Miss Louise McKay Fuller Weds Herbert Kenwood Royal Tuesday Miss Louise McKay Fuller was married to Herbert Kenwood Royal in the Westminster Pres byterian church on Tuesday at twelve o'clock noon. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lassiter Fuller. Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Herbert Royal of Supply. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Charles W. Worth. Mr. Fuller gave his daughter in marriage. She wore a gown of candlelight peau de soie designed in princess mode with appliques of Alencon lace, long sleeves, portrait neckline, and a full skirt ending in a Chapel train. Her triple tiered veil of French illus ion was attached to a tlare of peau de soie and pearls. She carried a bouquet of orchids and roses. Mrs. Franklin Alexander Bald win, sister of the bride was matron of honor. Miss Leslie Gray McNeill was maid of honor. Miss Helen Lassiter Fuller was her sister’s only junior brides maids. Other attendants were j Miss Eleanor Glenn Phifer and! Mrs. Richard W. Griffith. They j wore dresses of Christmas rose velveteen with matching- acces sories and carried muffs covered with gardenias. Little Miss Delana Hewlett, ' niece of the groom was flower girl and wore a dress of white organdy trimmed in velveteen and carried a nosegay. The bride’s mother wore a wool dress in winter navy and white orchid corsage. The mother of the groom was attired in an electric blue dress with matching lace bolero and wore a corsage of pink hybrid orchids. The groom had —CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS— MANY RELIGIOUS GIFT IDEAS! BIBLES—PLAQUES—PICTURES—GIFT BOOKS BIBLE BOOK STORE 249V2 N. Front St. WILMINGTON, N. C. Sunday Special Dinner.$1.25 MEAL — DRINK and DESSERT Week-Day Special. 85c MEAL and DRINK — GRADE “A” — Shallotte Restaurant SHALLOTTE, N. C. NOTHING IN THE EAR new rjemm QUALITY EYEGLASS HEARING AID • Mo Cord! • Mo Ear Button • Comfortable SeH-Adjosting Sound BoO • Mi Mod Eye glow Eramo Feoati • Irian, Smart Styfmg for thorn who can oso o botte conduction *7TUJfymeg^ feSSF- *225°° FKEE OUAtlTY TEST! Come i. or «* far DRUG STORE Phone RO 2-5265 WILMINGTON, N. C. MRS. HERBERT KENWOOD ROYAL as his best man, Vernon D. | Thompson. The ushers were: Franklin Baldwin, Lake Wacca maw; Harvey C. Brown, Supply; Robert McLean Thompson; and James W. Warlick of White ville. BREAKFAST Following the wedding a break fast was given at the Hotel Whiteville. Gueses were greeted by Mr. and Mrs. John Camp Maultsby and introduced to the receiving line by Rev. and Mrs. Charles W. Worth. The receiving line was composed of the par ents of the bride and groom and members of the wedding party. Mrs. William Ferebee Sledge and Mrs. W. Edwin Miller directed the guests to the buffet table where Mrs. John Elbert Thomp son, Mrs. J. Rufus Marks, and Mrs. James G. Warlick, presided, assisted by Miss Virginia Kea Gray and Miss Elizabeth Sledge. Miss Pamela. Scarborough, suite mate of the bride of Lake City, Fla., was at the register. Good byes were said by Mr. and Mrs. C. Bion Sears. The bride is a graduate of Whiteville High School and is a freshman at Queens College. The groom is a graduate of East Carolina College and is teaching and coaching at Mount. Holly High School. VITAMINS BUILD RESISTANCE TO WINTER COLDS— We Recommend— “CLUSIVOL” Mineral and Vitamin Syrup “Clusivets” Tablets FOR ALL YOUR DRUG NEEDS STOP AT PEOPLE’S Drug Company 1122 North 4th Street Wilmington, N. G. MERRY CHRISTMAS To Everyone From All Of Us At KIRBY'S SHALLOTTE, N. C. Miss Lucille Holden Mrs. Lillian Milliken Mrs. Glenda Danford Mrs. Windsey Evans Miss Mary Emma Tripp Mrs. A ugusta Singletary Miss Eunice Hewett Mr. Thomas Batson Mr. Donald Holden E. Hobson Kirby, Proprietor KIRBY’S Shallotte, N. C. For traveling the bride wore a Royal blue suit trimmed in beaver with a matching fur hat. Her shoulder corsage was white or-: chids. After a wedding trip South, the couple will be at home in Mount Holly January 4. Following the wedding break fast guests called at the Fuller residence on Madison street where they were served coffee and confections by Mrs. W. B. Hobbs. They were greeted at the door by Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Page and Mr. and Mrs. Jim High. News Prom Dosher Memorial Hospital Mrs. C. H. Caison of Shallotte spent Sunday until the following Sunday as a medical patient. W. W. Caison of Winnabow was a medical patient from Monday until Thursday. Miss Judy Sellers of Bolivia spent Monday until Friday as a medical patient. Brooks Norsworthy of Birming ham, Ala., entered as a medical patient on Monday. Brady Hewett of Supply enter ed on Tuesday as a medical pa tient. W. J. Grady of Supply enter ed as a medical patient on Tues day. Mrs. Ethel Phelps of Leland en tered on Tuesday as a surgical pa tient. Carl Watkins of Southport was a medical patient from Tuesday until Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Junious Fulford of Supply announce the birth of a son on Friday. George Swain of Supply entert ed on Saturday as a medical pa tient. Mrs. Gertrude Robbins of Sup ply entered as a medical patient on Sunday. Master Danny Browning of Shallotte entered on Sunday as a medical patient. A. A. Dixon of Southport en tered as a medical patient on Christmas Program At Shallotte Church The Shallotte Baptist Church will present the “Christmas Story” on Christmas Eve at 7 o’clock. The pastor, Rev. W. Amis Daniel, announced that the church has invited all the people of the Shallotte area to pause for a moment on Christmas Eve and visit the Shallotte Baptist church for an hour of worship. The pro gram will consist of music and pageant, as the true meaning of Christmas is presented. LELAND HIGH - LIGHTS By SADIE COOK A Christmas party for all LHS students has been planned for Tuesday night at 8 o'clock, in the Lion’s Club. Three representatives from each class were chosen to be on the party committee. The committee was diveded into three groups; location and music, refreshments, and decorations. The students on each committee are: location and music: Eddie Wessell, Elizabeth Johnson, Jean Lynch, Mary Allen. Refreshments: Pat Sessoms, Brenda Lennon, Jackie Pigott, Nancy Holmes. Decora tion: Franky Thomas, Nancy Lewis, Ray Bordeaux, Joe Tem ple. The Constitution was approved last week by Mr. Thomas, the LHS Student Council, High School Faculty members, and students. Student votes were 92 to 26 in favor of the Constitution. Prior to the voting an assemble was held to acquaint the students with the Constitution. Committees have been named, and selected duties assigned. Four marshals were chosen (and the substitute). The Council visited New Han over High School to learn about how their Student Government works. In addition, they were given an inspection tour of the school. Student Council members are George Blizzard, Thelton Skipper, Pat Sessoms, Wayne Lennon, Sue Bordeaux, Jean Lynch, Ray Bor deaux, Frances Hodge, Sandra Corbett, Joe Temple, Gene Parker, Faculty Advisor, Miss Glenda Harris. The Navitity scene on the front campus will be lighted tonight Sunday. Colored Patients Alexander SnHth of Bolivia spent Tuesday until Friday as a medical patient. John Williamson of Bolivia was a medical patient from Wednes day until Saturday. Dr. J. Stoelzle —Optometrist— Smith Building SOUTHPORT, N. C. Hours 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. WEDNESDAY ONLY Phone Mr<, Horace Pigott— CL 7-4421 CONTACT LENS By Appointment Only. For YOUR EVERY SEWING NEED ! Patterns — Material — Thread THE FABRIC SHOP Shallotte, N. C. EMERSON $169.95 Sale DIAL GL 7-6111 VEREEN’S DISCOUNT SALES Down-Town SOUTHPORT, N. G. (AT STOP LIGHT) EMERSON ■ Emerson - EMERSON Complete Line. “// it’s Made we Have it” —Stereophonic Phonos at . $69.95 Up —17” Television—Portable — at. $139.95 —21” MODELS at . . $169.95 NO DOWN PAYMENT—LONG MONTHLY TERMS Slim Line, Push Button AIR CONDITIONERS .. . $189.95 Fast Repair Service—3 Technicians on Call AT ALL TIMES! USED EMERSON TELEVISIONS Start at.$19.95 (Monday). The scene was erected in front of the school for the first time last year. This year additional lights, a donkey, cow and two sheep and three men will be add ed to the scene. The Sociology Class members have experienced a phase of the teaching profession. Each student planned and conducted a lesson in the class. Students participat ing were: Katie Lossen, Gary Harrell, Harriette Brew, Gale Ganey, Sadie Cook, Roger Wilkie, Buddy Wierse, and Linda Wil liams. School will be dismissed tomor row (Tuesday) at noon for the Christmas holidays. School will resume operations Monday, Jan uary 4, at 8:20. FITTER PATTER: Ganey see ing old flame at school Monday. . . . and quite a few others . . . Welcome . . . Jackie, what got you excited Sunday ? . . . can’t blame you . . . Velma and Waynea are afraid of whose driving? . . . Wonder why? . . . Chemistry stu dents needing fresh air after an experiment . . . “Run Red, Run”, is real popular . . . “Among my souvenirs”, is popular also . . . Why and where did G. J. H. eat Sunday? . . . Wonder who is B. S.’s secret admirer . . . Every one planning to have a blast at the Christmas Party . . . after wards, also . . . The third edition of the Tiger’s Roar came out Monday . . . May I say to all to have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. In next week’s column, I will have more about the Judicial Branch of the student government organization. That’s all for this week. See you all next week, and remember to have a happy and safe Christmas.—SC. Leland Boys Take 13th Straight Win SHALLOTTE—Shallotte’s girls trimmed the Leland lassies, 53 48, here, Friday night, but Coach Nelson Best’s Leland Tiger boys grabbed their 13th win without a loss by downing the Shallotte Pi rates, 66-57. High scorers for Shallotte were Judy Golden with 21 and Tommy Russ with 21; for Leland, Nan Gore with 30 and Dale Williams with 18. GIRLS: Shallotte—Fulford 6, Tripp 21, Golden 28. Leland—• Gore 30, Williams 11, Allen 5. BOYS: Leland—Corbett 6, Foy 7, Wessell 10, Parrish 14, Williams 18, Harrell 4, Burgess 13. Shal lotte—Russ 21, Murden 4, Hewett 8, Bennett, Gore 4, M. Hewett 12, Holden 8. Read The Want Ads *■ »: :< :< »: *: *: :< s: «•: < .5.» «» 5.» 5* 5,» >.» %,» «ar «7 TO MY MANY FRIENDS This Is The Time Of The Year When We Are All Filled With CHEER — Please Allow Me To Say In The Same Old Humble Way. Wishing All Of You A MERRY CHRISTMAS And A HAPPY NEW YEAR H. G. RATCUFFE Deputy Sheriff and Jailor ;«■ 1 l® a Si :« » @ a a 'A iW A ,3 i A ’Tis the warmth of our heart-felt friend ship in this greeting that makes the age-old wish so warm and true: A Very Merry Christmas and A Happy Holiday Season To You and Yours! “The House of Name Brands” J Men’s & Boys’ Wilmington, N. C. WISHING YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS! H 0 L L 1 D A Y GRAND OPENING Short Orders and Curb Service Beginning CHRISTMAS EVE HAMBURGERS ... 19c Through The Christmas Week-End GRILL Shallotte, N. G. —Under New Management— OPEN--3:00 p. m. ’Til 12:00 p. m. MONDAY - SATURDAY SUNDAY-1:00 p. m. -12:00 p. m. SPECIALS EVERY WEEK - END Clip This Coupon GOOD FOR ONE MILKSHAKE OF YOUR FLAVOR! Dec. 24 & 25