The Randolph Bulletin. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR U. S. HAYES, Editor, E. A. WOODDELL, Publisher. Entered as second-class matter June 2nd, 1905, at the post office at Ashe boro, N. C, under the act of Congress of March 3rd 1879. "The politest way to treat a newly married pair," says Har per's Weekly, "is to abandon them to their fate. "It has been a very pretty romance the court ship and marriage of a Pres ident's daughter by a rich and clever young congressman. The wedding is over now, and the "lived happily-ever-after" chap ter will not require so much space in the newspapers. Personal jealousies, misunder standings and antipathies must be expected to play their part in political affairs so long as human nature continues to be the curi ous complex that it is. That rival political leaders, even of the same party household, should entertain and express serious doubts of each others sincerity and disinterestedness is no new thing under the sun. And have you ever noticed that each one of these rivals appears to take himself quite seriously, and to be fairly sincere in his belief that the other fellow is all sorts of a hypocrite and demagogue? The old requirement of kissing the Bible to qualify a witness to give evidence in court is a relic of superstition which should be relegated to the realms of the "has beens." Every one who gives evidence in court should fully understand the solemnity of an oath. But the man who will testify falsely after having raised his right hand and called God to witness the evidence he should give, would also swear falsely with the taste of the Bible still fresh on his lips. It is a filthy practice to require wit nesses to kiss old Bibles which are found in the court rooms and which have been kissed by nig gers and all kinds of white peo ple for ages. The laws of health demand a change and when the people consider the matter, they will demand a change. Change for the sake of cleanliness if for nothing- more. Aside from the services ren dered every day by Theodore Roosevelt as president, he has rendered another distinguished service to the general public in taking steps to prevent the great coal strike which was scheduled for April 1st. The President has written John Mitchell, president of the United Mine Workers of America and urges him to take steps to bring about a settlement of the wage scale. In the course of this letter the President says: "A strike such as is threatened on April 1 is a menace to the peace and general welfare of the country. I urge you to make a further effort to avoid such a calamity. "You and Mr. Robbins are joint chairmen of the trade agreement committee of the Na tional Civic Federation, and it seems to me that this imposes additional duty upon you both and gives an additional reason why each of you should join in making a further effort." In these great strikes the con test is waged between combined capital on one side and organized labor on the other, and the great est sufferer is the unprotected public. If the President succeeds in preventing this great strike the public will be under renewed obligations to him. Salve! Salve!! Spread the Salve, but let it be Pine Salve, natures remedy for cuts, burns, sores, etc. Sold by Ashboro Drug Co. The Democratic press is great ly exercised and has much to say over the distribution of Federal patronage in this State, while the scramble for office from Con gressman to constable by thejcon stituency of that party is passed by in blissful silence. Already in point of numbers the aspirants are 25 to 1 in favor of the Dem ocrats and the ball is just be ginning to roll. Union Repub lican. A dose of pineules at bed time will usually relieve backache, be fore morning. These beautiful little globules are soft gelatine coated and when moistened and placed in the mouth you can't keep from swallowing them. Pine-ules contain neither sugar ffior alcohol just gums and resins obtained from our own native pine forests, combined with other well known bladder, kidney, blood and backache -remedies. .Sold by Ashboro Drug Co. PRESIDENT VENABLE ON THE STATE'S SYSTEM OF EDUCA TION. In his report to the trustees of the University, Dr. Francis P. Venable, President of that insti tution, makes the following state ment in regard to Prof. N. W. Walker, and his work. Prof. Walker was superintendent of the Ashboro Graded School for two years. "Professor N. W. Walker has taken up the duties of the chair of Secondary Education to which j your body elected him at the last j meeting. So far his work has consisted mainly in visiting the public high schools of the State, studying their conditions, possi bilities of development, courses of study, etc. In the spring term he will deliver a series of lectures on this branch of school work. I am convinced that the University has taken few steps in recent years which promise so much for the development, of the State's system of education. The demand for public high schools is an imperative one. The need has been only partially supplied by adding high school courses to the ordinary primary schools. The failure to have these schools is the great fault of our system today, and not until they are provided can we hope for a proper supply of good teachers for the primary schools. I believe that Professor Walker will be able to do a great deal in the building up of these schools over the State." Doctors Are Puzzled. The remarkable recovery of Kenneth Mclver, of Vanceboro, Me., is the subject of much in terest to the medical fraternity and a wide circle of friends. He says of his case: "Owing to severe inflammation of the Throat and congestion of the Lungs, three doctors gave me up to die, when, as a last resort, I was in duced to try Dr. King's New Discovery and I am happy to say, it saved my life. "Cures the worst Cough and Colds, Bron chittis, Tonsilitis, Weak Lungs, Hoarseness andLagrippe. Guar anteed at Ashboro Drug Co. and Standard Drug Store. 50c and $100. Trial bottle free. All Friday Happenings Not Unlucky Moscow was burned on Friday Washington was born on Fri day. Shakespeare was born on Fri day. America was discovered on Fri day. Richmond was evacuated on Friday. The Bastile was destroyed on Friday. The "Mayflower" was landed on Friday. Queen Victoria was married on Friday. King Charles I, was beheaded on Friday. Napoleon Bonaparte was born on Friday. Julius Caesar was assassinated on Friday. The battle of Bunker Hill was fought on Friday. Joan of Arc was burned at the stake on Friday. The battle of New Orleans was fought on Friday. The Declaration of Independ ence was signed on Friday. A TWICE TOLD TALE. We wish to repeat what we have said once before in these colums that Eliott's Emulsified Oil Liniment is the best Liniment ever produced for use in the family and on animals. Best for rheumatism, lameness, stiff ness and soreness of joints or musles. Best for bruises, contus ions, sprains and swellings. You get a full pint for 25c and get your money back. if it does not do all it is recommended to do. Asheboro Drug Co. Will Put up the Prices. The furniture manufacturers of the state known as the North Carolina Case Goods Association, of which Dr. W. G. Bradshaw is president, held their regular quarterly meeting-in the Ben- bow-Guilf ord Hotel at Greensboro yesterday. About forty furni ture men were present. Besides routine matters the most impor tant subject discussed was the question of raising the prices of furniture, that matter being de cided upon. The amount of in crease was not determined, but left to be decided at a future meeting. High Point Ledger. Torture By Savages. "Speaking of the torture to which some of the savage tribes in the Philippines subject their captives, reminds me of the in tense suffering I endured for three months from inflammation of the Kidneys," says W. M. Sherman, of Cushing, Me., "Nothing helped me until I tried Electric Bitters, three bottles of which completely cured me." Cures Liver Complaint, Dyspep sia, Blood disorders and Malaria; and restores the weak and nerv ous to robust health. Guaranteed by Ashboro Drug Co. and Stand ard Drug Store, Price 50c. ARGUMENT-NOT ABUSE. The volume of abuse now be ing hurled at the Republican party by a certain element of the Democratic press almost tempts us at times to reply in kind, but calmer thought has so far prevailed and will continue to prevail. And we wish to say now that we positively refuse to engage in a mud slinging contest with anyone. That there are certain men in the Republican party who de serve condemnation for their course of conduct is undoubted ly true. It is true of any party, and probably always will be. But without going into hyster ics or answering abuse by say ing "you're another" we ask for the calm and dispassionate judg ment of the people upon the question. The Republican party in North Carolina is not afraid of the greatest publicity. It is will ing to stand fairly and squarely upon the principles which it rep resents and to ask for popular support upon those principles. Passion and prejudice have never been its weapons of either de fensive or offensive warfare. It believes rather that men should act in affairs political with the same honesty of purpose and clearness of vision that control their actions in private life. It is perhaps needless for us to refer to the matter, but we do so lest silence should be constru cted into acquiescence or fear neither of which has influenced or will influence our course. We shall continue as we have begun to fight the battle of Republican frankly and fearlessly, but gen eral abuse and bitter denuncia tion we will leave to those whose natural propensities lead them in that direction and who believe that their cause demands that kind of warfare. Industrial News. The tar that is contained in Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar is harm less. It is not coal tar, but is ob tained from the pine trees of our own native forests. Bee's Laxa tive Honey and Tar is the best remedy for colds because it acts on the bowels thus expelling all colds from the system. Bee's is the original Laxative Honey and Tar, and is best for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, lung and bronchial affections. Sold by Ashboro Drug Co. Violated the Postal Laws. A dispatch from Norfolk Va., under recent date, says that quite a number of Portsmouth, Va., citizens, including several wo men, have been summoned by Postoffice Inspector Bulla and required to pay $10 apiece as a penalty for sending first class matter through the mail at sec ond class charges. The govern ment has several clerks at Winston-Salem, N. C. whose duty it is to examine the packages of tobacco coupons that arrive there through the mails from all parts of the country. These coupons are collected, for which the to bacco campanies offer presents. A large number of Portsmouth people have been forwarding these coupons, and those who un fortunately enclosed a letter in the same package and mailing them as second class matter have been detected by the clerks at Winston-Salem and their names and addresses promptly sent to the Postoffice Department at Washington, and in turn for ward to Inspector Bulla. Union Republican. A Scientific Wonder. The cures that stand to its cred it make Bueklen's Arnica Salve a scientific wonder. It cured E. R. Mulford, lecturer for the Pat rons of Husbandry, Waynesboro, Pa., of a distressing case of Piles. It heals the worst Burns, Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Cuts Wounds, Chil blains and Salt Rheum. Only 25c at Ashboro Drug Co. and Standard Drug Storf . There is going to be some di version in the sixth district this year. Already six Democratic aspirants for the seat in congress held by Mr. Patterson have come into the open. When all the precincts are heard from there will be as many candidates as can be scared up in the eighth or the tenth. Democrats may not love office, as we have heard tell, but a lot of them have a fondness for going before the dear people for votes. Tar Heel. COLD, A COUGH CON SUMPTION. A brief told histnrv. hut trnp. Rydale's Cough Elixir will pre vent this harmpnincr tr vnn. Tt r jr 0 j -. will check the progress of a cold at once, prevents the cough becoming deep seated, and thus Ward off cntisnmTitinn This modern scientific . remedy kills the germs that cause throat and lung diseases, and by its stimulat ing and tonic effect upon the respiratory organs helps nature speedily restore these organs to robust health, Asheboro Drug Co. DENOMINATIONAL STRENGTH. C F. SHERRILL. The following denominational statistics for the United States have been carefully compiled by H. K. Carroll, who was in charge of the government census of churches in 1890, and are there fore reliable: Methodist 6,429,815 Baptist 4,974,047 Luthern ' 1,841,346 Presbyterian 1,723,871 Episcopal 827,127 Reformed 405,022 Lattea Day Saints 344,247 United Brcthern 274,012 -Evangelical Bodies 166,978 Jewish 143,000 Friends 120,415 Dunkards 116,311 Adventists 95,437 Mennonites 61,048 From this list it will be seen that Methodist is the largest Protestant denomination in the United States. The Baptist comes next, and we have 1,455, 768 more members than they have. This is nearly as many as the Presbyterians, and it is twice as many as the- Episcopalians have. Leaving out the Baptist. than whom we have nearly a million and a naif more members, there are 311,001 more Metho dists than the next twelve lead ing denominations combined. The following were the gains last year: Methodist 102,002 Baptist 72,667 Presbyterian 26,174 Episcopal 19,200 And our church is one of the youngest. It is 145 years young re than the Baptist; 136 years younger than than the Con gregationalism 81 yeare younger than the Presbyterian. Chris tian Advocate. A liauid cold cure for children that is pleasant, harmless, and effective is Bee s Laxative Hon ey Tar. Superior to all other cough syrups or cold remedies because it acts on the bowels. An ideal remedy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough and all curable lung and pronchi al affections in child or adult. Pleasant to take. Sold by Ash boro Drug Co. Couldn't Milk the Bicycle. Some years ago soon after bi cycles began to be freely used throughout the United States, an agent for a New York house turned up at a village in Central New York. He expatiated to an old farmer upon the virtues of the new machine, dwelling upon what a time-saver it was, and withal bow fashionable it would be for the old farmer to be able to ride down to the village on one of the new-fangled machines whenever he wanted to. "Why said the salesman, " whenever you go to the' post- office, bank, or store, everybody will stop and stare at Farmer Wilson, and pretty soon you'll be the most-talked-of man in the whole country. " "That may be so" replied the farmer, "but I tell you I'm a- needen' a good new cow mo'n I am one o' them things you're a-talkin about." Nevertheless, the agent' ex tracted a promise that the old man would save up his money and purchase a bycycle in the fall. According to promise, the agent was on hand in the fall with the wheel. The farmer took him in charge and carried . him out to the lot and showed him a fine Jersy cow. "That's what I bought with the money I saved up for you," said the farmer. And without waiting for the agent to recover from his suprise he went on; "I 'lowed that I needed the cow mo'n I did the bycycle, an' there she is. Ain't she a beaut?" When the agent recovered his breathe he said: You'll look funny riding that cow to town won't you?" "Ya'as," drawled out the old farmer, "but I'd look a darned sight funnier tryin' to milk a bycycle." Ex. It is not difficult to relieve blind, bleedinsr. itchina- or nrotnidine- piles with ManZan, the great pile remedy. It is put up in collap sable tubes with nozzle, and may be introduced and applied at the seat of the trouble. Stops pain instantly. Sold by Ashboro Drug Co. A Sightless Calf. A sightless calf is now on ex hibition at the home of Julius Swicegood on Route 5. The calf is 9 days old and has no eyes or tail. Mr. Swicegood savs the calf is perfectly formed other wise. The place in its forehead where the eyes should be con tains eye-lashes and a little hole on each side of the head. North State. For bloatincr m - O 7 wv.vitiig UlUlgVO tlOIl. etc.. Pat. a T?i-nnr'c TWcna-ncia Tablet after meals. Sold by Ash boro Drug Co, TEMPERANCE AND POLITICS. When the Anti-saloon League was organized it was composed of some of the best people of our state men who were sincere in what they advocated. These men are still sincere, but ever since the League first met in Raleigh the Democratic politici ans have been getting as many of their henchmen as possible allied with the League so they could turn it over to the Demo cratic party. Two years ago it was stated that the League was for ultimate prohibition. But what condition of affairs do we find today? Read the following, which is taken from a report of the last meeting in Raleigh: "it is understood that several members of the committee urged that the League fight this year for prohibition, but this was voted down on the ground that it would not be fair to Senator Simmons and others just on the eve of his campaign for re-election to the senate. " And so it is more important to play politics than to carry out the purpose of the League this year? ft looks as though the politicians have succeeded in get ting enough of their men in the League to capture it and run it as a side line to Simmons' cam paign for re-election this fall. Raleigh Caucasian. THE OLD TIME WAY. Our Grandmothers gave us pow ders and teas because they knew nothing of modern medicine and methods. In this age of progress and discovery, nicely coated, com pressed tablets are fast superced ing the old time powders and teas. Rydale's Liver tablets are compressed chocolate coated tab lets, easy to swallow, pleasant in effect, always reliable. They contain ingredients that cannot be used in powder or teas. In gredients that have an effect up on the liver that is never obtain ed from the so called b'ver pow ders etc. A trial will prove their merits. Asheboro Drug Co. No Room For Loafers. . We have noticed that the men who have regular employment fifty-two weeks in the year are, as a rule, our best citizens. The loafers and idlers those who have no regular employment and don't want any regular job, are the ones who are heard from most in the courts. "An idle brain is the devel's workshop" and he turns out his work with ease through an idle hands. There fore, one way to exert a moral influence is to attend well to your own affairs and keep busy! Marshville Home. The gums and resins obtained from pine trees have long been recognized as highly beneficial in the treatment of backache kid ney and bladder troubles. Pile ules is the name of a new medi cine, the principle ingredients of which come from the pine for ests of our own native land. Sold by Ashboro Drug Co. Rydale's Tonic a new, scientific remedy for the Blood and Nerves It purifies the blood by eliminating the waste matter and other impurities and by destroying the germs or microbes that infest the blood. It builds up the blood by restoring and multiply ing the red corpuscles, making the blood rich and red. It restores and stimulates the nerves, causing a full free flow of nerve force through out the entire nerve system. It speedily cures unstrung nerves, nervousness, nervous pros tration, and all diseases of the nervous system. RADICAL REMEDY COMPANY, HICKORY, N. C. The Best Thing for a Cold is Laxative Cold Cure, A PERFECT PREPARATION FOR Colds, Lagrippe and Headache. Does not affect the head and cures by removing the cause. Price 25c SOLE AND GUARANTEED BY Asheboro Drug Co. SPOON & - - KEEP ON HAND AT ALL TIMES A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE Heavy and Fancy Groceries. And will sell as cheap as the cheapest. Quality considered. L GOODS DELIVERED THE SOUTH'S PROGRESS. The February Review of Re views under the general title "The New Greatness of the South and Southwest, " contains four very interesting articles, "The South's Amazing Pro gress," "Development of the Gulf Ports," "How Galveston Rose from the Sea," and ,, Re sources of Southwest Texas." Tnese articles fairly fascinated me; they are the best reading I have seen in any paper or raaea- jzine for many a month. Is it not pleasing to know that The South was nearly as weal thy in 1905 as the United States were in 1880; The South has an investment in cotton mills of $225,000,000 now against ,$21,000,000 in 1880; The South's cotton crop in 1905 was more - than double what it was in 1880; The South mining 70,000,000 tons of bituminous coal annually now as against 6,000,000 in 1880; The South is producing 42,495, 802 barrels of petroleum a year now, and in 1880 was producing only 179,000; The South's farm products in 1880 were $660,000,000, and now they are $1,750,000,000; The South's railroad mileage has increased from 20,600 in 18 80 to 60,000 in 1905; The South's lumber products in 1880 had a value of 39, 000, 000, and in 1905 their value was $250, 000,000. The South's resources have barely been touched, they are seemingly inexhaustible. The South's prospect for busi ness and industrial activity was never brighter than today. This state of affairs has been brought about largely by South ern industry, economy, enter prise and capital and as Mr. Ed monds, the writer of one of the articles, shows, while the South welcomes capital from abroad to assist in developing her vast re sources, she is not dependent, being amply able to take care of herself. Doesn't this impose upon the Methodist Episcopal Church, South great responsibilities? She will meet them. Christian Advocate. MR. KIRKSEY'S RECOM MENDATION. Mr. Kirksey writes: I give ' a positive guarantee with every . box of Rydale's Stomach Tablets I and Liver Tablets I sell, and have never been asked to refund the ' money in a single instance. I ; have used these tablets in my j family with best results. W. L. ! Kirksey, Morganton, N. C. Rydale's Tablets are prepared by The Radical Remedy Company, Hickory N. C. who authorize every dealer in their preparations to guarantee every box or bottle of their medicine, they sell. Asheboro Drug Co. As a rule a man who has been driven crazy by love did not have very far to go. a rea.1 cure for Malaria, RYDALE'S TONIC is a specific for all forms of Malaria. It acts on a new principle. It kills the microbes that produce Malaria. The cause being removed, the disease quickly disappears. EYDALE'S TOXIC is guaranteed to cure the most obstinate cases of Malarial Fever, Chills and Fever, Ague, etc We authorize all dealers handling our remedies to refund .the purchase price for every bottle of RYDALE'S TONIO that does not give satisfaction. REDDING ANYWHERE IN TOWN, Clearance Sale at Wood & Owing to the late season which leaves us with some heavy goods still unsold we have decided to give to our customers the following. special bargains: Sale to last thirty days. $20.00 suits clothing at $15.00 - . 17.50 -" " " 14.00 15.00 " . " " 12.50 10.00 . " " 7.50 Many broken lots at actual .c ost, go at cost. All overcoats musi ; Heavy wool dress goods at eo at 50, now 38, silk 50c, now dress goods very much reduced ing to make a general sacrifice of all Sale commences today. See our shoes to be closed out. You will find them on table. $2.50 at $1.50. $1.50 at $1.00. Chil dren shoes $1.50, now 75c. Wood LEWIS ft WINSLOW HARDWARE CO. If you need A BUGGY, WAGON, PLOW, RANGE OR STOVE, BUILDERS HARDWARE, Or anything in the HARDWARE LINE, WE are the people you are looking for. We carry in stock the HIGH POINT BUGGY. The best brand of STOVES on the market. Lewis & Winslow Haw. Co. 00000-00HC C-O-0 OvvK O WE STILL HAVE A FEW Men's Siii'Ls WHICH WE ARE CLOSING OUT Belcrw And are offering special bargains in all win ter goods in order to make v; :m for spring styles. REMEMBER WE GIVE THE MOST - FOR THE Least Money, And deliver goods anywhere in town, and give the same weight and measure when ordered by 'phone as if the customer was standing by. G. G. Hendricks & Co. ARMFIELl) & LAUGHLIN, REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Residence Lots in Sizes and Terms to Suit Purciiaskus. H. J. BURNS BLACKSMITH -o- At a great cost I have added 'a COLD TIRE SETTER to my equip ments. I can now shrink a whole set of four (buggy or wagon) tires in thirty minutes. Work guaran teed to give satisfaction. Give me a trial. 0 HUGH J. BURNS i GOOD EASY MIIAVeIISJS y TRY J. II. kivett fEBa 50 boy suits to at a sacrifice. Woolen wasting 3'.i will find all ;t we are go shelf goods. :-c-oac-ooo SKI & Morion