The pilot Goveis i^nswick County THE STATE PORT PILOT Most of The New? All The Time l)L A Good Newspaper In A Good Community ~ ^ sixteen NO. 15 S PACES today- Southport, N. C., Wednesday, July 2l7l948 pubushed every wedmespa. ?uki per yea* btion's Youth Jo Start Draft |? Late August wil| Be Registered Ac #w" To Age Groups, jE With Those Bom In 1^22 ?SJSKtf WORK less Procedure Is Out r Bv Selective Service ^Headquarters In Washington ve Service headquarters i ton this week announ-j rtneral outline of the rou followed in the draft Jl which will get underway, J^HSJuw will be approxi-: j/as follows: V will register by age pick your date out of: ; jge groups and wait: -at 30-Registration of ?Krr. after Aug. 30. 1922. ^ 31-Sept 1 Those born in 2-3-Those born in 1924. W i or Those born in jpt 5.j_Those born in 1926. - 10-ll-Those born in L 13-14 -Those born in st 15-16?Those born in 1- IMS Those born before t i? tr. 1930. r,< rorn on or after Sept. IS will register on their Say or ?ithin five days af Oc registration date, you re it the local draft office. You [ 1 carry along birth certi [fi arA such, although they be asked for later. Tou fill out a simple form, 1 Biv answering five or six Cons Attach fingerprints and j . It should take only a few C? aithough this depends on tfieencjr of your local draft t Go home and wait. A week j c iays after you have regis- j i jou will receive a ques-1 ?re from your local board. J icm: get aiarmed. It's noti Plesi'er.ts' greetings calling' 0 the colors, it's just a ques-1 ?aire. kt qaesti r.r.aire gets person-. isa ?r you all sorts of ques-1 1 such as your marital sta-1 '-<*? nrr'n money you make sc. It'll take a bit more iti"? this one out. You do t then send it back to your I board. classification is determin V 'Jus bit of paper, which ? o your local board's file. the army decides it k 31.741 men during the ? say. November. Your & is notified that its ~ Li 11 men The local men K through their files. Theyi C* ?vour questionnaire. May- \ decide you're one ot the "^ey tell Washington. nr-"? the last war. you got -??j?r when you registered, i men in Washington pull-i fibers out of a fish bowl, j . .." on draftees that way.) j F?> get a greeting from the \ f set your affairs in or-1 take a physical and pass p soldier: biifffewi Flashis tox? BARN BVRNED ^ Purvis prominent Wac ?* township farmer, lost a 1 'f* tobacco barn full of his 'aring of tobacco by fir? afternoon. ttSRC ON "BOATS ? ''f the numerous shrimp 43 at the Holden Beach Ferry * decked by the Coast Guard h!"* Thus >s a routine pro to see that all is well with ind various equipment. J*0 TO MKIT " | ' ^pilar annual meeting of j Carolina Board of I 'twn am! Development 1 r'r held in the administra- j ?iir,z 0f ,hc section Base City July 26-27-28. J?f "\m\oed~ 7*s- coons and deer are said v? My damaged the melon E? River Road, espe ' tiose of E. H. Sheppard, I v. \ J' tomato plant grow ^ ?heppafri who has been | <lt!l his tomato growing S tki.C,>m'ng on from New Jer" Week to market his METHODIST CHURCH WELCOME?Churches of Southport are following their regular schedule during the summer months, and all of them extend a cordial invitation to beach residents and visitors to attend services. Above is shown Trinity Methodist Church, of which the Rev. L. D .Hayman is pastor. Cooperative House Boon To Fishermen Cooperative Packing House At Holden Beach Ferry Being Used By Seventeen Boat Owners USE INLET AT LOCKWOODS FOLLY Biggest Obstacle To Opera tors Is Shallow Depth Of Water On Lock woods Folly Bar Cooperative marketing of shrimp and fish by the producers apparently has worked out in a very satisfactory manner at the fishermen-owned packing house on the intracoastal waterway at the Holden Beach Ferry. Seventeen boat owners from the association. From these 17 coop erating members committees of three are appointed at frequent Intervals. These committees lpok after the business of purchasing needed equipment, selling the product and employing the pack ing house labor. They sell to any body, wholesale and retail, shar ing the profits at the end of each week's work. During the 1947 season this cooperative house is said to have brought its membership $10.00 per bushel for the shrifnp pro duced while private owned houses all along the coast were paying $7.00 One thing that troubles these cooperating fishermen is the dif ficulty of getting their Jaoats in and out of the Lock woods Folly Inlet. This outlet from the in tracoastal waterway is shoaled very badly and the boats can only get across while the tide is full or nearly so. The changing time of the tide each day forces the boats to often be late in get ting out or in returning from work early. If they are caught i outside at low tide by stormy: (Continued On Page Four) I Visit At Beach And Buy House Roanoke Rapids Couple | Like Long Beach So Much They Purd??6?! Cottage There Last Week While it can hardly be said to' be unusual for anybody to buy a home or buy a lot with the In tention of building one, there is still a bit of interest in the fact that W. A. Thome, of Roanoke Rapids, bought one at Long Beach this past week. i Mr. Thorne is vice-president of. the Roanoke Rapids Bank and | Trust Company. Neither he nor Mrs. Thorne had ever been to Long Beach, but they had heard a good deal about the place and late in June Mrs. Thorne wrote and managed to get Charles Trott to rent them a home for the first week In July. The Thome's came down on ^ schedule, spent their week at the, beach and Mr. Thorne hunted | high and low until he found a cottage that the owner would, sell. When their time was up ui| ;the rented home the TTiornes ! straightway moved out and into the one they had bought. In a way of speaking, they came to stay a week and be came Brunswick county property owners and regular residents of Long Beach. i Mrs. Thorne said this week that she I? now such an ardent Long Beach fan she has interest 1 i Continued on pa?? tivl No Beer And Wine Election In 1948 There will be no beer and wine election in Brunswick county this year. In a telephone conversation Tuesday afternoon with Attor ney General Harry McMullan, G. C. McKeithan, chairman of the Brunswick County Board of Elections, was advised that there is no time during the re mainder of this year when the provisions of the law may be met. He declared that he would forward a written, opinion on this matter to the election board chairman today. The law governing -these spe cial elections provide that no vote on beer and wine may be called within a 60-day period of either a general election or a primary election. Other re quirements are that 30-day no tice be given of intention to hold an election, and the regis tration books must be opened according to the laws govern ing registration prior to a gen eral election or primary. Trawler Rescued By Coast Guard Craft Of W. S. Wells Fleet: Swept Into Shoal Water! Off Bald Head Island Monday Afternoon Shrimping Monday afternoon in rough seas the boat San Jose of the W. S. Wells fleet was swept into shoal water off Bald Head island at a point near the Cape' Fear lighthouse. After be ing tossed about by breakers, the boat became waterlogged before she could be pulled off. With the Coast Guard lifeboat from Oak Island unable to get near the distressed craft because of shallow water, Nathan Reaves, one of the Guardsmen, swam about 600 feet from the lifeboat to the trawler. Ke carried a light line with him and with this a heavier line and finaliy a hawser was gotten aboard from the life boat. Walter Lewis, ENC. in charge of the lifeboat, told newsmen that they had to pull on the San Jose for about 45 minutes before she slid off into deep water. She was towed into Southport safely, but dangerously near the sinking point. Aside from damage to her die (Continued on page five) Improvements At Bolivia Lumber Co. The Bolivia Lumber Company has recently spent several thou sand dollars overhauling and in stalling new equipment at the main mill at Uclivia. Included in the new equipment is a big cir cular saw and a band resaw mill. With its other planing mill at , Navassa and a large number of ground saw mills working at various places the mill now has a big daily capacity. This company is owned and operated by Felton Garner of Long Beach and Southport. Mr. Garner moved to Brunswick from | Greensboro several years ago and resided at Bolivia until three years ago when he built and be came a regular year-round resi dent of Long Beach. 1 ' / Residents Of Brunswick May Use New Clinic Cancer Detection-Diagnostic Clinic Has Been Estab lished In Emergency Quarters Of Wilmington Hospital FREE EXAMINATIONS FOR FOLKS OVER 40 Purpose Of This Clinic Is To. Make Possible Early Detection And Treat ment Of Cancer Citizens of this county are' in |vited to make use of the Cancer iDetection-Wiagnostic Clinic which opened April 27th in the Emer gency Quarters in James Walker Memorial Hospital. It is under i the Cancer Control Division of the State Board of Health and a | committee of doctors from the New Hanover Medical Society. The clinic is free to any resi dent of North Carolina 40 yeafs of age and over. The hoiirs are from 12 o'clock until 4 o'clock. The Detection Section is from 12 o'clock until 2 o'clock. Persons wishing to be examined are urg ed to be as early as possible since the first is *.o enter at 11:30 o'clock. The Diagnostic Section is from 2 o'clock until 4 o'clock. Persons referred to this clinic are urged to be ready by 1:30 o'clock. In the Detection Clinic an ex amination is made of the five main points in the body where cancer seems to strike most often. If any suspicious lesion is found the patient is asked to enter the Diagnostic Clinic where a group of doctors will ex amine, consult and diagnose. The director of the clinic will write or call the patients' private phy sician concerning the findtngs. Any person wishing informa tion about the danger signals of cancer is urged to write the Can cer Information Center. On Tues (Continued,. On Page *'our) Warehouse Plans J Taking Shape No Definite Announcement Can Be Made Of Project At This Time But Exper ienced Tobacconists In terested With the names of some prom-i inent tobacco men interested in i the building of two warehouses j and the establishment of a mar-| ket at Shallotte not yet avail able for publication, R. D. White. Sr., pioneer Shallotte business man, predicted Saturday that two warehouses will be built and will be in readiness for the 1949 marketing season. According to Mr. White, there are no" financial difficulties In the way. The proposition is that expwienced tobacco men will build and operate the warehouses. To make the establishment of the market something of a com munity undertaking they will in-, corporate and will offer 25 per-1 cent of the stock to Shallotte citizens or tobacco growers. They, will personally put up the re maining 75 percent of stock. The above is understood to be a brief outline of the plans that (Continued on page three) I Commander Mintz Commander Legion District Former Commander Of Shallotte Post American Legion Receives New Honor At Long Beach Meeting Friday Night Harry L. Mintz, Jr., past com mander of the Shallotte Post Am erican and retiring vice-com mander of American Legion Dis trict 10, was elected District Commander Friday night, suc ceeding Chas. M. Trott. The new head of this legion district is a veteran of World War II and is a member of the Forty and foght. He is engaged in the mercantile business at Supply, and his home is at Shal lotte. The district meeting was held at the Long Beach Pavilion. A dinner was served visiting legion naires and their guests at 7 o'clock, and the business meeting followed at 8 o'clock. J- George Tomlinson of the Acme Delco Post was named vice-com mander for the district and Mike Leon of the Wilmington Post was elected delegate to the National Convention at Miami. The meeting endorsed W. K. Stewart of Wilmington for alter nate national coVimitteiman and Louie Parker of Elizabethtown (Continued on page three) Church Group Makes Donation Members Of Girls Auxiliary Of. Mt. Olive Baptist Church Send Gifts To Dosher Memorial Hospit al Dosher Memorial Hospital re ceived this week a gift of num erous useful items from members of the Girls Auxiliary of Mt. Olive Baptist church at Bolivia. President of this group Is Miss Doris Lee King and the counselor is Mrs. Lindsey Clemmons. Included in the list of gifts were 16 table scarves; 2 wash clothes; 12 ash trays; 12 juice glasses. J. J. Loughlin, manager of the hospital, was warm in his ex pression of appreciation. "Not ? Continued on page 3 Our ROVING Reporter W. B. KEZIAH Couple of weeks ago Bill Probst, Standard Oil distributor j of Concord, came around to tell us he had s<Jld his home at Myrtle Beach, bought a lot at' Long Beach and .was going to! build there. His explanation was the fine beach and the equally; fine fishing that backs it up. This week we received through the mail from Concord, from the j Probst Brothers, one of the nicest pencils we have seen in a long | time. They also sent along a screwdriver. We bfelieve we are more or leSs expert in the use j of the pencil, but vye are much 'mystified as to what Bill expects I us to do with the screwdriver. j Dr. R. J. Hyatt of Southport has all other outboard motorboat 1 owners beat, going and coming. Some years ago the doctor in vented something for the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco company. We forgot just what it was, but it I may have been the curl in the tail of the camel. Anyhow it pays, dividends and our good friend j the doctor is retired from every-1 thing except going fishing. And he always gets back. For his i power he has two brand new five- j horsepower outboards. Either one | will both go and return. He uses j one to get to his favorite fishing hole, back of Long Beach, and the other to bring him home. i Former chairman of the board of county commissioners O. P. BtSimy broaght us a 52-pound watermelon this week, free grat tis for nothing except from the | goodness of his heart. That melon ( had great latitude and longitude. ? I It was what is known as the | Georgia Rattlesnake variety, but Georgia folks can't grow them of a size and luclousness com parable to the ones that Mr. Bel- J lamy and other Brunswick farm-, ers grow. Not having any family of our own, there was no hopej of our being able to eat that I (Continued On Page Four/ I Gus T ravis Tangles With Rovin' Reporter ? ' City Slicker Columnist Engages In Fast Verbal Exchange With The Pilot's Own Keziah Gus Travis who conducts a daily front page column, for the Charlotte Observer, was inter- J viewed at Holden Beach Satur- [ day. Mrs. Travis and the baby were likewise interviewed, and | they were just as brilliant as Gus. Mrs. Travis stated that coming, down to Holden Beach from Char-1 lotte for their two weeks vaca-j tion, they put the baby pen in the traler and filled it with cante-1 lopes. When they arrived they found that the cantelopes had all rolled out and were lost, but the j baby was safe in the car. According to Gus: "Edna, the colored cok, landed an 8-pound catfish her first day at the Beach." After the visiting fireman had confirmation from Edna, he went on. "The next day she hooked a bigger one and was dragged into the surf, losing rod and real." This was also confirmed by Edna who-turned white when the visitor remarked that it must been a shark Instead of a catfish. "Well", said Gus, "I tried to duplicate Edna's feat and I dis located my shoulder trying to cast half way across the Atlantic. I have been having Dr. Rourk of Shallotte to treat me every day since I came here. "Holden Beach is grand," he continued. "Why even the doys like it. The Travis dog struck up acquaintance with five gir> friends during his first two dt here. "Mrs. Travis had a new bathing suit given her by Mrs. Mary Gould of the Beach Shop in Char lotte. When she put it on her own dog kept sniffing around at her suspiciously. He didn't know her." At this point Mrs. Travis re tired with dignity. She reappear ed shortly modeling the bathing suit in question. "Now," she ask ed, "do you recognize me?" The visitor could not see how CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 County Schools Will Open On September 6 Only One Polio Case In County Dr. F. M. Burdette, Bruns wick county physician, report ed today that thus far only one case of infantil? paralysis has been reported from Brunswick county. The victim is a child from Northwest township, who was carried directly to James Wal ker Memorial Hospital in Wil mington for treatment. Dr. BuiMette advises parents to exercise sensible precautions during this period when polio is prevalent throughout much of the State. He advises that children under 16 years of age be kept out of public places, and he advises parents to in sist that their children avoid ing fatigue. "There is no cause for panic," declared Dr. Burdette j "and there seems to be no need for quarantine if our people will exercise good judgment." Montreal Man Planning Trip Inquiry Received Here This Week F rom Official Of Canadian City Indicates Interest In Section The fact that Long Beach and other beaches in Brunswick coun ty are becoming widely known was demonstrated Monday when W. B. Keziah of Southport re ceived a letter from an official of the city of Montreal, Canada. The letter was from the City Planning Department of the City of Montreal and was written by Pierre Boucher, assistant direct? or. He mentioned Long Beach and expressed interest in other beach es. His letter, in full, was as fol lows: "Dear Sir: It is my intention to spend my vacation in September on the Atlantic Coast in North Carolina. I would therefore be much oblig ed to you if you would send me illustrated and descriptive litera ture on Long Beach and other beaches in the vicinity of South port, including a map if you have any available. (Continued on page five) Editor Griffin Local Visitor Clarence Griffin, editor and, general , manager of the Forest City Courier, was a week end I visitor here. Mr. Griffin, who is1 a director of the North Carolina Department of Archives and His-' tory, is visiting historical spots in the state. He is accompanied i by Mrs. Griffin. A caller at this office, Mr. Griffin said he was on the first vacation that he had had from his newspaper work in 25 years. He added that he had not been to Southport during the past 25 years, so it would appear that he has spent a part of all of his vacations during the past 25 years at Southport. He left Monday afternoon for New Bern, continuing his visits to historical spots. Opening Day Fall* On First Monday In September, Giving Full Week For Straightening Out For Work ONE VACANCY IN PRINCIPAL LIST Resignation Of Martin J. Freeman At Waccamaw Creates Vacancy Ex pected To Be Filled Soon At a meeting of the board of education here at the office of County Superintendent of schools J. T. Denning Thursday night, Monday, September 6th was de finitely set as the opening date for all white and colored schools in Brunswick county. During the past dozen years or so the opening date has usually been set for a Wednesday or j Thursday, and very little class room work was done during the remainder of the opening week. With respect to principals of the white schools, Supt. Denning states that there is still a vacancy at The Waccamaw school. This vacancy is expected to be filled shortly from several applicants for the position of principal. At Leland, Holland Manning will again be in charge as princi pal; H. T. Sanders will again be at Southport; Bolivia will have a new principal. In Talmadge Page, a native of Sampson county, more recently teaching at Kitty Hawk. H. C. Stone, head of the Shallotte school for several years, will again be there. At the Thursday meetihg of the board N. C. Newbold, head of the Division of Negro Education with the State Department of Public Instruction in North Caro lina, was present to discuss mat ters relative to negro education. R. L. McDonald, with the de partment that loks after the transportation of school children, was also present. He has been in the county for a week, arranging for schol bus routing. New Buildings For Shallotte R. D. White And Sons Of Shallotte Planning To Be gin Work At Once On A Modern Brick Store Building r- _______ R. D. White and Sons, R. D. White, Sr., Jack White and R. D. White, Jr., of Shallotte, have their plans all made and the blue prints fbr the construction of four new brick stores. Work will begin within a month, ac cording to R. D. White, Jr. Each store will be 30x80 feet, all under one roof, the building to have a total frontage of 120 feet. The bflck walls will be 12 inches thick to permit the con struction of an additional story or floor some time later. The structure will be on the lot now occupied by the Coast Road Service station, the former RE^V office and other buildings. All four of the store rooms may be rented, according to young Mr. White, but the present plans are for one of them to be occupied by the Coast Road gro cery and another by an electrical [ (continued on pagt two) County Board Tries To Avoid Raise In Rate Two Economy Move* Mad* By Commiisioners During Past Week In Effort To Stave Off Raise In Rate TENTATIVE RATE SET AT $1.50 Commissioner* Give Atten tion To Road Petition* And Other Routine Business i omy was the guiding fact auring two meetings of the board of county commissioner? during the past week as mem bers of that body stood firm against raising the tax rate to meet rising costs of operation. The rate last year was 11.55, and this Is the figure upon which the tentative budget has been based. In response to pressure for the retention of a Veterans Service officer for the county, the com missioners have asked the county attorney to wiTte and ask the Attorney General about the legal ity of making a special levy for this purpos?. No answer has yet been receive*. The. board rescinded a previous motion that $5,000.00 of the bear fund expected to be paid this year into the county treasury be diverted to the board of educa- ? tion, and a new motion was made* that the levy for school purposes this year remain at 25-cents of the tax dollar. The commissioners gave favor able action to a petition for the hard surfacing of the road run ning from the Shallotte-Shallottrf Village road, thence to Cause Landing, To Seaside, To Crlsset town. A request has been for warded to the State Highway Commission office in Fayetteville requesting that this road be graded and hard surfaced. The commissioners also gave approval ?o the re-routing of a section St the River Road as shown on a State Highway map posted In the courthouse. The sum of $25.00 was added to the general relief fund of the county. Good Fishing Starts Again Parties Out From Southport This Week Have Good Luck Sport Fishing With a steady blow from tho south and southwest all of last week, sport fishing off Southport starter up again Monday just as soon as the weather would per mit. Following east and northeast winds, it is sometimes several days after such a blow before fishing becomes worthwhile. Such winds stir up the ocean all of the way down to its innards and game fish will not strike In trashy waters. The Moja of Captain Victor P. Lance and the Idle-On of Captain T. H. Wktts were both on the gulf stream Monday. Squalls In the afternoon fvced them to make a stfort day of It but the results were good. Tuesday things were much better but no definite report on who composed the parties or the catches made was available this morning. For his Monday trip Beptaln Lance had Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Carroll, Harvey C. Carroll and Clarke Carroll, all of Hamlet. They took 4 barracuda, 2 bonlta, 1 dolphin, 1 bluefish and one mackerel. One bonita was lost at the boat. The Monday party for the Idle On was composed of Roy Lamb, Billy DeCover and Douglas Prtd gen of Wilmington and Tom Hughes of Washington, D. C. They boated 12 dolphin, 4 amber jack, and 2 bonlta's Fishing Just offshore for blue fish Tuesday the Botfly ,of Basil Watts took 6? nice blues. W. A. Thompson and others from Halls boro made up the party. , Square Dancing Big Attraction Crowds Attending These Events At Long Beach Continue To Grow; An other Scheduled For Sat urday Night With their first regular Sat urday night square dance result ing in the sale of ISO tickets, the seoond 200 and the third this past Saturday night running up to 250 paid customers, Gene Tora {Continued on page flv^

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