^FiiotOne? Bru?s,vick County THE STATE PORT PILOT A Good Newspaper In A Good Community Most of The Newt All The Time NO sixrEEN NO. 16 54-pages today Southport, N. C., Wednesday, July 28th, 1948 ioc per copy published every Wednesday tuo per yeaa NTHUSIASM HITS NEW HIGH OVER PRICE PROSPECTS AT MART OPENING TUESDAY Golden Weed Enroute To Auction Floors In Whiteville This street scene, caught by the camera of Baldwin- Don't mistake this as indicating a market "block." This [;.to Studios, shows the various types of vehicles photograph was taken two years ago and was plucked fr id o bring tobacco into the warehouses of Whiteville. | om the unused file for use today. gy Suggestion )f Polio Clinic lo Be Protested ird Of Aldermen Hold jpecial Meeting For Pur ?se Of Passing Resolu ion Protesting Idea OF CASWELL WAS SUGGESTED jtion Of Polio Clinic Or alescent Hospital In Seen As Threat To Beach Expansion be of Fort Caswell as a polio |k or convalescent hospital as tested last week in one of the i? newspapers has drawn of ii notice from Mayor Hubert foingsten and members of i hard of aldermen for the (of Southport. lie testation passed by raem l of this body at a special Kit? mi Monday given official ta to general protests from tas of this immediate sec l While there is no disposi I to have anything but the Itteatment made available for fefie paralysis sufferers, it I !<en pointed out that no "4 or other resort area should I M totfag is the text of the! tor. passed unanimously by **a of the board of alder t fc view of the fact that Fort at Southport has been in the press as a pos IContinued on Hage Four) ImfStwt Flathtt SATURDAY West and his popular orchestra have been en- ( P 'or a dance Saturday) h st the Sea Shore Grill at H Beich. I JtoR VISITOR * M Mrs. Henry Belle of Ntoro are on their annual at Long Beach. Their Miss Marie Belk, re-' on the Winston-Salem J?' is spending part of the * them. I ?J?M>1XG CONVENTION i~ Mintz. Jr., of Shal hft Saturday night for ^fk to attend the Nation L*rjl Convention that is in ?is week. He is the del jiv 'torn the ahallotte Lion?1 ^,,J excursion ^ < arc being nla(jc t0 run , ? * S. excursion to Man I ^ the week end of Aug- j ? bus will leave South * ?' morn'"K of August 14 I l^f^^ers will have an op- j to see the I-ost Colony , PL on Saturday evening.1 Lk,,"r tr'P win be made on; ' "ternoon. i i Pulp wood Company Is Successful Bidder Auction Results In High Prices A "partial answer was sup plied to the question of just how valuable is business pro perty in Shallotte last Satur day when three lots with a rotfd frontage of 210-feet brought $11,000.00 at public auction sale. The successful bidder was Mr. Berry, representing Canal Wood Corporation. He was given spirited competition by R. D. White, Sr., who was high bidder on another piece of pro perty which adjoined land al ready owned by him. The sale was a part of the proceedure in closing out the estate of the late H. T. White. Edward H. Redwine, young Shallotte business man, was the auctioneer and did a very j fine job. Sport Fishing Continues Good When Weather Permits Boats To Operate Results Have Been Very Good Lately There seems to be no doubt about good fishing off Southport, tHe only difficulty being the pre valence of contrary winds which have held the boatmen inside re cently. On Sunday a party fishing with Hulan Watts in the "Idle On" caught 8 baracuda, 2 amber jack, 2 dolphin and 3 binita. In cluded in the party were Ballard Garner, J. C. Parker, H. F. Per center, L. G. Begor, Fred Ma han, Joe Simon and C. D. Kirby, all of Wilmington. On Monday a party headed by Mike Felis of j Wilmington caught 52 trout and bluefish. A Long Beach party fishing aboard the Botfly Sunday caught 60 blues before noon. The next day a party headed by Willis McMurray of Shelby caught 50 bluefish in one-half day. 1 A party including J. L- Coley and son, Jimmie, Bob N. Johnson, Frank Ricks and V. G. Bartlett ; of Wilmington caught 96 bl"e? land mackeral aboard the Kiabab i with Captain James Arnold Sun day. On Monday his party includ ed Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Cone and I daughter, Nancy, and Mrs. B. fa. I Bates of Greensboro. They had i 35 bluefish and 6 baracuda. The Tuesday trip for the Kiabab had R. M. Griffin, T. M. Ross and David C. Staton of Marshville aboard. The catch included 76 blues and mackeral, 3 baracuda i and 5 dolphin. I The Joy, With Captain George I Gregory, had Mr. and Mrs. O. F. .Patterson, Jr., of s?nfor ?g I Sunday and the party had 88 j bluefish. A morning trip on Mon I day netted 45 blues -for Mr. 1 Stokes and party, and the follow j (Continued on page six) Representative Reports That Property May Be Used As Pulpwood Loading Site If Bid Is Confirmed SPIRITED BIDDING FEATURED SALE i Location Of Loading Dock At Shallotte Will Save Much Hauling To Present Site With respct to the use of the jH. T. White lands in Shallotte, 'purchased Saturday by the Canal [ Wood Corporation, G. C. Berry 1 of Little River, S. C., agent for j | the Canal Wood Corporation, stated that it was his understand ing that the lot is to be used for pulpwood storage and ship ping, when and if some slight deepening of the channel is m^de on the Shallotte river. These plans, of course, are contingent upon confirmation by! the court of the sale. Below this tract' of land the river is con siderably straighter and deeper, according to Mr. Berry. Still, if some slight dredging work is done it will be possible for tugs to move two or more pulpwood barges down the river to Shal lotte. Villlage Point and the In tracoastal Waterway at one trip. The company previously oper- j ated from Lockwoods Folly River) at Supply. From that point it was difficult to get more than one barge to the canal at a time. At Supply, too, the rather marshy land at the loading ramp made it difficult to get through with trucks. A year or so ago the company built a large loading dock on the Cape Fear river in this county, opposite Wilmington. Heavy shipments of pulpwood are made from this dock but (Continued On Page Four; ? Beach Visitor Dies Suddenly Ernest G. Grossett Died Monday of Cerebra Hem orrhage While Launching Pleasure Boat Ernest G. Grossett of Green ville. S. C., died suddenly Monday at Holden Reach, and Coroner John G. Caison who was called for an inquest ascribed cerebral hemorrhage as the cause. | Grossett had been helping launch a pleasure boat, and as j the craft slid into ihe water, he; attempted to leap aboard. He j fell backward, got up and walk-J ed a short distance and sat down. { A moment later he toppled over 1 dead. j A doctor on the beach was call ed, but examination revealed that !Grossett had died instantly. The' doctor offered cerebral hemor- j ,rhage as the probable cause of' death. j The deceased was 32 years of. age and was vacationing at Hoi-1 'den Beach with his wife. Thef body was returned to Greenville! for funeral arrangements. Name Selective Service Board For Brunswick The committee charged with the responsibility of naming a selective service board for Brunswick county yesterday an nounced the following of J. E. Carr and Dan Harrelson, South port, and Floyd Kirby, Sup ply, to serve as members of this body. All of these men are vete; rans, and Harrelson is a vete ran of World War II. Mr. Carr was a member of the local board during the late war, having replaced the late H. M. Shannon, who died while serving as a draft board mem ber. The new board has not had time to organize, and no an nouncement has been made of their plans for registration for the draft next month. New Principal For Waccamaw W. C. Stephenson Comes To Waccamaw From Camer on School Where He Has Been Principal For Eight Years W. C. Stephenson, principal of the Cameron school in Moore' county for the past eight years j and with several previous years experience as a principal and teacher, has been elected head, of Waccamaw high school at Ash. I Mr. Stephenson succeeds Mar-, tin C. Freeman, who resigned the I principalship at Waccamaw in or der to accept asimilar position (Continued on page four) ! Five-Hour Sales Day Will Begin At Nine OTlock Large Crowds Expected To Throng Markets In WhiVville, Tabor City, Chadbourn And Fair Bluff HIGH QUALITY CROP IS TO BE OFFERED Carnival Spirit Prevails Five Days Ahead Of Big Event; Boiled Peanuts Here Farmer enthusiasm reached a new high this week as final pre parations were being made to open Border Belt markets next Tuesday. Here in Columbus County, the markets of Whiteville, Tabor j City, Chadbourn and Fair Bluff were ready to listen to the chant of auctioneers and tobacconists were anticipating prices equal to the banner year of 1946. The tobacco rainbow took on a more brilliant hue as reports came from the Georgia-Florida markets that the average was holding well above 50 cents per pound. This section of the Bor der Belt normally gets from four to 10 cents above the Georgia average. Even five days ahead of the opening date, market towns were 'taking on a festive air and (throughout the week it was easy to sense the opening just around the week end corner. Boiled peanuts made their ap pearance last week end but ven dors were awaiting the crowds which signal first day auctions before enlarging their supplies. They will be on hand in every warehouse Tuesday and even the most fastidious market visitor will travel down the tobacco line (Continued On Page Four) Shallow Inlet Hampers Boats Lockwoods Folly Fishermen Unable To Take Advan tage Of Two Or Three Good Days Last Week Reports from the Holden Beach fishermen is that very few of their numerous boats were able to get out through their shallow inlet during even the three days that the ocean was not too rough to work last week. A number of their boats made the trip around by Southport in order to fish. Relative to the needed improve ments on the Lockwoods ' Folly Inlet, Col. G. W. Gillette, execu-1 tive director of the State Ports Authority, wrote Bill Grady at Holden Beach, last week: "For the information of you people in that vicinity, I will state that I am presenting to the De (Continued On Page Four) Our ROVING Reporter w. B. KEZIAH Inquiries about Brunswick county from people living at dist ant points are no new thing to us, but this week we were slightly staggered at the request that came in written on a post card that is smaller than our own U. S. post cards. The re quest was for illustrated matter of Southport and Brunswick county?reasonable enough. The thing that staggered us is that it took $1.80 postage to bring that card to us. It was from Rev. D. Leslerc, La Senaine, Averbode, Belgium. If it took a dollar and eighty cents eo get his card to us, how much will it cost to get a lot of folders to him? Alex Shirey, of Philadelphia, Pa., stopped us this week to tell us that he looks forward with interest to each Saturday, be cause on that day the postman leaves him his State Port Pilot. ,Mr. Shirey has never resided in j Brunswick, but he recently bought the old stifner place on the River I Road above Southport. He plans to move there some day. I Recently news stores told of a game warden shooting and ser ously injuring one of four men ! found hunting deer illegally at night. Warrants were Issued charging the warden with as sault and the case is still pend ing. One angle of the case is closed, however. This week Re corder Judge R. E. Harrelson at (Continued on page four| January 29,1949, Set As Date For Beer- Wine Election In Brunswick Tragedy Narrowly Averted At Holden Fitchett Family Of Dunn Involved In Rough Expjerience With Storm-Tosted Breaker? Carl E. Fitchett, Sr., promin ent 53-year old Dunn business man had a narrow escape from drowning during an attempt to | rescue two of his children from ( the angry ocean at Holden Beach last Wednesday afternoon'. Heavy winds from the west had been blowing for ten days or j more. Even the Brunswick county i beaches that are seldom disturbed] by winds were in a very rough | condition. Mr. Fitchett was out I on the beach and saw his ten | year old son, John Fitchett, get! caught In the rough breakers. Mr. Fitchett's daughter, Mrs. Hope Fitchett Hall wen right in 1 after the boy and found herself also in trouble. Mr. Fitchett, who is in pdor health, followed be hind her. He grabbed the boy and with him in tow was going i after Mrs. Hall when he, too, got into trouble. A moment of smooth water be tween the breakers and Mr?. Hall found her footing and succeeded in pulling: both her father and brother to safety. Mr. Fitchett In his already weakened condition rcslting from poor health -swallowed sb much water and otherwise sustained such a shock that he was uncon scious following this experience. I He has sinoe been taken to Duke Hospital at Durham for treat ment for shock and hia previous unsatisfactory health condition. The Fitchett family spends a great deal of their time at Hold en Beach. All three of the princ ipals in this near tragedy are well known and highly esteemed my many Brunswick county peo ple. Shallotte Lions To Help With Legion Hut Prices Advance On Hospital Service At a meeting of the board of trustees of Dosher Memorial hospital Tuesday night a de cision was reached to advance the rate for hospital rooms about 20-percent. The new scale places wards at $4.50 per day; semi-private rooms at $5.50 per day; and private rooms at $7.00 and $7.50 per day. Previously the top price for private rooms had been $6.00 per day. The decision to advance the rates was reluctantly made, and the governing board of the local institution had clung dog edly to its old scale despite rising prices. This represents the first chance in rates since 1942. Varied Cases Before Judge Moat Of Cases Disposed Of Before Judge W. J. Mc Lamb Were For Viol*- j ? tions Of Traffic Regula-j tions i A variety of cases were dis posed of before Judge W. J. Mc- [ Lamb here in Recorder's court J last week, most of the charges growing out of traffic violations, j The following disposition was j made; Andrew McGhee, reckless oper-, ation, fined $25.00 and costs. W. S. Wells, Jr., speeding, fined I $5.00 and costs, ten days stay. Ben James McNeil, reckless [operation, continued to July 28. [ David Small, manufacturing and1 possession, six months on roads, | suspended on payment of a fine of $100.00 and costs and good! behavior for two years. George R. Reynolds, speeding, capias. R. W. Stone, violating beer law,1 not guilty. Roy Gore, drunk on highway, j $10.00 fine and costs. Spencer Samuel Strickland, | reckless operation, fined $10.00 and costs. Nat Isreal, reckless operation, [ continued owing to defendant be-, ing in hospital. Charles Clifton Lazette, drunk driving, no operator license, con (Continued On Page Four) Members Of Shallotte Po?t American Legion Were Guests Of Lions Club At Last Regular Meeting GOOD PROGRESS MADE ON PROJECT With United Effort On The Part Of Citizens Of Shal lotte Community Erec tion Of Hut In View The Shallotte Lions Club was host at a supper for the Shal j lotte Post No. 247 American Le Igion at the Anchor Hotel, Shal I lotte Point, at the last meeting. A large number of the Legion members were present. The keynote of the gathering was the need of action towards raising the remainder of the ne cessary funds and the erection of the American Legion Hut that the Shallotte Post has been en deavoring to build for some time. In sympathy with the above undertaking, the Lions Club ar ranged the supper and pledged its support to the Legion. E. D. Bishop, past president of the 'Lions Club and the community j feel a growing sense of Indebted ness to the American Legion j boys. They feel that everything possible should be done towards contributing to and building the [new home for the Legion. Mr. Bishop said that he per sonally felt that the least any family in the area could do was to make some sort of a financial contribution towards the building and thus show their appredsUon of the ex-service man. The Legion Poet at Shallotte was organised in October IMS, immediately after the war in the Pacific ended. The group form ing the membership was compos ed of the men first released from active service. Ernest Parker wa? elected the first commander and D. Carl Andrews the adjutant. During 1946 the membership increased to 134. During this year various means were used to raise money for a building fund that! the men hoped to see grow to a point where they could start con-J struction. This building of the home has been the dreant of every member since the organiza tion was formed. For the year 1946-47 Harry L? Mintz, ?r? served as commander and D. Carl Andrews continued as adjutant The dreams of a horpe for the organization con tinued and the building fund slowly mounted. For the past year 1947-48, R. (Continued On Pafs jfour) Ruling From Attorney Geti? era! Reveal* Law Which Prevent? Holding Election Any Time This Year ELECTION BOARD MEETING TODAY Board Will Take Action On Ba?i? Of Petition Presen ted Recently Before Board Of Commissi oners The Brunswick County Board of Elections met yesterday In Southport and set January 29, 1948, as the date for the vote on the continued legal sale of beer and wine. January 1, 1949, was set aJ the opening date for registration, with registrars to be at the poll ling places on that date and also [on January 8 and January 15. I January 22 has been set as chal lenge day. The same Judges who serve for the general election will (serve fat the special election. I Recently when papers bearing | about twice the required num ber of signatures of qualified vot ers was presented to the board of county commissioners ask ing for an election the matter was immediately turned over to the election board. Tme board | in turn proceeded to call the re quired election. August 28 of this year was set as the date. Before anything could actually be done it was discovered that there was a 1947 law governing: elections which would not per mit the election being held on August 28 or any other date be for the November election. A ruling received Thursday by election board chairman G. C. Mc Kelthan from attorney general Harry McMullen in Raleigh 1? being published below. SUBJECT: Wine and Beer Election; Time When Same May be Held. "Mr. G. C. McKeithan, Chair man "County Board of Elections, "Shallotte, North Carolina. "Dear Mr. McKeithan: You inquired of me over the telephone as to the time when elections on wine and beer may be held in your county and the notice required to be given a* to the election. "The law which authorlzM these elections is Chapter 1084 of the Session Laws of 1947. In Section I, Subsection (f), it pro vides that no election shall be held persuant to the provisions of this Act in any county with in sixty days of the holding of any general election, special elec tion, or primary election in said county, or any municipality there of. "In subsection (e) it is pro vided that thirty days puMI4 notice shall be given of any elec tion called persuant to the Act. (Continued On Page K our) Brunswick Man Taken By Death^ William Ben Inmafk Found Dud On Road About One-Quarter Mil* From His Homo William Ben In man, 53, WM found dead ?bout 6:30 o'clock Saturday on a road about one quarter mile from hi? home near Shallotte in Brunawlck County. He vu returning from a flatting trip and died of natural cauae*. I The Brunawick coroner repoft ed that r.o tnqueet would be lwdtf. I Funeral service? were held {Monday morning at 11 o'clock at i the graved de in Da via Cemetery in Shalkitte Townahip. I Surviving are hia wife, Xrt < Effie Stanley Inman; four aeaa, Rotha, Abner, RuburrU and Elmer; eight daughter?. Lota, .Marie, Xllier. Glenn, Lute Mak. raye and Dianna Inman, u| Mrs. Lorene Cheer*. J

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