'InnualMec!. c ’ By County i : The Dock Baptist Association convenes Octobei 23 ah 22, with the Friday session hedt the New Britton Baptist Church, Freeland. The id;. , s sion meets with Sevi n • Cre Baptist Church near Na-tinn, < lumbus i o mty. Th< Satu sion meets with u, s Sandy 11 Baptist Chin* bet .vrm < way School and Tabor c . i lumbus county. In addition to those on the gram, representatives from l va rious school, orphuvn.gi pi'.ul, C i Following is the progr -m for New Britton Baptist t ., Morning session, y> ;. . Hev. Lonsio i . ness: Roll call of eh - . - i -■> tion of order of ’■ tion of visitors; 10_' j, ■ e literature, Frank Cat the Baptist pi tel 11:25, intro S. A. Hatley: lunch. Afternoon tion, Dut . Jac( ■ - cellaneous business tist brotherhood, Rev. W. V. ; mans; 2:i;0. the A Society, Mrs. VC li. Ja ob. : CIO, .iit' Bap' i. i orphanage, v ’ . ioenia;. • -■■•n: Sovc.i B - h: ... i: c > i" . ov cii: . :' i ; I Hi ■. th • ^ i aio! V. . .1: . ... . muei-.: 8, in. pita -ii s I'-l V. Vi. P. : $5gt; -1 i . 1’ ograra for fv.i.tr ?■ ! ft.—. Plf > to r : 1: ; ■ ! s et ion, JL-Jv , <. \ ,' ul . 0. 1 . ior . mu ... .acoi : 1) L Smith; 10:05, C i ,n o * 'Rev. Dong':.-; o'. Brunch, - ' dent i. .-.: ': : . 1)3 i t . ; 1 Corn o r. Af‘,c: 101 u n: d report of c. : ; , • r . r.i ... - tion.i report of co'.nniittee on lo cation of IS; .00 - ous; 2, the n' ' Union, 3. :I. V i . dress, Mrs. i. President Vi V Union, r . DON A3 D F. A EX.1 trolman first class, USN, Mi-, and I-i. '. John V\ A sh, is ; ci a: i Service Sq H.'nd n F.' /al A . i in Krrv! „.! ’ b \ •, ; • a s >•. Of Londo-.l. 1. qu; R4D-8 Si!] ? craft out . : t;-e i; drome, ]-,.i - only :/ 0 f ii lated area. Due to !• operating condi • ■ - permanent rvlo o ' ■ squadron at a r. pert have long b-en These p’ar. tha api> 000.00 A. construct airport, 43 r. t'. • is r fd b n A-sr ■ -r son of . . ■■■ ■iyi- ■ r, erst, Siipp’y. 1 •< i‘. : ! r~ TTnitr. fi'r'c: 0 F ..r i . i T f(ho f.I 'hit ■■ ci / Fo" o.j i ■ ■■ . i< i ; \ h : Falls, T;.. ■ : ' T ' 0h! t.V"! ■pard, ha v'l r ■ training' 4. ; .v •? f ■ - guirecl to i j •• f, i ' ' V.L ' err?" • 4. w 3910 YYi ;g:Ms\ ;'h< v<‘. rCYAL Typcv/r:;c:-c -Nt\• ( „ . virion a.'c ■'■<-■ r —-.' : Type".T-i-/ REPAIRS AND i': . ' We Pick-T'j) & R. :: s r. V Touri! - - - don j. BATDen: r, r . A i ne mo i' , NSW HOLLA?" j *j ^ JV. - -> -s ■' »LJ - o Mafc t;'5 s u 3 nay 'r~" C« j..-. The surprise ©f a life 1 • : T'...: ; the New Holland Twine-Tie "66"! We'll wager you've never s:.;i a baler so compact in derjn . . . so completely new! You'll be a mazed the first t’rr. s you see the "66". It's she: .or ar J lower than most balers. It's de signed to operate wiih a c or two-plow tractor. It's priced so low that even small-ace at farmers can now afford tire finest in baling equipment. I " y.v ; . . of . fcr.n. Vcj . mo.- i.sf W'z r and b. . ' ' / Nc.v t’on c ,o.' .. cf /. iv c. - !. bu!:.s a . . . 1o 7 to. :■ of f -• S-U V FG3 iV U -.-s sr,'« : v/h;ti I i - i • ‘.1 i > t ■ f • One r,% ■ i .’S' ■ I t*J ITrj. ’lit . ' ■ i - of the ma i .1 inside. One of i 1 > the pond, i-'V-ie end dived -'■ body was still H. Lynch who in ' cut ; ates that •' o 1 from the - oniing car to i i' understood car did not ! from Pape One t ■ Rev. i l e eh rge to Steve 1 sermon will Rev. W. R : istcon i raver i hy the Rev. T. F. ■ pastor, and ; ' association 1 the modera i ion. H. Lendon f: m every ■ Baptist iv. ‘ed to the lining at 3 h Sunday ' • " 7/N i Pi.-re One " - ' v dt county ! he would make a rate if the ■■ K'd cere available, believed that the w: ot.ed were a building for picture and •d description, the producer ’i ; lion visit here • car future. "X ■?*' .1. . rpcble casings . 52.00 to $5=50 or ugh 8.20/15) I T - ■. . : 3 SAFETY ' rScps 1 to 10 ear driving speeds. : ! .',j;r,c'p!e gives ■ • -> sit . against swerve m aJ 'ed protection si: :n you probably . wf . ved \ O' 5 5 — ■ #*' - ■ - J'y different ; •■'.'s zf .-.-ss tire equipment on ; -t now ears. Fits - no extras to • /s '? cr Rayon. white sldewslls ? sale price . . iu with f • trade-in*’ *0.50 T$il 43 23.00 as .3 5 i!a tro rifl'-ii it. S3 \S.45 20.55 22.60 r *jc ■'"pJAYl T>rs Cost” He stated in his first letter that if the location was found he would bring on 100 to 150 personnel, these being stars, actors and technicians for the filming of the production. It is expected that the picture will be filmed in January and possibly six weeks may be re quired for the production. Parker .like the local man, be lieves that there is something in the contact and he is joining in ItiMSSlfcrHi the undertaking; to have the pic ture made here. Photographs were made Thursday of scenes that might aid in interesting the producer and both Parker and Keziah are stepping up efforts to bring the movie company here. By way of local encouragement to the effort, it is pointed out that the producer himself made the contact, asking what was to be had in the Southport area. Put your trucks on rugged, high mileage Pennsylvania Tires today and drive your cost-per mile figures down to rock bottom. Quality-built with extra heavy treads.' Strong cord body takes recap1 after recap for plus mileage.’ Pennsylvania Offers extra-strong ALL-NYLON Load-Rated truck tires!