Caswell Beach Polling place: Town Hall To the elected: mayor, three commissioners Mayor Francis A. (Frank) Bausch 734 Alyssum Avenue. Retired and a five-year resident of Caswell Beach, Bausch, 66, is a’mem ber of the town’s, beach preservation committee, a Lower Cape Fear Hospice volunteer, member of Sacred Heart Church and, chairman of the church finance council. He is a Southport Lions Club director. Harry Simmons 707 Caswell Beach Road A resident of Caswell Beach for the last 2 l/2years, Simmons, 46, is an artist manager and former university official. He is chairman of the Brunswick Beaches Consortium and a member of the town’s beach preservation commit tee. He has helped with the town’s parade units. He established and main tains the town’s World Wide Web site: www. caswellbeach. org. If you are elected, what will be your top three goals as a member of the town’s governing board? (1) Maintain momentum on our beach preser vation effort by paying the town’s share of the harbor channel dredging project and begin sav ing for the 50-year renourishment project. (2) Extend town maintenance services to include all roads, beach accesses, storm water runoff, mosquito control and sewer plants. (3) Improve communications with residents and property, owners by holding regular office hours and issuing a quarterly newsletter. (1) Manage growth to maintain the residential quality of Caswell Beach, while working to enhance the town's positive impact on our region and expand its relationships with coun ty, state and federal levels of government. (2) Aggressively pursue participation in'the regional wastewater treatment system for all the Caswell Beach neighborhoods and seek the earliest on-line time at the fairest and most rea sonable cost possible. Such a system is obvi ously environmentally safer and need not lead to any unwanted development with proper zon ing in place. (3) Keep property taxes reason able and involve citizens more effectively in the budgetary process. What is your opinion of your town’s current year budget? Does it offer ser vices you want to offer in the most affordable manner? The current budget, with its associated ad val orem tax rate of 38 cents per $100 of assessed valuation, is fully responsive to town needs, as well as farsighted in its front end loading for beach nourishment. Next year I will push for long-term, sustainable beach funding through use of the accommodations tax, while at the same time returning the ad valorem tax rate to the FY 1998-99 level of 24 cents per $100. While there are a few line items in the budget with which I disagree, I believe the overall level of services and costs are acceptable. I advocated using 36.8% of the current year's ad valorem tax rate as a one-time increase, dedi cated to paying our share for sand from the Wilmington Harbor project. I will work to bring the ad valorem rate back down to its pre vious range in the next fiscal year. I will lead the effort to seek all applicable state, federal and private grants to provide funding for ser vices and improvements we need. Why should the voter select you over your opponents)? First, I have 37 years executive experience to include military command and directorship in a Fortune 500 company. Second, this expertise is backed up with energy, enthusiasm and proven ability to get the job done at both the federal and local government level. Finally, I'm a per manent resident and property owner with a unwavering commitment to serve the town as a full-term (four year) mayor. Those who know me best know that I am bal anced in my approach to both long-term plan ning and crisis management. As mayor of Caswell Beach, the ability to handle both the politics and relationships of office, while using common sense to deal with the practicalities of problem-solving in day-to-day governance, will be critical. My consensus-building skills have served me well in other aspects of my public and business efforts. I expect those skills to be pushed to the limit during the next four years, but I am certain I am up to the task. Commissioner Robert C. Spake 38 Foxfire Trace Spake, 66. is a retired, 14-year resident of Caswell Beach who was first elected to the board of commissioners four years ago. He is the only commissioner seeking reelection this year. He has been involved with many activities in the community, Wendell N. (Buck)Vest 402 Palmetto Drive Vest,45, is employed in the computer industry. He has been a resident of Caswell Beach for one year. Ann Marie Zalewski 904 Caswell Beach Road A member of the town’s planning board, board of adjustment and beach preservation committee, Ms. Zalewski, 59, also serves as treasurer of the Beach Preservation Trust Fund. She is a member of the Caswell Beach social committee and has helped with Christmas parade floats and beach and road maintenance activities. (1) To keep taxes as low as possible and still give the best service we can. (2) Beach renour ishment. (3) Have the best police force to pro tect our town and its citizenry. (1) Consolidation with the Town of Oak Island. I don't feel that this will be in the community's best interests.Caswell Beach is a small, non: commercial town with a small number of resi dents and a large number of property owners. Consolidation will not enhance onr services or provide additional benefits... (2) Beach renourishment. In the face of Floyd, it is essen tial that our beach communities work together to ensure that our beaches rebuilt and main tained... (3) Community spirit, safety and identity. It is important that we continue to maintain the current spirit of community that is so evident in the town... My top three goals as a commissioner are: (1) To provide more responsive government to our citizens by listening to their concerns regarding roads, wastewater treatment, the budget process, police, fire and rescue services and encouraging more open and active citizen par ticipation in finding solutions; (2) to increase the presence of Caswell Beach in the county, state and federal government by attending meetings and visiting representatives at all lev els of government in Order to exert greater influence on external decisions that affect the town; and (3) tef rebuild our sand dunes for protection of the road and renourish the beach for everyone's enjoyment. Our town’s current year budget is good. We try to upgrade services each year. The budget of the town is adequate. There are always new budget items requiring considera tion and should be addressed in the appropriate forum. The current council members and the mayor have provided detailed information justi fying the current requirements for the mainte nance and services required to our residents and property owners. I am confident that we will continue to provide an appropriate spending plan providing continued growth and improve ment of services, while not allowing an undue burden to be placed on our property owners. The budget contains a 12-cent ad valorem tax increase to pay for sand from the channel realignment project, a project I strongly sup port. Because the recent property reassessment increased the available money by seven cents, I believe the budget could have been trimmed to allow a portion of this windfall to be appropri ated for the sand project, thereby reducing the need to increase the tax rate a full 12 cents. Also, had the final approval of the budget been delayed until the end of June, there wouldn't have been a need to add another two cents for rescue services. Because I have served the Town of Caswell Beach for the last four years and will do the same for the next four years. Although I have been resident of Caswell Beach for only a short while, my family and I have been constant and faithful visitors to the island for almost 20 years. I want to be active ly involved in our community to assist in its continued prosperity and growth. It is unfortunate that there are only three can didates for the three open seats on the town's governing board. The result of this lack of can didacy is that the registered voters really do not have a choice of candidates for commis sioner unless a write-in candidate is supported. I hope that the next local election will find more citizens in the town who are interested and willing to participate in their town's gov ernment. A democracy is strong only when suf ficient choices exist for elective positions and citizens express their opinions at the polls. James R. Forstner, M.D. } announces the relocation of his practice to 4654 Long Beach Road, Southport (Coastal Urgent Care Building) „ Walk-ins Welcome f - Monday-Saturday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ’ Sunday, 12 noon - 8 p.m. For appointments please call, 457-9564 • 457-9565 • 457-0055 . CITIZENS OF BOILING SPRING LAKES Rumors • False Rumors Reeves Telecom is responsible for the flooding! Broken dams are responsible! No power to control valves! Lack of common sense and failure to follow city approved and state recommended guidelines are responsible. Wait till you hear how much it’s going to cost taxpayers to repair the dam and spillway! FACE One earthen dam, the head water for Allen Creek, which holds 30 or so acres, washed out. Impoundment 2 is controlled by a valve and pipe system and was already at normal surface level when it let go. The last earthen dam, by Hwy. 87, was washed out five or six years ago and is always at the same level as the "Big Lake ’. I wonder if the "present administration" feels that our citizens are dumb enough to believe that 30 or even 50 acres of 2-3 feet deep waters will raise a 360-acre lake eight to nine vertical feet when a dam breaks? The portable generator, purchased in case of power failure, used to open the Big Lake’s control valve, was useless because of the high water. The Weather Channel and our own local TV stations - pardon the pun - flooded the airways with reports for coundess hours about the wind speed, destruction expected and amounts of possible rainfall that would come with Hurricane Dennis. AFTER Dennis the Big Lake was drained 18 to 20 inches. Not enough! The valves were closed and in three days the water level was back to four inches ABOVE the top of the spillway. Once again, the reports started from the TV. Copious amounts of rainfall on our already saturated area were expected. Reports of more than 12 inches were predicted from Hurricane Floyd even if Floyd hit Florida, and yet Commissioner Toland stated at the October 5, 1999 commissioner’s meeting that, and 1 quote, "not one meteorologist had predicted the number of inches of rainfall we would receive". Well, maybe Toland meant the EXACT amount of rainfall. Regrettably, the Mayor and Commissioners Toland and Akers, Commissioner Schneiders, who is in charge - and again I quote - of the “stupid” highway department, decided -against the guidelines, to close the valves prior to Floyd’s arrival even as the Big Lake continued to rise rapidly due to the waters cascading in from all the other lakes, ditches and storm drains around the city. Citizens, the valves were NOT opened until 9:30 a.m. Wednesday morning -12 hours before Floyd drenched us. Three valves - capable of being opened 400 turns each - were opened, one valve 200 turns, another 225, and the last 250 turns, as stated by highway department employee Glenn Clatterborough! Why such small openings? The state and Corp of Engineers regulations stipulate that the lake level "shall not be lowered more than 12" in any 24-hour period... due to earthen dam washout.” Why weren’t the guidelines followed? Prior to Floyd's assault on us, Commissioner Redmond suggested to the Mayor and other commissioners that it would be wise to drop the lake level much more than for Dennis. No - not needed - we know what we’re doing! Because of the "present administration’s" failure to follow state approved guidelines, many of us unnecessarily lost quite a bit of property. Thank the Lord, no one died. Now, in their ineptible wisdom, the board members who chose to ignore Commissioner Redmond, drastically lowered the lake level three feet in less than 24 hours, so that homeowners can repair their damaged property. If the lake had been lowered this much BEFORE Floyd, all the surrounding flooring and damage might not have been so extensive or destructive. The director of the Wilmington section of the N. C. Department of Environment, Health & Natural Resources invited me to a meeting on Wednesday, October 20,1999, at the spillway of the Big Lake to discuss the damage done to the dam and spillway due to Hurricane Floyd and the improper operation to control the level of the Big Lake. The damage is repairable - but at a very high cost to taxpayers. The director was quite upset that, due to dropping the Big Lake three feet in much too short period of time, the washout created at the base of the spillway has created a very large area under the dam piping that is extremely hazardous to the integrity of the entire dam. Loss of dam equals loss of Big Lake. The uphill side of the spillway is in danger of sliding down into the lower spillway and the possible collapse of the Alton Lennon Drive roadway. By the way - funny thing - but the Mayor forgot to invite the finance commissioner to the meeting. Guess Commissioner Redmond was not needed to see just how much this is going to cost us taxpayers. Engineer report - $25 to $30 thousand? Construction using someone other than our own "stupid” highway department, $50 to $70 thousand? We will need special backfills and compaction equipment. Specialized equipment that outside contractors can supply along with their state approved and regulated experience. Taxes, taxes, taxes! How much have you saved us, Mr. Mayor? I checked - couldn’t find anywhere around here about that 30% tax reduction you mentioned I ' don't like the fact that, without public input, you and your bunch allocated six thousand taxpayer dollars to halfway repair a building that you “hope" might hold a city post office. SLx thousand dollars to repair a tiny building that will not even hold all the citizens’ mail, even at our present population. Six Thousand dollars to repair a building owned by Reeves Telecom. Not even city prdperty! Finally, how dare the editor of this newspaper - a man who doesn't even live in our "quiet little town” put his two-cents into our elections? You don't live here - don’t try to interject your views of the candidates on our citizens. Newspapers are for reporting not opinionating. Print an apology and stay our of our politics or move into our town and finally go to a commissioners meeting. Paid for by Mike Williams i