But $500j)enalty is tough Food-handling rules now easier to swallow By Terry Pope County Editor Revised rules that might govern how restaurants and licensed day care centers serve food appear less difficult to swallow. Fewer people made fewer com ments at a second public hearing held last Wednesday on the Bruns wick County Board of Health’s pro posed food service manager certifi cation ordinance. The program stresses proper food handling techniques and hygiene with a goal to protect consumers. Some say the $500 fine for violat ing the policy is still too high. Other more controversial parts of the ordinance were cither cut or revised by a committee of restaurant owners and health staff since the first hearing was held in January. "You can get a drunk driving charge and not get fined $500," said Robin Schuster, owner of The Robin’s Nest, a Southport day care center. The fine should be closer to $50 since it is a new policy, she said. The health board should also consid er the cost to businesses after the first 12 months, she added. There will be no fee for the six hour training program for the first year, said Andrew Robinson, en vironmental health supervisor. Classes may be held monthly and in two-day sessions. After that, the county will not foot the bill, and it will cost employers around $35 per person. The program will help health offi cials improve communications with restaurant owners, said Robinson. Food service technology is changing and national reports of food poison ing incidents arc increasing. "I know it will improve our food service industry," he added. Someone at each restaurant must become certified and the certificate posted at all times. Persons must pass a standardized test consisting of 50 to 60 questions, said Gary McDonald, environmental health specialist. The certificate can be revoked if the ordinance is violated or if the sanitation grade falls below 80, a "C", in two out of three consecutive grading periods. That could shut down a business. "It’s not just one time that your certificate will be pulled and your doors closed," said Mildred Crissman, owner of Mimi’s Cafe in Southport. She worked with a group of five other restaurant owners to help revise the ordinance. The stiff penalty was added as an incentive for restaurant owners to adhere to the policy. Some owners -BOATS Affordable! 1-800-545-2293 (919) 457-9080 COMPLETE HOMEOWNERS PROTECTION Your home deserves our very best Nationwide's top-of-the-line homeowners insurance plan is specially designed (or your home, your personal property, and your liability protection. And it contains coverages that are only offered as extra options in other policies. Call us today to find out if your home qualifies for this special plan. Doyle Dennis 801 N. 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The original version required that a certified manager be on duty at all times. It now just requires that someone at the facility hold a certif icate. That manager can use training materials to teach other employees. Bob Williams, owner of the Sand piper Restaurant in Leland, said few counties in the state have such an or dinance. "I still feel this is somewhat un necessary, to go to this length to for malize it to this extent," said Wil liams. It creates an "us against them situation" and more expense for restaurant owners, he added. He also objected to the $500 fine. "You don’t get a $500 penalty if you arc caught driving drunk in the middle of Wilmington," said Wil liams. "It seems to be very excessive and unnecessary, except to say if you’re bad we’re going to get you." The penalty section was reviewed by the interim county attorney. A business would have two grading periods, or nine months, to have someone certified and to improve the sanitation grade before the cer tificate is pulled and the doors dosed, said Robinson. "What are you going to do with the $500?" asked Junior Hughes, owner of Hughes Marina and Restaurant at Shallotie Point. The money will be used to help fund the training program. Committee members will review the comments, revise the ordinance a final time and send it to the health board for adoption. UCB-1: Our $5-a-month Checking Account With No Hassles, No Surprises, And No Minimum Balance. *H!S NOTE IS tfGAUTENDER FOR AU. DEBTS, PUtUC AND PRIVATE 0O*7*iJiO£?c: h qciAhebby B 82714255 D Washington, IM 4 Honest Wouldn't it be nice to know what your checking account is going to cost you ever)- month? What if it were just $5? WfeU, with a UCB-1 account and our Easylmage statement option, that's all you’ll pay regardless of your account balance. 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