W.S.C.S. Group Holds Meeting Mrs. W. E. Swain And Mrs. R. D. White, Jr., Were Co Hostesses At November Meeting Of Organization i -'The Woman’s Society of Chris tain Service of the Camp Metho dist Church, Shallotte, met in the home of Mrs. W. E. Swain Tues day evening. Mrs. Swain and Mrs. R. D. White, Jr., were co hostesses. ■ . h \| Mrs. Henry Stone, president, an nounced the topic for the evening, “Health in the Rural Communi ty”. Miss Corinne Greene led the devotional which consisted of a hymn, scripture reading and pray er. -Mrs. Talmadge Sellers was pro gram leader and she began the program by giving a talk which pictured the ideal rural home to day with all the modern equip ment. Mrs. David Carmichael in taking the part of the rural worker told of some of the problems a per son in the position meets. \ Mrs. Guy McKeithan led an interesting discussion on the needs of the rural health program. Members of the society asked her questions and she, in taking the part of a health officer, answer ed them. Mrs. Boyd Robinson, county nurse, was asked to be present and make a talk. She was unable to attend, but sent in suggestions cf the foremost needs of the community and county. During the nusiness session plans were discussed for organiz ing a circle within the society. A meeting at the church this week was scheduled for the pur pose of organizing this circle. Reports were made by the chairman of the various com- , rrjittees. After the meeting was adjourn- ; e * the party was enterL^S late lunch at Mack*!! “i courtsey of the oil their departure. 1'er' H PETER LINO HAY\ comedian: "I fou\ what mildness means) made the 30-Day Test KYLE MacDONNELL, star! of television: "I smoke mild Camels. They agree with my throat!” DICK POWELL, movie MARTHA TILTON, re star: "My test proved cording star: "As a Camels agree with my singer, I certainly en throat!" joy Camel mildness!" L 'Have A Chair!" If you are starting to become con cerned about the future of the pro ■r *• V’ 'i . . ■ v ;,y, ■ ^ perty you have worked so hard to ac cumulate, then we would like to take $ Vs ' ‘ ■ j. Five minutes of your time to explain why it Is to your,(advantage to appoint this bank as your Executor. WACCAMAW BANK AND TRUST COMPANY SHALLOTTE J. E. Cooke, Cashier SOUTHPORT Prince O'Brien, Cashier !§§!§!! FROM THE FARM Today your fruits, vegetables, and dairy products bring a "premium price" because trucks deliver them overnight, coun> try fresh, to big city markets. Many North Carolina communities are growing entirely new crops because of the modern, field*to-city transportation. Our huge strawberry and peach crops are. a direct result of truck service. Trucks not only speed your crops to market. They deliver what you need, where and when you need it. Trucks deliver to your door almost anything that is made or grown anywhere in the world—-so economically that one-time luxuries have be come today’s necessities. North Carolina farmers are strong for the .motor carrier. They now it has brought them extra conveniences, larger incomes, and better living. Without it, more than 1^00 North Carolina communities would be without any hind of commercial transportation. With it, every Ter Heel f.TO U on the Main Line!