. - v-.i : 4 '. J. 1 I. i RANDOLPH COUNTY PEOPLE. i ; l ': rtm h3 VOL.:5.r"NO. 19. ONE; i)0lMBiiulAS5 RANDOLPH C&iRTFji'tl -Kb. ' .;,i'tHur.-i.I'.i.'r.,;. V;i;,r-v sIjS :CnticisGS Traveling lMfes::6f : President OVERDREW S25.G0O ALLOWANCE ' r" Deeply Grieved by Suggested Ejec tion on Southern Hospitality Dem ocratic Congressmen Object ,to New Aroroprialiiii pW Expenses? BeeomV ing Immediately Available. Washing-ten, Special. President TaftJsl Ira iling "expenses and ! the fact that be had overdrawn his al lowance of $25,000 a year voted by congress led to acrimonious debate in the house Thursday and a refusal to fc.ithim tpjusqf-ie nexfr year-'s allowance to meet "the deficiency. '' '" ' As reported from the house com mittee on appropriations the items of $25,000 for the fiscal year beginning July 1, next, would have become " im mediately ; available ' ' exfRt for I the, protests of Democratic members. The words 1 1 immediately available" were finally stricken out by the action of Mr. S'kiin t( 111. .tlie occupant of he jfcrjto rsuiiJ4 aPiiyW$S made by Mr. Macon (Ark), a Demon crat. It was the Western and South 'fcrrf trrpiTmdFi?tst-fa.Hi thatexlratreted the-White-House traveling f und Dur-- ihg the debate Chairman Tawney, in 3 laiaimian xawntry, m bill, criticised Southern, their attituW iff (Utiect-! ronriation to defray the charge of the bill Democrats for mg to an appropriation to cielray expense of a trip on which they had been the president 's guests. Mr. Hard wfick (Ga),.drewjfrm Miv-Tawjiey "thje" admission Tiiaf I SeWetary "Cafpente'r had furnished him a list of names of Democrats who had accepted the president's hospitality. . - ; In connection with" the nse of 'such1 names. Mr. Burtlett (Ga.), charged that "the Dresepil jlis yiolatedsbotb'l the rules of hospitality an'd'of decent conduct.' ; The president, Mr. Tawney said . Kad made his trip--through: the West: X'ahd South at the invitation of sena- lvyi-s, governors oi otates auu civic "This trip," Mr. Tawney said, f was not made for his own, pleasure. Congress'" was in ' session whe'n' delega tion after delegation from the house, froni-tbe sedafe land .fi-oaitfefe.' tHifer eht States visited him urging him to riake this trip. I ' , j j , ; . ;r ? , j At that 'time,' Mr.' Tawney " said", there was no appropriation to meet the traveling expenses. ; - '-! I Washington, Special. "In all my expeiienee, andi'I ''have enjoyed , the hospitality of many sections and countries of the wo rid, I never had a more cordial,. gner-us qr;jpepj jaijd lavish welcome than I had 111 the Southern. States during mytrip, and. the slightest hint that puts me in the '"Stim'eH gives me great pain5, t f ? This in part i'i tl V mannerj ;;in which President " Taft Friday ''in "a letter to Chairman Tawney of the ecrsflPrfn-flBe debateiT-fhe'Hb'tise Thursday upon the traveling expenses of the 81484 mUui The President says lie" is escpecially distressed by "suggested reflection pn Trninn VeteranSat Down-cOn.". - X I CCJJVX L, xn., i7..ia.i. ilk wu ecutive session of the department of Illinois, Gs. & R., hei jhurfday, a Columbia post, Chicago, calling upon the president to take such steps .as.. may seeebest ; to removetiis 'Staiue of GeiffTtobert E. Lee from17 ther na tion's hall of fame at Washington and to return it tfc,the careand cus tody of thejtii;4fiirgiiia'5ras laid on the table as ill-advised. Columbus, Ohio, Special. One hun dred prisoners from murderers to burgiaW'erftofr a 'strike 'jg he Ohio penitentiary and refused tvpmc because Hkhf "thought that they were being fed condemned meat. The strikers were placed in solitary confinement. -TiitJ offlclMgnrerly Igtartlinf Testimony of Sugar Witness IV isJaWBS"f - - ( Brooklyn ) .. rho rec&Mit::r'daiis5 ten it en t i arpp3prUf iPlSpv' lained Thucsi-V; wliv; he M"pi':q6n; ' ould "have earned -him to a ceme-d rv ' jn oilier woras, lie uum , , T . 1 I 1 1 " ae implkaeU4it I. HavemiHr, late lieaftiof 1- , - k-ust O AN ( J- orx,;ii3peciai. er opiizei: Sormerpekfe:ad'e4i of docks oi 3 i . PSS ,aUlDffiSnriFiKSWiltn--a..l 1 virV'wifliiiln to t V He compared woHiars-'a&'ffi a -con- j diet Arnold and'1 h&' eriareXAon the stand J acceptance of the IS SIGN CONQUER," Sunday School Children in Uni r rtirfdrm Peradc end Sing. Washington, Special Chal3j:l.opk the principal part 4n tSfeidM';&esf ioniof the sixth' xQofeMiff ;;the -W orid 's SnndajeMol Association." Dressed in esk'.niesilaf most of the nations of thegd' earrying the faggot those" crpreoeded .by thSrieqitest flagfvhich bears 31 crofe andthe words ' ' by'Siis sign conquer," ajong line ofthetn: filled the front of the big plforni and later marched through $M5e-.aKles ; of the immonst.;"hall singiEppiJi!!' , Thie neiConvention pHmeet in Geneva,. Switzerland, iiaifc:; The month; and4ate will .dermined later; Jtfiecutivejmiltee. Th"mjifeeotf Tesintiefts pre sented jafcjtoort, winch was unaju ItaouSly ibyEfevCodvtejin; deolarinlipiimf vangeli satioti ':Smaiolic : ooun- peace and igaraiiwfeftrcctipri Lthat :Snnd4yltaflnpeesR;are re- jSponsiJOe .riFsaye 01 uproniomou whichEMLi.fi: the country, Boys Lost to Chnrxh. r I Washingt on , r Spe ctS. if eVenty-fi : v- per cent, of all the boys over 13 years inJhgroleanJ: ..Sjnijis.rfekoglg 4 the United States are lost to the church and never make professions ... e , f Pj ff Hi , . , , of faith. . Such a statement, spoken Ftteriof Detroit, in 1 I, n woraers' conterences which followed the World's Sunday School convention, astonished San- day school workers from all parts oi the earth. Killed When Looking at Comet. Princeton, Ivy., . Special. Lincoln "Oliver, a well-known farmer, of Cald well county, was shot and seriouslj wounded . while standing in his yard Ikl&si at; the Jcomet . Oliver was a leader in the Dark Tobacco association and was concern ed, in the suits recently filed at Pa ducah. "Tie was also a witness against the alleged night riders, tried a fei weeks ago' at Hopkinsville. Will That Stop the Girls? ' Washington, " ''Special. After con sidering all sides of the controvjarsj iwSich has arisen" ""over -the use- ol shellac and other gums for coajting : clwcqlatesj ? th$ board of ; food iand drug inspection of the Department ol Agriculture has decided that the;ust of 'shellac' "is? hot" a proper proceeftin under the food and drug acts. j i 4 j ' 5 iri tioott kaA Talis. ! Cleveland, Ohio, Special. Chief ol Police Frederick Kohler. knpwn throughout the country as the ' ' godei rule" chief, and lauded by President Roose-velt as - the best chief of polict in-.y.jcojijjtrwajs .. suspended bj Mavor Baehr on charges oi gross 1m mpranxY, nabituai xlrunkenness anc "afeobedaeVice of, orders. Aged Veterans Meet. 'ousfoiT jTeKasCBpeciar.v Texan- a- . - ican. War . iveteraris Wednesday met in reunion, with an attendance of fourteen. Thursday will be spenl cfef-wie fieldOf -San Jacinto, wheat General Sam Houston crushed Gen- rad Santa; Anna, winning ..the in dependence of Texas in 1836. Alonz( :L.r":"Tr ' " I jlf atteX attendance. Jlah Claiaded Blackest BJusband. v aiuuhui, yjix., opeciai. oaiin Washington, colored, who cut he? meigbbor, JLetha King, to death witl 4 irazur following an argument ii which each contended that her hus Jband was the blackest " :was cpn jvieted tf pjurdfer, theej-dret carryin! "a life genterice ' " 1 " N"- Law Against Buying Vote. ?ago. Special. Declaring then is no Illinois statute, regulating flu eiecuon. 04 jjiiiieeE Qfaies senators ianSumg $he1moxM that there tvas P fto1aw-V!oldtfon if Lee O'Neat Browne as is charged, paid Representativt White to vote fori Wm:.. Ldrimer, At torney W. S. Forest continued efforts t4i-o--l Hi-v-4k lpi4ry- iiid iet m en ts Lmst.,rpwfie.,Mashe4..;, .w Compared .Lejtq Benedict t Arnold. . Freeoort, 111.,' Special. Inveighing against the placing of the statue of r Gen. Robert -E Lee in the halL of fame in Washington, Col. Jasper T. Darling, past commander of Colum bia post, G A. R., Chicago, address ed the., initial .campfire . cf the - State encampment of .the Illinois G. A. R. Robert E. Lee to Bi?ne- p'rdphesied ; that tha statute of the Con-: a federate13bitfd"-4ea 'step4 wards pensioning Confederate soldiers; anqcpea? gowmi ConTederafe u.lf!wnyi loi W ieaer.1i; 1 nned by Jud.re MeCall ii 3 r S - c- 1. . . -1 , m v . ' ftqpnfrUrOTden. m United States district court- "war bonds. Ii t$ssult cbfemitte'd -R'fiVPTnrt '-mrtn mmmmm Airtiftrt ' Min-Cofcie - .' iXl Tt. 4, --.it OFFER TO PAY THE nf SR.nnn of tne Fresiaeni; s iTave: Expenses Madvty5:, Sottthertters r. Taft Pleased"at:tdenc:8 of Friend liness Cannot Actept Ofter. . Washington Special A protest against the action Of certain Demor cratie members", of ..the Congress ;'in opposing the appropriation of $25, 000 for the -President's I -traveling ex" penses, covering the President 's last Southern trip and an offer to makenip .the deficiency, was telegraphed to Speaker Cannon Saturday by the Au gusta . (Ga.) Chamber of Commerce land Cotton Exchange and Georgia Carolina Fair Association. . The .tele Igram announced that, at; a c ailed -meetr Kng of the three organizations the fpU lowins: memorial -was ordered sent to the Speaker, .to be -presented to the ;liouse and to rTesiaent xait: ; : "August; -the r winter home of TresideAt stands indignant ah4 : mortified -f t- tfif tion of -certain :Democratid members oljCoiigress in ,c6fea;tij"'ljy techaicarctioa the iprosijtion to make re"rlcct:ive, jso as?fo eiSver all the expensesf-hts last Southern trip, the appropriation joi $25,000 for the President's traveling expenses. ; uAt a joint' meeting of the Cham ber of Commerce,; the Merchants' and 1 Manufacturers Association, Cotton Exchange and Board of Trade, . and the Georgia-Carolina Fair Associa- J tion held this day, it was unanimous ly agreed that we respectfully tender through you, to the'government of the . United States the $5,000 necessary, to meet the deficiency of the Presi dent 's -recent trans-continental trip which did so much to cement the ties between the different sections and bring nation and the nation's Chief Executive in closer touch ana sympa-5 thy with each other. v The President i could" not possibly accept the offer of the patriotic Geor gians. He- intends to pay out of this own pocket his; traveling; expenses for the remainder of the: fiscal year. These" will amount to about $7,000 or $8,000, as the President proposes to make all the visits planned by him be tween now and the end of the year. ; j Two Brave American Boys. : Washington, Special. After riding-: on horseback most of the way across the continent to meet Colonel Roose velt f on his ' arrival in New York, -Louie and. Temple; Abernathy, ; aged 9 and G, respectively, sons of Jack Ab ernathy, the wolf catcher, and friend of the. former President,; arrived here Saturday '"night. They rode from ''Frederick',' Md.u, Saturday, '"a distance of 57 miles.' : Temple dropped off to sleep the minute his head touched the pillow. While the littfe fellow was curled up restfully under the white- covers, Louie talked of their trip. "Temple' and I," he said, "wanted to see some of the animals sent from Africa and we will go over to the Smithsonian Institution to see if we can have a look at some of them. ' ' : Wh.en asked what he intended to say to Mr.: Roosevelti when he met him in New York, Louie replied that "it would depend on what Mr. Roose veli said to them " and that he "could m-mQenm mm: President Taft received Httle travelers. ;-- the two Virginia Urged to Welcome Roosettlt. Representative C. B. Slemp. of the tJNmth Virginia District; and Republi can State Chairman; is urging that Virginia be represented in NewYork City on-June 18,. when Colonel Theo dore Roosevelt is to be welcomed home. What -diffren'ce isf There ? Rockford, 111., Special. After be- lj&gJ.idX&tox.y&f7M" irmPons-ijami!beetifeeas business' ih"R6ckf brd! The new ordi-. aanee regulating the traffic contains several novel features, including the prohibitfctei-' of 'treating. :: -'A .1 It is also unlawful, for a saloon--keeper to ?have atichalr-.br a free lunch unter 111 his place. The High Cost of Voti -, Springfield, 111., SpeciaL Sen&fr D. W. Holslaw, Saturday ruifessed to. State's attorney, Burke, and latei to the grand jury that he voted for. William Lonmer for United States Senator, and was paid therefor $2y 500 by State Senator John Broder ick of Chicago. . . , ,. Don't Strike Uncle Sam's Boys. Memphis, Tenn., Special. A hun dred and twenty-five dollars a punch .is what it i COSts i O :StrikA ai-ma-Wion- 3 iiier in Memphis: At -this ratiov JlrKW. i-Fleeoe, a local business - man-'i:wis e of an :th i tTM" Heart1 "tf eniigs 'Carte? 2. rom tna. Whole Coimtry. T&fk Wte&Xi ika$rigivipfprpsejyips. crom the' native religions is shown. in the more .than ordinary Chinese" rn eitympjoyi in' : torturing theni. rt Some? in St an eiasri victims' -tongues have been torn out by the -roqts,. ind they have been mockingly told to preach ' the tiew ; 'creed. Bound till ihey 'CPuhf , scarcely move a muscle, others Jiaye been tickled continually till theii . brams gave way. The water torture -the steady dropping of water on none-spot of rthe body- has been freQuqnly employed.. The oldest theological student ever jradnated' from the1 Union Theological seminary, New. -York, is tbe Bftv,. Bjireatnne Jinishjiinj who . has just ve ceiyed lus . . diploma Mr. Jinishian wfll be 70 years ' old in a few months. His wife .-and Children witnessejd the j graduation . exercises. He is .- an Armenian and. is older than any of the professors 'who' taught him during his "wrork -in the seminary, where he has beh a student for six years. . Alter, a, delay pt 32. years, Charles Dana Burragey ' a" wealthy ' attorney of Boston, was' :' graduated- Wednesday from, the University of California with the -degree . of . . bachelor of arts.. Charles" Burrage we' denied a diploma because ' of a snake, ; an owl and pair of Jizards which appeared in .Professor, Palda's French class back'in',78.! But his classmates have labored incessantly in his behalf. An;d; inpw the; faculty has relented and Burrage was given his degree. . Mrs. Altred Gillison, was nearly pulled - overboard by a Shark, which grabbed her . line, while she was .. fish ing, .with, her husband, off South At- antic City. The woman "pluckily held bW:sto' the' lirifr -until l" her husband reached: iieri ind pulled : in .the fish. "he shark was over five feet long, and ' weighed 50 . pounds. '- Glenn H. Curtis' decided not to make thetrip from Albany last week in .an .aeroplane ;in an attempt . to reach JNew Yqrk and win the $10,000 prize offered byr the New York World". The 9-months-old child - of Mrs. Anna Blakely was found, suffocated in bed at Chicago, "presumably by -the house cat, "which; previously had been lying across the --child's neck. Mrs,;!Tabitha,,Jving -"-who died at ondon, Ky., at the age of 94 years, ' London Icavets 'vo -living,vgrahdfehildre.n: ' She wJas tnemebrser of l sons.anddaugh- . Benjamin "Bojce, accused "By "Clii-cgd-BJacksone Hotel oTEficialsf -dif1 oMderly' ce-iuctiiiiJassbiliihis." f atker, W;-3oyc&T thjQ millionaire?! publish-. er, pleaded guilty in the Municipal ou:rfWd'pMd'"a fimV'6fj$5. He;-.dD-s jefeted:4p his divorced- f a'ther remarr-y- mg. Champ Clark, . minority leader of the House',' sees" a long and " hot road ahead of Congress before .it' finishes' the work of this session. j : Twoffibqrg are out pfthe, National Guard or Georgia as a' result of their failure to : attend - school ' for officers at, Fort McPherson. . , . r ... . j ; T.-iiTv' -A --t;:i .r - - : . .- - . i . 1 Capt. George W. Ruggles, inventor oi. me rwtary snow piow ana 01 na-tiort-wide f ame' ?as a canoe builder is dead at his home:, near. Rochester, N. y. , . " Ket profits of 110,000 were realiz ed for the Actor's Fund,' devoted 'to the, ;eard qf .- aged and needy stage followers, by, the recent fair held in New YPrk city', according to the state ment of President Daniel Frohman, of New York. ., .lfred.H. Marshall, on., trial; for muiuci, u.l tjctv uiixiu.il, vjra.., growing oiU of- th6' ; killing ''of two ! Jiexroes ;;WAhch.is i ajutoipiohile i.on (April . 1, was acquitted alter ,the jury .had rbeen out bui'a'few minutes. " ii Hhi StCvens,' who' pleaded guilty ; tpt"iha;vjns eh - tw.o. IlilackJbirds,' ; ; at ; Ajlleniown, ; Pa.: .was .fined $20 and cosits by, Alderman , Rtjnihger. The pfdse'cbtiPh,--was -brought "by Game .Warden. Miltori H.. Weiss. J j ; Jfriiid& of. .Miss : Elinor Wickham, of St. Louis,: are ..authority , for, .the statement that ; "l'he" father "of hex fiance, ; JbSepli ' Piiltizer, ' Jr., 1 h as' pre sented s .her- with j -a solid, .gold dinner service, .for a , wedding gift, ; costing 15 "A1 biff "has oeen passed 'by the Sen- hte appi-ppriatig $250,!000 ' for 1 the purchase, . qf: , a site anxl.. Uie erection ot buildings, for an, immigrant sta tioil; vti Seat tfe; "Wash. '' " . If) lrUii-Ui L'v' r '-J- -- : ' It. .would he,nnlawful.fbr the Post- office ;'rt)epartm.eh- to print the. name oc tamped envelopes after June ; 30 .1,911, if a bill .introduced, by Repre sentative Tou Telle, of Ohio, and , re ported - favorably from ! 1 the House Committee on. vBostpffices and - Post KOaUS" lS.paSe.dv; . i . .'. In the:.last;:nine years the price of mule-ppw:er:;has; gone . up more than one hundred per-rcent. In 1901 a first class mule could be bought for $145, in "UIOZ--Jthal jaiceiAad.risea-ita- $210," and i t is; ;npsi iabftufii$300.i j vdX ': polo and.llv.ppnyi'uuehias dead- oJ at thejage of 4d years. atrSavoe5dted aiCincihhat 1 aridr at ibje ;.:Itrtei3Jfftiohai -Poster -: -Printers association of the United States and Canada convention hv it . ClSrehce E'. RuneyV' :" huiUMtAanf m&rm sn prem:TccNT mm mmTmmt ana wunoui qrugs or doctors, tor mil aciic-uw-is proving successlui ,um t poands ," in . 13 davs ; it. 1 1 Friends of Alfred Ohlson, of Pater- aon, tNi ' l31.; are' -divided : in opinion ' as.i to just wnere:a manlalse teeth wilj do. the, most :gpod. Ofilson swallowed his" false teeth about six weeks ago;' The" doctors 'found Ohlseri " suffering no ill effects: of: the change and de cided not .to disturb, the counterfeits. Seven tpn&i of African, hunting trophies, constituting a collection' similar to that : which Theodore Roose velt has sent, to the Smithsonian In stitute at Washington, are on their way to Pittsburg from British East Africa, for the museum at PiUsbuiar.- ; A Cat s ! Curious Conduct. -.J maeonro .bpecial.-A Maltese, cat belonging to the parsonage of Christ 'T-hurek- gave birth to a litter I of kittens on the highest led?e of the x.v. 10s -;L:Y , , Al . , L A, me gr.uimiit.siuu . ijieu ; jumpea lo ine ground.. . and escaped, . . unhurt. . Just" whv the cat selected the chnrc.li steepte -and such- a precarious place 4 tostart to raising a lamily,, and now 1 1 . .. t m m she: ever reached that , pinnacle,. :are under "the resolution the 'Norihivaro questions that. are" puzzlmg; the peo- a Synod Avould' siame Stlffhia pie ul uie iieignuomooa very muen. .. JNew York, bMcial.-r-Alartin5 Jacob- sky, alias Jackson, alias Bosky, who is charged -with having a- part m ciica,Kt,iiu"M ivuycuyiyui tiic, ouuiii- ri Ul .- J.1 ci 4.1 $200,000, started. fPr Richmond, Va.r inursdayift"cnarge of a raMroad !o.e,- ' ' One'M bf the indict meHts agaihs$ Jaeobsky443tforisthe iallegedi.thefti of teetive.-JacpbskyvWas arrested last, nroDerLv wiih a finemO Saturday, and has een. awaiting 're-' Vhpse towerm'dpnie'-Vert auisition baDers'." ' ' 1-i I: ftekM T. trfl ariwtokBtrh; a-trunls; frrn,c teCesarake &. Ohio .'and , spacious. . There are pfdlessbrs' ; Railroaa .wortli $8 1)00. ' ;' to '" - .01" ". ..J,i-AaioA-s.Ld.-..w..w....;.-riu.--i-i au.. Pugilist 16 iPerfermance Will Come Off. - v.:! tSan Franjsco, Special. he police ' committee; of the board of supeinasor' h'zfve' ' refeomrfienaed ' thkt'a ' permit 1 be. .granted i the a Broadway Athletic 1 Cub ? lp bohi ( a foxing contest, in, thiSj .cify" "on July" 4.,"' ' "". ' I ;ratien' were present -and i.-protested. .against , thyej :.f recommendation. ...The Je&rios-Johnson fight will be h'eld'un- (fer "the' ''auspices of the ' Broadway -Athletic Club. ; ; .:,! : . , Great Men Honored. , . ' : f ' 1 i'(, :i.i; Washington, D. ,C, Special. Presi- depf frMrs:: Taft, CfoL 'Theota ; Roosevelt, Iving George of England,' President" Diaz ' of Mexico, "and Wm. Jennings' Bryaii were ' made" life rn em bers of the World's Sunday School Association, in : the; cony ehtion amid scenes of great enthusiasm, . For each of those so honored $i,uuu naa 10 De subscribed; and1 in the case of Colonel Roosevelt ' the' chairman of ; the. con vention, by. popular . demand, limited a subscription to mm aoiiax. (Greatest Man in the World. ' ; -. Londpri,iBy Cable. The 'Daily Tel egraph, , in , a long editorial eulogy oi Colonel Rposveelt, escribes, him, as "the most powerful statesman in th( English-speaking world. "His -.personality," says The Tele graph, . ' is . better . known throughpui the globe than any other, except th German emperor, - and in some way: he is the. stronger marked of the two , and he could, .if . he pleased, become the Warwick of American politics. ... ? jiuAri Opinion, s - u !! Little' Rockv Special. In the opin ion of Dr. W. D. Hunter, entomologis of the. United States Department oi Agriculture, ' the "boll weevil' will have invaded the entire1 cotton belt within the coming 15 years. Organization Escaped Prisoners Now; Rome,.. Ga., Special. The 22nd es cape from the .county Jail within tlak present "year was made 'Tuesday morning ' 5 wheUr five white : ' prisoners charged with .burglary , and, othei crimes, sawed their way ta liberi. ';;t:t';?, ,'! :-n::; I 1 ! vi ; ' Chicago Police rMethods. : Chicago, Special. Stephen Zacak, 24 years ;pld,; who, , after ,52, hours of almost contKiupus . questioning . during which,' if'-is said,, he was hot' permit ted' tpsleep; eonfessed'-to the muf.der of i wpoliceraan,; ( copgmMtetl. ; -suicide. (Th? , allaggc, sjaye.r jhangjed-:;. hiineelf with"' a' lian'dkefcnief, white in jhis 'The ordeal -hrpughj which ;Za(fak.'iwasi; saiDjecieqi.. ana. jene .snooting swa, 'nieh who 'd.id'nbt"'haltat'tii6 cominaad'' fit aetPPXiw? in3r.-.ri-- ntlftnrm ial-ii. areni-meferscpimpeltjtasj to tppjcuifier taavfw XfTkrwftoQ&caafat tThe methPds in this v&r'd ImIMo. ' 1 ill 11 111 1 111 liilii i 1 imi li'ifiTaul O - tit rvi: rrupuaiuuii nriauc m v.v..ou- 1 ir-i?Jfr?i)rr ,Ksri "'" w ... Influence 'in': V?aTkloi:i LUthan M'.t fl:: rJ! ivrfv- O I tirf II I r lstr-Extra tsessiqn i . "u. ; ; rt ! SUA -flilU SAIll IIUU Synod Prpbablev itetjl ifrf: Hickory ? W: C- SialfTteV-- consolidation of Lehoff We Mount 'pyasaiit' Cifllegifeds5trifaite made Tuesday,; night 5yttbfi3fq9Bais- Liutheran emessea Synod arid the1 committed of tW&fco&rd of trnsteesr.fof - Lpnpir. CotttgQmet 1 , , . 11 VVedn.esday niorpmg5ana , arew( up a i: therth-I Carolina Synodao! Jtras t fisfi subaiitfceA-j to the fulL board; of trustees., Lenoir College wnicnadpptea it unanimously and -then adiourned"-m Wit This-'proppsitioninitlEiavilrm it .leaves, the: iomt, conference, is. to be submitted 'to .the respective jVhods for final Consideratibnf'i-'iti Ld .?rrjaere.'risiia smallfurniebtfedriss of ' - t- - . - j .ahnnt.ttm.0Q0 Renoir College. ind reM'. -nit-is understood i ibhati thei in debtedness of the North.. ., Carolina 1 Svnod on its. Mount Pleasant .Jprop- - erties is' small aha' thferefdrl;tHere is nbthmgbhrdensomedn-.the'-teVms of al:thp resolutipn T- tbat-, -.the; -TennessfV 1 n 1 1 i r - ' --r':tJ i oynoa is to oe iree irom anv 'Piedsant. -'ft"!' - .rsVssi : Lendir -.Gollecre, Jias.v., JOcJi r-efit fuildin doWtha tEiere A , arevtwo: rup-tcdat ? Aprnej$jg,j pne L fkjr.ijoys akd,oaft fan rids." twafttoriea ed '20acrfei campus ivTifeiprepet is .:fiftsM.yrWorAhf $10000. , 0 Kortb j Carolina.' College, property is estimat leFWike flo- bworth'pdut prolably30,s000 ouldleVtd(J?'giieral fnot bring 'that... . ri -4j. . v.r-. ?lThyrfe ii' a '-yifoAf lAWxioi o4oIida"t"Jdtliana -Bth'yds iseem to ibej iconfticedf tha.t thjS; js tfae i pro pitious time for it, , Jf . At is off ected it. mnv havfl n fflr-rAflfl IiithV pffRf-t in Hire work-of'tbe Luih1erai'ii"?Ghh'and it- is-hhTd tp;;estimate XU'iP?88 bilities- ha are wrapped ;up n,-it;.. It is jjossible that there' nia'y" be a Vailed meeting of 'the Nof tit Claro Jaw Synodi'ito ifm&A&s tthi&'opo .t,ion..e ennessee od'snlar meeting is October 1 at- .Eineolnton, fa&itetM&A&Wty in the same rjtfhairchf nwherj the iSftpti ra tion from the North Carolina Synod was effected in the year 1820, and the main thing at this next meeting will be the 'ions6lidatibn'-!pV6pdition a plan f qr, co-operatpn: .hat ,lia(npssi bilrties of . extension, iq , it." . .' Woman Hit by Lagbtnuigt ; Wilmington, N.. peaU-rPui- ing af severe ejectric torm Thursday 'Miss' Caledonia' RollQericas,Jsrruek rit by lightning krid' he'itigllt!'iihfi4i torn jfeo.;shrds. She wasMked unfjo-r scions, but. examined. later By a .phy siciari . showed,' thai n;6f 'mjurestilted Other' thstt the-severe ;"6h"Pki -arid a sHghtfburn'on.-her. right. f0$q ";,, '"eyh?r kot GtAltof Mnifier Mays Landing," N. J j 'SpfeclaJf.Wil- liam Seyharvi charged 3 wAth the. murdei of ;Jane Adams on the. Hllion .JDpllar pier at Atlantic City lait February, " was ,: Thursday ' acquit ted; '' T-h: jury was: out a littleanore. than hours. t ' ''. : piang4' Language.'1 4 ( '!A j 1 ; V WasliingtonJ Special- rahit ass, 'an nhpfihcipled'' flefmagogue or the ' paid hireling of "' ' baleful in fluence" is the way Willian P. Hack ney, of Winfield, Ivan., whp testified Monday before the house ' ship subsidy ihvestigatioh -' Committee, characterizes every manipr the United States .who -opposes the. principle of ship sub sidy.'' :; "; ' : -- ' ; :::: f- Gifts .; Re' main .Pre&byteriaij -Uprftver. j,.Lewisburg, ;Wi. Va.i Speeialvpes pite the protest that the action 'might liirfdef union with 'some-orKe"f Chifrch, -the 'Southern Presbyterian iGhuroh in General .v Assembly here ,r:Mnday, adoptedSan optional fprm of icb'iivey ance whereby future doffoa cBijy be assured that : their gifts will remain forever in that organization. "j'T i1ktfatet$Mnt ,Whd was ffiven Collector Ldeb,, .aT,the t force wilube increased at once, f r rf.

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