The Randolph Bulletin. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR U. S. HAYES, Editor and Publisher. Entered at the Post Office at Ashboro, N. C. as second-clas3 matter. THERE'S A REASON". The fact that the democratic county convention failed to nomi nate a legislative ticket that would stay nominated has put the ring in a bad box and has brought upon the heads of the managers no end of just criti cism. But there is a reason why the positions are so hard to fill with men who are not seeking trouble. In 1 this county as in others, the legislative candidates are supposed to go on the stump and defend their party's record, no matter how rotten that record may be. This being true, he would be a very hungry office seeker or one lacking in brain development who would ruth lessly rush into the forum to de fend the democratic party's rec ord in Randolph county for the last ten years. It is known to the democratic leaders as well as to the republi cans that the financial condition of the county is deplorable; that campaign promises have not been kept, that the taxes collected do not meet the running expenses of the county; that very little, if any is paid on the new court house; that the county commis sioners have executed county notes for over twenty-five thou sand dollars to pay on the new court house; that the commis sioners borrowed several thou sand dollars from the road fund to pay on the new court house; that said road fund has never been replaced; that the convict force while at work on. the new court house was maintained out of the road fund, thus turning the money collected for the use of the public roads, into a dif ferent channel. All these things and many others we could men tion, the legislative candidates will have to explain to the satis faction of the voters. Is it any wonder, then, that men who have self respect refuse to go on the ticket? Then besides white washing the party's record, the candidates will be expected to stand heavy squeezing when the "fat frying" commences, be cause its going to take lots of "greasing" to make some demo crats. loyal enough to vote the ticket. This is why they tried so hard to nominate men of great wealth, but , who knowing their game waved the proffered honor aside. Such a condition of af fairs never existed in the county before, but there's a reason. Among the many important planks contained in the republi can platform adopted by the state convention, August 10th, the following should appeal to all liberty loving citizens of all parties: ' 'We reaffirm our allegiance to the tiniGchonored principle of lo cal self-government and we de nounce the successive betrayals of that principle by our oppon ents, who long vaunted them selves its champions." This is the plank that will be garbled, misquoted, misinterpret ed, twisted and distorted by the democratic press and spellbin ders into meaning that the re publican party is in favor of "local option". This principle of local self government, advo cated by both democrats and re publicans has no reference to either the manufacture or sale of spiritous liquors, but it means, whether the voters of a county or township shall be allowed to elect their local officers or shall that privilege be denied them and given to the state legislature. In Montgomery county it means shall the voters be allowed to choose their own magistrates, county commissioners and board of education, or will the general assembly at Raleigh still per SB . . f lorm tnat Junction 01 govern ment for the county. Local self government in Ran dolph county means that the voters will choose the county board of education and all magi strates, thereby taking from the general assembly the power to appoint democratic magistrates for long terms in townshins where republicans have been elected by the voters. Local self government is the only FREE government and democrats dare not deny it. CONFEDERATE VETERANS MEET IN NORFOLK VA. TO BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION. About forty of the neighbors of Hugh McCain esq. met at his The following order has been home last Friday August 10th, issued by Randolph camp U. C. V. and much to his surprise, ten Headquarters Randolph Camp dered him a veritable ovation to- No. 1646 U. C. V. Asheboro, N. gether with a big dinner on the C. August 16, 1910. occasion of. his 77th birth-day. ml a S . 1 I -. m -mm ine attention oi the members The neighbors began coming of this camp is hereby called to early and kept coming until by general order. No. 42 of the 12 o'clock the house and yard North Carolina Division United were well nisrh filled, men, Confederate Veterans, published women and children of all ages herewith. Reduced rates on and station in life met to do hon- railroads will be published in the or to this old father in Israel. county papers as soon as ascer- When the crowd had gathered tained. Those intending to at- Mr. Winborn Andrews called tend are requested to notify them together and made a few these headquarters and make remarks after which all repaired known whether free entertain- to the table, filled and overflow- ment is desired. A. C. McAlister, Commander, P. H. Morris, Secretary. ing with good things for the in ner man prepared by the thought ful and loving hands of the good women of the neighborhood. Mr. Andrews presided and af ter he had asked the divine ii - .t i Headouarters North Carolina blessing tne entire crowu pro Division, United Confederate ceeded to do such justice as they might, to one oi the best dinners ever seen in that section. Less Veterans. Durham, N. C, August, 13, 1910. General Orders No. 42. The major general command ing the North Carolina Division of the United Convederate Vet erans has the pleasure of an nouncing that the next annual reunion of this division will be held in the city of Norfolk, Va., COMING AUGUST 26th, than half of the good things were consumed leaving the pro verbial twelve baskets full. Mr. McCain is one of the oldest and best citizens of the Back Creek section and is well known over the entire county, he being a son of the late Hugh McCain a veteran of the war of 1812 as I 11 T Tl IT l on the 6th. 7th and 8th of Sen- wen as tne Mexican war, ana tember, 1910, in accordance with clerk ot the county court tor Z4 a most nressinsr invitation from years. the board of trade and Business After sometime spent in pleas Men's Association of that citv. ant social intercourse the people A most interesting program is departed to their homes, having hpino- nrpnarpd for th'fi occasion, spent a most aeiigntiui aay, an A A - ' Life On Panama Canal That resolution passed by the late democratic county conven tion favoring a joint county can vass by the candidates is ex tremely hypocritical. Every one knows they don t want a joint canvass and would not have passed the resolution only they knew their opponents were firm in tneir determination to never again join in a canvass with party whose representatives seek to dodge the issues instead dis cussing them fairly. The republican state conven tion is over and the party is not torn asunder as was hoped for by i - e dciutci'atic leaders. On the contrary the party is a better fighting unit than ever before as is evidenced by the changed tone of the democratic press. Since bossocracy sits on the throne once occupied by democ racy, those who love true demo cratic county government have notning to lose ny turning over county affairs to the republican party. At least no harmony committee was needed to settle the chair manship contest in the republi can State convention. Two murderers, white men, were convicted and sen tenced to execution in this state last week. Let us hope that it means '' that public sentiment is beginning to set a greater value on human life. Raleigh . Evening Times. Where was Mr. Aycock and his mocking bird's song while these murders were being: com mitted? Why has human life become so cheap under demo cratic good government? including side-trips to the fa mous seashore lesorts near Nor folk and every possible effort will be made by the public-spirit ed citizens of Norfolk to make has had one frightful drawback our reunion there the grandest malaria trouble that, has brought and most enjoyable we have ever suffering and death to thousands. hpld Wpp entertainment will The ererms cause chills, fever be provided for all veterans who and ague, biliousness, jaundice, are unable to pay for their meals lassitude, weakness and general anrl lnrleriner hnt. all who wish debility. But Electric Bitters ' 'To make an absolutely full detailed report of the finances of the coun ty, since the time of the last report of a finance committee, would re- KIFquire the undivided time"0 and services of an expert ir accountant for weeks." -a From Finance Com mittee's report. The offices are still hunting the men and lo they have not found them. Of course the reader will understand this refers to candi dates for the legislature on the democratic ticket. In all other cases the men sought the offices both by day and by night, by fair means and by foul means. We move that Eller's "har mony committee" appointed to settle the 6th congressional dis trict muddle, he made perma nent. Down with one man rule. Despotism is not to be tolerated by free people. The solicitor s scepter will re main in Asheboro but will pass into more worthy hands. Struck A Rich Mine. S. W. Bends, of Coal City, Ala., says he struck a perfect mine of health in Dr. King's New Life Pills for they cured him of Liver and Kidney Trouble after 12 years of suffering. They are the best pills on earth for Constipa tion, Malaria, Headache. Dvsnen sia, Debility. 25c at J. T. Under wood s next to Bank of Randolph Subscribe for the Bullet? and get the campaign news straight. wishing many happy returns of the day to the venerable host. free entertainment must at once notify Mr. Joseph A. Hall, sec retary, at Norfolk, so that am ple preparations may be made for their comfort. This is im portant and must not be over looked or delayed. Commanders of camps are urged to attend to this without delay. The railroads will give reduced rates as usual, and the exact rate from any station can be learned from the local agent. A delightful trip and treat is in store for all who attend this re union and it is hoped that there will be a large attendance of our old Tar Heels, all of whom will receive a most hearty and hospi table welcome from our Virginia neighbors. Let our cry now be "On to Norfolk." By order of J. S. Carr, Major General. H. A. London, Adjutant-General and Chief of Staff. never fail to destroy them and cure malaria troubles. "Three bottles completely cured me of a very severe attack of malaria," writes Wm A. Fretwell, of Lu cama, N. C, "and I've had good health ever since." Cure Stom ach, Uver and Kidney Troubles, and prevent Typhoid. 50c. Guar anteed by J. T. Underwood, next to Bank of Randolph. Notice!! Asheboro, N. C, Aug. 2nd, 1910. It is hereby ordered that the Clerk to this Board insert notice in the Asheboro Courier and the Randolph Bulletin, calling upon all persons holding claims against the County of Randolph to present same at the next re gular meeting of the Board, which will be heid at the Court House in Asheboro on the 1st Monday of September, 1910, the same being the 5th day of the month, and it is the earnest re quest of the commissioners that all creditors will then and there present their claims for payment. J. W. Cox, Chairman Board of Commis sioners Randolph County. George T. Murdock, Clerk. Why He Succeeded. "To what do you attribute your unvarying success?" "To being picked early for the village fool. Nobody ever tried to o:et me to endorse a note or go ii.u a scheme." Steeds. We are having plenty of rain in this section. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Freeman and children of Raeford spent a few days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ira Freeman last week, they were on their way to Ashe ville, N. C. where they will spend a few days among the mountains Mr. and Mrs. R. Tyson who have been visiting here for some time left Saturday for their home in Mebane, N. C. Mr. John Hancock is all smiles its a girl. Mr. Tracy Freeman and sister Mvrtle attended the childrens day at High Pine last Sunday and reported a nice time. Let's everybody attend the protracted meeting at Asbury August the 28th. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Auman spent the day at Jefferson Au man's Sunday. Bill Cooper and family attend ed preaching at Star last Sunday. Rouse up High Pine correspon dent: the" good old Randolph Bulletin is still published. Wish ing their paper and its readers many rich blessings. OUR BALTIMORE TAILORS will be with us August 26 andv 27 to take your measure for a suit of clothes. We are going to offer to our cash trade A SUIT OF I CLOTHES FOR $1.00 PROFIT and ( if you are looking for values. COME AND EXAMINE OUR 500 STYLES. REMEMBER The Date A ug. 26 and 27. CRANFORD BROTHERS. DR. FRANCIS S. PACKARD OF GREENSBORO N. C. Expert Physician, urgeon and Specialist. Will visit Asheboro, on Saturday August 27th, Hotel Central, and once a month thereafter. One Day OnlySS Every Weeks Hours Beane, Brown & Co. Lounge Manufacturers Repairing and Upholstering a specialty. North St. Near hosiery Mill. ASHEBORO, N. C. BritishCanadian Medical Expert, Surgeon and Diagnostician. Dr. Packard has been educated in and grad uated from tbe best hospitals and colleges of Europe and America. SI;, js fc. Consultation and Exam ination Free. Invited & Strictly Confidential. No cases taken or treated without a per sonal examination con sultation or interview. No mail order business done or correspondence solicited Read this carefully. If you are in good health, give it to a sick friend wno win thank you. Consultation & Examination at all times FREE and Invited. t 8:00 A. ! 6:00 P. Medical Expert in Treatment off Chronic Diseases of Men, Women and Children. flr. Packard has made more remarkable cores in the Southern States than any living physi cian. No incurable cases taken for treatment All cases taken for treatment will be guar anteed a cure. I see all patients in person. No substitutes or assistants employed or trusted. Minors without thtir fir ents or wives without their husbands will not lie ad mitted t o consultation unless accompanied by their local physician. T tita tr Rt.nv cured everv case I take for frrontmoTit Oases I treat without Op eration or suffering. Without Ether or Chlo roform, without detention from Business or Pleasure. . . , This North Carolina Doctor, registered and licensed by the State for the Cure of all Ner vous, Special and Chronic Diseases of Men, Women and Children, Treats all his Patients in person. No hired Assistants to split the re- sponsiDinty. xie treats tne ionowmg wiarasca ti1v? All "Nervous Diseases such as Neuras thenia, Neuralgia, Melancholia, Nervous De- . .... i t i i - xt i : T1...1..:. Dility, spinal j.rrnaiiuii, xlj i,t?ria, x-aiaiaia, Enileosv. Fits or Falling Sickness, Chorea, Dizziness, Sleeplessness, Headache or Mi- TTnni Rinnn.n 1 1 1 - n T'l 1 Til f ' ' ! An ffOTI 3ral Weakness or sinking spells. Diseases of the Blood or Skin like Anemia, Scrofula.Ecze- na, Ulcers, Tumors, urowtas, oweinngs, pimples, etc. He wants to meet all sick per sons who suffer from Chronic Constipation, Obstipation, Intestinal irritation, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Ulceration or nation oi inn Stomach or Intestines, Hernia, Rupture of the Bowels, Appendicitis, Piles, itching,bleed ing.Sprotruding or internal in Character. Tapeworm, Diseases of the liver, such as en- largement or aispiacemeni, ur tuugcauuu. Cirrhosis, hardening or engorgement. Diseas es of the Kidneys like Briglit's Disease, Dia betes, Dropsy, Gravel, Uric Acid, Scalding or burning Urine. Bed wetting or too frequent Urination, Sexual Impotence, weakness or irri tability. Diseases of the bladder. Catarrh in all its forms. Purulent, discharging or Dry Catarrh of the head, Throat, lungs or Bron chial tubes. Stomach, Bladder, Kidney or Systemic. This enemy of the human race. He is now able to cure in a short time by an original and new method of Osmosis or absorption. Asthma in all its forms, Con sumption of the many stages. A Cure guar anteed if in the early Stages, before destruc tion of tissues has set in. Deafness caused y it. I have cured frequently in 30 min utes. Sometimes accompanied by Head noises, Cured to stay Cured. Diseases of Women, VterineVr Ovarian are most successfully Heated. Displacements in any form are im mediately replaced in a very few minutes. Diseases peculiar to men, or any complicated trouble beyond the aid of the general Prac titioner. And if you have tried everything else and. failed, and if you want to get well again, Then Go and See this advanced and progressive Specialist of experience and rep utation Who, If there is a cure for you, will bring it about and produce it with the aid of the greatest Scientific achievements of modern times, which he has mastered and has at his commands. NO MATTER What your ailment may be; NO MATTER what others may have told you, No Matter what your experience may have been with Other Physicians, Hospitals, Sanitariums, Institutions or Patent Medicines, it will be to your advantage to see this re markable Doctor of ENGLAND, everywhere acknowledged to be the greatest center of Medical Learning in the world today.OGo then, and have it forever settled in your mind if your case is one for which a Cure can be had. If your case is curable, he will put you on treatment at once, and give you all such medicines or remedies and preparations needed to effect your Cure. If incurable, He will tell you so, and give you sucb coun sel and advice as may prolong your life. ESMEMEEE This is not a scheme or catch or snare to get your money and run, as is too often the case. This is a legitimate prop osition and you deal with your Doctor Your self and direct. Every Statement here made is guaranteed as True. A visit for Consul tation and examination will cost you noth ing, and implies no obligation whatever. If treatment be decided on and given you, it will restore you to perfect health, and may mean the saving of jrour life. A Nominal fee will be charged only if the Case can be treat ed with a view to a cure. Do not put off this duty you owe to your' celf, Your Family, your Friends and your relatives who are now or may later be suffering because of your neglect to fight Disease and procure Health- without which Life instead of a Pleasure becomes a misera ble and painful Burden. Remember the Date and Place. 0 N asnoH xHnoD A3N HV3N 6 XOd 'oaoaaHSv sanaans saaavxaaaNn ao 3nfi axaianoo v 8z!Sxuv pu!av sanvaa aanxoia 'SMOTIId ill I ' siaaNvia NaiooA onv noiioo 'sxunb 'snivihqo 'sona siajavo osiv oia 'saaavi 'saivHO 'saaaooa 'saims acrcava 'sauns nooa aaa . jo oos a&req .mo uioj Suioapg 31UOJ4 jno w

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