The State Port VOLUME 66/ NUMBER 48 SOUTHPORT N C 5o CENTS Sports Quinhhi s still Quinton, hoth in the good times and dad. the Pilot learns -- 1C Neig! Festival of tl good time Sal by all who att The sea yields things — even Ir. buried in the sand— Water plan Caswell system on hold Hi iii rv |*i*kn •••' . i i uinli .•( inmiissn incrs sa\ I ' 'e I III t 111! to lake in er tile 1 HiMi. li «alet ss stem but are l I i audi tlie issue further he ’11:i i 11u.i 1 devise in is marie 1m a b I si ile Mi itulav. u 11 h [)is :, h ! : i imiiiii.sumi - 1 eslle C 'oilier ot I i it.; Hi a., u 1.1 -ti m i, i i tmmission t;! 1.1 11a 1 \ th -liter made bi t a mi e 11 I' i i Hi last . eek ii i mid an e ' i . later si stem to the ei Hints an-1 I ■ repi >rl baek ii .111 a ree iiiiiiiendJii e 1 di >ii ' ur id : h uiisii iek t 'ounts is in tlie jKtsitioit to take ns er a n ater iisii'in ss lie'll lie are struggling mill 'in e>i a. saul Ms ('oilier. Hi flTtsy. iek < 'ountv has taken steps, in. h'dittg adoption ot a mandatori tap tilman.e and assessments, to help ■ "..II the count i s\ stem out ot the red. I: is • ifhti lling ii a So-million annual delieit and is supplemented hy ad '. herein l .\ dollars to pav ott debt ( as H e 11 Beach otlieials ap I -" '.i.. Iie 11 ' ouiiii issmn-'t s recently ihi then ot lei to an c the counts 7 1 miles . i ", .hi'i 11 ncs and 1 7 7 eusti him ei s i 1. tow :i , ,m eel out ot tile ■i .is . 11-1.... .. and out its in,mile See ( asnell. page 6 Violation has closed zoo/farm Its W ends Bipiiam 'i.'1; ' > n I ' e I :: ’i i.i .1 ml lhe i ’ mi- ,\ i k ! i Mini \ Health I )epart iiu ii, !i.:v i i-uli-reil William .nul i iIIi.m I ,mi cloth In close haircloth t n nr- hi,I I \olic Animals /.mi. lo , aleJ oil Mnlssas Road. I he I 111 c lot Ils \ io I a led N orl li ( ,11 III Ilia |,CA 11\ no! has me an ap pro- e d s\ as less ate I lacilits lor a place ol pnoli,, assemble and not apple mo loi -ale , s aluatn>n. counts ills iron meni,11 In a I lli supers isoi Boh ( Kielte s a nl \ls, > heh >i e I'm Wine the /oo. the I III, I >ili-. dm ni a i ihlam permits from tlie 1 - n -I Bolis i,i. said toss n zon ule Mmitnslratoi Ina Kmc Ml sseie sas ilie is thes s e pot to ijo ihtoneh the same procedures that , s I i ' hods I Ise does, said Klup. "We nasi lo hnoss s\ hat tiles re dump out dun I he /i hi is located m liolis ia s ex it .item tonal |ni isdn lion and in an am 1C, torcslrs district W hen ihe haircloths appls toi a See \ iolation. pape 7 INSIDE Opinions 4 Police report 10 Business 12 District Court 13 Obituaries 14 Church 4B I \ schedule 5B Schools 7B Classifieds ID 1‘h'Hn h\ Jim Harper ('I i It on and hditli Brown arc justifiably proud of the sunflower ci i at the l..nn on Highway 211. When asked what special variety he planted to get such profusion. Brown i he'd nwd whatever «av in the hag of bird seed. Town candidates file While niil\ ;i leu contests lor municipal office are apparenl riuht mm. candidates still have eight davs in lu tile notice ol their candidacies with elections ol ticials. I he count', hoard ot elections and several town halls began accepting notices ot candidacy tor municipal cilice on July 7 ( andidates have until noon August 1 to pay a So tee lor the privilege ot seeking election. II ere \ a 11110 low n ol those who have declared their candidacies U1 date Southport Mayor Hill ! nme has tiled notice ot his intention to seek a second two -\cur term as top elected otticial m the city, lie i time. Ward II tiled niHi thee u ill 1 resident V\ Aldei n reeled ii Long lit I he i' In ill in i pi mi.ii ■ hallengers tor the mat i ut\ .it tins nen Phil Joy ner .nut I1 i il I ishei ha\e eir intention to seek 1 . led ion and longed bv Hurringti-ii Venue I levvett. Brow ii of Waul I ,!! also seek is no challengers at 1 Ills 11me ’ai conduct a non pailis.ei |n mart elec hasn't made one ncces- .ns \et for a to take place there must tv I ; m moie See Candidates, page (> Martin Marietta Legal battle to continue over mining Bv Terry Pope County Fditor Brunswick County officials haven’t surrendered in their legal battle against Martin Marietta C’orp. over a controversial rock quarry planned on a 1.000-acre tract north of Southport. Despite having their appeal dis missed last week bv the N. C. Court of Appeals. Brunsw ick County com missioners instructed county attorney Huev Marshall on Monday to proceed w ith litigation aimed at keeping Mar tin Marietta from mining the property off Bethel Church Road. Marshall said he cannot disclose w hat type le gal action the board will take until documents have been filed. In a ruling liled last Tuesday. July 15, the N. C Court of Appeals dis missed an appeal filed last year by the county after Superior Court judge Ronald Stephens issued a summary ludgrnent that favored Maitin Judges reading the appeal stated ‘any potential conflict between the ordinance and a permit will not arise until a permit is issued.' Marietta on tour issues over statutory rights and common lavs vested rights to mine the land. The company sued the countv over an ordinance that pre vents mining \v uh e xplosiv os and de - watering ot the underground r|uiu : See Mining, page 6 Bed allocation Dosher works on settlement By Holly Edwards Feature Editor [tosher Memorial Hospital trustees met u Hit attorney s tor an hour in dosed session Mondas afternoon to discuss an appeal tiled against state approval ot Dosher’s application to e'onsti uct a fiO-hed skilled nursing ta cilitv Magnolia Health Care, vs Inch pro mised to include the skilled nursing heels as part ot a larger retirement community at Supplv. tiled the appeal last month with the state Otticc ot Administratise Hearings Dos her trustees took no action al ter the closed session, hut ehrected hospital administrator Edgar Haewood to continue negotiations ss ith Magnolia I (calth ( are Posher has retained administratis e lass specialists Mills Wilson and Jim ( rates \s ith the Raleigh firm Manpin. las lor and 1 Ills to represent its inter ests in the case In the appeal. Magnolia Health ( are asserts that in approving Pusher's application lor beds and dousing its application, the state Di vision ot facility Serv ices "exceeded its authority and jurisdiction, acted erroneously, tailed to use proper pro cedure. acted arbitrarily and capri ciously and failed to act as required In lass or rule A hearing on the case has been ten tativ el v scheduled in earls ( Amber in Wilmington before administrative See Posher, page 6 Municipalities lend support Framework being laid for county sewer plan Be Richard Nuhcl Municipal I diu>r Willnn I he span in seven nights carle this month, ioimci 'l a u po 11 Beach maeot Mae Moore spoke before meetings Ot live Soulhport-( )ak Island municipal goe - ernments. seeking su| port tor a counteeeide governing opera u i / at 10 n to adm i luster eeasteeeater management needs in Hi unsee ick ( iunite \s chauman ol the Brunswick ( ounte Stormwater Management and Sew age ()\ ersight ('omnnttee. Mooie said now that its icpi a l lias been tiled with counte com missioners. it is die , ■ imnnttee's charge to seek support loi ctealion ol a ". (unite - led framework to address I11 esc lit and t mure w astew a let and storm w a ter issues. I \..V Moon on i pi.K i ! [Ik "IT" M Ik' ' .1M , " 1 I Ik !i..o l Ik- VK ( )\OMi I: I o 1 k \ 1 ’ W Ill'll [pi ■ ( l Kill \ \oil receptuin in I oiig IP k P i isi a eek. amous ol .i u- P.iioi calling nsMoncrs to pul llnu n iincw oik in ■ ll low ,1 Council l oil'll A 1 lo kippol [ illi councilor I i.iiio - \liu. > oting m cilor Helen t Pishw 11, l.nliki : ' respond - called, so hei i ok as- . ii-d m die council rules - or mechanism ol io',,nr. e k e; nmciil Management and Sm m licainicni it tee Seeks Mill Ik uslalislu d mlialK de wastewater ni.nun iicul 'ciciccs eded and ill areas to a hah Hiunswick ! sere ice. Mooie said ilk - onimitlee See Sewer, page 7 Brunswick County Health Department REPORTED SEPTIC SYSTEM FAILURES \( >11 Kc)mu ted septic Idilures lu health depaitment is likeh imt the entire incidence nt septic ssstem failures le numbers are likeh higher