Yaupon Beach day care may not find a home By Amitabh Pal Municipal Editor A proposal to establish a day care home in a Yaupon Beach residential neighborhood has created more commotion than a roomful of noisy children. The facility Libby Sarner wants to operate at 412 Norton Street has run into opposition from neighbors who say such a facility is unsuitable in a residential area. Citizens have sent letters and peti tions to town government express ing opposition and have repeatedly spoken out at planning board meet ings. The final say lies with the town board, which next meets December • 14. Sarner, who operates a day care home near Southport, is asking the town to amend its zoning ordinance to permit a 12-child day care facil ity. "When my clients bought a home to set up a day care center in Yaupon Beach and requested to set up a day care home, they received a letter from the town stating that the zoning ordinance does not allow day care homes and facilities anywhere," said attorney Robert Serra. "We re quested that the town amend the zoning ordinance to allow day care homes in residential areas." A day care "home" serves between six and 12 children. A day care "fa cility" serves more than 12 children. Residents in Yaupon Beach are al lowed to keep a maximum of five children without a license. The planning board on November 12 recommended that the town not amend its zoning ordinance to allow for a day care home in a residential area. Instead, the board is consider ing a suggestion that the town allow such facilities in business districts. "Basically, the planning board did not (recognize) a need ... for a day care center in a residential area," said planning board chairman Buddy Rudd. "There’s enough land in the business district." Serra said he felt the planning board’s decision was a "good bit" influenced by sentiment expressed at the hearing. He said the problem was that only people in opposition showed up, and he hoped, that in the future people sympathetic to the re Sign of the times in Yaupon Beach is displayed on a fence post next to the residence that Libby Sarner wants to turn into a day care facility for Oak Island youngsters. ‘It's fear of the un known Theyf re ex pecting the worst ’ jLibbySarner quest would express support. Serra said he would appear before the board of commissioners Decem ber 14 and "try to educate them about the matter." Serra said if the zoning change is denied his client might pursue the child care option on a smaller scale, or she might sue to change the zoning ordinance as "arbitrary and capricious." 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Some residents in the Yaupon Beach neighborhood have been vo cal in their opposition to the center. Jim Beacham of 410 Norton Street said he opposes the idea because he felt any sort of business should be operated only in a business, area. He said such a facility would dis turb the neighborhood beginning at 6:30 a.m., and that there were many older residents who would be an noyed. "It’s not even like the children will grow up and move out," he said. "Here, the disturbance will be permanent." Helga Beacham said she is not against the idea of day care, but Keeping food safe is worth celebrating loes not want the zoning ordinance hanged when there is no need. "We’re against turning a residen ial neighborhood into a business listrict," she said. Donald and Ida Adams of 409 Norton Street also oppose the facil ty "We feel that this would lowngrade our property values,” aid Ida Adams. "We feel that this leighborhood and Yaupon Beach ire for retired people." Donald Adams said he is con emed about laying groundwork for >ther more disruptive businesses in csidential areas, and said there were nany available locations in the busi less district for a day care facility. Serra said residents’ fears were absolutely misplaced." He said child care is a "fairly unique type of business” and wouldn’t commercialize the neigh borhood; property value might be enhanced by a child care facility; and traffic flow would be increased by only 12 cars in the morning and 12 at night "It’s fear of the unknown," Samer said when asked about her opposi tion. "They’re expecting the worst" Samer said she could assure op ponents there would not be any noise or disruption, and cited the "peace and quiet" in her Smithville Woods neighborhood as an exam ple. Samer said she looked for "one solid year" before choosing the home because she wanted a site easily accessible from Caswell Beach, Long Beach and Yaupon Beach. 9-Cospice 'Love Light ‘Tree wm ~ All contributions to the Hospice Love Light Tree ~