The State Port _ Sports l k B/BB&T Football .1 amborce kicks off Friday n|ylit m Wilmington - 1C VOLUME 66/ NUMBER 52 SOUTHPORT N.C. 50 CENTS I ihbors d their family >in in a day of clean fun — IB Town Xuthority may 1 's marina in put in uiy storage -- Page 2 Long Beach Solid waste issue should involve town 15} Richard Niilul News I-,in,,, ^l!l' lK ;,|Cl'k'' experience 111 urban management issues, ’run") li' shl’Lilsf involve Long Beach and its lllUM Sl'111 ,M Sl'l-ing iho critical solid waste management ' lJllcni,lL! local governments here lace ' 1 a. .1.a. i aie in the positnm ol begging the coun |;1 M'I|K' I1'“I'ci planning." mavor .loan Altman told ll’u‘1 ' ll!l l! '"esd.r, nielli as that body met in regular montliK -C'simi in 1 "r:ih lh,cr hi>ui meeting, council also received a k'p'’" consulting planner Bill l ams on a second hridac c itridor development plan, which advocates Long ik:|Jl •>' cowiiimeni agenev lo, developing the area emending Horn Midvvav Roatl lo the Intracoastal 'v atervv av ;,t |lk meeting, council heard trom Brunswick ( "m,!N 1 •"mchuilders ... president Hank Kv psc ha. vv l,o moused long Beach code enforcement i’(1'vci I mv id l Iciiiniiuis ol dtsehaigmg Ins duties in an lln!‘llL u l",,,llv "'"I manner." and called lor ■see 1 ong Beach, page h Southport Movie-makers will be subject to local rules IU Richard Nubtl V u s 1 i! 11 ■ 11 James Pearson - for 21 years a route mechanic with the Brunswick Counts schools garage - and his fellow workers labored hard in last week's heat so that Photo bv Jim Harper 139 buses could deliver pupils for the opening of school today. The buses will all be back w hen school closes early next June. 8,000 students answer the bell By Holly Edwards Feature F.uitor More than S.()()() Brunswick County students went to sch<u)l this morning as their summer vacation came to ,in end lodav is the first day of school tor most county stu dents. although nearly I ,<S()() returned to school a month ago when Lincoln. Union and Belville elementary schools switched to a year-round school calendar. One year after a new school administrative team took tlie helm, Brunsw ick ( minty Board of Education chair HEW PROGRAMS. PAGE 7 m;in Glenda Browning declared that the school sys tem is “or the threshold of greatness." I think this is the most exciting time in education Biunswick County has ever seen." she said. “Fvery thmg we do now revolves around the classroom We've al ways had good teachers and students, hut classrooms and teachers tin.illy have the support and the materials i fey need to e we I. an el I think v\ e re on our wav to the mp." Last year w,.s a transitional period lor ihe school '’V-'1 ■" v\tn.!i 'mm* ww pioipams designed to improve ItiL- quality ot instruction were put in place, she said I his year. Browning said, results ot the new programs will be brought to Iruition. ' I Ins is the year it's ah going to come together." she said. Along with enhanced support programs lor teachers ";l :lu' Bom hue Browning said, there have been stepped up et toils to maintain the appearance - ■( school buildings ( )m schools look so much belter, and that's giving See Students, page 9 S' >ul 11 [ n .r! ii'Mik'nis ;ii)J I lit-1 r on go\ c rumen I will make 1u' -"'■fiii him-making in this city and film-makers ^ 1!I he in11muictl a the icsuIis when the city is through. 1 hat message u as sent k .tullv and clearly to the director "I hie Wilmington I,lm ol'tice I'hursdav night as the city's hoard ot akk mien declareel it would conduct a workshop op proposed teetil Ilion ot the film industry this week. A task loree ot lesidimts 11. <m neighborhoods most frequently ‘dice led I w 11 lor ie - make1 [ s has | if oposed a set ot mew le regu Iat ions and le cs - Ire , harped 11 Inc makers teir the city ser r tews (her titih/i a Ink-on localion here. Mark Strieklaiiel. elueetor e>I the regional film commis sion m Wilmington, was told his help was not needed to ilee elop 111ming guide! mes lor Southport. Whaierer guidelines you adopt, mv office is basically taking this as an emissary to Hollywood." Strickland told a I ile hi ten. a elding lie ami the hoard w ere on the "same team. Strieklaiiel sale! he was ottering Ills services to show Sonthpi o t ‘dial is In iw ii w orks " "'tou mar he on our team, hut rou're in a different uni form. \e Ison Adams le del Strickland. "The people who aie agnate el In the se- ( mor ie-makers) elon't care how it works [he r sale- how res work Stockland said ilie- regulations proposed In the hoard s See laical rules, page 6 State rejects Dosher pact Bv Hollv Edwards Feature Editor A proposed settlement of an appeal of the state 's decision to grant Dosher Memorial Hospital cer tificatton to operate a bO-bed skilled nursing fa cihtv was rejected by the state Certificate of Need Section on legal grounds, Dosher administrator Edgar Haywood said Monday. Magnolia Health ( are, which proposed to in clude the skilled nursing beds as part of a larger retirement community at Supply, filed the appeal with the state Office of Administrative Hearings. Unless there is a major breakthrough, Haywood said, the appeal will be decided by administra See Dosher, page 9 County may help Dutchman Acres Though it is doubtful Southeast Brunswick Sanitary District will have the capacity to treat wastewater front Dutchman Acres, county commissioners Monday said they would help residents of that community seek funds for construction of a wastewater collection system. At District 3 commissioner Leslie Collier’s insistence, county staff will act as honest broker of a possible deal between Dutch man Acres residents and SBSD commissioners. "These are the kinds of situations of which we have to be aware and see what role the county can play,” Collier said. "We'll do anything we can to help them,” county manager Jim Varner said. In a portion of commissioners’ meeting devoted to accepting public comment Monday, Thomas Johnson of the Dutchman Acres community west of Southport said SBSD would build See County, page 6 Garbage tipping fees of no concern ... now By Richard Nubel News Editor f aced w ith a $5-million annual cosi i mmg solid waste management efforts in Brunswick 1 nity. county commissioners Monday mcht a public hearing on landfill tipping fees and cm ; . lection from the public. f ommissioners said all proposals to M c up solid waste management efforts would be put 'lie table and no tipping tees had actually been c- died vet, even in theory. We ve not established fees, we re co ring them, commissioners’ chairman JoAm: b a my Simmons told Yaupon Beach comnnsM. Nov Johnson >a l',o-a iih Viupon Beach commissioner Hill Smith w cm l he on I \ I'ao counts i cm dents lo address tom miss 11 nitrs Johnson s simple ' \\ s ii ironic lo post 'i a upon He,mil ’ -a cut un.insm cred We no >a | us i need public led me about u ha I w e re eome io do, counts manned Jim Vainer said. Johnson said il had been rumored ’ annual solid musie eosis to be passed from Brunswick Counts to the tow n s on Id ranee as hi eh as SSI ).()(>() Phat would rouehls double Vmpon Beach s cost and would loree the tors n to charge Us residents more ill tees or taxes. Smith said < 'ouuts ott m i a I s lace some d.iununt’ dial lenses in See Garbage, page 6 Hospital expansion City approves permit, may seek agreement tty Richard Nuht-I ^ews Editor Dosher Hospital won su|tt approval from eit\ .ikicrmcrt Ihursday night ot .1 o' use [Xu nut to build and iipci.itc .1 (>4-hed skilled nursing taeihi\ on the hospi tal > umpus. tt l!- the ease u ith u hieli ein otti s mi' granted the hospital rei|ties! nun eosi Dosher in the lone run I he Smiths illc township hipi(;iI plans to build the skilled nursing ta s i111\ to the rear ot die existing num hospital hmldinp and will relocate a parkino lot on that site farther south on Atlantic Avenue demolishme ( ape Harbor Apartments to make w a\ Alderman Paul I ishei suggested the eitv max have a rei|uest hospital trustees can deal w nil I has e no oh|ec lion to the b4 Feds. f isher told hospital adminis trator Fdgar Haywood '1 do hast a concern about Cape Harbor (Apart ments) and $224,000 worth ot prop erty taken oft the tax scrolls." When Dosher recently bought the apartment complex it became govern ment property, therefore not subject to ad valorem taxation bv the city. f isher asked Haywood to schedule .1 meeting between aldermen and hos pital trustees. He said the hospital -- which collects a property tax of four cents per $100 valuation from resi dents of Smithville Township -- should pay Southport a sum ot money annually in lieu of taxes. Fisher may have gotten that idea from his service as citv liaison to N C. Fastern Municipal Power Agency. See Permit, page f INSIDE Opinion 4 Obituaries 9 Police report I() Church XB TV schedule 9B Calendar 12B NASCAR 3C Notices (,(; Business 7(j Fishing report 8(2 m TOPSTORlESOfTTHE INTERNET Www.southno.^

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