THE STATE PORT PILOT A Good Newspaper In A Good Community VOLUME 44 ~NUMBER 27 14 PAGES TODAY SOUTHPORT, NORTH CAROLINA WEDNESDA Y, JANUARY 24, 1973 10 CENTS A COPY PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDA Y Same Bidder: $3.9 Million Apparent Low Bid On Bridge Is Made An apparent low bid of $3,867,206.87 for construction of a high-level bridge to Oak Island was received Tuesday by the State High way Commission in Raleigh. The bid will be reviewed by the SHS on February 1, and if all is determined to be in order work is supposed to begin immediately. Estimated date of opening is May 1, 1974, with final completion set for October 1, 1974. The apparent successful low bidder is J.T. Triplett and LR. Ryan of Chester, South Carolina— the same bidders who submitted an erroneous bid in November. That bid, for $3,090,936, was well below the state’s estimate for the work but was found to be estimated $300,000 too low. The price of con crete was incorrectly figured at 90 cents a cubic yard rather v than $90, accounting for the mistaken total. In the November bidding, Bellamy Brothers submitted a bid of $4,199,621 and McLean Contracting Co., a bid of $4,386,874. The high-level bridge will be located just west of the present temporary crossing, installed after a barge-and-tug combination demolished the old swingbridge on September 7, 1971. The present bridge allows only one lane of travel, creating a sometimes massive traffic jam in the early morning and late afternoon. Grand Jury Report Made A report of Brunswick County Grand Jury activity was reported last week to Judge Edward B. Clark, presiding over a term of Superior Court here. Following is the report submitted by Gene Frink, foreman, and Larry McGee, secretary. The Grand Jury, is session for three days, examined 32 bills and found 31 true bills and one non-true bill. One bill was returned to the Solicitor due to the absence of one witness. The Grand Jury visited the Shallotte jail and found same in an unkept condition — previous day’s food con tainers were still in the cells, the floors needed cleaning and the fire alarm system was not in working order. It was found that the jailor had (Continued On Page Two) Clean-Up Idea Draws Support The Resources Develop ment Commission for Brunswick County has given its enthusiastic support to the declaration by the Board of Commissioners proclaiming February as Clean-Up Month for Brunswick County. County. Luke Appling, Yaupon Beach merchant, entered a motion that the Resources Development Commission adopt a resolution supporting the commissioners’ action. George Inman, Ash area farmer, seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously. In addition to the resolution, the commission members stated that they would continue to strongly encourage a county wide clean-up campaign to con tmue beyond the month of February until such time that satisfactory conditions exist throughout the entire county. The commissioners ex pressed interest in a more attractive community for industrial, commercial and tourist clients appraising Brunswick County as a place to work, live, and play as well as interest in a simply more aesthetic environment. Several suggestions were discussed that would con tribute to successful efforts to ciean-up. The commission further expressed hope that area newspapers would run special articles with photographs on unsightly areas in the county, en couraging improvements, and that civic and service (Continued On Page Two) Security Savings & Loan To Open Office At Leland At the annual meeting on Thursday H.T. St. George was re-elected president of Security Savings and Loan Association for the coming year. Other officers and direc tores elected were D.C. Herring, first vice-president; Lewis J. Hardee, second vice president; Douglas H. Hawes, executive vice president and secretary treasurer. In addition to these, directors elected are SB. Frink, W.E. Bellamy, Jr., E. Hobson Kirby and H. Foster Mintz. Albert G. Trunnell, Jr., is assistant secretary-treasurer of the home office at South port and Leroy Mintz, Jr., is assistant secretary-treasurer and manager of the Shallotte office. Following are excerpts from the annual report by President St. George: “Our policy has always been and sull is to serve all of Brunswick County with fast, courteous and efficient service. We have made ap plication and received per mission to open a branch office in the I eland com munity in order to improve our services in that area. “The year 1972 saw the savings and loan business achieve its largest growth on record, both on the savings and the mortgage side of the operations. We are proud to (Continued On Page Two) iirr r .irrTnilirraMir-irr-- * CAMPFIRE GIRLS raised sufficient money to attend camp this summer by selling more than 4,000 boxes of candy during a recent campaign. Part of the proceeds were used to buy stuffed animals for the youngsters who sold the most boxes. Leader was Jo Ann Bernard, center, who sold more than 300 boxes by herself. Selling over 200 boxes apiece were Freya Higgins, left, and Barbara Brown. Net profit from the candy sale was $1,400. Auto 1$ Stolen, Youths Nabbed Last Friday, Holden Beach police apprehended four runaway juveniles from Greensboro who had broken into and were living in a house on the causeway ap proaching the Intracoastal Waterway. About 1 p.m., Greensboro police alerted Chief Julian D Bowman that the youngsters were reported to have stolen a light-colored Chevrolet and were staying some place near the bridge to Holden Beach. (Continued On Page Two) ‘No Strings Attached9 City Contributes $10,000 To Help Dosher Hospital City of Southport aldermen voted Monday night to give Dosher Memorial Hospital $10,000 — not because of conditions set by the county, they insisted, but because of a desire to help the facility. $10 For A Start,.. He may be only one in a thousand, but a South port man has reacted to Dosher Memorial Hospital’s call for financial help with a con tribution of his own. The city was asked to ap propriate $10,000 for the hospital. The man wrote a check for $10 to the City of Southport, noting that it might be “a very small part of the money needed, but I feel there are 999 more residents of the city that can afford to donate a similar amount to help.” The city funded $10,000, and forwarded the man’s check to the hospital for use. JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB OFFICERS for the coming year are, from left to right, Mrs. Phillip King, III, secretary; Mrs. Joseph Young, newsletter; Mrs. Fred Spencer, treasurer; Mrs. Jackie Stephenson, president; Mrs. Curtis Cowan, vice president; and Mrs. John Lockhart, Jr., publicity director. “No strings” were attached to the appropriation, the alderman noted. The funding comes soon after a proposal by the Brunswick County board of commissioners that it provide $20,000 for the hospital if certain conditions were met. Now that a mat ching $10,000 has been ap propriated, the remaining “condition” concern the hospital Board of Trustees and the physicians. In a letter from the com missioners the following conditions were spelled out: “(1) That the City of South port appropriate a minimum of $10,000 which will result in a total of $30,000 to alleviate the present financial situation; (2) That complete financial statements including profit and loss, accounts receivable and accounts payable, be furnished monthly to the board of county com missioners by the 15th of the following month; (3) That Dosher Memorial Hospital immediately offer obstetrical services to the citizens of Brunswick County; (4) That the current chairman of the Board of Trustees resign because it is the opinion of this board that your present financial con dition is due in a large part to decisions made primarily as a result of the recom mendations of your chair man; (5) That you immediately develop a program to bring (Continued On Page Six) Superior Court Term Concludes Judge Edward B. Clark of Elizabethtown presided over a criminal session of Superior Court here last week. Following is a list of dispositions in the cases tried during the court term. Gene Watts, Southport, assault on female. PG - six months suspended three years on condition that he support his children; and that he not assault, molest or otherwise abuse his wife during three-year period. A.C. Meares, Fair Bluff, Group Supports Bald Head Plan The Resources Develop ment Commission for Brunswick County has gone on record in support of planned development of Bald Head Island and has asked the Secretary of the Army to rethink his position against such a development. In a resolution adopted at its last regular meeting, the Resources Development Commission board said that all possible alternatives for the utlization of the island near Southport have been exhausted. The development, according to the resolution, would not damage but rather would enhance the natural environment, as well as provide a sound economic enterprise in Brunswick County.” Following is the text of the resolution: “Whereas, the Resources Development Commission for Brunswick County is charged with the responsibility of guiding the overall economic development program of Brunswick County; and “Whereas, Smith Island, commonly known as Bald Head Island, is an integral part of the County of Brun swick, and the State of North Carolina; and (Continued On Page Two) unsafe overtaking and passing. PNG-G. $10 and costs. Rayford Piver, Wilmington, murder. PG to 2nd degree murder. Defen dant to be imprisoned for not less than 28 nor more than 30 years in the state’s prison. Julius Roy Willetts, DUI. PNG. Motion for non-suit allowed. Donald Ray Benton, Shallotte, driving after revocation. PG - not less than one year in Brunswick County jail, suspended 3 years, $300 and court costs. Elroy Windell Harrelson, Bolivia, driving with revoked license. NP. Kenneth James West, Wilmington, breaking, en tering and larceny. PG. Seven nor more than 10 years in the state’s prison. Winfred Robinson, Supply, reckless driving. Judgment absolute on bail bond ($200). Ronnie Holmes, Shallotte, reckless driving. Judgment absolute on bail bond ($300). Hardy Ballard, Phoenix, resisting arrest and trespass. Plea of nolo contendere. Suspended two years upon conditions that he pay court costs, shall not trespass upon lands of E.G. Dale and shall not go upon lands without his permission. Sammie Ervin, Boliva, breaking, entering and larceny. NPL. Vernal J. Spivey, South (Oontinued On Page Two)