown anywhere that there is deep water. The point 1?' that the waters of the Brunswick I beaches are as safe as those! found anywhere, and safer than those found at most places. Miraculous Escape For Plane Occupants Brunswick Boys Playing Good Ball Three Brunswick county boys are playing a prominent role In J keeping the Columbus County ! American Legion baseball team of Wtalteville In a contending position for area honors. Billy .McDowell, little south paw first baseman, is playing his second year for the Colum bus county juniors, and In ad dition to his steady work at the Initial station, has been hitting the tall at a good pace. Sonny Galney, Leland high school star, le. ?HP of the most dependable pitchers on the Whlteville squad, and on Thurs day night of last week went the route in a 14-fnnbig tie with Laurinburg. Tommy Bowmer, Southport boy has played several games in the outfield for White vlile and figures prominently In the stretch drive of the Columbus county nine. Duke Basketball Coach Is Visitor Jerry Gerard And Party Fishing Aboard Mojai Monday Reported Very Nice Catch Jerry Gerard, basketball coach at Duke University, made the prize catch of the week while fishing from the Moja of Capt ain Victor P. Lance on Frying Pan Shoals Monday. Mr. Gerard got 10 blues, 2 bar-| racuda and a 25-pound cabio. | Others in the party with him aboard the Moja were Ray, Greggs, Raleigh; C. H. Delake, Tarboro; S. C. Brawley, Durham; and E. T. Howard, Raleigh. They brought in a fine catch of bar racuda, mackerel and bluefish, In addition to the catch made by! Mr. Gerard. The Duke coach said he had made several trips out with Capt ain Lande this year and last. Each trip he likes the Frying Pan Shoals better. For real fishing he says he knows of no better place on the coast than here along Brunswick county. He expects to make several more trips here this summer be fore the University reopens for the fall term. Demand Grows For Builders Beach Property Owners Anxious To Secure Ser vices Of Contractors Cap able Of Doing Turn-Key i Job ? Interviews within the past few days indicate that there is a growing demand on the party of j beach property owners for con tractors who can buy building material wholesale and turn out finished homes as specified ' in the contract and without there being a multitude of incidentials to make the finished job double what the original plans called for. Scores of lot owners at Long Beach and Holden Beach are pro fessional men, doctors, lawyers, etc., who would like to build Continue on page 8- i Passenger Plane Does A Ground Loop Saturday While Attempting Land ing On Dry Sand At Beach THREE PASSENGERS AND PILOT SAFE Damage To Plane Figuring In Holden Beach Mishap Estimated At $7,000 By The Owner "Nobody hurt, nobody scared, . loss about seven thousand dol I lars." That iS the way Guy M. Turn er, owner of the Turner Flying Service in Greensboro, put it as j-he surveyed the wreck of his j new five-passenger Howard plan? at Holden Beach Saturday after-! noon. The plane had made one of its jfrequent trips in from Greens-j boro.' Previously it had always landed and taken off with ease ;from the strand at low tide or 'half-tide. Coming in Saturday I with Mr. Turner aboard and Mr. land Mrs. Fred Reed of Greens jboro as passengers, the plane ar rived at high tide. With the approval of Mr. Turn er, the pilot, Lemar Jones, at tempted to land despite the haz zard. The right wheel of the ma chine struck the soft, dry sand and the machine did a ground j loop. The pilot and passengers all found themselves sitting on i their heads in the fraction of a j second. i With the exception of the cabin the entire fuselage of the plane was smashed, as were the! ; wings. One propeller blade was bent but the engine was apparent ly not damaged. i None of the occupants of the! machine received the slightest in-j Jury, either physically or to their nerves. When a representative of this paper arrived a short time after the crash. Mrs. Reed, a gray hafted lady, asked him If he had a monkey wrench, so that she could get a souvenir. County Native Dies Thursday E. L. Clemmons Died At Myrtle Beach Where He Moved Four Years Ago i From Brunswick; Funeral Saturday i E. L. Clemmons, 84-year-old resident of Myrtle Beach, to which place he moved four years ago from Brunswick county, di.ed Thursday morning. He had been ill for a long time. His wife died just three months ago. i The body was brought here to Antiocti Baptist church, between Southport and Bolivia, Saturday. Funeral services were conducted there with Rev. Jasper Hinson of Myrtle Beach and Rev. E. W. !Pate of Wilmington officiating. Mr. Clemmons was a member of the First Baptist church of Myrtle Beach. Surviving are Ralph Clem mons, Bolivia, Thurston, AUard, and Qulncy Clemmons, all of Myrtle Beach, Dewey Clemmons, of Wilmington, Everette Clem mons of High Point, Mrs. Cath erine Vaught, and Miss Eloise Clemmons, of Norfolk, Virginia; Mrs. John Cox, of Wilmington, Mrs. Jewell Swain of Myrtle Beach, and Miss Carrie Clem mons, of High Point. Beside? 20 grandchildren and six great grant children. Beer Petition Is Presented Here To County Board Document Bear* Signatures Of Almost Twice Num ber Of Qualified Voters Required To Call Election PETITION SENT TO ELECTION BOARD Commissioners Piss On i Other Routine 'Matters c Of Business At Post- j) poned Session ?? ?? A petition calling for a special J election to decide the question of the legal sale of bper and wine in Brunswick county was pre sented Tuesday to member* of the board of county commissioner*. The commissioners held their first of the month meeting one day late due to the fact that the first Monday fell on July 5, which was being observed as a holiday. The petition presented to the board bore the signature of 12M registered voters, almost twice as many as were required, and the documents were delivered to th# commissioners by T. T. Ward and Dave Ross. Following is the text of the pe titions; "We, the undersigned, re gistered voters of Brunswick county who voted for governor in the 1944 election, request that an election be held for the pur pose of submitting to the voter* of Brunswick county the question of whether or not wine or beer Or both shall legally be sold in Brunswick county." After consulting with County Attorney E. J. Prevatte to de termine that the petitions were in good legal form, the documents were ordered turned over to the Brunswick county board of elec tions for action required by law. A petition was approved fol requesting the State Highway and Public Works Commission to approve the addition of a 3-mlle stretch of road to the state high way system. It runs from Mt. Piagah to a point of intersection with U. S. No. 17 3 miles south of Supply at the Foot Cumbee place. Oleta M. Clemmons was grant ed permission to pay 1947 and prior year taxes for $400.00, due (Continued on Page 8) New Missionary for Association Special Meeting Of Bruni? wick Baptist Association Sunday Resulted In This Action; Organization To Back Beer Election At a call meeting of th? Brunswick Baptist Association Sunday afternoon at Chapel Hill Baptist church, Shallotte, the Rev. W. R. Morehead of Wingate was elected associational mission ary. The Rev. Mr. Moorehead sue ceeds the Rev. George White, who resigned to accept a regu lar pastorate. The new assocla tional missionary will reside. In this county, probably at Bolivia. Other business of the group In cluded the passage of a resolu tion to support the movement for the beer and wine election. Mem bers of the executive committee were charged with the respon sibility of throwing the influence of their organization behind the movement. These men Include: H. M. Baker, moderator; Floyd Hickman, Dennis Hewett, H. L. Clemmons, B. R. Bennett and Garland Bordeaux. The inspirational message was a missionary sermon preached by the Rev. J. R. Allen. Interests Turn To Water Sport Goldsboro Man Has New Sailboat In Which Much Interest Is Being Shown; Leonard Davis Trie* Aquaplaning With a prrtty 19-foot Marconi rigged boat, R. W. Powell, Jr., of Goldsboro and Caswell Beach Is setting out tb revive local In terest In sail boating. Getting in terested In sailing while he was a student at Harvard, Bob is now spending about all of his spare time on the Mermaid tn Southport and Caswell harbor. R. W. Powell, Sr., one of lihe owners of Caswell Beach, la Just as interested In sailing as his son, although R. W. Jr., is th* most active in finding opportuni ty to be on the water. A?roac*ng W. B. Keziak (Conttoued on Pstfs ?)

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