___The State Port Pilot__ NEIGHBORS Veterans winning battle for respect Wednesday, November 11, was a holiday for all Brunswick County students. Many enjoyed another day off without realizing the significance of the day. Eighth graders at South Brunswick Middle School studied Veterans Day and wrote letters to the men and women who served in the military. Veterans Day dates back to the signing of the armistice ending World War I, at 11 a.m. Novem ber 11,1919, in Germany. It was officially known as Armistice Day until 1954 when president Dwight D. Eisenhower changed it to Veterans Day. The letters students wrote were shared with veterans and their families who participated in the holiday observance sponsored by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10400 of Boiling Spring Lakes. The keynote speaker, Col. C. E. Zakszeski, discussed the critical role of veterans in times of war and peace. "Never forget these Americans and the sacrifices they made," he said. Veterans from different wars can be distinguished by the wrinkles on their faces, "but not by their love of, devotion and duty to our country." "We shall remember and we shall always be grateful," Col. Zakszeski said. The students’ letters indicate that they too remembered and are grateful for the sacrifices veterans made to protect their freedoms. Dear Veteran, My name is Megan Pickard. I am a proud citizen of the United States of America. I am very grateful for everything you have done for our country. Some people do not realize how impor tant you are but I do. I am very thankful for everything and I and thankful to be the member of this country in which I can make my own decisions because we are free. Many people take ad vantage of this situation and don’t realize how good they have it. I realize how grateful we are and how special you are. I would like to say thank you. Megan Pickard Dear Veteran, I just wanted you to know that I really appreciate what you and all the other veterans did and that we would not be such a free country if it was not for people like you. There are a lot of people who think they have done a lot in this world but in this world there are not many people like you and those who did what you people did. Chris Jordan Dear Vietnam Veteran, I am writing you because I ap preciate the fact that you fought for the rights that we are taking granted of. I really do appreciate what you have done not for just yourself, but for the citizens of the United States. Lewis Bridges Dear Veteran, I admire what you have done for our country. I admire every body that were fighting for our freedom and our country. The people that don’t care about Veteran’s Day and don’t respect the American flag should head on over to another countiy if they can’t respect you and the U.S. flag. I’m writing just to say thanks to all the veterans and everybody ply that fought for us. Thanks. JohnSchen Photo by Marybeth Blanch! Dear Veteran, I wanted you to know how much I appreciate your courage. This is a great country and I’m glad I have you fighting for it. Your courage shows just how much we love our freedom and country. It can never get said often enough to someone like you, thank you. I love you and this country. God bless you and your family. My prayers are with you and for peace ever more. Christie Lewis Dear Veteran, I thank you for fighting for our country and our flag. What you’ve done is one of the greatest things ever done. Maybe I’ll be able to do something like that one day. John Dear Veteran, Thank you so much for your help in the wars. I don’t know where the country would be without you. I owe you our coun try. You are a very brave person and I’m sure that your family is proud of you. I kriow that I am. You are willing to give up your life to keep peace. Thank you again. Melissa Ciemnicki Dear Veteran, I am writing to tell you thank you for giving your life to serv ing our country for our freedom. You can spend you whole life ... . ' •. ■ . -;l . _ • .... ■ : : f .doing something you hate and never achieve anything, but you and many others gave your life no matter what the cost for all freedom, and that’s the most wonderful thing any person could do and you choose that way of life. I really admire you for taking this as your lifestyle. Thank you for my freedom. I’m proud to live in America. Amie Osborne Dear Veteran, I really believe that you are a brave person to have risked your life for the country a lot of us take for granted. Many people don’t understand just how lucky we are. Most people in other countries would die to have the freedom we don’t appreciate. My brother is 22. He is stationed in Fort Campbell, Kentucky. He was in Saudi Arabia. I was really scared he wasn’t coming back. LaToia Robinson Dear Veterans, Today we arc writing to tell you that we really appreciate all the sacrifices you’ve made to jnake this a free country. I know that it was really hard for you to go to war and leave your family, pot knowing if you are really going to see them again. I don’t know if I could have left my family. They’re too important To tell you the truth, I really ad mire your concern. So keep on being admired because you are the ones that loved this country enough to sacrifice your life for it. We love you. Candace Jenrette Dear Veteran Friend, It must be fun to be in a war, but at other times it must be scary. I’m sure that you were seated because I know that I would be if it were me because I would be scared that I would get shot and die or lose a leg or an arm or something like that. We appreciate you fighting in the war because it means a lot to us. Brandon Thaip Dear veteran, I thank you for what you have done for our country. If it was not for you we might not be here today. I am proud of my freedon and I love living in the USA. It’s all because what veterans of America have done. I hope one day there will be peace but it might be a long time. Thank you have a good year and we are proud of what y’all have done. Rhett Harrington Dear Veteran, I just wanted to proceed in writing this letter to one of America’s soldiers and to show you we care by sending our let ters to you all and to show you the county’s proud of you by having a day just special for you By the way, if I see red, white and blue flags. I’ll make sure to stand up next to you to fight for our country today. God bless the LISA is what I’ll say. Franklin Smith Dear Veteran, Thank you for your duty in protecting and defending our :ountry. I understand that you went through great hardships and straggles to protect us all. I do not think I would ever be able to do what you did. You risked your life. Your friends risked their lives. Some of them never returned. So in this letter, dear veteran, may you continue to go noticed for your acts of courage and bravery. Joy Scott Dear Veteran, I would like to take this time to thank you for all of your hard work to try and protect our coun try. I takes a lot of dedication and courage to be in the position that your were in. You were ready to fight for every last per son in the United States of America, and for that I am very proud of you. Leslie Myrie, Jr. Dear Veterans, I appreciate what you all have done for our country and hope that even if you got hurt in the war, I want you to know if it wasn’t for you veterans 1 might not be here today. I just wanted to say thank you. Natali Dear Veterans, I am writing to you to thank you for all you have done for our country. Thank you for giving us a free country and letting us live like we want to live. Thank you for fighting for our country and standing up for us in what we be lieve in. As an American citizen I am proud and always will be. I’m glad to live in America and proud to be an American. Thank you very much. Thank you all. Stephen Lanier Dear Veterans, I am very proud of all of you. It makes me feel very good to know that someone cares enough for their country to risk their lives for it. You went out and fought in these wars in order to keep the people safe and happy. This really meant a lot to my family and I. You all deserve respect and honor. This day is yours and you earned it. Thanks for everything. Kim Mays Dear Veterans, Thank you for defending our land and protecting us. 1 wish some of them did not have to die, but thank you for all you’ve done for us. You should be proud of what you have done for us. So don’t get down on yourself. Stand up and do whht you think is right. Be all that you can be. Adam Sellers Dear Veterans, I thank you for going to war for our country. I think that this is the most that anyone could do for the United States. Anyone going to war would be, in my opinion, a hero. Therefore, 1 salute you and again say thank you. I hope you lead a wonderful life and may God be with you forever. Cameron Cowan Dear Veterans, Thank you for fighting or serv ing for our country. If you had not fought or served for us, there might not be the United States we know today. I want to thank you for giving a portion of your life for our freedom. Robbie Dickens Dear Veteran, Wednesday, November 11, 1992, the United States of Amer ica has set aside a day to honor *hat you have done. I send you tnd your friends my support and America should too. I send my hanks and so do my friends and family. Chris Segura Dear Veterans, I thank you for all the things you have done for us. If it wasn’t for you none of my world would be possible. My parents would pay hundreds of dollars for gas, unnecessary taxes and just for staying in a house, because of you none of this is true. So I thank you. If there is anything you need, please let us know. Tamara Brown Dear Veterans, I would like to tell you how much I appreciate you and how you put your life on the line for our country. My dad was in the Coast Guard, and I know how much I appreciate him and I real ly am thankful to you and all you have done. Some of the veterans didn’t go to war and some did. It was a chance you had to take and were willing to take. I don’t think I would be willing to take that chance. It takes a lot to enlist in the armed forces. You have to be pretty brave, and that you are. Mary Sillings Dear Veterans, Thank you for going into the United States Armed Forces to help protect our country and its people. It also gives us a good feeling to know that someone is prepared if anything bad breaks our, like war. Jason Dear Veterans, I wrote this letter in order to thank you. I would like you to know I appreciate everything that you have done for me and my country. I greatly respect you for having the guts and the will to fight for our country. You’re very brave and for that I thank you. Stephanie Shrewsbury