TJ, oved Soil p $ Panel's Better So;’ Believed To Be Ettduc .n snt To Better fV*en To Engage In Farm Op orations Conservation farming is helping to hold good farmers on the laml as well as good land on the farms, "ays G. R. Holden, Chairman of the Brunswick County PTvtA. Com mittee. This applies particularly to yo ung farmers who have had ex perience on their home fauns and specia: 'raining-' in crops and soils. These young men who might oth erwise seek employment elsewhe re are given an extra inducement to stay on the farm because of the .improved productivity of thl land. What his already been done to building up the soil also encou rages hem to continue to 'improve their farms. It also applies to tenant faffl!! • era, says Chairman Holden. owners who are fbtlowin t* on good conservntiion pj o:: a mi for their farms arc making thei places more attractive to obtain and hold good farmers. The land owner who takes an interest in his farm and works with his tenants in helping' to build a better farm is not only making his place more attractive to a good farm hr is adding to the stability of his farming operations. In this way the Agricultural I ? WE HAVE A BARN FULL OF GOOD, YOUNG ULES AGES 5 to 1 YEARS t F: sody T© G© To Work! '• Abo Hava A Good Selection Of GOOD USED MULES. • --*! */* ' ave In our house a full line of King, Bush & c or Disc Harrows for a I! Type Tractors. n cn hand plenty of Certain-Teed 210-lb. DUSLECOTE MULTI .:-s—dark qreen and blue black. Also have EVERLA5 iGf M:r;. SfDIffG. FLE7, Best Grade ASBESTOS SID a :: plenty of - - - - i r» n : We he. w €w Varazed! w Ateinum rs 1 Wagons, f Tress, Horse-Drawn Disc Har ‘•’e. s, Drs'rifeofors, Plows and Cul/ivators. W . HAVE A SPECIAL PRICE ON ALL SIZES FERTILIZER A^D LIME SPREADERS T ier [ferns Used On The Farm ! CASK ©r T1 R M S Co, WH!TEVI|LLE, n. c .— --’—-j£__ Conservation Program is helping to- keep good land on the fin.y of Brunswick County and gooJ farmers on t;: - is'i l. Tide has helped to-improve con ditions , general iy in Br.ihswi -.k Com;--, 1; • ter from trie lr- 1 meant . r business. In n to the - : j uicte < her for all, , onrorvation p - tices carried on! under th . gram assure continuing ' agricul tural production which in turn adds stability for all onterpri; s depending on agricultiffal . duction. Credit Service f'i Wfc O * ■cr Brunswick Tri-County Associa tion Has Representative Visiting Merchants' On County Now William G. Bradshaw, manager of the Tri-County Credit As.xooH tion announced today tint A. Pm ter, long-time ' morchmt of Tabor City ir d been, added to the A. •\ .ion’s field organization f. is presently engaged in ex plaining: the credit reporting and collection sell., to retail merch ants, primarily in Brunswick County. Mr. Bradshaw added that the rapid -expansion >>f subscrli'-us to the Association new i eludes f erf vice in the principal of Bla-. dent and Coin . us C : and that the demand for • •>• t; . ; of sendee offered. f..r cxcc.d-j . ic need inch-... m ine- co-wee t-c <•. survey made before subscripting were offered to retail merchants and others deisg' credit business. The Tri-County Cn ■ ‘ Associa tion is engaged in furnishing' a credit reporting' and collection service to retail mei cherts and others requiring the ror. ices in Bladen. Columbus and E-unswick Counties, meeting a definite need, of the area, according to. Mr. Bradshaw. Aprtment Now Ready For Use When the Corbetts of Holden Beqch started the J. C. Bowman appartmetits in Southport just a month ago they would finish the four apps.vtment budding by February 15; h. <• • . MotidaVi, moring fo»ind them with -just a few-tfini :Cng touches to be put to the structure' and Plows * Plow Castings Harness S Rex & McKay o, Fertilizer. Distributors Spring will soon be here—-and if is time to get your Farm and Farming Tools Ready for iLe Busy .'ays ahead. We are headquarters f. • i: Farming Needs end Supplies. DDT Dust, Dusters and Sprayer Owens Tobacco Plant Trans - Setter SEE US FOR ALL YOUR ( i* Now is the time to do all those necessary repairs —to start those building projects. - - - Have your farm in perfect working order before Spring planting. Our stock of Paint, Roofing, Fencing, Building Mater ials and Hardware is complete. - - - - You’ll save money, too, by coming in today. SHERMAN REGISTER, Mgr. SHALLOTTF, N. C. tlje he .aco is now all ready for The building ia an at e one, well built ami with :'P partmcnts attractively ed. oman ■*ses mmay A., R, Hoover, Sr, Died . .iSpending Some ~s At Her Home Here Southport; Burial In scord Mrs. A. R. Hoover, Sr,, of Con cor- i and Southport died at her i hor. - here Sunday night after a , brief illness. Her death was at tributed to heart trouble. F i chasing property and moving 1 to Southport several months ago, Mr: . Hoover, president of the i Hoover's of Concord hosiery mill ; and an outstanding leader of that tow'. hr>d not been about very mu : among residents of South port owing to her health. She was the widow of a pioneer hosiery ma>; tfacturer in Concord. Burial was in Oakdale Ceme tery in Concord Tuesday after noon following services at the First tsbyterian church there. She is urvived by two sons and two daughters. Brunswick Men For Induction F y young Brunswick men Veer ’led up and sent to Ral eigh -.terday for their pre-in diier physical examination. Tile' trade the trip by W.B.&S. bus "d returned late last night, the .opted men to await being cm 1 in. The Pirate Log By Ret tv Gray and Do Wayne Tripp V 11, we finally got back to sclio ! Wednesday after an gb senci of three and one-half days. Sure was 1 nice to have a. holiday, but e were kinda g'lad to get ba»k. V. 'camavv paid us a visit Wed nest night and took both games awa from us. The girls score; wa| .4.-156..and tl\e boys 46-27 with Ifisfjood bagging the most !kjI ’.5s. «! ; 7" ; Thursday night Bolivia came down and we decided to play two basketb: 11 games. They won, the: girls’* 59-i:i and the boys 50-19. Deorf Stan aland and Gene Bennett got six each to lead our scoring, j Xu .preparing for Band Day Ma rion - Bail arc! and. Jackie Leonard have; the complete responsibility; <7 tijjie;.program,.book and its sa les. Miss McLaurin, with the help ! of Marie Rourk and Teddy Leon :'rd, are to assume the responsi bly of arranging for feeding , e bands. .The line-up of the for-. ii. ion of the parade on Shallotte Avenue will be in the hands of • Wayne Tripp, while Bobby Ro ,3 is to secure patrolmen for parade and dance; parking s . will be left to Perry Gur .lous and Connon Leonard. The field arrangements are to ■ taken, care of by the follow . students: Carl Hewett will be sponsible for the speaking sys i land David Rourk will see t sufficient chairs are on the ■ lewing stand. Eunice Clemmons l Edit ., Elizabeth and Pat Ful d ar ■ to decorate the field: and jbv . Rogers will be in charge the field necessities; Marie Ro ; will secure the trophies to be ?n to the three winning bands; ty Ann Hewett will be in ehar of sending invitations and 3. passes for celebrities; Carol lers in charge of the Powers. e'„ band-stand aiy! queen’s sta wili be constructed by Marion 'lard Jack Hewett, Gene Ches ,i and Perry G rganous. Jackie onard is to make the crown the Queen; Lanier Roach is instruct the bands in lining up the field for the retreat. Well, at last here is what you have been wanting to hear a g! The decoration of the gym, is is being taken care of by tty Ann Hewett with the aid of ss Collins along with supervis < (Marion G alloway and DeWay Tripp; and Ida Ruth Galloway to take care of the refresh nts. Other details are to be jy lit up by others whose jobs will reveal next week. 3een Around ... A conference the auditorium . . . Juniors ehing around their new class g3 . . . Ennis Swain making •cessive 100's ... Jo Ann Par tf failing her driving test . . . vid Hourk and Jimmy Hewett aging maps in history . . . . rtis Clemmons, Kendall Hardee, bby King and James Varnum ng run out of history class. ichool Daze Mrs. Long's fourth grade gave-j very interesting patriotic chapeT ogrym la,?t " Friday afternoon. | fe to Mrs. Long’s absence Mrs , aj took over and did a swell j job. Soane of the boys and girls participating were Francis Milli ' g*n, 4nn Stanley, Kay Little,1 Shirley Little, George Melton Smith and Harold Tylinsger. The basketball teams have been taking it easy over th past week. Friday night they traveled down : to Southport where they halved a ; ’ win bill. The Waccamaw girls I came out on top by r score of 58 ! 38. Carol Farristf"and Leona Fre i anside took defensive honors, with : Julia Smith and Peggy Lewis taking the honors for the losers. | Southport boys won by a score , of 78-51. Harold Messer for the winners, while Hubert Inman and Belton Babson were oustanding for the lcsers. On Wednesday nite the Sha.llotte teams played host to Waccamaw, and Wacca maw copped a double-header. Sal lle Pruitt and Sheila Smith slip ped away with the honors and Betty Gray and Shely Hickman were top for the losers. Wacca maw boys outscored the host team all the way. Harmon Smith and Hubert Inman did a swell job \ for the winners whereas Kenwood j Royals and Deon Stanaland stood cut for Sliallotte. The teams end ed up their season with a record I of 14-4 for girls and the boys 11-7. We wish them the best of luck in the tournament ! Seen around:—Mr. Murray tak ing superlative pictlnes - - The 1st. yea? home economics girl Cooking an ! inviting the teachers to dine - - Pat Simmons concen trating on Algebra - - seniors studying Macbeth - --Geo. Whi.e late for study hall - - Jeanette Stanly distributing Valentines - - Bobbie Vereen and "Red’' Hughes trying" out the weather (sporting their ball suits) - - Bonnie Ben nett acting as cashier in the store - - - Mearlie Hughes and Harmon Smith busy talking - - Avis Duval absent from chemis ! try class - - The 4 th period geo metry class busy studying poly gons - - Barbara Mintz fouling out Wednesday night - - - James Albert. Smith, Bobbie Vereen, - y Simmons and Bonnie Bennett really enjoying their trip to Wil mington Thursday - - - Frye Ev ans . taking a search for the “State Port Pilot.” So long, Folks. Sec ya’ at the tournament ! ! l^eeil Says A Little Lcte For Valentine’s— Here’s Happiness For Thee ft thine. Cecil’s Grill WINNABOW At Bell Swamp • * WE HAVE ’EM! ANY SIZE - ANY PLY Let W. CROWELL BLACK r*« : ’'The Man Who Knows Tires Best" 1 HELP YOU You'll save time and energy if your tractors are equipped with rugged new Pennsylvania Trac tor Tires. Designed to give you sure-footed traction every foot of the way... they're built to bite hard and deep ... built to end your days work quicker. Get them today for a better job tomorrow! ALSO: Passenger, Truck, industrial And Road Grader Tires TIRE SERVICE W. C. BLACK —TIRES —WHEELS —RIMS— -- WHITEVILLE - DIAL 3191