The State Port VOLUME 66/ NUMBER 40 SOUTHPORT, N C. _ 50 CENTS Sports . North Brunswick player, coach lead all-Brunswick baseball squat! -- Page 1C Nil Cleaning disposal c unusual c OiL What's the take on future movie-filming here? Time for speaking parts — Page 2 County sewer Service district recommended By Terry Pope < 'ounly Bditor A vote earlier this month to up grade l.eland Industrial Park's sewer plant tor northern communities put county commissioners in the sewer business Now a committee which has stud ied the sewer issue closely recom mends that either a counts wide wa ter and sewer district or a "service district" he created to oversee the project. It would encompass all areas where the counts otters sewer. “The counts is gross ing very rap idly. and there need m he a simple way it can he uddeo n " said Mas Moore ot Yaupon Bench chairman of the Rrunsssich Counts Storinss ater Management and Sew nee Treatment Osersigh! ('omniittee Although the counts chose to en ter the sewer business, it svill focus oil svhere the greatest need for ssaste svater seis ice lies - m mine densely populated areas "There are areas ot the county where it is hard io s isualt/e sesvet w ill ever be needed.' said Ms. Moore See Sewer, page Councilor found NG of assault By Richard \u!>cl Municipal Ldiloi Dish i c t (curl | iicluf Jcn\ Jolls Luesdas afternoon pinckls found Long Beach lined councilor Horace Collier not guilts o| mo counts ot assault on ,i temale - ills' charges brought hv toss u lesulent Bells Weaver and councilor I ranees Allen. In a case that look aboul an hour anil 20 minutes to us Weasei con tended Collier hast struck her ssilh a plastic drink bottle subses|uent to the February IS town council meeting at the Long Beach Recreation Center Allen claimed ( olliei had pushed het aside as she uppioached V\eaver and Collier in the llnoes ot then dispute that night Key to Col I ic i s de tense ssas coun cilor Mars Snead, ss ho had just been sworn to ottice and had participated in her first council meeting the night ot Lebiuars IS Councilor Snead anil her husband. I airs Snead, teslilied they ssitnessed sirtually the entire exchange ms ols mg ( oilier. .Allen and Weas er that night and saw ueithei the alleged poking i it Weas er w ilh a drink bottle not the alleged shosing ot Allen "(( oilier) had a drink bottle in Ins See Assault, page 6 I'lutlo In Jim Harper Although it's been in service on the Southport-hurt fisher fern run for several months, the vessel Southport was officially welcomed to duty Friday w hen (iai land < iarrett. secretary of the N. ( Department of I ransportation, broke a bottle of bubbly across her how. Dignitaries and invited guests, including the Duke blue Devil, embarked on a short cruise that demonstrated the remarkable maneuverability of the new ferry. Three dollars out, one dollar in Fire, rescue proposal costly to Long Beach Ifv Richard Nuhel Mmnc 11>aI l-.ditor I mu; Reach liomeow ners. business operators and lot owners would pay .in estimated $2h<>.55() in new taxes loi lue and rescue funding in Brunsw ick ( 'ountv next seat it counts commissioners adopt a proposal ad\ anced In a committee on emergence serxice funding last week I lie low not long Beach would receive onl\ iS7.()()() lor its volunteer tire and rescue departments under the same lJav Sdh(o50 Reeeive SS7.000. Is tins fair ’ See Proposal, page 6 ‘Our big concern all along has been equi!\ That money raised here, stay here. That's not what ^ proposed.' Joan Altman Long Hindi ni.oor $15.3 million Schools request draws favorable county response By Holly Kdwards Feature Lditor A man mi s 1,1 Btumsw is k ( d afrits commissioners said fucsslas night l i ic \ support the school hoard's S I 5.3-million local budget request lor fiscal s car I d<)7 os and ai c ready to place responsihilits loi improving the school ssstcm squarels on the shottldeis of those who run it "1 think we’ve reached a lime in Brunswick Counts wlieic we need to gi\e the school ss stem die hcncl it ol the doubt.” deelaied 1 listnct ' commissioner Leslie ('oilier 1 lie end result of it is n puts die hall m their court. It lhe\ get what thc\ need then they will he responsible for the results, and th id w hat the publu ecp.’cis ” ill lus budge1 mai. manager .Inn Varner leconmiended a S I 2.3- million dlocation to the .. a v sm,n \\ ' added to da. i i ua c - M ■ i.s 'If they get what they need then they will be responsible for the results, and that's what the pub lie expects.' Leslie Collier District 3 commissioner enue. the school system s total local htulyet would he about SI4 million, or moo' than SI milium Us, than . h- ii >1 ot l oils say tiles need. While three ot live commissioners sun! luesdas m si In dies supported See Schools, [lape BEAT workshop Water quality is emphasized By Tern Pope l 'ounts l.dilor Residents concerned with ssatei i|ualit\ in Brunswick ( \>unt\ to arm themsels es ss ith tacts I uesdas m hopes ot protecting the ( ape t ear Riser and I ockwood l olls Rise! trom terms ot pollution sshich base alreads slrickcned the Neuse Riser ami turned it into a killme mound. We he I ms e a problem is not 11 \ able until it is s isihle. ' said Jail Bar ns. president ot the Hrunsw ick l;ns i - ronmental Action leant (HI Al t. which held a counts sside meeting near Suppls "I hat is ss In see at - ranged the ssorkstn>p HI AI w as organized last seal as a art nip ot concerned citizens ss ho pro mote ssise stewardship ot natural re sources in the counts and better ss as s to manage long-range gross th. It has taken keen interest in planning issues this sear since the counts is draltmg its land use plan update that outlines boss to manage coastal cross th. a plan mandated by the '... it is a lot easier to point a finger at a boat than it is to point it at all of us. We're kind of loving our eoast to death.’ Jo Ann Burkholder Fisheries member Coastal Area Management Act (C AMA |. (iene lomlinson ot Southport, chairman ol the N C\ Coastal Re sources Commission, a hoard that must approve county land use plans, said water quality has become a ma im concern ol the ( R( ’ He said state See Water, page 9 Is there room for a compromise? Bv Richard Nulud Municipal I’dimt With no oMK'!i'.;i' at home and a walthnu 1 ravel and I nurism ( oal 11m at m K ileieh. Kep I l)a\ ul Kedvv me told Brunsvv tek C ounlv leaders I rivlav he would decide earls this \\eek \v bethel 10 lichi toi a consolidated occupancv lav hill in this session ol the (leneral \ssemhlv 01 lei the matter drop altoeelhet Ae tnaiI v - Kedvv me told members ol the Hr tinsvv ink ('ounlv ( Vcupaiicv lav I ask I nice he laced lout options this week when he returned lo Rulemh lie could OCCUPANCY TAX , • Do nothing. He could withdraw House Hill ' creates ,i tirst-time one-pereeni counts w ule on up.m. to pros isle up to $450,00(1 annually toi travel on.I tor in Brunsss ick Counts, .met \s ,ut as Hi unsss ick ( our Unite to IniiId consensus. The lull also allow s bench i ■ municipal occupancy taxes, hut limits use ol those h: approved by the N. ('. I ravel and Tout ism ( oalit r tel. motel and other statewide tourism mteiests He could introduce a bill establishing the one pen I w Inch vpected ’motion rs con ncrease tiv ities of ho ts vs ide CVC u pa nc x i,1 \ 11 ni i 11 'u is ire e leaf lx xhx kick! i mi xx lietlu i oi ik >i i, ''(kiklinc bimtahons on which the Iraxel .m,| |, un ism ( mIhumi tus nisiskkt ( ompoundmg ihc prob lem. ones .nkl i 1 w ns w .in' i three-percent i net ease in mu me i pal oemipaikx taxes In six petcent 1 he coalition has insisted oil a s;\ peicent cap on occupancx taxes in am po litical suhdix isimi oi the stale, so i In one-perceni countx w ide tax is enae ted in Himisw mk municipalities would be lim ited to Is, pets s 111 incieases lone Beach and Soulhpott otlieials wete so aiiceied hx this liiex hare asked Redwme to xx ithdruw those towns (torn anx pending legislation this See Compromise, page l) TOP STORIES ON THE INTERNET www.southport.neifclfiij* INSIDE Opinion 4 Kids’ page 10 Calendar 11 Police report 12 District Court 13 Business 14 Obituaries 15 Recreation 2B Far Heel Kitchen 4B Church 6B Schools 7B Classifieds ID