Most of The News All The Time THE STATE PORT PILOT A Good Newspaper In A Good Community_ The Pilot Covers Brunswick County VOL. NO. SIXTEEN NO. 55 6-paces today Southport, N. C., Wednesday, December 13, 1950 PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY (1.50 PER YEA* Christmas Bond Sale Letters Go Out This Week Financial Support Asked To Follow Through On Tu berculosis Control Pro gram For Columbus Coun ty ACTIVE CASES ARE FOUND IN MASS CHECK Some Cases Under Obser vation And Will Require X-Ray Check In Regu lar Intervals In Future Letters went out this week fro mthe Brunswick County Tub erculosis Association to business firms in this area requesting that they purchase Christmas Seal Tuberculosis Bonds to help finance the tuberculosis control program in the county. The program, following on the heels of the mass X-ray survey conducted last Summer, will in clude continuation of health edu cation, case-finding, follow-ups to the survey, and rehabilitation. “People must be taught the facts about tuberculosis," Mrs. E. H. Arrington, bond sale chair man, said in emphasizing the education phase of the program. Before the X-ray survey, there lit commenting on the results, Mrs. Arrington pointed out that “tuberculosis is an insidious disease that creeps up on its victim without warning or symp toms.” This year the Tuberculosis As sociation, is asking citizens of the county to contribute generously during the Tuberculosis Bond Sale and Christmas Seal Sale so that follow-up treatment may be provided for those with active disease and those under obser vation. -ITKJ.O. n.ii.mgtuu act in ill lid letter that “again this year we are visiting you by mail to make it more convenient for the bus iness people.’’ She then adds: "ft takes only a moment to write a check and slip it in an envelope. If the envelope is addressed to the Brunswick County Tuber culosis Association, Southport, that brief moment may help save a life. Back this life-saving pro gram and acknowledge our Christinas Seal Bonds.” One of the principal reasons for support of the program, as sociation leaders emphasized, is that all of the active cases and also the cases under obser vation constitute a menace to the health of everybody unless they are treated and checked regular ly to determine their status. I BriefNtmi | Flasht* CHRISTMAS MUSIC The choir of Trinity Methodist church under the direction of Mrs. Dallas Pigott will present their Christmas program Sunday evening at 7:30 o’clock. AT PRESBYTERIAN The annual Christmas pageant of the Southport Presbyterian church will be held December 22, at 7:30 o’clock. The public is cordially invited. CAMELLIA INN OPEN The Camellia Inn, closed since the death of Mrs. Helen G. Bra gaw in an automobile-train col lision a month ago has been re opened, with Mrs. Lou Mallison, daughter of Mrs. Bragaw. in charge. The inn has always been popular among visitors to South port and Mrs. Mallison will en deavor to run it just as it was operated by her mother. MAIL POSITION OPEN Mrs. Ida M. Parker, postmaster at Shallotte, has announced that the United States Civil Service Commission will hold an exam ination in Wilmington on Janu ary 4, to fill the position of rural letter carrier from the Shallotte Office. Examination blanks may be obtained by prospective ap plicants for the portion from the post office In Shallotte or by writing the Civil Service Com mission in Washington 25, D. C. ON THE FKOSH TEAM Bobby Spencer and G. W.