GRANGE SUPPORRTS Continued From Page 1 for the meeting. Members were advised to write any resolutions for good of the order and present them to thea local Grange to in dorse and send to the State Grange Committee. The literary program was an observance of Farm-City Week Nov. 20-26 The secretary, Mrs. Kye, gave a talk on the "Book mobile for Brunswick County”. She pointed out that this service was made possible through the joint participation of the City of Southport and the county of Brunswick. Mrs. Kye commented the Southport Womans Club for their outstanding efforts in help ing make the bookmobile a real ity. The meeting closed in the Sub ordinate Grange Ritual followed by the home economics committee serving refreshments. SOIL COMMITTEE Continued From Page 1 Chadwick, W. A. Stanley, Peter Hewett, D. R. Blanton, R. D. White, Jr., Shallotte; R. O. Smith, Longwood, Neil . McNeil, Bolivia. Read The Want Ath So light, so tiny At can be worn 17fn woman’s hair, or clipped to a necktie e KaawtaMa (My mt Dependability • Operates hr (My About 10< ■ Week e lew. Highly Effete* bime-Stze Earphoee TO-Doy Money Back Guarantee, One Year Warranty, Five-Year Service Mam HALL'S DRUG STORE Wilm:r»gton, N. C. HEAR PROPOSAL Continued From Page 1 two of the county commissioners, Durward Clark and H. F. Swain, and several members of the board' of aldermen, in addition to Mayor Roy Robinson. Representatives from these two groups expressed concern for the need, but said that funds for a purchase of this kind are not provided in the pres ent budget. MAKING PLAN£ TO Continued From Page 1 tunity to learn to read and writ* up to the third grade level. The only cost of the student is $4 tot reading and writing books Mdch become his property. The teaching is done by a com bination of television and informal instruction. It is necessary to have a TV set and volunteer leaders. The Wilmington TV Station will give this program from <>:30 to ? :00 a. m. twice weekly for a period of 45 weeks. A training school will be held in December to give speciai in structions to volunteer teachers as to how to interpret these TV classes to illiterates. Please let the Home Economics Agent in Supply know of those in your community who cannot read or write; also of those who would like to take this course but will be unable to leave home. (They may take it at home if they have a TV). Let's everyone in Brunswick County help to make the Carolina Literacy Movement a success. Listen to your radio, TV and read newspapers for more infor mation. If there are any Home Demonstration Club members who will volunteer as leaoeFs please notify the Home Economics Agent. ANOTHER LENGTHY Continued From Page 1 was given on a charge of larceny. Bruce E. Soles pleaded guilty to charges of larceny. His sen tence of 6 months on the roads wa§ suspended upon payment of costs and a fine of $50. Robert G. Jackson was found guilty of iarceny and was sent to the Youthful Offender's Camp for 90 days. The prosecuting witness Yaflea to testify in the case charging Henry Williamson with being drunk and disorderly and the de fendant was taxed with costs. A charge against him tor .forcible trespass was not pressed with leave. There were numerous other cases growing out of charges of speeding, improper equipment and other traffic violations. Representing The Jefferson Standard Life Let Mr. 4%, 1 "The Man Who Pays More," Tell You How To Easily Cancel Your Mortgage In Event Of Your Premature Death. Mr. 4% in SHALLOTTE PHONE PL 4-6488 is CLEYON EVANS WEEK SPECIALS! MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 1-Lb.CAN 72c 1-Lb. BAG 69c 6-Oz.JAR INSTANT Large Jar INSTANT SANKA W hole PORK LOIN ZZI .89c 49c Lb' SWIFT Butter Ball TURKEYS 49c Lb. 6 to 14-Lb. Average f ALL THE j FIXIN’S CRANBERRY sauce-23* 'Can. It Has been Inspected & Ok’ed By Government, j 50-Lbs. WHITE POTATOES . $1.79 CELERY—Per Stalk .. 19c TURKEY DRESSING — Pkg. .. 29c SmithfieW of Morn LARD—4-Lb. Pkg. 59c Siu-t-a; ic.— ki..w.'| i—£>• . 39c SmitMLH r^MNTrY CURED HAM, Lb. . 69c FRE1K S?J ar. RILS, Lb, .45c Visit Our HARDWARE STORE For A Nice Selection Of XMAS GIFTS! Dan Harrelson Grocery Phone GL 7-3221 Southport, N. C. TV Program Schedule WECT, CHANNEL fi WILMINGTON, N. C. Thursday, November 26 6:45 Farm Beat 7:00 Today 0:00 Popeye 10:00 Dougn, He, Mi 10:30 Treasure Hunt 1,1:00 Thanksgiving J2:0P Truth or Con. i2:30 It Could Be You I :O0 i^rbemre 1:30 Football 4:30 Football 4:45 Kdge of Night 6:«0 KtSm «to. 5: JO Pepeye 6:00 Ben McDonald New* 7:15 Doug Edwards 7:30 Playhouse 8:00 Bat Masterson 8:30 Stacnato O-SOfennwiX Ernie ID: 00 Bourbon -Street H:« Weather, JaokPsar Friday, November 37 M w 11:80 December Bride 12:09 Truth or Con. M:S6 Could B» You |:00 Salved ion Army 1:25 New* 1:30 Barbara Wttla M&WW *:D0 Millionaire 3:80 From Theae Root* *:«D House On nac™' 6:00 Ben McDonald f>::(9 Jeff's Collie 7:00 Weather, News 7:15 Doug Edwards 7:80 Real McCoy 8:00 Troubleshooters 8:80 Telephone Hour 9:30 M-Sqitad 10:00 Sports 11:00 Weather, Jack Paar Saturday, November 2S 9:80 Ranch Party 16:00 Howdy Docxlv M>:9« Ruff N Reddy 11:00 Fury 11:30 Circus Boy 12:00 Dance Party 1:00 Football 4 :1© Chain-p. Bowling 5:00 All Star Golf 6:00 Jubilee U. S. A. 6:30 News 6:40 Foot-ball Scweboari j 6:.5.5 Weather 7:00 Lone Ranger 7:30 Gale Storm $:00 I’ve Got A Secret 8:30 Robert Taylor 9:i0 Bachelor 9:30 U. S. Marshall 40:00 Adventures pj:00 Wrestling Sunday, November 29 12:00 Herald of Truth 12:30 This Is The Life 1:00 The Answer 1:30 Oral Roberts 2:00 Pro Football 6:00 Art Carney 6:00 Lawrence Welk 7:00 Riverboat 8:00 Sunday Showcase 9:00 Dinah Shore 40:00 Loretta Young 10:30 Border Patrol 11:00 Theatre Monday, November 80 6:45 Farm Beat 7:00 Today 9:$0 History 9:30 Science 10:00 Dough, Re, Ml 10:80 Treasure Show 11:00 Price is Right 11:30 December Bride 12:00 Truth or Con. 12:30 It Could Be You 1:00 Hymn Time 4:25 News 1:30 Barbara Wills 2:00 Queen For A Day 2:30 Thin Man 3:00 Millionaire 3: SO Roots 4:00 House on 4:30 Edge ot Night 5:00 Kiddie Time 6:00 Ben McDonald 6:80 Susie 7:00 Weather News 7:15 Doug Edwards 7:30 Cheyenne 8:30 Wells Fargo 9:00 Peter Gunn 9:00 Peter Gunn 9:30 Pat Boone 10:00 77 Sunset Strip I 11:00 Weather, News Tuesday* December 1 6:45 Farm Beat 7:00 Today 9:00 History 0:30 Science 10:00 Dough, Re. Mi 10:30 Treasure Hunt 11:00 Price IH Right 11:30 December Bride 12:00 Truth or Con. 12:30 Could Be You 1:00 Dr. Barnwell 1:26 News 1:30 Barbara Wills 2:00 Queen 2:30 Thin Man 3:00 Millionaire 3:30 Hoots 4 :00 House On 4:30 Edge of Night 6:00 KiSdie Time 6:00 Ben McDonald 7:00 Weather, News 7:16 Doug Edwards 7:30 Dennis O'Keefe 8:00 Amos ‘N’ Andy 8:30 Wyatt Earp 9:00 Donna Reed 9:30 Siartime 10:30 Arthur Murray 11:00 Wea., News, J. Parr \\ ednesday, December 2 6:45 Farm Beat 7:00 Today 9:00 History 9:30 Science 10:00 Dough, Re, Mi 10:30 Theasure Hunt 11:00 Price Is Right 11:30 December Bride 12:00 Truth or Con. 12:30 It Could Be You 1:00 Hymn Time 1:25 News 1:30 Barbara Wills 2:00 Queen For A Day 2:30 Thin Man 3:00 Millionaire 3:30 Roots 4:00 House On 4:30 Edge of Night 6:00 Huckleberry 6:00 Ben McDonald 6:30 Serenaders 6:45 Football Forecast 7:00 Weather, News 7:15 Doug Edwards 7:30 Wagon Train 8:30 Millionaire 9:00 Perry Como 10:00 This m Your Life 10:30 Wichita Town 11:00 Weather, Jack Paar Time and Tide Continued From Page One j purchase of a bond. The Bolivia business establishment of W. A. Kopp was under going expansion; Mrs. Dallas Piggot had supervised the recent Woman’s Club musical-social; four new cinderblock homes were being constructed between Southport and Shallotte; Lt. Odell William son had received the Oak Leaf Cluster for outstanding performance with his Frence-based infantry outfit; and our edi torial writer had opined that Hitler was dead. It was November 23, 1949, and a shrimp trawler (small) had been gutted by fire in Southport harbor Sunday morning. The Baptist State Convention had established the fact that Ft. Cas well would be a religious retreat; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willing were in New York; and Cherry McDonald, a horse well-known around town, had again made Not Exactly. Incidentally, the writer of that column had had quite a day on the telephone lines recently. M. W. Lindner had called The Pilot offices from Long Island, George Rappleyea from New Orleans and L. T. Yaskell from New Jersey. The Rovin’ Reporter was mulling over the rumor that a club interested in developing Bald Head Island had been formed in Charlotte; Brunswick County Training School was to field two good basketball squads; and bird season started tomorrow. It was November 24, 1954, and the Thompson fuel dock was back in operation. The latest was the third time in thirty y;ars that Mr. Rob had been upset by foul weather, and once agair he had rebuilt. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Potter had claimed for them selves a wooden tray which had washed up in their front jard during Hazel. The vessel was labeled “made in Haiti”, and folks were wondering if it were possible . . . Mrs. E. B. Brunson had announced that Christmas Seals were now on sale; Capt, How ard Victor had left for Florida waters; and Capt. A. Martin had purchased the cruiser Jim-Jet in hopes of fishing her the rext season. 1116 engagement of Alberta Galloway to Robert Willing had been announced; Methodist women of Southport were planning a bazaar; our Not Exactly editor had been sold on mechanization when it comes to dogging holes in the ground; William Wamett had gone dibs on some pogie roe with that same writer; and there were an awful lot of small boats advertised “found” in the classifieds. STATEMENT PREFERRED MCTUAI. INSURANCE COMPANY NEW BERLIN. N. Y. CONDITION DECEMBER SI. 19S8, AS SHOWN I)F STATEMENT FILED. ASSETS - ~ j Bonds . $3,004.1(50.89 Storks .-... 696,153.00 Real Estate . 113,601 29 Cash and bank deposits . 293.81S.46 Agents’, balances or uncollected premimtims, net . 379,115 84 Reinsurance recoverable on loss payments . 9,206 28 Interest, dividends and real estate income due and accrued . 24,439.98 All other assets as detailed in statement . 730 1 1 Total admitted Assets .$4,621,231.88 LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Losses unpaid ...—. Loss adjustment expenses unpaid . Contingent commissioners and other similar charges . Other expenses (excluding $7,570.84 taxes, licenses and fees) .... Investment $2,112.03 . Taxes, licenses and fees (excluding $46,882.89 Federal income taxes) ... Federal income taxes ..-. Unearned premiums .-. (b) Policyholders . Funds held by company under reinsurance treaties . Amounts withheld or retained by company for account of others ...-. Reinsurance on paid losses $. and on unpaid losses $173.44 due from unauthorized companies . Less funds held or retained by company for account of such unauthorized companies .,.. $164.97 Excess of liability and compensation statutory and voluntary reserves over case basis and loss expense reserves . Total liabilities ... 174,567.00 15,434.05 17,839.16 9,682.87 46.882.89 25.650.00 2,489,480.97 85,922.63 164.97 3,558.82 8.47 2,985.10 $2,822,183.59 Special surplus funds ...'.... $625,000.00 Unassigned funds (surplus) . 1.074,048.29 Surplus as regards policyholders .... 1.699,048.29 Total ...,...A.!:..... $47621.231.88 BUSINESS IN WORTH CAROLINA 11UBING LINE OP BUSINESS NET PREMIUMS Fire . $267,090.77 Extended coverage .-... 65,736.62 Other allied lines . 925.58 Homeowners multiple peril . 15,358.98 Inland marine . 26,843.14 Liability other than auto (B. I.) . 1,380.77 Auto phys. damage . 26,095.03 Burglary and theft .+. 2,127.45 Miscellaneous ....,... 1,470.94 Total .. $407,029.28 1958 NET LOSSES INCURRED $121,427.92 23,166.44 4,471.30 10,886.75 139.00 10,599.99 288.83 290.02 $171,270.25 President Frederick F. Hoadley Secretary Robert R. Hoadley Treasurer Frederick F. Hoadley Home Office New Berlin, N. Y. Attorney for Service: Chas. F. Gold, Commissioner of Insurance, Raleigh, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA INSURANCE DEPARTMENT Raleigh, April 14, 1959 I. CHAS. F. GOLD, Commissioner of Insurance do hereby certify ‘' at the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the I 're ferred Insurance Company, of New Berlin, N. Y. filed with this depart ment. showing the condition of said Company on the 31st day of Decem ber, 1958. Witness my hand and official seal the day and date above written. CHARLES F. GOLD Commissioner of Insurance '■ — , 1 . 1 ' , 1 . ", Markets Review EDITOR'S NOTE: Following I* a nummary of lair markrt pirlre liiformation for rii e week mitfoK November 20, I0S9, as anfherril and rditrd by the Market News Service of the N. C. Department of Agriculture In cooperation with the F. S. Department of Agrlcnl tnre. . The North Carolina broiler markets were a half cent per pound lower. Confirmed trading was 13% to 15 with most at 13% cents. In Georgia, offering prices •were 13% to 15% but mostly 113% cents. Delmarva’s market was about steady mostly 14% to 15. In Virginia, broilers closed at mostly 14 cents. Heavy hens were firm all week in North Carolina. Farm prices closed at 15 to 18, mostly from 17 to 17% cents. A few lots were quoted at 18%. Egg prices were irregular in Raleigh. Large declined a half cent; mediums advanced 2% cents; and smalls were steady. Clean and sized, minimum 80 per cent A, quality large were 36%; mediums 20; and smalls 23 cents per dozen. Local hog prices were 25 to 50 cents lower. Closing tops ranged from 13.00 to 14.75, mostly from 13.50 to 14.00. In Chicago, clos ing tops were 12.50 to 13.00. Daily cash cattle prices were steady to weaker in Wilson. Choice steers and heifers brought 24.50 to 26.50; good grades 21.00 to 24.50; and standards 17.00 to 20.00. Beef type cows were quoted at 14.50 to 16.50; and heavy cut ters at 12.00 to 14.00. Light : weight bulls were 13.00 to 16.00; and heavyweight 13.00 to 20.00. Vealers ranged from 25.00 to 31.00; and heavy calves up to 22.00. Cattle auction prices were steady in Rocky Mount and I Greensboro. Good and choice steer sold for 24.00 to 27.00; and 'good and choice heifers for 22.50 ! to 25.50. Good and choice vealers I 1 auctioned for 30.00 to 37.00; com mercial cows for 16.00 to 18.00; and commercial to good bulls for 18.00 to 21.00. Shelled corn prices were steady to slightly stronger. No. 2 yel low brought 1.13 to 1.20 at Eliza beth City; and 1.12 to 1.16 at other eastern points. Soybeans were about steady at 2.25 in Elizabeth City; and 2.20 to 2.23 at other eastern markets. In the Piedmont, yellow com was 1.20 to 1.26; wheat 1.83; and oats .74 to 78. Volume of sales was light on Old Bell flue-cured tobacco mar kets. Final sales are scheduled Nov. 27. Declines ranged mostly from 1.00 to 2.00 with a few up to as high as 5.00. A larger amount of nondescript and tobacco in unsafe keeping order was reported at most cen ters. Season sales through last BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Mercer Johnson HAS JOINED OUR SALES STAFF If you are interested in a New FORD Car or TRUCK or a Good USED CAR Call Mr. Johnson at his home, Phone CL 3 6471 or See Him A t— Willetts Motor Co. “ Your Friendly FORD Dealer” Phone CL 3-6420 BOLIVIA, N. G. Thursday amounted to 233% mil lion pounds for an average, sc far, of 53.66. The price of cotton declined around 30 cents per bale in Char lotte during the week. On Fri da;/, middling 1 lj32 inch was quoted at 32.68; strict low mid dling at 30.33; and low middling ht 27.43. In San Salvador, a motorist Who injures a person in an ac cident in which the driver is at fault must stay in jail until his victim recovers. One person who doubts that the automobile is here to stay is the man from the finance com pany. PEACOCK FUNERAL HOME 24-Hr.—AMBULANCE—24-Hr. SHALLOTTE, N. C Qey «»©*• PI 4-$2$3 Night Phone PL 4-6285 —CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS— MANY RELIGIOUS GIFT IDEAS! BIBLES—PLAQUES—PICTURES—GIFT BOOKS BIBLE BOOK STORE 2*9Vb N. Front St. WILMINGTON, N, C. H. L GREEN Satisfaction Guaranteed or i’our Money Refunded 258 North Front St. WILMINGTON, N. C. Open Until 9 P. M. Friday, Nov. 27 PtA MATE DOLLS 30” TALL —Rooted Hair —Takes 3 year old sifce clothes —All Vinyl— $19.97 BOYS’ and GIRLS’ BICYCLES FULLY EQUIPPED 24” $37.95 26” $39.95 LADIES CAR COATS Bedford Cord. Quilted Lined. Orion Zippered Hood $3.99 BOYS’ MOTORCYCLE JACKETS Zipper Closing—Sharply Tirnimeil — Silver Stars Made of Tough Boltaflex Vinyl SIZE 6 to 18 $8.99 Christmas Sale ANNOUNCING Fast Service Laundry & Cleaners PHONE GL 7-74251 SOUTHPORT, N. C. Bottled Gas FOR Bulk Gas « Trailer Or Customer Owned Bottles Filled While You Wait SPECIAL—For A Limited Time Only— FREE — Bottled Gas Installation Merritt-Holland Gas Co. 201 Red Cross Street WILMINGTON, N. C. Phone RO 3-3301