1 The Randolph Bulletin. PUBLISHED EVE Y THURSDAY. PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR U. S. HAYES, Editor and Publisher. Entered as second-class matter June 2nd, 1905, at the post office at Ashe- o no, M. V., under the act of Congress of March 3rd 1879. REPUBLICAN TICKE NATIONAL For President WILLIAM H. TAFT of Ohio For Vice President JAMES S. SHERMAN of New York. STATE For Governor J. EL WOOD COX For Lieutenant Governor CHARLES FRENCH TOMS For Secretary of State DR. CYRUS THOMPSON For Auditor JOHN QUINCY ADAMS WOOD For Treasurer W. E. GRIGGS For Superintendent of Public Instruction REV. DR. J. L. M. LYERLY For Attorney General JAKEF. NEWELL For Commissioner of Agriculture J. M. MEWBORNE For Corporation Commissioner HARRY G. ELMORE For Insurance Commissioner J. B. NORRIS For Commissioner of Labor and Printing C. M. RAY For Electors-A t-Large A. A. WHITNER and THOMAS SETTLE. RANDOLPH COUNTY. For State Senate G. E. STANTON For House of Delegates CHAS. L. HOLTON, J. F. HUGHES For Sheriff H. S. RAGAN For Register of Deeds A. B. COLTRANE For Treasurer C. G. FRAZIER. For Coroner Dr. D. J. JOHNSON For Surveyor J. F. ROUTII For Commissioners SAM SWATM, JOE T. THORNBURG S. N. ALLEN. Register.' Register' REGIS TER!!! Why were ail republican brick masons who are voters discharged from the court house force? Take no chances but see your name is on tl: p?i5tration books. J? 'Istrai-s may leave it rvrToyniistake, The retiring treasurer of the democratic national executive committee should change his name from Haskell to Hasbeen. A vote for Taft and Cox is a vote for restored prosperity. A vote for Bryan and Kitchin is a vote to clog the wheels of pro gress. The New York Herald fore casts the election of Taft and Sherman. The Herald's fore casts have held good for the last fifty years. As the democratic candidates are making such high claims for the financial condition of the county treasury, the people would like to have a statement from the county's finance com mittee (if it has such a commit tee) . Treasurer Newby. it is said is telling the voters that hal enough money is now in the treasury to pay for the new court house. Suppose that is true (but we don't believe it is where is the other half to come from without extra tax or issu ing bonds? Last week marked the formal opening of the campaign in Ran dolph county. rom now unui election day Nov. 3, the voters will be appealed to from every stump" in the county. , The joint canvass custom has been abandoned and each party will prosecute the campaign as seems hest to itself. Every democrat dwelling at the county seat and who is able to work a hot air pump in accord with the views of the Boss is be ing pressed into service and gas bags from Montgomery and sur rounding counties will, be brought in to tell the deed "pee-pil" how to perpetuate the control of the democratic machine in the coun ty. In the mean time the Re publican legislative and county candidates are going about in structing the people and leading them into the light. When once the people see clearly, the voting will be easy. The campaign will be red hot till the votes are counted. When the special act was pass ed authorizing the commissioners to work the chain gang on the court house, what provision was made for maintenance? The special act is blank on that point and the people would like to know whether the road fund is being used on the court house. If so, how about the roads? Not since the adoption of the Amendment have the democratic public spellbinders pitched their argument on so low moral plane as this year. From the least speaker to the greatest in this county an intelligent appeal has not been made. Prejudice and ignorance prevails in every spee:h and the lowest passions of men are appealed to. Recon struction, vagabonds, carpet baggers, nigger-these are the things which are given first con sideration. The voter is told the ballot will be given to 75000 col ored voters if the Republicans gain control of the legislature. Poor old Sambo has been ridden many times by the democrats to victory and they are loath to give him up. One speaker, it-is said, went so far at Farmer as to say that no WHITE MAN COULD VOTE THE REPUBLI CAN TICKET and -that no Re publican woman could bake bis cuits fit to eat. When a public speaker descends to such depths, he is either very shaky himself or his cause is very questionable. Democratic leaders in Ran dolph county have always as sumed a somewhat "We are holier than thou" attitude and have surrounded themselves with a halo of meekness calculat ed to deceive the unsuspecting. To a certain extent they have succeeded in covering up their questionable deeds and the peo- j pie have observed them only as sepulchers whitened on the out side, but which, in reality are within, full of dead men's bones and all foulness. Llittle by little the smell leaks out and were the whole story know?, the good people of the county would stand horrified r.t tre political rotten- j ness and corruption permeating every drop of blood and every fiber of the political acts of those who rule in the democratic wig wam, livery tricK Known in the code of the Simmons and Kitch ii election machines have been esorted'to. Mousy and liquor tave played a conspicuous part m corrupting the electorate and even the courts have been Tros- tituted to satisfy the ambitious u"Of. those who are in posi tion to use"-ifl;2m to carry out their own selfLsh ends. Bearing directly upon the sub ject what will th-3 conscientious voter think when he beholds the spectacle of a registrar being promised money from campaign funds for the good work done and with assurances that it would be paid more willingly than any other campaign ' debt of that year. Shades of Thomas Jeffer son! Haven t your 1 followers DISCENDED a long ways since you founded the party? Turn the rascals out. TH AT EOSS-RIDDEN CONVENTION. (Contributed) To the Democrat convention, Came several little her.chmen, All there to do the Big Boss' will, And shout for the Piatt's Windy Bill. None dared opinions of his own, To have expresseb or made known, For fear of the Dictator's rage, Before whom proudest of them swage. For everything was cut and dried. His Romulus '.vas to preside, While little Subs did this and that, And for his self-made slate "Stand pat." These little subs were so well drilled, V They knew just what their master willed, Arid did his will with as much care, As if the Big Boss had been there. Sam Coble was his spokesman loud, And of Sam's deeds ail were so proud, To do him homage was a just debt, While a lemon they gave the old "Vet". They named his old commissioners two, While poor old Griff, they let fall through, Also Hay worth, Murdock and Spence, While Long Tom tried straddling ih; fence. Then to make the grand farce seem real, Brother-in-law Will, made a spiel, He feared lies would be told, he said, But it was the plain truth he feared. Brother-in-law Will now resigns, For it is the Boss' will he finds, The chairmanship to Miiler went, Who would come when called go when sent. But the Boss, little subs and all, Will get a chilling frost this fall, On the fourth day of November, They'll be making for tall timber. Joe and Lillian youngest child ren of Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Hen dricks were thrown from a buggy and seriously hurt late Wednes day evening. THE MAIN ISSUE. No special pleas and no side issues, no verbal dexterity and no rhetorical appeal from Mr. Bryan can alter the main issue of the campaign, whether he and his party have done more or less than Judge Taft and his party in the control, regulation and reform of corporation and combination. It is no answer to say that Mr. Bryan is out of power. His party was in control of the Fed eral Administration for four years after the Sherman act was . "I 1 t . 1 " rm i passeu ana aia notning. rne Democratic party absolutely con trols thirteen States and has done nothing there. Its rail road legislation has been uncon stitutional, its anti-trust legisla tion ineffective. Not even in texas has it accomplished any thing. Mr. Bryan himself has gone from vagary to vagary. On tins vast problem he has never ad vanced a coherent solution and most of the time he has been vociferously barking up the wrong tree. Up to this cam-1 paign everything has had his attention but trusts, and even now he has for trusts an unwork able remedy. The Republican party began enforcing the anti-trust act un der Harrison. Judge Taft hand ed down the decision which held the act effective. Suspended un- der CI Kinley 'eland, President Me res umed prosecutions. They increased under President Roosevelt. The Republican par ty has done whatever has been done to enforce the law against unlawful combinations. Legislation has gone on with pioseeution. Every shipper to day has his rights. Rebates have disappeared. Railroad com binations have broken up. The enforcement of equal, impartial rates has been before the courts as never before. These things are known of the people. Every day makes them plainer. For a season the noise of Bryan and his shouting fills the air, but the vast, sober,, hard headed, silent vote, which in the end settles every Presidential campaign, hears his pleas arid passes on to the consideration of the laws, the prosecutions and hconaitions prevaling in a far the convictions of corporationfvorse condition than any Civil Once more, as in the past, th limitless words of Mr. Bryan are; weighed against the deeds of the party he opposes. Philadel phia Press. Two Pertinent Questions. Editor Bulletin: I see it stated in a newspaper print ed in Ashboro that a certain hardware store and a bank in the corner of it, is financ ing the Republican campaign. Is it not more likely that an other bank standing at the east end of Depot St. is financing the democratic campaign, since trie cashier end of it is hitched on to the democratic ticket? And I might ask also,, is it not quite probable that this bank er was nominated -with a view of securing a man who would finance the court bouse proposition and pull the board of commissioners out of the hole? W. Antoknow. Campaign News Accurate and Fair. The coming month in the po litical world is going to be inter eating. The great national part' iesare working hard for supra macy and both are confident of victory at the polls in November. The two candidates of their re spective parties are touring the country making speeches and discussing their policies. Eveiy citizen and voter should know what is going on and this you can easily do by reading "The Philadelphia Press," which is printing all the political news fairly and accurately. If you cannot secure a copy of "The Press" from your newsdealer or carrier s;nd your "order to "The Philadelphia Press," Seventh and Chestnut Streets, Philadel phia. Had a Close Call. Mrs. Ada L. Croom, the wide known proprietor of the Croom Hotel. Vausrhn. Miss. says: "For several months I suf- fered with a severe cough, and consumption seemed to have its grip on me, when a friend re commended Dr. King's New Discovery. I " began taking it, and three bottles affected a com plete cure." The fame of this life saving cough and cold reme dy, and lung and throat healer is world wide. Sold at Ashboro drug store. Standard drug Co. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE BUL LETIN. - . , PLEA FOR REPUBLICANISM. For the past quarter of a cent ury the various democratic "spellbinders" have been going throughout this broad State of ours and by hiding their mis deeds under the Lions skin have succeeded in fooling the people into the belief that they repre sent the interest of the working man, and that they were the proper persons to entrust in power, but the braying of asses (?) has disclosed their identity and their misdeeds now stand as an open book before the people. It is a boast of the howling office seekers that they stand on their past records, when the cold facts of the case is that they are running away from those records. After a brief rest of two short years the calamity howler is again in evidence, and his boast of "good government" under the present State Administra tion is enough to turn a bright June day into an ice, factory. From every stump in the State the howl of the office seeker is plainly heard, his speech being only an echo of the campaigns for the past half Century, me issues of the day are discarded and the older and more familiar ones of "negro domination" and "carpet baggers" are the ones that are brought before the peo ple. Those who only read the stagnant articles from the mouth piece of Randolph County De mocracy no doubt believe that the democratic party is a party of "deeds" rather than "words" but a careful investigation will prove this to be untrue. Let us look into some of the "good government" and "superi or management" of this so-called great party. Let us take a look at the report of the grand jury for the recent term of Lincoln County Superior court. Do not wince Mr. democrat at the cold facts staring you in the face for this is not "campaign boodle" collected for the immediate use of the pi-eserit campaign, but it is an extract from the report of democratic grand jury. Grip your chair rounds and do not "holler". Here goes! "We visited the County borne in a body, 16 members of the jurji being present. We found ized country can allow to con tinue without being a disgrace to itself. We found all the cab- ins in a very bad state of repair,4tes to reading some of the many the roofs being leaky, the foun dations badly rotten, and alto gether a very bad arrangement for caring for the infirm." Here Mr. voter is a fair sample of democratic "good govern ment. ' ' Here we see the aged and infirm kept in a far worse condition than the wearersof the stripes, forced by absolute neces sity to live, (or exist) there in a civilized country in a dire state of modern Barbarity. Here we find old men and old women forced to sleep under a leaky roof in all kinds of weather. But let us follow the jury and see some more of the ' 'good govern ment" we receive under the reign of the ' 'representatives of the people." . ' - We found the beds nothing better than bags partly filled with straw, there not being a decent piece of furniture in any of the rooms." It is absolutely unnesessary for us to say anything in regard to this, for facts speak for them selves, and it is for only the lack of spreading facts that the peo ple of this grand old State are forced to bow in submission to the ring ridden party that has run it to the very verge of de struction. But as we said in the begining the braying of asses (?) has dis closed their identity and their bad management of affairs now lie open to a great and God fear ing people the result of which will be felt in November. Clinch your chair rounds a little tighter Mr. soaphead delusionest and let us go a little farther in the cold storage of facts, listen! "We found men and women kept in the same room-(unmarried.)" Now Mr. delusionest we chal lenge you to show where in a single instance in the history of Republicanism such low down and degraded conditions were allowed to exist under republican rule, and yet the democratic par ty a party of "decency" God save the mark. To go into the details of this disgraceful affair would consume volumes so we cannot go into them at much lenghth. The jury reported that the care of the infirm was let to the lowest bidder and that the presen management received less than $3.50 per month for each inmate. The conditions, say the" jury, have been previously called to the atttention of the Commission ers but they refuse to remedy them. Now Mr. voter can you go to the polls the third day of November and with these cold facts staring 3rou in the face cast your vote for the continu ance of this inhuman state of affairs? Answer by the way you cast your ballot in the com ing election. Square D?al. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES AT MILLBORO. By far the largest political gathering ever assembled in this community greeted the Republi can candidates, Messrs. Hughes, Holton and Coltrane at this place last Saturday night, Oct. 3d. The speaking was held in the school house, which was crowded with enthusiastic Republicans from all parts of Frankiinville township. Mr. J. F. Routh introduced the first speaker of the evening, Mr. John Hughes, who held the clote attention of every person pres ent throughout his address of about an hour's duration. Mr. Hughes discussed the issues of the day in an able and forceful manner, making point after point and being frequently in terupted by bursts of hearty- applause, as he compared the Republican party, with its steady adherence to principles tested and proven, to the chaotic as semblage now posing as tho Democratic party, 'whose politi cal faith consists principally of wild experiments and untried theories, which are changed with the seasons. Their or.lv real, genuine principle is any-! thing to hood wink and deceive j ignorant voters. j Mr. Holtoh then took the floor j and proceeded to show un the j misdeeds and stupid blunders of the Democratic party in state j 3-ec. the falsity of the upon by the little two-bv-four Democratic Mugwumps, th?t they are the friend of labor, and declared himself to bo in' favor ! of repealing the law passed by j them "appropriating $50,000, for j the purpose of bringing for-: ign j pauper lab r into this stale to compete with native North Caro linians. A class of immigrants who are unable to pay their own way to this country are not wanted in North Carolina. He then devoted a few minu- charges and counter charges heaped upon each cthe by the numerous Democratic factions. The number and the undoubted truth of many of the charges bring to mind the old adage "When thieves fall out" etc. He touched upon the prep 33- DID HE GET Asheboro, N. C, Nov. 24, 1902 Mr W. C. Capel, Raraseur, Ke C. Dear Mr. Capsi: . I find your lettsr on my re turn home, and take this opportunity of wait ing to say to you that I appreciate the good srork done by you and your people- in ycur town ship. I will see to it that the tvent-y five dollars gees to ycu promptly, as early as I can get our boys together. I assure you that no campnign fund will ho paid 'mere willingly than this amount. rL vcuXd send you the money now, but to be f rank with you I have not the funds to craw on, but it will be sent to you as early as possible Chairman, or C Mr- 1 With sentiments cf Ycur TiT sr w v-. -J, 11 JOB HAOT PATRONAGE terous rroraises made by the i "Big . oss"and his satellites to j build the new court house with- ; out levying special taxes or.issu-j ing bonds, and showed the ab- i surdity of making this claim! when they are already compelled j to borrow msney and the build- j I TJ1 -V reely begun. i i.il. .'.iOiL'-'il V c ivuv wvl Jj I wno an- nounced his candidacy in a few concise and well-cnosen words, making a splendid impression upon the audience, who showed their appreciation of his straight forward remarks by their hearty applause. This was the conclud ing speech. The speeches were all v well worthy of the careful attention and enthusiastic applause given them by the audience, and were entirely free from the ill-bred references and filthy mud sling ing falsely attributed to these gentlemen by the Ashboro Couri er and which is so well exempli fied in its own columns, where sneora &t the Kepublican candidates in the form of child ish nonsense verse, alternate with the still more discreditable use of a sacrilegious mockery of the words cf Holy Writ. This meeting, with its large enthusiastic audience from all parts of the township presented ouite a contrast to the Democrat- On that occ; ng tlxs fct ths was a real, livo and that the chair place closed dowi: men wre allowed tb2 h-.psakin; L . .'Jij ci'-. Liu.: 1 the v:ork- x:a. dl effort brought cant nur voters. ouv oa! ot -i-i- inu ccn-panson roresnaoows he result cf the coining election, vhen, as one of our canidates !:as a? tly said, "We will bury aernocrauc parcy so ueep t the hand of Resurrectior. I vv never una I. Standpat. " T T A 4 I J 'end of :hs St.ito's Ediicst'cnal System. DEFAHTMENTS. Col'lcga, Graduate, Engineering Law, Pharmacy. Library contains 48,000 volumes. New water works, electric lights, central h.mting system. New dormitories, gymnasium. Y. M. C. A. building library. 790 STUDENTS -2 IN FACULTY The Fall term begins Sept. 7, 1908. Address Francis P. Venaelh, Pres. CHAPEL HILL, N. C. THE MONEY? Mr. Soar b or o our xreasurtr. highest esteem I am s sincerely, Kam ciuuTiSro 1 ;3 I IPTIM S3 r: I. YOUR THE TOLEDO BLADE Toledo, Ohio. spsper ia tae United States Circulation 200,000 -oouiar in -vsr ite. In many respects the ioieuo !t?5, is r.-.a mt rpmaiKauiw t t , ..M;,b, n weetciy iiH siyci the United Slate. It is the onlv newspaper especially edited for National circulation. It had the largest circulation ior more years than ai;y newspaper printe iii America, r urtaer is the cheapest news- more, ic paper in the world, as will be ex plained to any person who will write us for terms. The news of the world so arranged that busy people can more easily comprehend, than by reading cumbersome columns of dailies. All current topics made plain in each issue by special editorial matter written from inception down to date. The' only paper published especially for people who do or do not read daily newspapers, and yet thirst for plain facts. ' newspaper U 'hat this bind of a iorai'ar, is proven that the Weekly .as over 200,000 :er,-, and ia circu- tar lated Li Stai: a the 'J; serfc! s' rnent;:; c menih.-: one ! ' T : vv i . .'. tne united i tne news short and a..;jb UcUcli L- 1 4- nailer suited to :l ia-: family. every Only a yeai'. ur . ;v. specimen copy, me ijiade LC-iedo, Ohio. Dr. C. C. Hm-J io Lecture. I will talk on consumption at Boaibay Academy Saturday night Oct. 10. h at 7:30 railroad time. Also at Farmer Saturday night October. 17th. C. C. Hubbard, M. D FIGURES i ALK Years 1883 1892 1897 1901 1903 1906 Boxes Sold 8,750 155,375 290,954 475,215 500,690 530,690 The best evidence that Bliss Native Herbs fulfills the claims made for it is found in the increasing sales it en joys year after year. It cures, cr else people would not buy and take it ior such diseases as Rheumatism, Constipation, Dyspepsia, K i d n e y Diseases, Liver Disorders, Eczema, Scrofula or any ailment arising from impure blood. Bliss Native, Herbs is effective because it is made from pure roots, herbs and barks and con tains no opiates, minerals or alcohol. It is guaranteed under the United Stater Pure Drug Law. Each box contains 2C9 tablets for $1.00 and if no cure results, money is refunded. It is made by The Alonzo O. Bliss Company, Washington, D. C. Can not be found in drugr-stores and is -FOR SALE BY- Thomasville N.C.RFD No.5 Sent prepaid to any address up or- rcct ip t of $ 1 ,00. his when next you buy shoes. This trade mark is your assur ance of perfect fit, style and durability. "Skreemer" Shoes fit from the day' you buy them, and look good as long as you wear them. Made from all leathers and in all styles. S4 to S5 s or bala by Ci. G. HSNOiliC.KS & CO. Mlrf- CO-YEARS 0C Rade Tarss , quickly asccrtniii our oi.ininn f r .KV?'. P i . 1 . -. "-"..uKu e tions strictly eonfldentiiil MftNUKno on Bent free. OMest aaencj for EecuriL ",.eut8 PfltPnta tnkon i....r"',.".-JtttO!lta. Reciatnoti, wiihoutcb(ir(!e. in the recelTe Scientific Jltaericau. A hnnrtsomely lllnstrntert vropMy. t --. . culutioii ot any sciemiUc J'.iirnal r JJL .cJr" year: four nicrths. SL Sold byali newadeii I Branch Offlco. 625 F St, Washington n Yl " inv PLEASES PEOPLE. BULLET .O r r hi Four Do;;: X Graduat?, K Large lib;-; i equipped h: h partmcai "i-r r.r.d L; Gy- Expense 53 ior won . Uw S the Dep.-.. Tor Calais,- fa J:Ti: Chan, s (, ATTOliXY Will practice in ere.l courts. collections am! ; .n.l -.t .- tatcs. Omce: DR. D. K JIB i 9 v .5 ' C Y m Asheboro, Offce: OVER Th E BANK HO: AS V - Licae BUT riiii M J. L. and buy chcv.p, not be bovhei cd counts, nk-j : JOKES i.nj v rc you ,2n GO TO w. .. v.; : aj IN Zt On Depet Street. Get some Yaiiee fee? I can put you in'- tc;u 's .'! probable buyers for your ; no matter where it is lccr.t":. ?i. W. F INLAY SOI! 1323-55th St. BROOKLYN, N. V. 'Undertaking. 4 j:. :"Ff' J.W. JOLLY. Keeos in stock coffins and cask ets ranging ir. price froiji to $90.00. tablishment the 2nd il Asheboro ( Ashebc-": Phone Nc QO ( Special . pnee THE BUIXETIN: ante till Nov. 15,1903. "Are your five daughters all married off," Mr. Crown? "No. five son's-in-law have married on." , inj Urlnil You v iii snve -sior.ej iag cash fcr v:nxi y;-i wiil avoid !)::yis! havent bought to c; 1; , S i 1

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