pilot Covers fcunsvtick County NO. SIXTEEN NO. 4 THE STATE PORT PILOT A Good Newspaper In A Good Communit " ? - Most of The News All The Time M?,? ? \*vuu A^ummunny Southport, N. C., Wednesday, May 4, 1949 published every Wednesday |i.so per yeab 0 s Club To! _ent Bower Show Tuesday , rv^Tls Outstand \ttraction Of Spring ?jjgoiSs EVENT . Additions Made To rd attractions 1 nis fro Give Show Vide Appeal nr.uTTwo1113"'? Club [ ?L ?"ill ?* held "!xt L'at the Community Cen *1 in Southport with Pigott 83 general This event is one of JLndm? undertakings < is looked forward 1 wLare the rules of this :j| Entries will be ac % 10 to 12 o'clock; all lin* on registration and ? committees may make rti# between 12 and 1 ;; one Will be admitted Riding between 1 and 3 1 "during which time the inH make their decisions; mL opens to the public at 2 prizes will be awarded "dock; the tea will begin a yclock. bv school children .-in bv 10 o'clock Tues -jjements will be made k children to attend the jljca,- at the time designat tle principal. If they at other hour, they St accompanied by one of Ijcer.ts. (Hits is a list of classi b Adult Department: s 1, perfection of bloom u perfection of bloom, lit t?t specimen of any ojwt. by exhibition. ?I: Artistic arrangement: Mtur? ib) living room, small: ic) porch, (d) , ie>~seas3flai. ^ ig) mantle: (h) bou f in brass container; (j) per container: (k) in sil niner: 1) bed tray; (m) able: in) dining table. 13: Shadow boxes, (holi Bnei. 14: Potted plants. (non s and flowering will be ie same). 15: Party tables, r Department: Class 1: j? boxes, (gardens and lin flat boxes or trays). 12: Shadow boxes, (each iifflenter one box). 3: Artistic arrangement: poe through 4th grade; 5th 1 through 7th grade; 8th Srough 12th grade. "4: Bird houses. ? 5: Miniature arrange 'must not be over 3 inch 16: Sea shell arrange i": Posters. ?"""g is a list of Flower ' committees: ?ad Prizes?Mrs. J. M. Station-Mrs. H. T. St. Mrs Fred Willing, Mrs. M Mrs. R. c. St. G?o ^7-Mrs. R. C. Daniel. '-Mrs. G. D. Robinson, Weeks, Mrs. Roy Rob on page two) Fluhti ^??I- OUN'IC ?rbara Adams, the coun nwse. has announced ^f^school clinic will be held sotithport school Friday J ,.^a-v 6. beginning at 10 , * urges that all pre , Wren attend, accompan * s Parent, HERE tonight , ? 'nswick County Post Lj, kgion and members . 'me Demonstration Clubs , -a? a meeting here to-' iw oc'oc'< to lay plans ^ "om?-coming event in ' ?vent will be sponsored or?anizations, C.taT?lhe D?sher Mem* t L L xiliarywi" sen'e ^?viav Salad suPP*r ?tog , evening from 6 I'u. Oc'ock, proceeds to * sS*the sun porch lK lhe Missionary *sv, P?rt Baptist church % K?y 13 urke-v supper on h Tii. ' at ttle community Nk (u?,r^?e