fhe P>,ot Covers ;r0nswick County NO. SIXTEEN NO. 29 THE STATE PORT PILOT A Good Newspaper In A Good Community Most of The New* All The Time 6-PAGES TODAY Southport, N. C., Wednesday, September 21, 1949 PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY 11.50 PER YEA1 fease Noted I , Enrollment Of All Schools Reveals Total Gain; |]9g Students This Year ilotteTschool SHOWS MOST GAIN Ificant Gains Have Been ea In High School En rollment At Each School [v superintendent of j u j T Denning said Mon- j at at the end of the first Vot school this fall enroll- I jjr the five consolidated ' of Brunswick county! I an' increase of 198 over j , for the same period last | <-a:n was general over the ! "nth increased enrollment: * high school and elemen iecartrnents of each school.1 Ke led in total increase. i of major significance that irercentage of the increase i to high school enrollment, j indicates that a large num i ;irls and boys who have ^ out of school for various s e returning to complete utacation. Southport high school en et picked up from 78 stu bs! year to 96 students ai; The elementary figures i- increase from 275 toj ?-?:>tte high school there! l\ high school students last ji compared to 227 this Eeinentary school enroll : up from 788 to 817. is vere 133 high school stu- i a: Waccamaw last year, j ;ft registered this fall. Ele s school figures increased I r :o 531. | ? .vhnnl enrollment at ft ised from 86 last i K 90 this term. In the j school the figures j Id tot last year and 358 III session of school. It: ha: 72 nigh school stu I u and 77 this fall. wr.ir.ar school enrollment il? iast year and 343 this - superintendent says ?:-i- enrolment this fall is i high school and 3887 in ?"vr.' :ir> school. These s include enrollment at the 1 schools. . . I ???' Brunswick County Train- j ' ? hijjh school attendance aped frnm 174 last year , '??'is fall. In the elementary ; there were 321 students : *?' and 318 this faU. * Irii/Mwi Flasket 1TAL auxiliary 1 Dosher Memorial Hospital will meet Thursday ton at 3:30 o'clock at the; " 'lie president, Mrs. H. B. ? MARS HILL w Shallotte high school ' are students at Mars , 5 ML They are Sam Flet- ! "ink. L. L. Hewett and ' J Gore. t TO SCHOOL tet R. Frank Plaxco, Jr.. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. '? Sr., Southport, has re ' nis studies at Fishburne School. KNT LEADER j 1 McRackan. junior at Merc Coilege from Southport. was | 5 the group of campus lead to returned to college early 'Kit to attend planning col - of the Student Govern Council. in which she is fwident Jones Dormatory. 1 IN SCHOOL tort Swain, Jr., has return- I 's- C. Stat? College after j ip3 the Summer working at j !te Farms, Lynnhaven, Va. | 15 one of the largest Guern- 1 ,r!?s in the United States Southport boy was there Section with his course in husbandry which he is lnS at State College. 5*rvT^ 1 itr wing stationed at the J 41 Hospital, in Coco I L nal Zonn. Mr. and Mrs. | r 5 Loughlin and baby will j I Jn Southport today byj L will spend some time j fed ? Whiins parents, ' C *?? J. J. Loughlin. They I lZn Orleans from the K/j? Monday and after aj l p canse on home. | Foresters At Work PARTNERS ? Association Ranger G. T. Reid is shown talking things over with tractor mechanic Claud Sellers. Reid has been ranger for the Orton Association since it was formed. Shallotte Citizens Work On Playground Shallotte Lions Club Has Adopted Project Of Con structing Playground For Children Of Community WHITE DONATES ? i> USE -OF PROPERTY' -./if] 1 i"?l I ?n i G. C. McKeitban, Chairman Of Project* Says That Pro vision Will be Made For Playing All Sports Using land,' the free use of ! which has been donated by R. D. I White, Sr., the Shallotte Lions Club has completed the clearing and leveling of a pretty tract that will make an ideal play ground for the young folks of Shallotte and community. The location is only two blocks from the main business part of the town. A field 285 ft. by 425 feet has been cleared and leveled with a bulldozer. G. C. McKeithan, chairman of the playground committee, says that a tennis- .court will be con structed and that there will be facilities for other outdoor gam es, including football and base ball. No halfway measurers are plan- 1 ned. Mr. McKeithan says that I floodlights will be installed, al- 1 lowing for night games. Dr. R. H. Holden is president of the Shallotte Lions Club. He says the entire membership is very much interested in this, playground pro ject. Here for two days last week, filling a sort of requested ap pearance. John Hemmer, top photographer for the State News Bureau, did not get the pictures that were the special object of his visit. However, Mr. Hemmer got some other very good ones. He remarked on the fact that year by year on his visits to Southport and Brunswick county he never failed to get pictures of some subject of widespread inter est. Cover Crops Will ; Earn Payments However, It Is Important Fori Farmers To Secure Prior Approval Of These Prac tices Establishing a winter cover crop from seedings of rye, wheat, oats barley or a mixture of these crops during the fall of 1949 will be a recognized conservation practice for payment in 1950, according to J. J. Hawes. Secretary of the Brunswick County Agricultural Conservation Association this j week. A ? payment of $2.00 per acre j will be made for seeding rye and a payment of $1.50 per acre will be made for seeding oats or bar ley or a small grain mixture containing either of these crops. Prior approval of this practice must be obtained from the Coun ( Continued on Pa^e 20 Huge Amberjack Caught Saturday ????*? * ? ? ' -;t(~ The biggest amberjack of the year, a 61-pounder, was caught Sunday and brought in by ?' i i The three highway patrolmen in Brunswick county lead lives far more busy than the average person would suppose. Inquiry of them this week reveals that they spend an average of fifteen hours each day attending to duti es. The set up is for Patrolman J. C. Taylor to cover Route 76 to the Columbus county line and the River Road from the Brunswick River bridge to Southport and return. This patrol may also in clude calls for duty anywhere, the investigation of wrecks at points where other officers may not be available, etc. Patrolman C. M. Cummings, with his headquarters at Bolivia, is on a sort of hot spot. He pat rols Route 17 from Supply to the junction with 76, thence back 303 to Southport, Fort Caswell and Long Beach and back to Sup ply. Patrolman C. Pierce at Shallotte picks up the Cummings patrol at Supply and covers Route 17 to the South Carolina line. He also has 130 from Shal lotte to the Columbus county line. He and Cummings both have stretches of other roads in ad dition to the busy Route 17. All thrtc cf the officers are supposed to be on the road from 1 o'clock each afternoon unitil nine that night However it is very seldom that the early morn ing hours fail to find them on the road investigating traffic violations or wrecks, and their work seldom ends at the nine o' clock hour. Visitor Suggests Mounting Fish State News Photographer Declares That Visitors Will Get Big Kick From Seeing Mounted Speci mens As a result of the recent two day visit here by John Hemmer, photographer for the State News Bureau, various photo services, including Wide World photo, are now distributing pictures of Cap tain Bill Styron and his 122-pound tarpon, caught at Southport two weeks ago. Mr. Hemmer did not actually make the picture. The fish was caught three weeks before his visit and the picture \yas snap ped by a local amateur photo grapher. This negative was taken by Mr. Hemmer and enlarged for distribution of copies of the pic- 1 ture to the various syndicates. Writing W. B. Keziah about the I (Coatiausd on page 3) Demurrer Denied Tuesday Morning In School Case Judge Henry L. Stevens Re futes To Sustain Action Of County Attorney E. J. Pre vatte And Associates NOTICE OF APPEAL GIVEN BY COUNSEL Counsel For Plaintiff Allow ed Twenty Days In Which To Amend Complaint; Thirty Days To Answer Judge Henry L. Stevens Tues day overruled a demurrer filed by County Attorney E. J. Prevatte to the complaint brought by At tornies Emmett Bellamy and Ro bert Caulder of Wilmington In behalf of J. P. Russ and the Rev. Dennis Hewett as an outgrowth of their appointment and sub sequent dismissal as members of the Shallotte school bqard last Spring. S. B. Frink of Southport and R. I. Mintz of Wilmington were associated in the case with Mr. Prevatte, and the three gave notice of appeal, with 15 days being allowed by the court for preparation of statement and IB days being granted the plaintiff for preparation of counter state ment. It was agreed that the case should go up upon the basis that it was argued before Judge Stevens. In the meantime counsel for the plaintiff asked for time In . which to amend their complaint and were granted 20 days for this purpose. The defense will have the usual 30-day period in which to file answer. The case was argued before Judge Stevens with no jury being called. This was not intended to be a trial of the charges being brought, but a hearing to deter mine if the charges constituted sufficient grounds for trial. If Judge Stevens is sustained by the Supreme court in his decision, the case wttr be s