The Bo K 11 11 11 O A RANDOLPH COUNTY PAPER FOR RANDOLPH COUNTY PEOPLE. VOL. 6. NO. 14. ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1910. t ONE DOLLAR A YEAR The Confederate Sold ier and Pensions. Col. Wood 'interviewed" Gives Ex planation Which Fails to Explain. " Rotten in Denmark." No sooner had the Bulletin of September 22d been circulated than a great wave of sympathy f or Conf edera'te pensioners ran high throughout this and adja cent counties. The people were aroused as never before when they read the affidavits of old soldiers whose pensions were discontinued or held up as it ap peared, for political reasons. Realizing their serious predica ment the ringsters sought some one to champion their cause and if possible discredit and raullify the sworn statements of the three Confederate veterans. The case was a desperate one and something had to be done and done quickly. So a representa tive of the "Courier" chased down Col. W. P. Wood, chair man of the pension board, and 'interviewed' ' him and the al leged "interview" was publish ed in that paper last week. Col. Wood having been in public life for nearly half a century, and a candidate for lieutentant gover nor some ten years ago and has been in both branches of the legislature (not at the same time) and is chairman of the pension board, his word should have great weight, and the old soldier would maturally look to him for protection against wrong. But in his alleged interview he hands out rather cod comfort. He states that neither J. M. Fields or VV. B. Yates were lawfully en titled to pensions but does not attempt to deny that W. B. Yates was told by W. C. Hammond, "we cannot afford to work you up a pension and you vote square against us." In the case of Mr. Fields the Col. says: Mr. James Fields drew a pension at one time and no form al charges were never made against him, yet in purging the list it was found," .etc. Why was the list not purged and why was Mr. Field's name not strick en from the pension roll BE FORE he voted the republican ticket? It seems that the list was purged soon afterwards. As to Mr. Modlin, Col. Wood says he was not entitled to a pension because his wiie owns a farm worth $800. or more. If that be true as perhaps it is, then why did the board pass favorably up on his application. To prove that the board acted favorably, read the following letter from the State Auditor: Department of the State Audi tor, Raleigh, N. C. Dec. 22d, 1908. Mr. B. N. Modlin, Randleman, N. C. Dear Sir: There were some charges pre ferred against you, and I am holding your pension warrant un til they can be thoroughly inves tigated. You will please see the Clerk of the Court of your coun ty relative to this matter. Very Respectfully, (Signed) B. F. Dixon, Auditor. And as further evidence read Col. W. P. Wood's letter to Mr. Modlin. Asheboro, N. C. 1-7 1909. Mr. B. N. Modlin, My Dear Sir: I am unable to tell you any thing about WHY your pension has not come. There has been NO charges made against you be- i fore the board. You must have ' . failed to pass the State Board if'n . i o ; you failed Ho get if. You will I Be?0il,lat'?....ii5P? ,.?iB.??.0,Da have to make another application in July, I am cincerely (Signed) W. P. Wocd. If the Colonel has forgotton writing the above letter we will gladly show him the original in his own hand writing if he will call at the Bulletin office during business hours. Colonel Wood's letter and Colonel Wood's al ledged interview as to Mri Mod lin's pension do not correspond. After reading the above letters the public will readily see that Mr. Modlin 's application was passed on favorably but charges were afterward made causing the State Auditor to hold up his pen sion. If the pension board made no charges, then who did? After discussing specifically the pension claims of the three vet erans in question, the Colonel's "interview" rambles over a large number of side issues, often us ing language found in the demo cratic campaign hand book. He even rings in the "nigger", and says, that it is conceded that the Federal Pension list of the United States is made up and used for political purposes, all of which the Colonel uses doubtless, more to awaken prejudice than to prove the Clerk of the Court as well as others not guilty of tampering with old soldiers' pensions. It is clearly evident to all who carf ully read the affidavits and letters in the Bulletin of Sept. , 22? and then read Col. Wood's interview in the Courier of Sept. 29th that the Colonel failed utterly to make case, mere is still something "rotten in Denmark." THE PREVENTABLE DISEASE. Many human lives are need lessly sacrificed in our State, every year because of careless ness towards certain elementary principles of public hygeine and sanitation. Hookworm disease, probably the most prevalent of all diseases in this State, couM be eradicated within a few years if proper sanitary measures were inforced by all people. When we consider the prevalence of this disease (more than a third of the population in many sec tions) and the amount of suffer ing, poor health, incapacitation for mental and physical work, and often bodily detractions caused by it, we are forced to consider the disease of vast economic importance. In a serie of more than 500 cases of hook worm disease tested, the qualit.v f . 1 1 l 1 1 oi tne Diooa was iouna to raire from 9 to 65 per' cent of nonnal, the average being less than 50 percent. In this condition the blood is too thin to collect oxygen from the lungs and food from the digestiye system only in propor tion to its percentage. As a re sult the bony, muscular and nervous tissues are not properly nourished. Starvation usually results when the blood is reduced below 10 per cent of normal. In its weakened state the system is unable to ward off intercurrent diseases and the number who succumb is large. B. W. Page, M. D. It's The World's Best. No one has ever yet made a salve, ointment or balm to com pare with Bucklen's Arnica salve. Its the one perfect healer of Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers Eczema, Salt Rheum. For Sore Eyes, Cold Sores, Chapped hands, or Sprains, it's supreme. Infallible for Piles. 25c. at J. T. Underwood's. Next to Bank of Randolph. DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN METHODS. Facts About The Court liouse- The Political Solomon Corrected. By A. Newman. Democratic hope is now below par in Randolph County. There is no better evidence of this than the way they try to get a round the fact that there is now a much greater amount of tax collected than formerly. Some time ago we had our little say a bout this matter and the way the Demmies parried and tried to get around the facts showed very plainly that we had touched a sore spot. And now comes another letter in the last issue of the Courier written by someone whom we will name "Dutchman" from the fact that he hobbles around on almost every issue, with the posi- ble exception of the truth. He claims that I have made the statement that "rate" of tax has been increased. Those who have read my former letteis to the Bulletin knowv that I never made any such statement. I have made the statement be fore, and stand ready to make it again that there has been an enormous increase in the total amount of taxes collected for the last few years owing to the as sessors raising the valuation of land, and I have shown conclu sively that my statement was absolutely correct, a fact that the Demmies have not so far been able to get around. I have not claimed that "rate" has been raised fo-t it is the same old sixty six and two-third cents, but the fact that the total amount has increased at the rate of very near a thousand dollars a year, is a fact that the Demmies cannot gainsay. If anyone doubts the truthfulness of my former letter which "Dutchy" sees fit to correct, let him look the matter up for him self, as the facts and figures can be found in the colums of the Courer just as I directed. And "Dutchy" says thai I admit that the Democratic party should not be smitten for what it has done, but for what it has promised and not done. Here is my exact words: Mr. voter you would do well to look to your own interest and smite Democracy a telling blow, not SO MUCH for what they have done, as for what they PROMISED and NOT done. The reason that I say smite them not so much for what they have done, as for what they have promised and not done, is because they have promised so much, while they have accomplished so little. "Dutchy" says that I know the whole business of the County has been well and thoroughly done. Ye gods and little fishes! "Dutchy" Dutchy, you, mean that the whole PEOPLE of the County have been well and thoroughly done! When a Demmie's mouth is open And his tongue begins to wag, Only one w rd is spoken And that is "Carpetbag". The writer of that article s 2ems to be af aid of an invasion of Car petbaggers, a word that he pro babaly does not know the mean ing of but which is handed down from 1 one generation of office hunters to another for fear that they will not have anything to speak about when they go on the campaign. Many moons have waned since re-construction days which the Demmies so profusely portray before the mind's eye, but it is nevertheless one of the pet hobbies of the Democratic office seekers. The issues of the day are discarded for the older and more familiar ones that have come down the ages. If you do not believe that state ment just go to one of the vari ous Democratic speakings and they will verify it. One of the reasons of this old timer, ess about the Democratic party is that the party itself is out of date. In fact it belongs to the dead part. It reminds one very much of the old song "The ship that never returned", for it has been out of power for fifty years with the exception of eight years, and those eight years sealed its doom forever. Why "Dutchy" no one claims that the statement referred to does not appear upon the minute book of the Commissioners, for did I not tell the voters to look the matter up for themselves? That the report was white washed is plainly evident, and with rib other intention than to deceive the people but they re fuse to be deceived thereby. The writer of that article says that there has been money borrowed SOME of which has not been paid Yes, and he could likewise say, the SUM of which has not been paid. Look in Exhibit "G" and you will see that the SOME to which he has reference, is ac cording to that statement the SUM of $22,575.00. Also look in Exhibit "B" as there are some disbursements that will no doubt challenge your attention, the miscellaneous for instance reaches the sum of over fourteen thousand dollars, while according to the statement there has been the sum of $1,651.80 ent for interest, while there has been only about ttnee times that amount paid on the debt. At that rate how long will it take to pay for the Court House, and how much will it cost? I will leave that for "Dutchy" to figure out. I did that financial statement an injustice when I said that the increase had been about a thousand dollars each year. Look in Exhibit "A" and you will see that the amount col lected from tax and all other sources between tne years or 1904- and 1906 was $22,493.58. then look in Exhibit "B" and you will see that the amount col lected between 1907 and 1909 was $33,681.77. Now "Dutchy" figure a little for yourself and you will see that the increase in three years was $11,183.19. Oh, "Dutchy", it is a bitter dose but take it! Take it. It will do you good. Give your ring boss some too. It will reduce his swelled head. If you Democrats cannot stom ach it how in the dickens do you expect the voters to?' Instead of beincr an increase of six thou sand dollars in six years, it is an increase of ELEVEN THOU SAND DOLLARS IN THREE YEARS. Now "Dutchy" if the above figures are not correct don't blame me, but blame the Democratic board of Commis sioners who allowed it to be spread upon the minutes. Now if you can't digest this, chase yourself around the house three times before breakfast, for I can distinguish from your vile lingo that you are a confirmed dyspep tic. Ta!Ta! Kills A Murderer. A merciless murderer is Appen dicitis with many victims. But Dr. King's New Life Pills kills it by prevention. They gently sti mulate stomach, liver and bowels, preventing that clogging that invites appendicitis, curing Con stipation, Headache, Billiousness, Chills. 25c. at J. T. Underwood's. Page And Parker Meet in Joint Discussion. As previously arranged, J. J. Parker and R. N. Page, candi dates for Congress in the 7th, congressional district met in joint discussion and addressed a large gathering of Randolph County citizens in Asheboro Sept. 28th. The discussion was on a high plane and free .from personalities and fiends of both sides went away well satisfied that their fa vorites had held their ground, al though it was the general opinion of both democrats and republi cans that as an orator and deba ter, Mr. Parker completely out classed his opponent. Mr. Page led off with an hours speech rand to repeat any of his argument would be useless for it was the same old calamity howl spiced with robber tariff etc. Although he failed to explain satisfactory why he voted for a tariff on lum ber and other articles, contradic tory to the platform on which he was elected, neither did he tejl why he voted for William Mc Kindly for president, nor answer many questions of vital impor tance to the masses of the people. He declared himself a prohibio nist but when asked by Mr. "Par ker why he voted for a bill in congress favoring the brewers and against the grain producer, he was silent. Mr. Parker followed with an hour's speech. The Audience which up to this time had been very quiet, now, turned itself loose and greeted his remarks with great applause, showing plainly that the majority of the audience was with the speaker. He raked Mr. Page fore and aft, completely demolishing his argu ment against the Payne-Aldrich tariff, showing conclusively that the republican party had. fulfilled every promise made to the people in refard to a downward revision. He explained to his hearers that the Local Self Government plank in the republican platform was one of the fundimental principles embodied in the begin ningof our ' government and that it was not a question of local option as inter preted by his honorable opponent as that was a matter already set tled by the peopie and not an is sue, but that the republican paity ask the people be allowed to go vern themselves and be allowed to elect the many officers of the counties and state now appointed by the legislature. He propounded question after question to Mr. Page ; re- guarding the inconsistency of his performances in congress and his failure to Sive up to the democra - tte campaign promises, all of which were left unanswered in Mr. Page's rejoindr. He offered much arguments why this district should be represented by a re publican congressman instead of democrat, mentioning the fact that Representative Moreliead has accomplished more for his district in one year than Mr. Page had in his eight years in congress. In his rejoiner Mr. Parker was scarcely able to conclude his re marks owing to the great ap plause of the audience in his fa vor. Of the audience present more than half were republicans. Altogether it was a great day for republicanism in Randolph County, and will bear fruit unto a great majority Nov. 8. Unsightly Sores, boils, eruptions, pimples, blackheads, and all skin affections are very quickly cured by the use of Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salved 25c Sold every where An Appeal From A Woman to North Carolina Manhoud. Last week the secretary of the State Board of Health received a letter in which the following facts were set forth: The writer was an orphan girl, and judging from neatness, arrangement, and the general tone of the letter, she is a lady of refinement and culture. She is a daughter by birth and residence of North Carolina. A little over a year ago -a relative with whom she was living fell a victim of consumption. The young lady, then forced to earn her own living, moved to another State. She is: now, herself, in the early or curable stage of the disease which she undoubtably contracted while nursing her rel ative. Why does she write? What does she want? Simply to live. She has not the dollar a day which it is necessary for her to pay in order to enter the State Sanato rium for the Treatment of Tuber culosis. 1 But why write the secretary of the State Board of Health for this vitally necessary help? Be cause that official is commanded to discharge, the public-health obligations of something like 200, 000 able-bodied men. In this capacity, be the personal repre senative of each one of them, and this orphan girl's appeal is, there fore, to every North Carolina man. Then it is to you, able bodied man, that this North Caro lina woman comes for help. Woman appealing to man to save her life! A man, too, who claims the inspiration of noble parentage, a man who considers himself a pure-blooded patriot, ready to die, if necessary, for North Carolina womanhood. All that asked is a mere pittance in the form of health appropriation. Fiva or ten cents from the ave rage man would be enough. But oh, the horror of that word tax! Is it more horrible than the un necessary death of a helpless woman? So far, North Carolina man hood, speaking through their re presetatives, has seen fit to make so small a public-health approp reation that our State, which is fourteenth in population, stands about thirty in her public-health appropriation. At presant we are spending only six mills per capita, which means a tax of only one-forth of a cent on every one hundred dollars worth of the State's property Our appropria- tion to the State Sanatorium lor ! the Treatment of Tuberculosis is so smalj that it is necessary for ! the few who enter to pay a dollar I . f a day tor treatment. The appeal of this woman is only one of many such appeals; she simply represents a class. It is hoped that the State press will bring this vital matter to the attention of those whom it concerns. It is 1 1 . ntiAMir mnn'o Vtiicinaac! whose heart is warmed with a real sympathy for suffering help less humanity. What will you have your State do? If it is your duty to help save these lives, tell your repre sentative in the next Legislature to assist in making adequate pro visions for the public health. Meeting of Sunday School Association. The Executive and Central Executive Committees of Ran dolph County Sunday School As sociation are called to meet in the Graded School Building in Asheboro, October the 15th, 10 o'clock a. m. Matters of impor tance claim the attention of every member of these commit tees and please try to be present. Hugh Parks, Jr. Chm. Central Executive Com.

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