The Randolph Bulletin. ' CHURCH DIRECTORY. M. E. Church, South. -Rev. W. L. Shun-ill, Pastor. Preaching every Sim liiy 11 a. m. and every 2nd and 4ih Sundays, 8 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. in. J. E. Walker, sunt Pmvpr mo.-t- evening at S injr every Wednesday o clock. M P. Church. -Rev. W. E. Swain. 1 astor. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m. and at 7:45 p. m. Praver meet ing every Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. j cil j a. m.. v . ,j. i Mi i . . league, Supt. Junior C. E every Sun- " nele Wlu De repeated. day 4 p. m., Mrs. R. r. r0Ss, Supt. The advertiser has testimonials irom hundreds o well known nteresting Entertainments Being Given Free. Much interest is hpino- eVwn in this city over the series of free shows and entertaining talks given by the Advertiser of Payne s New Discovery Reme dies. A great deal of comment has appeared in most of the papers of the State concerning the big sales of these remedies and the remarkable Cures they have ef fected and it seems that the suc cess they have met with pIsp- Pkesbyterian Church. -Rey Robinson, pastor. Preaching -n.i anu 4vn Sundays, U a. m., 8 p. m. .Sunday school every Sunday 3 p. m., A. t . MeAluster, Supt. C. W. citizens of Charlotte, Salisbury, every Greensboro and snrvnnnHino- cities, snowing that the remedies have made astounding- cures 7- where all other medicines had LOCAL AND PERSONAL been tried and failed. j The advertiser has music, dances, jokes, and funnv con- Mr. W. A. Coffin spent a week ! tests m his free, open air show ;it Jackson Springs Miss Bessie Hylton , of Winston, is visiting Dr. J. W. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. B. Frank Page, Greensboro, spent Sunday in tow n. Mr. S. F. Lowdermilk sold a i-air of mules here Tuesday for Captain A. E. Burns is still or.. lined to his room we are sor ry i note. Mossrs. W. P. Wood and W.J. Armtiekl spent Sunday at Jack .....r. Springs. W o rave also learned that Mr. '":. v.:-- Russell, of Coleridge, ,tx,l July 17th, 1905. Mr. P. A. Mendenhall, our ac Cl kuing depot agent, spent :.,. ..; at Randleman. Mrs. W. J. Armfield and chil- ilivv. r 'Ont a few days at Jack s,.;i S. last week. Mrs. A. P. Shaw, of Ports !r..:;ih. Va.. is visiting her moth er. Mrs. V. A. Porter. Mr. ,!. M. Millikan and family, -.f ;rovr;b'.'ro. are visiting at the b".re ' f b. G. Hendricks. Mr. C' P. Crawley, of Mor- - trant.-T.. i;as relived Postal Clerk r or a few days. every night at 8 o'clock He ' makes his headquarters during the day in the Asheboro Drug Store, where all are invited to meet him and see the testi monials and in some cases the very diseases of those who have taken Payne's Remedies. There is no charge of any kind and all are welcome. The advertiser is a man of means and shows his liberality by throwing out quarters, halves and even silver dollars for the boys to scramble for, besides giving money to the winner of the funny eating contests. He intends also to give a hand some present to the most popular lady in the city, to be decided by votes. Don't miss seeing and hearing him. .1. P. F"::. The lur.erai will be prencf. lit'th SurMay i Cavines-s. of J. W. Morgan eri at Shepherd, the n July by the Rev. The "RarabA ri" met with Miss Whitrield Tuesday afternoon. The IVrtiar.d Exposition was studied. Mr. and Mrs. lieo. Barker, of Chase City. Va.. are visiting the xamiiv of Mr. Harris Rush this wee Court news next week. will be published Miss Mary Mar.ard.of Mebane, who has been the truest of Miss Lela Moffitt for the past week, returned home Tuesday. Asheboro and Central Falls' baseball teams played at Central Saturday, the game resulting in a defeat for Asheboro. Score 17 to 11. Rev. W. L. Sherrill is attend ing the District Conference at Ramseur this week, but will re turn for his regular Sundav ap pointments. The "bone yard"was not much in evidence this court. This is an attraction which could be abandoned without material in jury to anyone. We are very thankful to our many good friends who came in tnis week and subscribed to the Bulletin. W7e will make the Bulletin better as the weeks go by. L. 0. Tadlock, of Mechanic, has been appointed Field Deputy U. S. Marshal by Marshal Milli kan and took the oath of office Tuesday, before U. S. Commis sioner J. M. Burrows. Mr. D. A. Siler, an aged and highly respected citizen of Cole ridge, died July 17th, 1905. Mr. Siler was a sufferer from chronic diseases which assumed an acute form and his death was not un expected. Mr. E. L. Wright, head miller at the Crown Roller Mill, has moved his family from Greens boro here and will occupy the house near the railroad crossing on Salisbury streeL. We welcome them to our town. The attendance at court this week is much smaller than usual. Even on Tuesday the crowd was conspicuous for its absence. The farmers have learned that it doesn't pay to neglect their farm work to attend court when they have no business to attend to. Children's day exercises will be held at Brower's Chapel next Sunday. An interesting program has been arranged. Mr. Chas. Ross and other prominent speak ers are expected to be present and give Sunday school talks. Dinner will be served during a recess. Mrs. H. L. Brower, who was visiting at Siler City was called home Sunday night on account of the serious sickness of her moth er, Mrs. Bulla. Mrs. Brower drove across the country arriving home about 3 o'clock Monday morning. Mrs. Bulla is now im ' proving, we are glad to note. We publish in another column of this issue an advertisement of the University of North Carolina to which we call the special at tention of our readers. Any young man desiring cn education should take advantage of the opportunities offered bv this the loading and most 'noted in stitution in the State. MARRIED. On July the 16th, at the resi dence of E. N. Farlow, Walter Hunt and and Lillie Robbins were united in marriage. E. N. Far low, J. P., officiating. Why Not School Opening. . Owing to some unfinished re pairs on the academy, the fall term of Why Not Academy and Business Institute will begin on the 21st of August, instead of the seventh, as first advertised. We hope to have a full attendance j on the first day. G. F. GARNER, Principal. o From Our Coleride Correspondent. We regre to announce the death of Mr. D. U. Siler and T.C. Rus sell of this place. They both are aged citizens and have been afflicted a number of years. They passed away the evening of the 17th inst, being but a few hours difference in their deaths, Mr. Russell preceding Mr. Siler about 4 hours. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved fam ilies. Judgment and Right Against Ignorance and Wrong. Editor of the Bulletin, Dear Sir: In last week's issue I spoke of the yellow peril," this week I wish to speak of why Japan has been so successful in all her battles, both land and sea. It seems to be a general idea that there is and has been all along something wonderful or supernatural about the Japs. It has even been assigned to the great missionary work that has been done in Japan; notwith standing the fact that Japan is still looked upon as yet in heath enism m many respects, espec ially so among the rulers of the army, while Russia is considered Christianized, with the Catholic church at the head of that great government; with millions of soldiers to hght, and has also tried to help Christianize Japan and China with her missionary work; (the occupation of Man churia during the Boxer war is perhaps some cause of this war) like we are doing. Randleman Items. E. A. Wiles, of Greensboro, was in town last week on busi ness. Several of our people are at tending court this week. W. H. and Jamie Pickardhave returned from the Narrows of the Yadkin. The Randleman Manufactur ing Company are putting in two of the latest make of water wheels. In a game of base ball between our boys the "Kids, "and Worth ville on last Saturday, Worth ville defeated by a score of 7 to 9. R. W. Farlow, our clever de pot agent, has been on the sick list for a few days, but is back at his post of duty again. P. A. Mendenhall,of Asheboro, spent Sunday with his family. Mrs. Pickard has returned from a visit to her dsughter, Mrs. E. G. Morris, of Asheboro. Rev. Thomas C. Singleton, of Wake Forest College, preached in the Baptist church last Sun day night. Several of our young people attended the Children's Day ser vices at New Salem last Sunday night. Mrs. Bergman, of Greensboro, has been visitinsr Mrs. J.F. Ken- nett. The band was re-organized last week with the following mem bers Jno. Brown, baritone, captain; R. L. Dobson, E cornet, P. A. Hayes, B cornet, Frank Hayes, B cornet, Jno. A. Lineberry, B cornet, secretary and treasurer; W. Dean, E. clarinet, Z. C. Jar rell, B clarinet, R. C. Lineberry, 1st Tenor, Trella Collins, 1st tenor, Arthur McCollum, 2nd tenor, Chas." Dobson, alto, Gene Hughes, alto, Chas. Beasley, bass, president; Ems Brown, bass drum, Guy Hayes, snare. Franklinville Item. There has been little farm work going on in this section the past week owing to so much rain. Mrs. J. M. Ellison is spending a few days with her father, Mr. Alldridge, up on Sanday Creek. Mr. B. B. Moffitt, of Tampa, Fla. , was a visitor in town Sat urday and Sunday. Miss Lee Shields has been con fined to her room with measles the past week. Married at Mr.J.E. Pilkerto'ns Wednesday evening Mr. Robt. Raines and Mrs. Jennie Parks. W. C. Russell, Esq., officiating. Mr. Lewis York, of Liberty, was in town Sunday. Mr. R. W. Filator, agent for the Southern Railway at Mt. Airy, came in Saturday evening to visit his aunts, the Misses Lumsden. Rev. R. C. Craven is here vis iting his mother, Mrs. Coratine Craven. He delivered two of his best sermons Sunday morning and night. Mr. William Alldridge, of Old Soldiers Home, Raleigh, is visit ing Friends in this commuity. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1789-1905 Head of the State's Educat'onal System. DEPARTMENTS. Collegiate, Engineering, Graduate, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. Library contains 43,000 volumes. New water works, electric lights, central heating system. New dormi tories, gymnasium, Y. M. C. A. building. 667 STUDENTS. 66 INSTRUCTORS The Fall term begins Sept. 11, 1904. Address Francis P. Venable, President CHAPEL HILL, N. C. Jackson's Creek Items. j Mr. Henry Miller has sold aj large lot of timber to Geo. Hav-1 worth, of Lexington. j Mr. J. C. Hill has had three j bushels of cane seed threshed. Misses Delia and Cela Snider, of Pine, visited Minnie Ragan last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hoover went to Asheboro Monday. Rev. Wm.R. Church, of Wilkes- boro, was in our vicinity Thurs ; day selling tombstones. i Mrs. John H. Pool, of Holly, is visiting her lather, Mr. J. C. Ragan, this week. Mr. H. C. Nance, of Farmer, was in our neighborhood last Saturdoy. Mr. N. F. Morgan, of Line berry, who has been visiting his mother, returned home last Friday. Ramseur Items. Mr. George Hodgin, one of the Ramseur and Greensboro train crew was caught in between the bumpers while trying to couple carsand was seriously injured. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cates, of Burlington, returned 'last week from a pleasant visit to Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Foust. School closed last Monday which was taught by Miss Mary Ross. She is a good instructor for children. Miss Ross will go to Sanford to teach. Miss Flay York, of Staley, vis ited relatives and friends here last week. Mr. G. M. Kimery is attending court this week. Mr. W. H. Thomas,of Durham, returned home last Tuesday after a few days stay. Conference is to begin here this week and good services and a large crowd is expected. Holly Items. " Wheat threshing has been all the go for the last few days. Wheat is turning out better than was expected. Corn is growing nicely. Pros pects are good so far. There is an unusually large crop of black berries. Ben Tillman has a little boy very sick. Mr. Ezekiel Hudson and fami ly, of Julian, are visiting at Mr. J. W. Kearns . Sunday school and meeting at Science Hill every Sunday. Sunday school at New Union every Sunday in the afternoon. Preaching at Mt. Lebanon first Sunday in each month. Mr. John Kemp will move to his place soon bought of Mr. Madison Hammond. Mr. W. H. Parker lost a fine milch cow the other day, by get ting foundered. Miss Bessie Ash worth, who has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ashworth returned Saturday. ASHEBORO MARKET. Corrected each week by Spoon & Redding. Wheat, $1.00 Corn, .70 to 75 Oats, .50 Chickens, young, .10 per lb " old hens .7 per lb Eggs, .9 to 10 Bacon, .10 Lard, .10 to 12 Beeswax, .20 Butter, .20 . Tallow, .5 Potatoes, Irish, .40 to 50 Onions, .40 to 50 Green Hides, .5 to 6 Dry hides, .10 to 12 Photographs t If it is fine photo graphs you want, don't go furth er than York's Art Gallery. He will photograph your children and babies and guarantee sat- lsiacfion. Prices reasonable A. H. YORK, Ramseur, N. C. FOR SALE OR TRADE. -One set good double harness and one good two-horse wagon. Morris Livery Stables. SPOON & REDDING has a full line of groceries, tinware, shirts, hosiery, suspenders etc., and will deliver goods sold in town. LOST Medium size black and yellow tan female hound strayed from home about June 26. Lib eral reward for any information which will lead to its recovery. J. C. Davis, Asheboro, N. C. Sandy Creek Items. This section has been visited with heavy rains which has washed the land badly. All the wheat threshers of our section have shut down and come home. They report the crop very poor, not more than one half crop. Prof. E.C. Hamilton, of Greens boro, will conduct the singing at Bethany, the fourth Sunday for Children's Day. Every body in vited to come out. Mr. John W. Curtis, fruit tree agent from this section, came home a few days ago from Vir ginia, where he he has been sell ing trees, and reports crops fine out there. Mr. John F. Allred, of this section, and Miss Lula Coble, daughter of Mr. Thomas Coble, of near Liberty, were united in marriage last Sunday. Thomas Barker officiating. We wish Mr. Allred and his handsome bride a happy and prosperous life, and that they may enjoy all the grand and glorious pleasures that there may be in married life. On last Saturday night the young people gave a lawn party at Orcheus Weches'. A large crowd enjoyed the occasion. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of Ann Elizabeth Moffitt, deceased, ac cording to law, this is to notify all creditors of said estate to file their claims with the undersigned, duly sworn to on or before the 9th day of June. 1906, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons owing said estate are requested to make immediate payment. This June 9th, 1905. Seth W. Laughlin, Admr. WANTED - A wide awake salesman (either man or woman) on commission or straight salary. $50 per month to begin. Pay ment of salary not conditional on success. General agents wanted also; $50 per month and expenses Address Wm. S. Brower. Ashe boro, N. C. WANTED A wide awake man or woman in every community in Randolph county to solicit and receive subscriptions to The Bulletin. Liberal inducements given. Address, The Bulletin, Asheboro, N. C. Special Inducements SEED POTATOES. I have a lot of fine fall potatoes for seed which I will sell cheap They are very productive, are easily kept and are generally more profitable than the early crop. Will deliver them at Asheboro. A. M. Barker, Kemps Mills, N. C. IV. J?. cox JEWELER ASHEBORO, N. C. DO YOU EVER THINK? IF SO, WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT? THAT SLEEPY, TIRED FEELING? Nerves All broken up? YOU NEED A REMEDY ! I HAVE IT ! ! "VITVE ORE" A NATURAL AND PERMANENT NERVE BUILDER. But where is the consistency? I would ask, in placing all this great achivement on missionary work and the bible, or even as sign it to God, through provi dence in a superhuman manner. Do you think God would whip himself with the devil? A heath en with God on his side, whip out a Christian? I think not, In the first place the Japanese know they are fighting in a just cause and are satisfied that the God they worship will help them, and that gives to them the fighting quality. The Russians know they are wrong and that deprives them of the sticking quality. The Japs know how to fight. The Russians are neither drilled nor educated in any way to enable them to combat with skilled fighters. Japan is on the Lord's side, because she is fighting in an inteligent, enlightened, and a natural way, harmonizing with God's plans, while Russia is vio iauug udLuiai laws ana giving Japan all chances to excel in every cattle a circumstance of judgment and right against ig norance and wrong. J. F. H. Very poor people usually mind other people's business and there fore have no business of their own. Millikan Items. Mr. D. W. Bulla is moving his saw mill near Spero, on the land j of Mr. Daniel Millikan. There is a good Sabbath school going on at Plainfield. The av erage attendance is about 80. We have started a nice Sunday school at Davis' Chapel, under the management of Mr. W. C. Millikan. We-have had plenty of rain the nast week. Back creek has been the highest it has been tor many years. Miss Lily Davis, who has been sick, with fever, for some time, is improving we are glad to note. Mr. W. C. Millikan will have a 'phone from Randleman to his store in a few days. Mr. Yancv- Kennedy and fami ly visited at the home of Mr. G. W. Sanders Saturday and bun day. Moffit Items. Crops in this section are look ing fine. Farmers who have had their wheat threshed find they have only about half crop. Misses Mattie and Lura Moffitt attended services at Mt. Olivet Sunday. Miss Josie Moffitt visited at Mr. J. E. Albright's Saturday and Sunday. Quite a number of our people are attending court this week. Mr. Charlie Cox is talking of moving to Asheboro. Mr. Bud Brown and family visited at Mr. E. E. Lewallen s Sunday. There will be a missions rally at Shiloh the. second Sunday in August. All are invited. There is some prospects of a wedding in our settlement very soon. Kemp's Mills Items. The threshing machine has been in the neighborhood this week. Crops common. Mr. Elmer Bird, of Asheboro, visited his parents Sunday. Mr. Charley Brown and Miss Swanna Bird attended preaching at Pleasant Hill Sunday. Miss Cora Bird, of Greensboro, is visiting relatives near here. Mrs. M. T. Allen visited her brother, Z. S. Moffitt, Sunday. Mr. Jeremiah Allen and Miss Olive Moffitt were welcome guests at S. S. Cox's Sunday. Miss Fleta King, of Why Not, who has been visiting Mr. Oscar Brown, returned home Sunday. Hurrah for UnionGrove church. She has purchased a new organ. The Sunday school convention of the Christian church will be held at Union Grove the fifth Sunday in July. Come, one and all. The people of Holly Springs were delighted to hear Michael C. and Michael A. Farlow, of Marlboro, Sunday. Mr. Obert Moffitt has returned home from Asheboro to his saw mill work again and expects to move near Enterprise soon. I want every sick man or woman to know what VITM ORE is and what it will do. First; it is a Natural Remedy taken from the earth and pre pared under toe supervision of the most skillful chemists. Second; it is a sure remedy for all Kidney and Liver troubles and that tired feeling one experiences when their organs are out of repair. The finest tonic for indigestion in the world. It will cure the most chronic cases. It is sold on its merits. No free samples are furnished as it needs but to be tried to get a friend to advertise its virtues. I have the general agency for this great remedy. So send your orders to me and save the twelve days time it takes to come from Chicago. Send money order or registered letter. The price is $1.00, strictly guaranteed. L. D. MENDENHALL, Agt. Randleman, N. C. A HOME TESTIMONIAL. Randleman, N. C; June 8, 1905. Mr. Mendenhall. Aert. Dear Sir: I have taken "VLE ORE," and find it the most wonder ful blood maker and nerve builder that I have ever taken. I cheerfully recom mend it to anyone suffering from nervous or blood troubles, or indigestion. J. E. CAUDLE; Carrier on R. F. D. No. 1 LEWIS & WINSLOW HARDWARE CO. WOOL CARDING!! I will receive Wool and return rolls at the following places: W. J. Miller's store, Asheboro Presnell's Mill, Aconite E. N. Howards's store Parker's Mills Prices for carding greased wool 5 cents per pound; if greased at cards 6 cents per pound. J.W. YEARGAN, Mechanic, N.C. rne greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. We are in business for your business, and for your ad vantage as ours. We have a full line of Buggies, Wagons, "Harness, Builders Hardware, and all kinds of Tools for working people. We have the best line of Buggies and Wagons that is handled in this market. Also Household hardware cuttlery, Enameled ware, Beltings of Leather, Rubber and Genuine Gandy, Packings, and Engine Supplies. Lewis & Winslow Hdw. Co. $ ooooooooooooooo At H. BURNS BLACKSMITH -0- great cost I have added a COLD TIKE SETTER to my eqip ments. I can now shrink a whole set of four (buggy or wagon) tires in thirty minutes. Work guaran teed to give satisfaction. Give me a trial. -0- HUGH J. BURNS In Men's and Boys Clothing. We handle the Celeb rated Crossett Shoes MORRIS-SCARBORO-MOFFITT CO. To the Music Loving Citizens of Randolph Co. We estend a cordial invitation to call at the KEARNS FURN ITURE STORE, Asheboro, N.C. And inspect our line of the sweetest toned JL GAN Just in from the factory and sold on terms to suit your pocket and convenience, quality guaranteed and prestige of goods unquestioned. These instru ments are not from some large department store, which usually handles stencil goods and the refuse of factories, whose guarantee is worthless. These goods are not offered in competition with such cat tle. You can buy a watch for $1, but not from a first-class jeweler such a ticker comes from the racket store. The Green Goods Man sells you $10 for $2, of course you are swindled, but you do not squeal, nor find the man since he is in Chicago or New York. Like an oyster, you are dumb. Think of these things. We are at your door, in your own town, citizens of the Old North State, subject to the same laws under which you live. Trade with home folks. You will find them as honest as fereigners. Buy an instrument whose reliability and character have long since been established. Thousands of good people are enjoying them every day. Our terms are from $2.50 to $5 per month, with liberal discount for cash. These are cold facts. Investi gate. Get value for your money. Join the proces sion. Come and be convinced. . A. D. JONES & COMPANY, Southern Representatives, Greensboro, N. C. W. I. MAYNARD, Salesman, Asheboro, N. C. M 4 AilMFIKLI) S LAUGHLIN, R15AL HSTATJ5 DKALHltS. H Rjsshmsxck Lots ix Sivsros and f1 Tkumk to Suit JPijrciiaskuk. Go to the STANDARD DRUG CO. for all kinds of COLD DRIINKS. Ice Cream a specialty. Next door to POST OPFirp Subscribe Nw to the Randolph Bulletin o D Q