Brunswick Between Bookends By A l Amt sen THE OLD MAN’S BOY GROWS OLDER—By ROB ERT RUARK This is a book to read for en joyment. It kept me company al week, through that second cup oi coffee after breakfast and during those last few moments of calnr before the girls came home frorr school. When the final page was turned, I felt as if a pleasant visit was over. The Old Man anc the Boy had allowed me to be e guest along with them on theii adventures and I had shared their good and bad times. Although Mr. Ruark has writ ten this sequel to “THE OLD MAN AND THE BOY” in scat tered corners of the world, it is still mainly about Southport and Brunswick County. By the use of flash-backs he relives the days of his boyhood when he and his grandfather roamed the outdoors in this special little corner of the world. As they hunted and fished the Old Man talked and the Young Boy listened. ONE OF WILMINGTON’S LARGEST AND MOST MODERN FURNITURE STORES SERVING BRUNSWICK COUNTY. L. SCHWARTZ FURNITURE CO. “Your Credit Is Good" ) 713 N. 4th St. WILMINGTON, N. C. BALDWIN PIANOS Slightly used Baldwin Spinet, with new guarantee, only $25 down. Practice pianos, $100 and up. We rent new pianos and organs, with all rental money applied on purchase price. HARRILL MUSIC STORE Phone RO 2-5479 Wilmington, N. C. It seems to me the title is touched with sadness. Little boys do grow up and with growing come change and sorrow. In the first chapter the author shares what must have been one of the most painful experiences of his life. The streets were filled with mourners and the Old Man was gone. The boy was fifteen years old and felt as if the props had been knocked out from under him. So he did what came na turally. He got in his boat and rowed over to Battery Island so he could think a little and learn to absorb this great loss. It ap pears revealing that the first chapter relates this experience, since it was perhaps at this par ticular time the boy first became conscious of growing older. The pages are rich with de scription. The writer makes the surrounding landscape come alive, but it is on the universally in teresting subject of food that he surpasses himself. The delights of an oyster roast and fish fry are pictured in such a way as to make your mouth fairly water. By the use of picturesque collo quialisms and hard hitting words he easily recreates the atmos phere for the different settings of his narratives. His description of a drift-wood fire built on the beach while they were catching bluefish cause you to feel you can almost hear the waves break ing. Naturally, in such a personal recounting we hear from the boy much about the viewpoints and FOR CLERK OF COURT I thank you for the encouragement that I am receiving in my campaign for the Democratic No mination for Clerk of Superior Court as I travel I about the county. I have seen and have talked | *° many of you in person, and I will continue my | plan to visit and talk with as many as I possibly can before May 26. I will appreciate your interest and support on behalf of my candidacy. ELRICH HICKMAN 4-H Club News i 1 By JAMBS E. GOFF * Asst County Agricultural Agent 1 The Sears Roebuck sponsored \ 4-H Poultry Chain is being car- | ried by 8 4-H club members in , Brunswick County. Day-old chicks ’ were secured from the Willard Experiment Station and distribut ed out to the club members select- ‘ ed to receive them. Those receiv ing the chicks will raise them ai der the supervision of the Ex- 1 tension Agents. |] When the chicks reach 6 ( months of age each club member * will select 12 of the choice pullets form his or her flock and enter them in the Brunswick County | < Pullet Show and Sale. Each group 11 of 12 pullets will be judged and j: graded by a Poultry Specialist 1 from State College. i Blue, red and white ribbons the opinions of the Old Man on many subjects. The reader may disagree with some of these bits of philosophy but it doesn’t real ly matter. You never get the feel ing that he’s trying to convince you of anything. As a matter of fact, what makes the book so easy to read is the sensation of how much Author Ruark is en joying telling it. You can sense that he is savouring every mo ment of those boyhood days. Even if you don’t know a thing about hunting, you’ll understand his keen, disappointment and frus tration when opening day for the hunting season falls on Saturday —then it rains cats and' dogs all day! However this is com pensated for by the rare privilege of being promised he could hunt on Sunday, just this once. In cidents such as this make up a good part of the book. The every day small annoyances and happy surprises that are part of living. Of course, familiar places and names pop up everywhere. He inserts enlightening historical in formation as inadverdently as he gives the time of day. Some illu sions to past events were amus ing. Recalling the W. B. S., the train which ran from Southport to Wilmington will undoubtedly evoke many fond memories. All in all, reading this from cover to cover is as familiar an experi ence as standing in front of the post office chatting with friends. This is not a book with a mes sage, unless it would be that Southport was a wonderful place to live when you were a young boy. I couldn’t help but reflect; though several years have elapsed since the episodes in this book occurred, Southport is still the kind of place where an old man and a boy could share experience like these. ■«8biastssm£3k,ir I Am Running On My Record 'TSEEBi As you know, I served as your Brunswick County Recorder's Court Judge from 1946 through 1954, a period of eight years, and I feel the knowledge gained during my service makes me more qualified to serve you for the next two years in carrying out the duties of that office. Although I had a Bachelor's Degree in Law before I was elected judge in 1946, I found that there is a great deal of knowledge to be gained through self-experence that cannot be gained from books. I want to thank my many friends throughout the county for the sup port given me in the past and for the confidence expressed by the many requests for me to run at this time, and if nominated and elect ed I shall continue to render fair and impartial verdicts in all cases which come before me. I want to make myself clear that I am not running in this race un der the direction or influence of any political faction or group. I am running on my own upon request of my friends throughout the county, and the only thing that I can promise is to carry out the solem duties of my office to the best of my ability. Willie Joe McLamb vill be given to each club mem ber according to the decision of he judge. They will also receive l cash prize for their accom )lishments in raising the chicks. Sach of the groups of 12 chicks vill then be sold to the highest >idder. The proceeds from this :ale will then be used to purchase :hicks in the coming year. Those receiving chicks this year ire: Diane Vereen, Exum; Med ord Mintz, Exum; Daryl Inman, Cingtown; Johnny Moore, Hick nan Cross Roads; Tony Benton, lickman Cross Roads; Kelly Hol ten, Grissettown; Larry Fulwood, Jrissettown; and Dale Varnum, farnum Town. Brunswick County quota for ;-H Camp has been filled. Club nembers desiring to attend camp ihould get in touch with the Ex ension Agents in the county for urther details. HtJFHAM'S MEN'S STORE THE HOME OF GLEN-MORE CLOTHES FACTORY TO YOU ! 123 N. Front Street WILMINGTON, N. C. The well-known scallop, a na tive of the North Carolina coastal waters, may propel itself several feet by flapping its shells much as a butterfly flaps its wings. This creature has certain seasonal migrations ana renas to be gre garious. Subscribe To The State Port Pilot KIMBALL'S Fine Furniture—Maytag & Frigidare Appliances Phone PL 4-6998 Shallotte, N. C. HUBERT BELLAMY, Prop. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I am a merchant and business man from Cala bash, where I have owned and operated a store for the past 28 years. I have met hundreds of you good people when you have come to enjoy some of the fine seafood for which Calabash is famous, and I have friends in every section of Brunswick county. I have never before run for any public office, but I am deeply interested in the progress and development of Brunswick county. If nominated and elected I pledge my best efforts toward that goal. I will sincerely appreciate your vote and active suport. IVEY HIGH BRUNSWICK COUNTY'S REGISTRATION BOOKS WILL Bi OPEN SATURDAY MAY 12 Registrars will be at their stations in every Precinct on the above date and at their homes on week days during this time. PRIMARY ELECTION MAY 26,1962 New Voters Must Register on one of the above dates to be eligible to vote in the Primary. SATURDAY, MAY 19th IS CHALLENGE DAY Persons now registered will be allowed to vote in the May Primary of his or her party as shown by the affiliation on the Registration Books. Hoods Creek. Leland . Town Creek. Bolivia. Southport # 1 .... Southport # 2 ..... Mosquito Branch Supply. Secession. Mrs. Alma Medlin . R. H. Constante . Mrs. A. P. Henry, Jr. .Royce Rabon .Mrs. Worth Ward Miss Annie St. George . Carl Ward Mrs. Velma Robinson Mrs. Lena Robinson Shallotte . Frying Pan . Grissettown Shingietree . Longwood .. Ash . Waccamaw Exum .Mrs. Myra Willis Mrs. Leslie Chadwick .Robert Pigott .Mrs. Lacy Bennett .. Mrs. Eula Browning .R. L. Long . Mrs. Wrent Mintz . Mrs. Mildred Vereen H. FOSTER MINTZ, CHAIRMAN BRUNSWICK COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS