1DTTT T PHPTW BANDOLPH VOL. IV. NO. 49 ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1909. wsaffis Greeted by Enthusiastic Thousands Petersburg and Charlotte Charlotte, N. C, Special Welcom- man. The following is a quotation not trying to move trains, simply an ed royally as the head of a united . referring to the nomination of Judge nneing that it has the men, the nation witn all the honors which a Connor: means and the equipment to proceed patriotic and public-spirited people could bestow, and responding in a kindred spirit which inspired him to pledge his power to the obliteration of all sectional differences, the Hon. William Howard Taft, President cf the United States of America, was for twelve hours Thursday the wel come guest cf Chai lotto and North Carolina. Culminated then the cele bration in honor of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence with which all the drenching power of a Gulf coast rain-storm could but par tially interfere. Never in tho his tory of the City cf Charlotte has there previously occurred such a day, marked by such a contest between the powers of ir.cn and -those of na ture, a contest which had a drawn battle as its final issue, with the hon ors, all things considered, well earned by the plucky celebrants. Beginning hours before dawn, tho rain, which Avas predicted set in with nnrelented violence, continued until a few minutes before the arrival of the President's train at 10 o'clock, ceased for more than two entire hours, only to descend again a veri table cloud-burst just as the rear of the mammoth parade had reached Independence Square, two blocks from the stand where stood Ameri ca's Chief Executive in review. Its interference with the occasion on which it had in such unwelcomed fashion intruded, forced the change cf the rlace for the Presidential ad dress from the open air reviewing stand to the Auditorium and the call ing off of the military drills and the baseball game in the afternoon. Unquestionably it deterred untold thcr.sar.ds from leaving their homes in other towns, and yot special after special relied in in early morning crowded from front to rear with vis itors who knew that whatever hap pened Charlotte would make good. And she did, so far as lay in human power, in the face of a twelve hours' rainfall three times the - amount cf that for the month's preceding 19 days. The line from, the Selwyn to the depot was tilled with the bests al-! most every one of whom saw Presi dent Taft in his open carriage. The Confederate and Federal vet erans escorted the President from the Selwyn to the grand stand, where he. was seated with Mrs. Stonewall Jackson cn tho right, and Governor Kitchin on the left. The parade was a pageant of beauty and suggestiveness as well as an industrial and trade exhibit. It was completed when the torrents of rain broke all into confusion. In Epito of the adverse circumstances it was a day cf glory for Mecklenburg and the Old North' State. The President's speech in the Audi torium was a measure of the breadth of the statesmanship of this great H. H. ROGERS, THE GREAT FINANCIER, DEAD New York, Special. Henry II. Rogers, sixty-nine years of age, vice president cf the Standard Oil Com pany, moving spirit in the organiza tion of the Amalgamated Copper Company, builder of railroads, and philanthropist, died at his home here at 7:20 o'clock Wednesday morning from a stroke of apoplexy. Death came about an hour after Mr. Rogers had risen for the day, mentioning to his wife that he was feeling ill. At 7 o'clock he lapsscd into unccnsciousr.es?, and before the family physician arrived, he was dead, Mrs. Rogers, three married PRESIDENT TAFT ENJOYS Washington,' Spedal. President Taft, returning from Charlotte, N. C reached Washington, at 10:40 a. re. Friday. The President found Mrs. Taft lunch improved In health. The President recently was chosen as a trustee cf the nampton Institute, at Hampton, Va., and had accepted an invitation to speak there on Sunday LAKE MONHGNK ARBITRATION CONFERENCE ENDS Mohouk Lake, N. Y., Special. With an imposing array of speakers, the fifth annual meeting of the Lake Mohonk conference on international arbitration concluded its delibera tions Friday nmht. The speakers in cluded the Right Hon. James Bryce, tho British ambassador; Alfred Mo-ely, London; Representative Richard Bartholdt, of Missouri; Ed ward J. Wheeler, Frank Chapin Bray, and Dr. Richard Watson Gilder. Mr Mosely, a member of the House of Commons, took up the causes which led to the present feeling be tween England and Germany, begin- giGHTMEN KILLED BY HAIL IN GALVESTON, TEXAS Galveston, Texas, Special.-An un precedented hailstorm Monday, in Uvalde county cost at least eight hVJames Carpenter, 70 years of age, returning to the Southwestern Ranch, ?hcw ro was employed, sought shel Ter in a cattle shed. Hail struck him on the head and killed him. Seven Mexicans were many miles from shelter, in tho open praire vha th itorm caught them. All at "The Federal judiciary should be and do so when the State an as much appreciated in the South as nounces that it is ready to protect its in the North, and if I have an oor- Pr0Perty and employes. The strikers tunity to make any appointments in Bre standing pat. They assert that the South it will continue to be my ey ave not been and will notb, chief duty to make such appoint- Parties to any violence. Sympathiz ments as shall appeal to all the peo- ' ers with tlie strikers, it is set out, pie whether they be Republicans or iave one a urt that as een Democrats, and I urge all citizens to dc- accept the appointments made, as ! ene1"! Manager Thomas K. Scott, men, if they are men, Avho .will carry at G P- m- made the announcement on their bi:h duties with a single f'iat "no tiai"s are moving." Gov eye to the administration of justice, ornor Hoke Smith his wired the sher to accept them and congratulate the' l of McDuff',:! county to co-operate people on their apointment, and not . vvitl1 tlie municipal authorities and to to make use of them for 'any par- . Slltnmoa. aU deputies necessary to tisan appeal." J j protect life and property. It is in . j this country that Thomson is located Virginia Honors the President. i ?nd is at Thmsou that the crowd PMrcWn- v o , r, i issued their ultimatum Saturday ieteisbuig, a., Special. Presi- nillf tW . v. cent lait s visit Wednesday to this rjing ejthca r.oanidn -firemen or battle-scarred Virginia city has been negro firemen. Governor Smith has a. notable success from the viewpoint c!so as"'-d the sheriff there to keep of the distinguished guest and of the m fully advised of the situation, hospitable people who were his hosts. ?ie Governor has also wired the sher The President has seen at close ran-e 'l?s. Rockdale ad Dekalb counties, all sorts and conditions cf Virginians, ?ivinS tb.em information that engi for Petersburg seemed to be the cen- neers claim to have been rocked at tf-l to which the counties cf Southern ' Con5?ers and Lithonia and urging up Virginia had sent the bulk of their on !Iiem PromPt action for the pro population, there being, it was esti- t,ecticn f the railroads and property, mated, 25,000 visitors here in the 1 From the offices of the Georgia course of the da v. The streets were Kailroad here Sunday night it was jammed from neon until late evmiu". announced that all freight aecumula- The '-'oldest inhabitant" even is at ted at Atlanta for Augusta and a loss to remember when Petersburg P01nts heyend would be moved that has been as crowded as it was Wed- ni&kt by the Central and Seaboard, resday. It was a good-natured, eas- Tho Geora ad freight station here ily handled crowd and, while it was J&s Per Monday for delivery of at no time effusive in its demonstra- freiSI:t to consignees, but shipers are tion, it gave the President a very re(luested to withhold all shipments frisndlv reception and lifted hats to "j1. frther notice. After thus ad him end cheered him as he rode in ga complete is the tie-up, the parade through its streets. th? ad . At Fort Mahone, where the beauti- 1 t he k01 road 1S omittmS ful monument erected to commemor- nothing that otters promise cf early are tlv heiwsm nf licr. . r in V. , Hartranft and the Pennsylvania sol diers cf the Third Division of the -Nin.'h Army Corps was unveiled, the President made a tactful and imprcs- sive address. The environment was tleship Mississippi" at Natchez was inspiring and; although he read his the banquet Saturday night to the of speech from manuscript, he evidently fieers cf the vessel. Governor Noel felt the spell cf his surroundings. ! was present end spoke on "Missis Mr. Taft vied with the Governor of sippi, a loyal member of the isier Pennsylvania, and Major Isaac S. hood of State, a leader in moral and Brown, president cf the Pennsylvania material progress." Battlefield Commission, in paying I The feature of the stay was the tribute to the valor of the Confed- speech of John Sharp Williams Sat erate soldier and m recognizing that j urday afternoon at the presentation uit- Liit-ii uu wxi giay uau prov- dity in battle and American devotion to principle. Inis sentiment evoked an imme- crate eterana, who were massed m - i on l oi i no pinnorm rrom Winch Mr. . Taft made his speech. daughters, a son, H. II. Rogers, Jr., ant Dr. W, J. Pulley, a physician who 1 was hastily summoned, Were at the bedside when the end came. j Ilia fortune is variously estimated j at from $50,000,000 to 175.000.000. i which will make his son, H. H. I Rogers, Jr., one cf the richest .en in the country. Mr. Rogers' first wife died fourteen years ago, and he is survived, in addition to his second wife, by four children, the son men tioned and the following daughters? Mrs. W. E. Benjamin, Mrs. Urben H. Broughton and Mrs. William R, Ceo. HIS TRIP TO THE SOUTH afternoon. He stated on the train, however, that unless Mrs. Taft wag able to make the trip with him, ha would postpone his visit to the Vir ginia institution. On account of the bad weather, the President decided, after reaching the White House, that it would not be wise to undertake the trip at this time and he telegraphed, cancelling tie engagement. ning with the now famous interview of the German Emperor. "I believe,,' he said, "that the German Emperor means well for his own country and the world at large, but there utterances caused suspic ion and have given rise to discussion in the House of Commons resulting in the increase in tho navy. "Now it is proposed by some that Mr. Taft take tho initiative in saying something to England and Germany. But I am not at all sure that" Mr. Taft would care to undertake that task. If he does, may I suggest that he turn his attention to Germany f" were struck dead The stones weighed 6 and 7 pounds and some oi 10 pounds were found, They measured 10 to 17 inches in circumference and they came down for 30 minutes in two separate storms, about two hours apart, Many persons who had started out to search for cattle were caught in the second storm and injured The number of catlla killed wiR not U ku.swn. for several dayi, eu uieinheivi'B, equauy wnn me men. bowl to the battleship by the City of who wore the bine, exemplars in the Natchez. The bowl was made for ex lughest degree of American intrepi- ' hibition at the .TnmPsWn F.vnnsirinn i ii i , n "ii it uiu.b .ua neaiiy icuouse irom ine 0f this welcome, Captain, you will hundreds of Pennsylvania veterans ; Eoon at Horn Island, receive as the and also from tue gray-clad members gift 0f the State herself, a silver ser. ot A. liiii C amp, of the Confed ; Vio xviih nnM. i; j i, j. GEORGIA ROAD TIED UP. Geoeral Manager Scott Hakes the Announcement That "No Trains Ara Roving' The Governor In--structs Authorities tp Take Ail StePs Necesary to Protect Life j and Property. J Augusta, Ga., Special. The Geor gia Railroad, was completely tied up j Sunday night. The management is Williams on Dixie. Natchez, Miss., Special. The big formal event of tfc-stay of -the bat- 0f a magnificent beaten silver rrnuch v - - - Mr. Williams said: s a complete and crowning tes- timnnisl r.f thn. nr-ornfTr ov,,i gravej upon it 0f the steadfast chief- tain cf a storm-cradled CtmteAaraav. which has passed, not unworthily in T&rZZZfZZ pieces of silver. Let them remind 3"n in distant seas, not only of the dnty hereafter doubly beholden to be "well performed, but of the sweet land of Dixie, the fairest part of tho whole earth. When you meet an enemy's ship, and I hope you may never have to meet one. sink her and then auaff from these cups a toast to victory' victoria Americana but if she sinks you, as she has chanced to many a brave ship, well handled, then for the honor of the sweet women of Natchez, let these modest pieces of silver go down with the ship, and not become enemy's booty to shame their name,' Runaway Horse Kills Young Ldy. Augusta, Ivy., Special. Enle Townsley, the 18-year-old daughter of Samuel Townsley, of Johnsonville, Bracken county, was Saturday found dead cn tho road near her horns. Sbe had been riding a spirited horse which became frightened and han away with her, throwing her off, dragging her over the rough road with her foot caught in the stirrups. Are Denied Licenses. Jefferson City, Mo., Special. -The Missouri Supreme Court Saturday sustained the Staie law, which denies licenses to insurance companies, which pay any of their officers salar ies in excess of $50,000. The decis ion was on an application from three large eastern companies for a writ of mandamus to compel the State In surance Department to issue license to tbem. The writ was denied to tho petitioners the Equitable Life As surance Society, of Prudential Insur ance Company and the Metropolitan Lifo Insurance Company. Shops Curtail. Spencer, N. C, Special. Again a cut has been made in the working time pf the force at the Southern's shops. The men were put on nine hours, six days a week, a month or more ago, but recently the work day was cut to eight hours. Saturday the entire force, with the exception of the round house men, are off, an order having been sent out to begin ea a five-day-a-wwk ichQdult. THE NEWS IN BRIEF Items of Interest Gethcred By Wire and Cable GLEANIKGS FROM DAY TO DAY I4ve Items Covering Events of Mor cr Lcca Interest ' at Home and Abroad. At Uvalde, Texas, last Monday a hailstorm of unprecedented severity, slugs of ici weighing 8 and 10 pounds, fell and eight persons were instantly killed by being in their line of de scent. Foylerville, Mich., was visited by a tornado last Saturday that damag ed 250 houses to the extent of $40,- 000. Twenty-five families are home- j less. The State of Pennsylvania has ap propriated $2,000 for tho education of deaf, dumb and plind Katharyn $Iay Frich, nine years old, who shows many of the characteristics of Helen Keller. The Postal difficulties in Paris- are believed to be over the strike hav ing failed and the men having large ly returned to their places. H. II. Rogers, who recently fiinish ed the Virginian Railway as an in dividual enterprise at a cost of $40, 00,000 died at his home in New York Wednesday. The Alfalfa Club, at the Creigh ton University, Omaha, Neb., will rVjf to demonstrate that alfalfa is a hu man food and that a man may sub sist cn its hay. Dr. J. H. Daugherty, a physician for the insane at Elgin, 111., has him self became insane through sympa thetic suggestiveness. Tho great event at Petersburg, Va., in which the Pennsylvanians unveil ed a monument to - Gen. Hartranft was pulled off without break .or jar and was exceedingly satisfactory. Charlotte's great 20th of May cel ebration was badly marre'd by down pour cf rain for most of the day. Prof. A. S. Lovenheart, of the University of Wisconsin it is believ ed, has found an antitoxine for teta nus germs. The cotton compress at Fort Smith, Ark., was consumed py fire Monday together -wifcb-ojOaU' bales" ot cotton. Flames broke out at many places simultaneously, indicating incendi arism. The loss was about UU.UUU, covered by insurance. Tracy & Co., of New lork, went into the hand of a receiver, the assets supposed to be half a million and liabilities a million. Three thousand gallons of water from Jordan river, was poured into tlie sewer in New York recently be- eauso no one attached any impor tance to it a financial failure. A distinct earthquake was felt in northern Montana Saturday night. A wall of one house fell. Prof. David N. Todd, of Boston, has a scheme to go up ten miles high in a ballcon and from there to talk to the people in Mars, by wireless telegraphy. Ho thinks they know about it, Alexas Loudent, in an accident in an Alabama mine last week, got his back broken. He was informed that death ere long would ensue. An over weaning desire to see his parents be fore death led him to attempt to re turn to Moscow, Russia, and he is now on the briny deep making the race with death. Washington AS sirs. The Senate Monday confirmed the President's nomination of Oscar S. Straus to be ambassador to -Turkey and Wm, W. Rockhill to be ambas sador to Russia. The Washington, Baltimore and Annapolis Electric Company ordered smaller cars, and it is ssid the an nual saving will be $150,000 through the msg of direct-current motors. President Taft has returned from tho Petersburg and Charlotte func tions. He is nons the worso of the trip, notwithstanding the deluge in Charlotte. President Taft wrote a letter to Governor Stubbs, of Kansas, revok ing the appointment of Robert Stone and resenting the attempt to drag him into a factional fight. Torpedo boats are to be given a test in the battleship maneuvers this summer. The gunboat Marietta was ordered to Bluefields, Nicaragua last Satur day, where laborers are rioting and destroying property on banana plan tations. Foreign ITews Notes. Two thousand men are on the way to reinforce the Russian troops in Persia. Rome papers regard the exchange of messages between the Kaiser. Francis Joseph and Victor Emmanuel C9 insuring the continuance cf the triple alliance. Emperor William is to spend sev eral weeks in England nest fall. Though reported to be resting at the Ju Ja ranch, ex-President Roose velt engaged in writing an account of his adventure. The trophies of Mr. Roosevelt' and the job for the taxadennist is thus far one rhinoceros, six lions, two giraffes, 20 smaller kinds of game and a variety of birds, a python and others. It is claimed for Germany, that she will soon be prepared for airship war with a system of stations suit able fox' opwationa. VYflSfflntilUN NOTES Senator Gore's resolution, direct ing the committee cn finance to con duct an investigation into wholesale and retail prices of commodities, was discussed before the Senate Tuesday at some length. Seeking to have the resolution adopted, Mr. Gore, said he wished to have statements concerning the extortionate prices of retail deal ers fully probed so that the country might know just where the respon sibility for high prices rests. That the cotton manufacturers sell their products, with an agreement as to the price at which they are to be sold at retail, was the substance of a charge made by Mr. Gore. Demand ing proof of this assertion Senator Gallinger said that what the country is demanding is prompt action on the tariff bill. He added that it had been accerted that the business interests cf this country were losing $10,000, 000 a day by the holding up of the tariff bill. At times x;!'ovoked much merri ment by his ready retort and de nouncing the protective tariff policy, Senator Gore spoke at length and until 12 o'clock, when, under the rules of the Senate, the unfinished business which was the tariff bill, was to be taken up. Before that was done, in response to an appeal from Mr. Bailey, the Senate agreed to vote on Mr. Gore's resolution, amended as suggested by Mr. Bailey so as to re quire the appointement of a select committee cf four Republican and three Democratic Senators to conduct the investigation asked for, and by a vote cf 50 to 29 it was referred to the committee cn finance, Senators Bristow, Crawford and LaFollette, voting no wih tho Democrats. Mr. Simmons, of North Carolina, while speaking in the Senate in sup port of the contentions, made by Mr. Stone, relative to the price of im ported razcr3, said that the Demo crats were ready to vdte on the tariff bill at any time and that it was the recalcitrant element cf the Republi can party, which was delaying the measure. "As soon as you can get their consent to take a vote on this measure," he said, It you can get ours. J7 A vole was then taken on en taken amendment by Mr. Stone . restoring the Dingley rate on razor'- I wa wJectfecr-by-w-ToTe or oe-Jto 43," the Kepubiicans voting m tnw negative with the Democrats being BeTcridge, Bristow, Brown, Clapp, Crawford, Cummins, Dolliver, Gambia, LaFol lette and Nelson. Describing the men who have come before the committee on finance in connection with the tariff bill, "silk hats and kid gloves and carrying gold-headed walking sticks." Senator MeLaurin on the floor saj.d he had failed to see any one there who could be classed as a consumer. "I have not classed as a consumer. "I have not seen any one there," said the Senator from Mississippi, "the cut of whose jib would indicate to me that he is a farmer, a mechanic, a blacksmith or other laboring man." . The most important happenings in the nation's capital Saturday were e follows : Senator Aldrieh failed in his effort to have the Senate name a day for a final vote on the tariff biil, Senators Daniel an Cummins, both raising ob jections, when the chairman of the finance committee suggested June 2 as tie date. Two battleships and cither Ave tor pedo boat destroyers or ons modern repair chip are provided for in the Navy Department 's building pro gramme for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1911, it was officially an nounced. By presidential proclamation, about 700,000 aeres cf government lands in Montana, Idaho and Washington, are to be opened up for settlement and entry. The Senate sub-judiciary commit tee, appointed to pass upon the nom innticn cf Judge. Connor, decided to report in favor of confirmation. Tba action of the cotnaittee was unani mous. Similar action is expected by the fuli committee which meets Mon day. No opposition to the confirma tion of Judge Connor's nomination has made it3 appearance before the tho judiciary committee and none is expected. Charges against the government at-tornej-s conducting the prosecution of the Olahoma land fraud cares were received at the Department of Jus tice, but Attorney General Wicker sham subsequently announced that no action would be taken in regard to them, until tie cases in which the attorneys were engaged, have been disposed cf. . The day's session of the Senate re eoryed itself into a talk-fest, in which Senators Bailey, McCumber, Elkins, Scott, Burton, Hale and Clapp participated. The lumber scheaula was under discussion for the greater part of the time but no vote was taken on any subject, - The House rates were retained on polished plate glass, bfct with the un derstanding that when the bill is taken up in the Seante proper, there will probably be some alterations. The so-called "progressives" criti cised the House rate as too. high, while Senator Oliver, contended that the rate was entirely inadequate to the proper protection of the plate glass industry of the United Statei. NORTH STAT Items of Sisie Interest Gathered frcni Here and There and Told Briefly for Busy Readers. For a "State Forest." ! Raleigh, Special. Governor Kitch in, in accordance with the provisions of chapter S9, Laws of 1900, has is ued a proclamation making for thirty jears a "State Forest of North Car olina" of all land belonging to George W. Vanderbilt lying above contour line 2,000 feet and situated in the counties of Buncombe, Transyl vania, Jackson and Haywood, total ing 111.545 acres, providing all the necessary provisions of the law are carried cut. As a half cent an acre is to be paid to the school fund an nually, this will give $557.73 to the schools cf the counties named. The picperty to be made into a "State Forest of North Carolina" is that situated above 2.000 feet ele vation and consists of the following number cf acres: Transylvania coun ty, 25,308 acres in Brevard township, 1$,510 acres in Gloucester township, Henderson comity, 19,754 acres in Mills River township ; Haywood coun ty, 1,010 acres in East Fork township, Buncombe county, 8,300 acres in Avery Creek tornship, 4.300 acres in Biltmcre township, 5,000 acres in Limestone township, G.300 acres in Upper Hominy township, and 3,500 acres in Lower Hominy township. The act under which the proclama tion is made is to render secure from damages and notably secure from damages by fires such woodlands in North Carolina as are situated above the contour line of 2,000 feet. These lands so situated are held to be too cold and too humid for successful agriculture, their value being in wood and timber. The lands thus set aside are to be advertised in three con secutive issues of papers in the coun ties in which they are situated at the expense of the land owner and the owner is to pay annually into the school fund of the county a half cent an acre. The Governor is empowered to appoint at his discretion and with the approval of the commissioners of the county in which the land is situ ated such wardens as may be desig nated by the owner or owners of rie land, who are to pay the wardtfs who are to arrest wihof&: waiaat for crimes mibaiAaii, acwinit rea fate and to saieguard tiie la"3 against trespass and notably asrahwt hre having tho power cf sheriffs, tpe minimum fine to be $50 if the crime is in the jurisdiction of the Superior court, and $25 if in the jurisdiction of a justice of the peace. Hydrophobia May Develop. Rocky Mount, Special. There is further alarms upon the part of the members of the family of Mr. Burt Joyner, whose twelve-year-old son died Sunday morning from hydro phobia as the result of being bit ten in the face by a dojr about two months ago. Not even the family physician thought the boy was sick with the horrible malady with which be died cn Sunday, and the fact that the dog had bitten the child had been almost forgotten until Thursday night when he began to complain and on Saturday night he was uncontrol lable and it wasTneeessary to tie him to the bed, while he died Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The alarm had come to the family in this way, at the supper table on Wednesday the boy masticated several pieces of meat which he gave the baby to esft, and it is feared this child has con tracted the maladv through the saliva from this food. With the rest of tho family there had been no additional precaution with regard to the drink ing, water from separate vessels, while practically the entire family has caressed the baby. The family is very much alarmed over the mat ter, and there is just cause why they should be. New Railroad Completed. Fayetteville, Special. The Vir ginia end Carolina Southern Rail road i3 now completed from Lumber ton to Hope Mills, seven miles below here, there connecting over the At lantic Coast Line Railroad with Fay etteville. A train over that road en tered Hope Mills Wednesday. At Elon College Elon College, Special. The gradu ation exercises of the music depart ment of the present year occurred Firday evening in the college chapel. The weather was inclement and had been all day, but that did not prevent the assembling of a large and enthu siastic audience. Thero ere three graduates this year: in voicer Mrs. Estelle Walker Harper (soprano) and Miss Mary Ethel Clements (soprano) : and one in piano, Mrs. Donie P.ieh Patten, Miss Wilson di rector, presiding at the piano for the voice reditions. Fire years for Stealing. Winston-Salem, Special. Gaither Bodenhamer, a young man, was con victed in Forsyth Superior Court Wednesday of stealing $2,200 from the Forsyth Bank and Trust com pany at Kernersville in February. Defense put up insanity plea but thee jury declined to accept it. Boden hamer was e-iven a term of five years in State prison. The bank recover ed all but $500 of the stolen money. Shows Ei3 Appreciation. Wilson, Special. The following letter of gratitude was received in this city a few days since from Judge Connor, acknowledging receipt of a copy cf the resolutions passed in mass-meeting in Wilson cn the- night of May 10th in regard to his appoint ment by President Taft to the judge ship of Eastern North Carolina. In the letter he says: "'I can hardly find words to ex press to you my grateful apprecia tion of the continued kindness of my home people. It sometiires seems to me that I overtax them in that re spect, but they always so generously, respond that it is cn inspiration to me. The actions of the citizens cf Wilson on this occasion adds another to the many obligations under which I live to them. "If any honor has come to mo during my life, the fact that it has in some degree given pleasure to the people cf Wilson county, has en hanced its pleasure to me more than I can express. "Will you kindly express to the Chamber of Commerce at their next meeting ray sense cf gratitude for their great kindness!" Indian Dies From Wound. Ashevllle, Special. Allen Whip pcrwill, the Indian from the Chero kee reservation, who was shot in the old Hix Souther "soft drink" plMO on North Lexington avenue a week ago, died Friday morning at five o'clock at the mission hospital from the effect cf his injury. Wade Wil son, the young man charged with tha responsibility for WhipponvlU's hurt and who was released cn bond last week upon report that Whipporwili was doing well and would prcbablv recover, was placed in the custody o i WulnAsilav c mm nrn anil iVint. locked up in the Vity jaiL An in quest was held Friday afternoon when evidence relative to the fatal shooting was had. Witnesses testi fied in effect that the Indian was' at tempting to tomahawk Wilsen when the pistol fired, whether as a result cf scuffle or by Wilson, was not just plain. The jury returned a verdict exonerating Wilson and he as prompt ly released from custody. Durham Burglaries. Durham, Special. It is learned now that there have been a large number of burglaries in Durham in the last few weeks and that the police have kept the reports under cover, Tuesday -night the. home of J. R, Simms, ex-sheriff of Person county", was broken into and the burglar. was chased out. Engineer Johnson, of the Seaboard road was called from his bed a few nights ago to rua out a burglar who was in the house and trying to get into hia wife's bedroom. The home of Policeman Rigsbee was alsb visited and he met the negro man face to face in the hall. The home of Mrs. Carroll wa3 entered several nights ago and the fact3 not made public.- Jamea Warren, color ed, a well-to-do negro who Hve3 on Chapel Hill street, had an unusual experience; he was out rather late and the burglar beat him to the home and locked him cut, while he was trying to get in the burglar escaped with several articles of value. For several weeks there has been a veri-, table carnival cf crime on in the bur glar line. Greensboro Female College Cloeea. Greensboro, Special. 'Wednesday was graduation day at Greensboro Female College and the graduating exercises were held in the college au ditorium Thursday at 11 o'clock, there being a large and interested audience in attendance. The day dawned bright end clear, just an ideal May day and ideal commence ment weather. Wants $5,000 Damages. Lexington, Special. J. L. Ludlow, civil engineer, of Winston, has start ed suit for $5,000 damages against tho town of Lexington, alleging breach of contract. It is asserted ; that Captain Ludlow, who had charge of the censiruetion of tha water works, made a survey of the town with a view of handling pos sible future paving of the street-s, charge cf which it is ?aid he was to, have. The work was eupervised by another engineer, hence the suit, Walser & Walser are the local at torneys. Arrested Per Bigamy. Kinstcn, Special. A sensational arrest was made in this city Tues day night when Sheriff Nunn arrest ed Mr. G. S. Longfellow, formerly of Wilmington, on a charge of big-., amy. The arrest was made at Hotel Caswell just as Mr. Longfellow had paid his bill preparatory to leaving the city, on a bench warrant issued by Judge W. R. Allen, upon infer-, matioa from Wilmington