Sports, page 18 Cougars win conference golf title Classifieds, p. 1C id's most complete Peltate properties INSIDE Volume 61/ Number 37 Southport, N.C. April 29,1992 / 50 cents Photo by Jim Harper Fourteen sailing vessels, most of them local, partic ipated in the initial Port Charlie’s Waterway Rock et Regatta Sunday to the delight of crews as well as spectators who watched from the Southport shore. VIC proposes changes for food distribution By Holly Edwards County Editor * Having one central agency and lo cation for emergency and crisis food distribution would help control abuse of the system, and would result in more available food for the people who really need it, said Pete Barnett, executive director of Brunswick County's Volunteer & Information Center, Inc. (VIC). Therefore, Barnett said he is re questing the board of social services to support a transfer of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture's Commodities Program from the de partment of social services to VIC. Three times a year, the federally funded program is responsible for dis tributing nearly $ 15,000 worth of food rations to over 3,000 low-income people throughout the county. However, members of the social services board said Monday after noon they needed more information on how VIC would carry out the pro gram, and agreed to request a plan of action from Barnett. "I'd like to at least see his plan," said OUTSIDE Forecast The extended forecast calls for variable cloudi ness on Thursday, then partly cloudy on Friday with highs in the 70s both days. Saturday and Sunday, expect fair skies and wanner weather, with highs reaching into the 80s. Tide table HIGH LOW THURSDAY, APRIL 30 5:57 a.m. -a.m. 6:18 p.m. 12:05 p.m. FRIDAY, MAY 1 6:41 a.m. 12:42 a.m. 7:01 pm. 12:47 pjn. SATURDAY, MAY 2 7:23 a.m 7:45 p.m. 8:06 a.m. 8:27 p.m. 8:51 un. 9:14 pm. SUNDAY, MAY 3 MONDAY, MAY 4 TUESDAY, MAY 5 9:38 un. 10:03 p.m. WEDNESDAY, MAY ( 1:27 a.m. 1:29 p.m. 2:11a.m. 2:12 pjn. 2:54 a.m. 2:56 pjn. 3:41 a.m. 3:44 pjn. 10:31 ajn. 4:31 a.m. 10:57 pjn. 4:36 pjn. The following adjustments should be made: Bald Head Island, high -10, low -7; Caswell Beach, high -5, low -1; Southport, high +7, low +15, Yaupon Beach, high -32, low -45; Lockwood Folly, high -22, low -8. board member Eulis Willis. Social services director Jamie Orrock said transferring the commodi ties distribution program to VIC would help the already over-burdened social services staff. Two DSS employees devote three days every three months to distribut ing the food, and at least an additional two days to paperwork, said fraud investigator and commodities pro gram supervisor Shirley Weston. "For the DSS staff members in volved, the change would represent an opportunity to reallocate certain hours to other, more pressing duties," said Barnett. "Specifically, for those who need food, such a consolidation would equip VIC with intimate famil iarity having to do with all recipients of governmental, and most charitable, food sources. While DSS is reimbursed for the costs of distributing the food, VIC could recover 15 percent of the total value of the food. However, according to Barnett, VIC's primary purpose is to make sure nobody in Brunswick County is hungry. And, he said, that goal would be accomplished more readily if VIC were in charge of all emergency food distribution. Anotherconcem raised by the board of social services is the amount of fraud involved in the program. In this particular program, all the informa tion provided by the applicants taken at face value, unless DSS has a reason See VIC proposal, page 3 Primary elections are next Tuesday Brunswick County voters -- Democrats and Republi cans alike — will go to the polls Tuesday to nominate candidates for the 1992 fall general election. Polls open at 6:30 a m. and close at 7:30 p.m. that day, according to Brunswick County Board of Elections su pervisor Linda Britt. In the Southport-Oak Island area, voters will cast their ballots at the following locations: •Southport I - Jaycees Building on Fodale Avenue. •Southport II - American Legion Hut on West 9th Street. •Oak Island I - Caswell Beach Town Hall. •Oak Island II - Long Beach Recreation Center. •Boiling Spring Lakes -- Rescue squad building. According to Britt, there are 29,921 persons eligible to vote in Tuesday's election, including 17.691 Democrats and 10,783 Republicans. "Unaffiliated" voters number 1,447, she said. While the elections supervisor said the normal turnout for a primary election in Brunswick County is about 50 percent, she does not anticipate that good a response this election year. "I don't expect it to be as high this year. People don't seem to be pleased with the candidates this time. They seem to be dissatisfied with government in general.” Britt said. "I'd be delighted if we vote 40 percent in Brunswick County. That’s sad. but that's how I see it." A breakdown of Brunswick County voters by prec inct. party affiliation, sex and race appears on page 1B as part of The State Port Pilot's extensive pre-election coverage. Board of commissioners and board of education candi date profiles, a report on the register of deeds election, district races that involve Brunswick County and sample ballots are included in section B. District 3. which includes the Southport-Oak Island area, has several interesting races. In the Democratic primary for board of education, former county manager William D. (Billy) Carter, former school principal Carlton L. Sligh and former assistant See Primary, page 3 - - - • w-k - coverage, section B County's ABC board pushes consolidation The county ABC board Tuesday took a firm stand in favor of a merged, countywide system of liquor stores and said it would "entertain a serious overture from any municipal system regarding the issue of merger." In a statement after Tuesday’s meet ing the board said it favored a county wide system "if such a system's fiscal component is equitably man aged." Only 23 percent of the county popu lation lives inside a municipality that operates an ABC store, the statement said. "The remaining 77 percent of Brunswick County's citizens must enjoy the benefits of ABC profits through the county ABC board," said the document released by county board chairman John Ramsey. "Therefore the elimination of du plicative expenses in administration, such as audit costs, as well as ware housing and law enforcement, which enforcement is preponderantly di rected and funded by county person nel, can benefit the entire population of Brunswick County." Ramsey said his board issued the written statement to prevent misun derstanding and misinterpretation. Representatives from local munici pal ABC boards stressed their opposi tion to consolidation during an infor mal meeting with Rep. David Red wine (D-Brunswick) last week at the Ship's Chandler Restaurant in Southport. "The county would be entering into an agreement where they can do noth ing but win and we can do nothing but lose," Long Beach ABC board chair man Ben Thomas said during that meeting. Thomas presented Redwine with a resolution stating Long Beach's abso lute disagreement with consolidation.. Southport. Yaupon Beach. Boiling Spring Lakes. Belville, Ocean Isle Beach and Sunset Beach have all passed similar resolutions. The conflict between the county and municipal ABC boards began last year when the county announced plans to build an ABC store at River Run Shopping Center. Municipal ABC boards complained that a county store at this location would take much of the business away from the local stores. When Southport. Long Beach. Yaupon Beach and Boiling Spring Lakes asked Redwine for help, he pushed a one-year ban on construc tion of any county store within seven miles of a municipal store. This legis lation will end on June 30, and mu nicipalities are now asking Redwine to make the ban permanent. Redwine said he will be accepting alternative solutions to the conflict until June 1. "If no one comes up with another solution, 1 suppose what I'll have to do is re-extend the sunset clause," said Redwine. Aldermen approve police car purchase By Jim Harper Staff Writer Encouraged by a real-life incident involving alderman Bill Delaney, the Southport board Tuesday night voted to purchase a new police vehicle for $11,100 to replace one which Delaney said "wouldn't start.*4 In the incident described by Delaney Ire held a drank driving suspect at bay with his vehicle while awaiting the tardy arrival of the old police cruiser. The alderman's account started about 7 Saturday, when he and his son were in the yard of their home on Cottage Lane. Delaney said he saw a ear drive westward past his house at an estimated 7Q miles an hour, go out of control in the turn at Stevens See Police car, page 3 A baby possum b jostled off the back or its mother as she trots across the parking lot behind the South port City Hall last week. The family was collected by dty workers and deposited i* a sale, sabarbaa' location.