Brunswick Between Bookends By Eugene Fallon TAT.ES of the CAPE FEAR BLOCKADE. By .lames Kprunt. JEdited l»y C. M. D. Thomas. The Charles Towne Preservation Trust, tVtnna lmw, N. C. Illustrated. C. M. D. Thomas is to he con gratulated for the fine editing; job he has made of Sprunt's book. In barely 130 pages he has caught the flavor of that stirring but ter rible period encompassed between 1862 and 1865. These are not fading, gray ghosts the reader meets herein, but living men most believable, perhaps, for the small TOMS DRUG STORE Corner Front and Market Streets WiLMiNGTON, N. C. OUR FRIENDS and CUSTOMERS !N BRUNSWUCK COUNTY—V1SST US OFTEN. I wiles, white lies and cupidities j inherent in all men. For example, one George C. [ McDougal, Tar Heel native who possessed a commission in the C. S. Navy, was taken prisoner when i Federal gunboats captured the blockade-runner Margaret and Jessie. The good ship M & .1 was out of Nassau and headed for Wilmington when she was eap tured off Smithville. The entire crew was interned until their names could be checked at Wash ington. The ordinary crewmen (some of whom were of British nationality) were to be turned loose and the Confederates im prisoned for duration of war. After some ten davs in pail the lists came down from Washing ton. McDougal asks a guard It no could see the names. He ;-is given that permission. Titere are two listings:--one ,x those to be kept: one of those to be turned loose. MeDougal, when the guard's back is turned, strikes his name from the first list and signs his name to the last, thus signing his way to liberty. There- are several references to Smithville (Southport) in this little edition, perhaps the most interesting of which refers to the adventures of a Capt. Thomas J. Lockwood of Smithville, aboard a blockade runner called . The Kate, (One wonders if the late and esteemed Kate Stuart were inspiration for the name of the craft engaged in high and noble calling? Neither Sprunt nor Thomas lends light to this ques tion.) The story of The Kate and her intrepid crew, stands proudly on its own merits: aboard The Kate, Capt. Lockwood car ries his wife and two small child DEAR FRIEND, Just a few lines to let you Iciiow we appreciate your loyal patronage, and wisli you a very Merry Cliristinas! imxg'6i Form i< ELMORE MOTOR CO., Inc. "Your Chevrolet Dealer" BOLIVIA, N. C. -i Owners JOHN A. ELMORE H. FOSTER MINTZ Sales Dept. R. THERON MERCER C. RAY GRUBB WILLIAM LUCAS, Bookkeeper—MARCY C. MERCER, Secretary SERVICE DEPARTMENT: JOHN B. WARTH, SERVICE MGR. MECHANICS: R. W. “PAT” HEWETT—BOBBY LEE BROWN—TRAVIS E. DANFORD WASHING and LUBRICATION: R. THEREDORE SMITH — HERMON W. DAWSON PARTS DEPARTMENT: HERBERT C. BLAND, Parts Mgr.—WILLIAM D. LANIER, Ass* n ren on the ship’s second run (the first being successful) to the British West Indies for cargo. The run out is made without in cident. and The Kate returns safely to discharge its precious cargo near Smyrna, Florida Captain Lockwood finds he has to make a rail trip to Charleston.* and taking his family with him. tells his first mate to hug the coast till their return. The Kate is discovered by the federals be fore the Lockwoods get back, however, and has to make a run for it, leaving the master and his family behind. Undaunted, Lockwood picks up a 16-foot whale boat and sets out from Smyrna, to over take The Kate at Nassau. The first at tempt almost claims the lives of the Lockwood family when the boat went down only a few rods off shore. It seems the plug had worked loose from the boat’s bot tom. Brave almost to the point of ’foolhardiness, the Lockwoods recover the whale boat and again set forth for the Bahamas. Two days at sea the weather turns bad and the boat is at the point of foundering with all hands when a neutral vessel discovers their plight and takes them off. Three weeks later they are land ed at. Nassau. An all lost in credible tale. This is .the sort of f; re found in this twice-treated storybook; and proves, once again, that truth is stronger than fiction. The writing (by Sprunt and edited by Thomas) is not fancy nor is it supposed to be. The compelling thing about this ma terial is its authenticity. One does not have to be a Conrad or a Faulkner to hold a reader's in teiest. The first and foremost law in the delightful labor of writing is that there be a story to tell. Sprunt had a story, or rather, a number of incidents to relate, which have never failed to hold interest and to draw the chroniclers like bees to honey. Recommended highly, and avail able at the Southport Public li brary. Reorders Court The following eases were tried during Monday’s session of Re corder’s Court, with Judge W. E. Bellamy, Jr., presiding and Soli citor A. H. Gainey, Jr., prosecut ing: Calvin Allen Stanley. Jr., plead ed guilty to possession of tax paid whiskey with seal broken and was sentenced to 15 days on the roads v Ah sentence suspended on condition he remain sober and of good behavior for 2 years ahd pay costs of action. Charier: Lindbergh Sides was fined $10 and costs for driving without registration, fine remitted. Bernice L. Johnson paid $ld and costs for driving on wrong side of road, not in passing. ' Larry L. Jones was found rot guilty of driving with improper equipment. George Waron Pellom was fried $10 and costs for driving too. last for road conditions. Charles R. Rice was found guil ty of reckless driving and pined $75 and costs with $25 of fine remitted on condition he satis factorily complete Driver’s Clinic course within 90 days. Harold Dean Barnhill paid $10 and costs for speeding. James Ervin Hewett was fined $10 and costs for driving on wrong side of road, not in pass ing. A charge of non-support against Curtis Long was dismissed after it was learned couple are living togther again. Johnnie Pigott drew 60 days on the roads for driving 70-rnph in 60-mph zone and with no li HOLIDAY DRIVE-IN SHAILOTTE, N. C. Week Ends Shows Start At 6 P. M. Week Nights Shows Start At 7 P. M. Wed., Thur., Dec. 20-21 "THE ATOMIC SUBMARINE1 ARTHUR FRANTZ Fri., Sat., Dec. 22-23 ’ VALLEY OF DRAGONS' i SIAN McCLORY Sun, [ .on., fue. D .. 24-25-26 TWO RODE TOGETHER" COLOR i JAMES STEWART Wed., Thur., Dec. 27-28 "VIRGIN ISI AND" v-OLOR | JOHN CASSAVETES cense. Sentence suspended on pay ment of $35 and costs and de fendant ordered not to operate motor vehicle until properly li censed. Hazel Mae Smith paid $10 and costs for driving with improper equipment. Robin Dale Swain pleaded guil ty to reckless operation and was' fined $75 and costs with $25 of fine remitted on condition he sat isfactorily complete Driver’s Clinic course within 90 days. Robie Clemmons Todd paid $10 and costs on a speeding charge. Charles Robert Willis pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting in reckless driving and was fined $25 and costs. Robert L. Jacobs paid $10 and costs for following too close. Carlee Moore was found guilty of assault with a deadly weapon and drew 6 months on roads with sentence suspended on condition defendant remain of good be havior and not violate any laws, for 2 years and pay the costs of action. Harlee Frink pleaded guilty to operating a1 motor vehicle with improper equipment, speeding 90 mph in 55-mph zone, failing to ston at stop sign and reckless driving. Sentenced to 4 months on the roads, with sentence sus pended on condition defendant not violate anv motor vehicular laws e-'d attend and complete Driver’s Clinic and pay a fine of $100 and costs. Charges of non-support and | abandonment against George R. j; Johnson were dismissed after evi- | dence couple were now living to- I gether. Thomas Stevenson was fined 1 $1 0 and costs for operating' motor vehicle with improper equipment, half the costs remitted. James Robert Austin pleaded guilty to driving under the influ ence and was sentenced to 90 days on the roads with sentence | suspended on condition the de fendant surrender his operator’s license and pay a fine of $100 and costs. Willie Bland was fined $25 and costs for careless and reckless driving. Kenneth L. Blake paid $10 and costs for driving with improper enuipment and failing to give sig nal. Donald Earl Bellamy was fined $10 and costs for driving with improper equipment and fine re- j mitted. Richard W. Burgess was fined J $10 and costs and fine remitted for failing to stop with unloaded school bus at a R. R. crossing. WISHING YOU JOYS of the SEASON SUTTON - COUNCIL FURNITURE CO. 313 N. Front St. Wilmington, N. C. NOTICE! NOTICE! ONLY CALL FOR TAXES I will be at the pSoces cited below of the time designated for the Purpose of Collecting 1961 Taxes. PAY NOW AND SAVE COSTS Town Creek Township, Friday, January 5th D H. HAWES & SONS—Bolivia A. P. HENRY STORE—Winnabow SKIPPERS (S&W Grocery)—Lanvale 10:00 A. M. to 10:30 A. 10:45 A. M. to 11:15 A. 12:00 Noon to 12:30 P. North West Township, Friday, January >Hi APPLEWHITE’S STORE—Maco LEO MEDUN’S STORE—Hood Creek CHINNIS STORE—Leland LELANLi POST OFFICE NAVASSA POST OFFICE 9:30 A. M. to 10:00 A. 10:15 A. M. to 10:45 A. 11:15 A. M. to 11:45 A. 12:30 P. M. to 1:00 P. 1:15 P. M. to 2:15 P. Shallotte Township, Wednesday, January tOth IVEY HIGH STORE—Calabash HICKMAN’S STORE—Hickman’s X Roads JOHN WARDS STORE—lonqwood SANDERS PARKER STORE—Grissettown 1000 A. M. to 10:30 A. M. 11:00 A. M. *©11:30 A. M. 11:45 A. M. to 12:15 P. M. 12:30 P. M. to 1:00 P. M. Waccamaw Township, Thursday, January 11th RODDY BENNETT’S STORE—Exum RANDOLPH LONG STORE—Ash ERNEST MILLIGAN STORE—Ash 10:00 A. M. to 10:30 A. M. 11:00 A. M. to 11:30 A. M. 11:45 A. M. to 12:30 P. M. Lockwoods Folly Township, Friday, January 12th 2 5 2 5 2 2 2 2 GALLOWAY’S STORE—Varnumtown 10:00 A. M to 10-30 A BUD TINDALL’S STORE—Silver Hill 11:00 A. M. to 11-30 a’ C. ELWOOD FULFORD STORE—Supply, Rt. 11:45 A. M. to 12:15 P. R. E. BELLAMY’S STORE—Shallofte 1:15 P. M. to 2:30 P. J. M. PARKER’S STORE—Supply . . .... . . 2:45 P. M. to 3:15 P. Payments May Be Made At Office In Southport Now! D. H. HAWES, Tax Collector For Brunswick County Southport, N. C. 22 225