LOCAL GYM Continued From Page 1 Southport only as a “last resort” in making identification. It didn’t work. These people were not con tent to come from as far away as New York and Cuba and sit in a hotel room while the bodies were in Southport. So, down they came Local volunteers tried to console them, feed them, reassure them that the work of identification was going on as quickly as possi ble and explain why they couldn’t all go right into the gym and start pulling off blankets. There were several emotional breakdowns and a couple of cases of hysterics, but by about 8 p. m. the larger group of relatives had departed. The FBI teams were working tirelessly to identify the bodies of all those whose relatives were waiting, and anyone with a Red Cross armband on was being call ed on for almost anything. They accompanied relatives in to the viewing cubicle for visual iden tification; took jewelry out for identification and performed countless other duties. Evidently the group in charge decided those helpers were trustworthy in such a grim business, and pulled no | punches in what they asked them | to do. By midnight Thursday the FBI team was out on its feet, and i * .ere were only 5 bodies remain