The State Port SOUTHPORT N.C. VOLUME 66/ NUMBER 39 50 CENTS Cougars end lackluster season on a high note. 5-0, over West Brunswick - 1C _fh The se Day par stepped rs ndence mer' IB BUDGET PROPOSAL Long Beach tax remains at 39 cents By Richard Nubel Municipal Icditor In Ins capacity as budget officer, town manager Jerrv Walters has sub mitted a proposed $b.3-millfon bud get tor the I own of Long Beach in fiscal year 1 W7-W. Here is the cost-ol-li\ mg informa tion: ■ I he budget proposal includes no property tax increase. ■ 1 he budget proposal includes no water rate increase. ■ A solid waste fee increase is al most assured, but will be determined bv council. What about Tbwn manager Jerry Waiters' lean budget proposal of this week leaves to town council one important ancN. controversial question: How will Long Beach raise $330,000 for a Sea Turtle Habitat Restoration Project if the opportunity arises? Walters’ proposal indicates the need might be there, but is silent on how to raise the money. The Sea Turtle Habitat Res toration project - under design by the U. S. Army Corps of See Thirties, page 6 The budget contains a recommendation for Town Hall expansion and a commitment to expand the town recreation center I he budget proposed hv Walters is about $300.00(1 less than the budget approved by council for the current year and anticipates no increase in the town’s present tax rate of 39 cents per $ 1(H) valuation. It anticipates no in crease in the present water rate, as water purveyor Brunswick County has proposed no rate increase. An in crease in residential solid waste col lection fees, now S3.48 per month, could reach as high as $7.28 per month depending upon how council opts to dispose ot vard debris and w hat form recvclmg eltorts take in the coming \ ear Walters' budget proposal, with its zero tax increase proposal, was di: trihuted to councilors Friday and w ill be the sulgect ol upcoming budget wiirkshops. W lule Walters stud, in his budget message, that the proposal re fleets council’s budget wishes ex pressed at a March workshop, the manager's proposal ot last year was drastically changed after presentation to ciiiincil in Mat. 1 990 Council last year added over $1.1 million to Walters’ proposal of one year ago. at the same time adding See Long Beach, page 11 Erosion problem More beachfront areas threatened B\ Kicluird Nuhel Municipal Intiloi S.lM s*illi will M 11 Ml ■ ii'. ■ w ■ i n. i' vioii lino.ileus propel t> destruction in once sale soolums ol the Long Ii waterfront il no beach nourishmonl program is undertaken. council I lucsrlas niglil. moii conirol coiimiillcc chairman Russ Morrison told council areas ,| 4()th Sued SL could he llirealened lo die exleni eastern areas ol Khlronl are now it nothing is done to holster Ironial dunes. ,ai's presentation came at the request ol councilor Lrances Allen. .. heduled debate ol heachlront cotulitions. asking if homeowners had \ p,r exemptions horn Coastal Area Management Act provisions to a decks and il mix sea turtles had set nested in Long Beach. iM .sported no turtle nests as set and said Division ol Coastal ■ mein ol lie nils were expediting exemption permit requests, taking ,nous In lacsimdc iM,n said the Long Beach wulcrlronl was m "\ei\ serious condo ,d llirealened to become wot sc ■ ,,p4T>lh Snort t axi could he ax bird ax the cast end." Mtnnxtni , don't get a nourishment program going, we will he in the maiioii as in the cast ll erosion Breaches the dune in the west, we , a sexeie piopcitx loss " M,n s .oiiuneiUs come as toxxn council prepares to debate town , p-iix Walters' budget proposal lor the fiscal yeni to begin Jul\ I , .p,isal salls loi establishment of a capital project ordinance which ■ aiu a piopi wed lund of S 1 1(1,000 -- the low n s share ol a sea |,lLll |ash'i.111on pio|ecl now uiulei design bx the L S Arms See Couneil, page 9 The short new of (1 rent t I,tikes tin d- Him- install i de'Ve'nr noz zle on the end of pipeline as a non: iduneni ol Bald th oil Island's South Photo l>> |iiii M;«n»fr Beach (and deepening (it the Smith Island channel I (joes into the second Meek. The project is expected to end around June I. Rate - lays same County budget figures $5 million for schools By Terry Pope C\iuntv hditoi County manager Jmi \ - ■ ■ 1 pto poseil 1W7-‘)S counts 1 ■ a! a -cts aside $5 million lor tl.r. n i. Idi lions to South Brunts i • Mi Idle School and Bo 11 \ i a I l .-t u\ School and hinds to huild • ' a ill an emergency medical m i nl station in the South|«Ti t i •• I md community . The property la\ iate a. ,I the same as last y eat os - . $ 10(1 v aluation - it t Ik ; ' : $S4.3-mil lion budeci i| r Brunsvy ick ('ount v i om m i lit\ -toil! nc'A i sitions arc nposed, most I v in nergencv medical rvices. solid waste id public utilities mi mill inii'i |ircs>. iii .] ! hi pi ; i hI.iv \\ hit'll w il I 1 i, - i Hil'in In i IIIU >11 I 1ICmI.iV I'.IIH I I 1 .>! (> >' 1 , 'll ( . II 111 \ Ccm 111 l-Mi Mlel - 'All! In 'll I I lie !! ! I I M luillucl A I'll 111 'I' I 111 •■.! i'. "vie. ~ .lie '( I I ■ ill \ IMIC! \v I' lllslldv Ifil I-V . '111 111 A Ml MICI ■ li > 111 'III l.ius || > llic i ,ilc lull '■( nc a |'| >m 11 ■ Ills .lie I'emu |'tu |'i >seil im isl 11 i n emer n.eiK \ ■-el ikes ,i i| ul a i-.!e i Mil |UiMk util i Ill's I lulll |S 'Sill II- lie - I Iti. It i! Ill 1 > 11 u ■ 1 .1 u e I u u s \s [lie .1111111. '. ( 'I'Ll1.111. Ill un • a n it le.I ! ■ i ui >'a mu ilem.iiii.I i m cm n I - -e I I cm -.ii.I v .ii He! ,|' ir k mu Hu necil I' 'I mum ■ m [■!. a ees ! a 11 mi in i I lie neeiK a i lie nil r ms Set Itutllift. |).tue I 0 Flat-rate ! for fire, rescue .1 llcdllle U ' helk't ll \ i || L1111CCl lift’ .iik] k-m in. departments iri 11 cured inil' lhe |iri>|*ised I MM" 'IS e i Mints budget \ lire and rescue funding i mii mi Hee s proposal a ,is presented Momlav In the Hi u i is vs ick ( i mills Board ot ( ’ mimissii^ieis hut no formal .uiion rs as taken I he tlat-rate plan would assess s X.()()() See Kate, page 6 I li\ lerrs I’npe 1 In. a I illkls ci nc I iled tu i ’ ll 'I" ised Hat i ale tee Explanation in writing County defends tap policy By Terry Pope County Fidiloi l lit11 mm. tew peo|-I. : liclv criticized a mundaa a ■ policy countv commissi. in earlier this month h a tin ter s\stem Alter sev ctal tcaidi m ■ commi^rnntrt Minidat to ■ the new ordinance is urn on 1 the hoard defended is poll sir uc ted comm a: I mi Marshal 1 to put in w 1111 na 1 it\ ot torcinu residents t. . ot-ser\ ice tees and tap n home can access a c. aim . I don't think pcopk i amount ot moncv that m a mentour water ssstem s.,. i What we're trvinu, to do is get this system a an equitable basis so that those who “nefit from it pa\ tor it. II Sue 5 coiiiiiiissioiu i 'Mlmissu lllel I >av ul A : all. ’111>i Heacli i i a l n 'M i 1 >tiurc. aiul I .i ■ it ' - 111 c. I lien se v e ii v l' ul--' : ! I i : \ ' LS 11 ’ MlppIcMK-nl [l!' A .1- • \ !• •> v* 'lut s insane • )ur'ng a public i niiiiii ni |'i11 ■ i \ | .,1.1.1V 11 - e I L-si.U-iils I'pp, seal I he . ; I 1, 1 I I. .. .! .'.In I I n as | Mssul si . • la.' .1 in. I’iiI'I i. Ileal lie. , lani'.i! ein. n anei s . . amn is .i as is a s a. s:.s 1: v. s a i. 1 n e i e II. . ,K .1 1 ■ "lake 'III a slein a I|iiil.ihle !>' ill Kate mtTc.iscs to . list. micrs has been the answer m the past because “I a lack ot counts ssa tcr users Since l'*S" no mandators tap-on pokes has existed lor residents who hse alone counts ssater lines 01 in special assessment districts (S \l)s) 'I’toperts osx nets in SADs ate as -■ eased the cost td extending lines into their neighborhoods, but propetls oss nets along counts capital improse meitt lines base nesei been assessed lot hasing counts ssater asailable. \oss laced ss ith tees that ntas range I lorn sot hi [n s 1. | ill I residents ss ho sas ikes base good .sell ssater don’t -ce ss hs tiles must pas tor counts ss a tel See I’olies, page 9 TOP STORIES ON THE INTERNEf^Www.southport

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