fce pilot Covers ??swick County THE STATE PORT PILOT so. SIXTEEN NO. 32 A Good Newspaper In A Good Community L__ Most of The New* All The Time 6-PAGES today Southport, N. C., Wednesday, October 12, 1949 fUBUSHED EVERY WEDNESDAY $1.50 PER YEAB iotte Wins j Encounter Southport Touchdown Aft/r ?_ Of Victory , football Game j County Schools Dampen spirit rCZd With Spir >&?? T?. filched Te.? j .. interceptions which ^rted into a pa'r * Mown runs brought %rs sr? ~ ig^jrz s 4 VZd at Shallotte and Jlf two Brunswick fff scoreless first per ?hich both teams ap 15 "?nc for weakness defense, Southport f?r first touchdown 1 second quarter. The J was a pass from ?L spencer, who made ?Vthe l-yard line and i ' ,he end zone stand ^Sort attempted to ,;e extra point, only to jjfdl the scoring in the plough just before L shallotte appeared to p r.arsh with two suc ks downs following the L came back after the L.ej the second touch- , U-u: g'-ving up posses ^ tail. Ward returned - s own 35-yard line. L; .9 five yards in two t Bowmer made it a ' going for eighty Russ . " i.n. then McDowell I t his left gained 15 another first down^ scked the line for 3 on the next play a Suss to Spencer, who i: Ward, carried from; 3J?var