High Times ?dli ?? ^'Tuesday of last week our boys' scliool team lost to the New Han oxer high school Junior Varsity b.#j_a narrow margin. This makes tie teams even, as we had won the1 first encounter. Nancy Swan cheered up the loc^l boys after their defeat by inviting them to her birthday party at the J USO. She received many nice! gifts, including eight boxes of I candy. Refreshments of punch. cake, peanuts and candy hearts were served the guests. All of us had a swell time, Nancy. Thursday a bus load of the students headed for Leland with a big day ahead of them. Our boys won over an unusually strong Shallotte team, 39 to 28 Richard Brendle was high scor er with J6 points Bobby (Susie) Spencer, scored 12 points, much to his own surprise. Although it was not a cruicial game in the tournament, the con test between our girls and Wac- J camaw was an interesting affair. We won 27 to 19. In this game Catherine McRackan was high scorer with 19 points and her twin sister, Rebecca, came next with 11.. Saturday night saw our tough game with the unbeaten Leland girls. It ended with them still unbeaten. We just did not make it. The score of 38 to 14 in favor of Leland does not look at all good to us. But we are still aw fully proud of our team, while congratulating Leland. Next year we intend to let nothing stand in our way. While we lost the girls cham pionship for Brunswick county, you already know that our boys came through to beat Leland and win in the' Friday night game. This was really a thiller with the lead see-sawing back and forth. The final whistle saw Southport ahead with a score of 23 to 20. Our hqro of the night was Richard Brendle, who netted 8 of our 23 points. We came home celebrat ing and found a lot of folks awaiting our arrival, as anxious to know the results of the game as we were to tell them. So, nofr folks, our scheduled basketball games are over for the season. We may have a few more and may engage in some of the tournaments, but the all Brunswick county series is ended. We cheer leaders want to say that we have thoroughly enjoyed the parts we have been able to play in the games and that we ap preciate everyone's cpoperation. Gossip: Well folks, this week: finds us so thrilled about our j tournament games of last week, | we can't keep still two minutes . . j In our game with Shallotte \ve saw Tommy Bowmer making quite a few errors in his rebounds . . Richard Brendle was seen heading for the door when we went to thank the team for winning for us . . By the way, Richard often blushes so hard his face turns the colors of the numbers on his suit . . A few people were against us during the Southport-Shallotte game, but that did not stop us from backing up our team. Tues day night saw Danny Harrelson fixing a valentine message out of candy hearts . . Iris Rabon and Sue Williams were seen in the library this week, doing double duty on their brains in anticipa tion of the biology tests . . Thurs-1 day morning saw Lena Ward, Bobby Spencer, John Robert Tony (Curley) Cullis discussing and giving their opinions on the show, "The Iron Mask," . . Peggy Clara Potter and Lena Ward were seen reading comic books during their study period . . By the way, G. W. Fisher was keeping his surrounding schoolmates alive by making noise like a coocoo clock . . Patricia Adams was seen going to her music lesson . . Gene Fulwood was seen paying atten tion to biology class for a change . . Richard Brendle, Billy Dosher, Sonny Hickman, G. W. Fisher, Gene Russ and Danny Harrelson eating Gloria Hewett's cookies . . Tammy Bowmer and Bobby Spen cer playing nursemaid to Herbert Baker, Jr . . Stuart Arrington, Iris Rabon and Mr. Arrington escorting Joe and Jimmy Cox, George Stanley, Jimmy Ratcliffe and Jimmy Davis to' the girls ball game . . Gloria Hewett and a few of our Leland friends enjoy ing hambergers and chocolate milk between games . . Speaking of hambergers, ask Janice Swan, Jackie Marsh, Bobby Spencer, Bernice Phelps, Tommy Bowmer and Mr. Baker ho\v much they enjoyed the ones they got Thurs day . . Coach Sanders so happy when our girls won Thursday night he did not notice when someone pulled his hat down over his eyes. (By the way, that's all we have been able to> pull over him).. . Mr. Haskett taking pictures of the leaders Thurs day . ' ; M&Hrie' Dosher calling Dot Parker to work for her so she could go see our final game.. Oh, yes folks, have you seen '"yhe Pirate Log?" It is written our Shallotte friends for tire State Port Pilot? If you haven't fead it, folks, P-l-e-a-s-e do. The Rovin' Reporter (Continued from pave one) takers at the Reigel Paper com pany ranch, indicates that the spring crop of Brahma calves is now coming on fast. This yea,r the ranch expects additions of 175 to 100 new. calves and most of them are already trotting by I the side of their mothers as the herds roam through the woods. It is not a good time of the year to fool around and make a per sonal investigation of what sort of a disposition the old Brahma cows ha^e. Just stay out of their way and make a guess that they are kind of mean. You won't be hitting far from the mark. A drive of any distance cannot be made on any of the roads in Brunswick county without seeing a newly completed farm home or others in course of construc tion. It probably is not overstep ping things to say that there are 5 times as many contractors and carpenters as there were at any time before the war. Without ex ception they are all busy. Con struction work of some sort now constitutes a major activity in the county. * FEED THE FAMILY That's a problem, especially when there are no garden crops to fall back on. But you can always depend upon being able to buy a good line of groceries when you do your trading with. R. GALLOWAY General Merchandise SUPPLY, N. C. GET MADE-FOR-WINTiR PENNSYLVANIA VACUUM CUP CLEAT TIRES fOPAY/ Why let bad weather bog you down? Equip your car today with Pennsylvania V. C. Cleat Winter Tires! Watch famed Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup design dig in and pull through snow, slush and mud! They'll keep you on the move whatever the weather! Get your Pennsylvania V. C. Cleats now! THE MAN WHO CANNOT L>lb! The History books tell us that George Washington was born in 1732, that he was General of the Continental Army and first President of The United States. They tell us that he was first in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen. And they say that George Washington died in his beloved Mount Vernon home in 1799 after a lifetime of distinguished service in the cause of Ameri can Independence. " ? True, the first of this nation's immortal sons who was in a sense the Fath er of our cherished liberty, has been in the Kingdom of the Almighty Father for a hundred and fifty years. But the memory of the man still burns brightly and con stantly in the hearts of all Americans who know, embrace, love Independence. Independence!, George Washington lived for It, fought' for it, died praying for it to forever remain the foundation upon which the edifice or Americanism was constructed. Independence! A saered word, a priceless gift, blessing abundantly all men and women on our Good Earth. Independence! It was the only foundation for building America's greatness. Through the years it has enabled America to survive foreign and civil wars, hatred, oppression. It has remained indestructible. And indestructible it will remain. American men and women in every city and town in every state of the Union, work unceasingly to preserve Amerca as it should be, as George Washington and all our heralded and unsung heroes wanted it to be.' They wanted it to be a happy land where you and I could work for success, love God as we choose, vote as we choose. They wanted no bigotry, no persecution, no inhumanity of man to man. They wanted it to be an enterprising land where you and I could raise our voices against injustice and threats to our freedom. And the America in which we live is such a land. Thus it- will remain as long as we think American, act American, fight American, argue American, are American. This is the only creed, the only life-endowing and life-preserving principle of our Democracy. It is the inviolate creed of George Washington and all great Americans. George Washington, of whom it was said, "first in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen". And he is still first, he cannot die, in the hearts of his countrymen. BLACK'S SERVICE STATION TIRES ? WHEELS ? RIMS ? RECAPPING W. C. BLACK WHITEVILLE ?Phone 110-J AMUZU THEATRE SOUTHPORT, N. C. Admission?9c and 25c Two Shows Nightly? Starting at 7 o'clock Except?SATURDAY? Three Shows Starting at 6:30 Thurs., Fri. ,Feb. 24-25? "FORT APACHE" John Wayne - Henry Fonda ALSO?Selected Short Saturday, Feb. 26? "KOBINHOOD OF TEXAS" Gene Autry ALSO?(Cartoon) Mon., Tues., Feb. 28,-Mar. 1 "HOMECOMING" Clark Gable - Lana Turner ALSO?'Bowling Alley Cat' (Cartoon) Wednesday, March 2? "KIT CARSON" Dana Andrews ALSO?Chapt. 6:?"Riders Of Death Valley'.' COMING "SILVER RIVER" " Get On Top Of The World With Case " i 9 i For 107 Years Case Has Been Manufacturing Your Farm Machinery. For 35 Years Case Has Been Manufacturing Your Tractors. ? T I j ' ' ? Case Manufactures A Complete line Of Farm Machinery ? 77 Different Machines, That Are Used On The Farm. ? .)? ,i . i i ? ? ' ... For 39 Years The Fullers Have Furnished The Farmers Of Columbus, Brunswifk And Bladen Counties Their Mules, Waggons, Harness And Farm Machinery.1 J?. L. Fuller And Company Has Been Furnishing Your Case Tractors For Nearly :3 Years ? Now That Tractors HaVe Become Available? jri'.ifi It; fHiw ? '/i 4 r* Norm Wfcte In A Position To Place A Case Tractor On Every Farm Tlftt Needs One In Columbus, Brunswick And Bladen Counties. We Can Make Delivery The Day Of Sale. , a We carry the most complete line of Case Tractor Parts in this Section ? No waiting ? Just ask for the part needed. > ? ? . . We kave one of the best equipped Repair Shops in the State, managed by ROY ELLIOTT, "Your Tractor Man." HA has a staff of Factory Trained Mechanics to assist him. i v i v r ? . We unloaded this week 10 more New CASE TRACTORS. In the past few days we have traded for 3 FarmaJI "A" Tractors; 1 Farmall "Cub" Tractor; 1 John Deere "B" Tractor; 1 John Deere "H" Tractor; 1 "WC" Allis - Chalmers Tractor. All The Above Used Tractors Have Been Re-Conditioned And Painted And Are Priced To Sell. 4 We Carry In Stock At All Times A Most Complete Line Of Tractor Drawn And Horse Drawn Farm Machinery For Your Needs. If you are tired of working the "Ole" Mule, trade him in to us on a Tractor Today!! f Call us Day or Night for Service on Your Farm Machinery Needs t \ Day Phone 164-J Night Phone 434JV S. L FULLER ROY ELLIOTT L K. FULLER S. L. Fuller & Co. S. L. FULLER & CO. "Your Case Farm Machinery Dealer" Whiteville N. G.