CHAPTER 567 ACT OF 1909 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A SYSTEM OF CONSTRUCTING AND KEEPING IN REPAIR THE PUBLIC ROADS OP RANDOLPH COUNTY. , Persons Liable to Road Duty Sec. 9. That all able-bodied male persons able to perform the labor herein required, between the ages of eighteen and forty five years, shall be liable annual ly to do and perform four days' labor on the public roads, under the directions of the supervisor of the road district in which he resides: Provided, that if any person, being warned, as herein after provided, shall pay to the supervisor of his district the sum of one dollar for each day's labor required by this act, the same shall be received in lieu of each day's labor and shall be applied by the road supervisor receiving the same to the improvement of the roads in that district : Pro vided, further, that if from heavy rains, floods, washouts or any unusual injury to the roads the board of road trustees shal be of the opinion that the condi tion of the roads in their town ships demand it, they may in crease the number of day's la bor for each person subject to road duty to not more than two Caraway. Farmers are busy gathering corn and corn shuckings are all the go. Several of our young people attended the Greensboro fair last week. Arthur Garner visited at Mr.' Tysingers Sunday evening. The protracted meeting com- . -.. m 1 j.1 P-j-1- mences at mi. laoor me om Sunday in this month. Howard Harris and Marvin Ridge attended preaching at Cedar Springs Sunday. Bessie Harris visited Sally Lackey Sunday. Most of the people of this community are going to Ashehero the 25th to hear Thos. Settle speak. Politics are getting high around Redberry and every body is looking forward for a great Republican victory on the 8th of November the Democrats are so few and far between in this com munity they hardly know them selves. Edgar. Thomas Hodgin preached at Marlboro church Saturday night and Sunday. Several attended. R. C. Spencer of St. Louis Mo. came in Sunday to see his broth ers whom he had not seen in additional days: Provided fur J about twenty six years ther. that ten hours shall nnnsti- Miss Rettie McGee went to tute a day's work, as required Hih Point Sunday under this act. Several of the young people of T Edgar attended the fair at m, . ., . . Greensboro last week. sec. lo. inattne commission ers'offsaid county shallhave the authority and duty to levy, it shall be their at the June ses- I. L. Spencer visited C. S. Spencer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dicks and won oi uie r uoaru, annuany, ior eetin gSaturday ni ght and Sun- puoiic roaa purposes, not less dav and visited Elwood Farlow's . than eight and one-third cents nor more than fifteen cents on the one hundred dollars valua tion of property, and the board of commissioners shall cause the Cedar Falls. Miss Alice Dorsett visited rela tives in High Point last week. sdmeiuuepiaceaon xne list ior tended the fair at Greensboro the current year, to be included and report a very pleasant time "i ii i 1 1 i I m ana collected m tne annual Rev. L. H. Hatley filled his taxes; that the road tax, when regular appointment at the M thus assessed, shall be collected P. church Sunday afternoon and hv thA aWiff nr tnv l w. nf night. His able sermons are al J WWVWV.i. I -I I i-i 1 1 said county, under the penalty 3 y y rtu;rt p fi, -f Mr. and Mrs w. n. LiOdge and the collect on of other taxes for W- H M 0f Washington, N sam county, ana paia out as C. who have been visiting rela- herembetore provided: Provid- tives and friends in this commu ed, that said sheriff shall receive nity returned home last week. i three per cent for collecting and Mrs. K. E. Hare of Franklin- two per cent for disbursing: ville visited friends here Sunday. Provided further, that on peti- Messrs James Lutterloh and tion of a majority of the register- J. M. Hodge spent Sunday after od vntra nf nnv tnmnin noon m b ranklmville. any T 1 T f said board oi commissioners, in the manner above provided, may levy for such township so pe titioning an amount not exceed ing thirty cents on the one hun dred dollars valuation of proper- The democratic candidates ad dressed the people st this place Oct. 10th. Mr. and Mrs J. V. Free and children are visiting relatives in Moore county this week. Mrs. C. A. Parrish of Greens- LOW ROUND TRIP RATES VIA SOUTHERN RY. ty, to be collected m the manner boro is visiting her parents Mr nerein proviaea ior. ana Mrs. W. n. Jennings. A rl .Ton mn ore tTioif arl vnlo .ne op Greensboro ast wefik in any calling of life, demands a Messrg Qrady and CIyde Red uouy auu aim a Keen ding snent last Saturday in Ash- brain. Without health there is boro. no success. But Electric Bitters is the greatest health Builder the world has ever known. It com pels perfect action of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, purifies and enriches the blood, tones and vigorates the whole system and enables you to stand the wear and tear of your daily work. "After months of suffering from Kidney Trouble," writes W. M. Sherman, of Cushing, Me., three bottles of lectric Bitters made me feel like a new man." 50c. at J. T. Underwood's. WANTED -Cosmopolitan Ma gazine requires the services of a representative in Asheboro to look after subscriptions renewals and to extend circulation by spe cial methods which have proved unusually successful. Salary and commission. Previous expie ranee desirable but not essential Whole time or spare time. Ad dress with refferances, H. C. Campbell, Cosmopolitan Magi- zine, 1789 Broadway, New York City. Why People Cough is a mistery when Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey will cure any cough. Look for the bell on the bottle. It marks the genuine. On Account of The Following Occasions: General Assembly of the Epis copal Church Cincinnati, Ohio Obtober 5th-26th tickets on sale Oct. 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 10th limit Oct. 30th. National League of Post Mast ers, Chattanooga, Tenn. October 12th-14th 1910, tickets on sale Oct. 10th and 11th with fina limit Oct. 17th and privilege of extension to Oct. 31st by deposi ing ticket and upon payment of l$-00 fee. For further information rates apply to your ticket or write to R. H. DeButts, Traveling Pass. Agent, Charlotte. N. C and n crrr f Wanted-A good teacher hold ing a No. 1 certificate. Apply to C T. Luck, Seagrove Rt.2 U. T. Dawson, Asheboro Rt. 3 THE SOUTH'S BEST FARM PAPBR FURNITURE 0 The Progressive o o undertaking o o Farmer tToTri. -J,, wrrTWT AnQrtprs on DeDOt St. We are bet- ter equipped than "ever before to give the people of Kanooipn ter equipped than ever.before to give the people oi CLfld GdZCttC County J"ust wnat thev want in Furniture and unkertaking- RALEIGH, N. C, and STARKVILLE, MISSISSIPPI TRY IT 10 Weeks-10 Cents We've got the kind of articles in our paper that you have been hankerin' for not guess-work talk, but the kind that steers you right. We want you to read the following series How to Double Your Com Yields. How to Grow live Stock in the South. $1 ,000 in Prizes for Our Corn Club Boys. Short Talks About Fertilizers. "CROPS DOUBLED WITH HALF THE LABOR." I T CROWDER. Mecklenburg Co.. Va. : You are publishing the bat agricultural paper in the United States of America and should be encouraged by every farmer in this Southern land. 1 am now past tee-tcore and ten. but I never learned how to make corn until I read The Progressive Farmer and .Gazette. We farmers all our days have been cultivating the land, but you have taught us to cultivate the corn with intelligence and our crops have more than doubled with half the labor.1 TEN WEEKS TRIAL ONLY 10 CENTS ! You will be pleased and continue your subscription. Give your boys a chance to compete for the grand prizes we are offering our Corn Club Boys. Don't let ten cents stand between us don't but fill out the Coupon below and mail it at once. FURNITURE Bed Room Suits Single Bed Steads ! Dining Room Chairs Bed Lounges Bed Springs M attresses Couches Rockers Tables Cots Etc. Etc. Or. King's New Life Pills The best in the world. This Coupon is Worth 10 Cents PROGRESSIVE FARMER AND GAZETTE. DEPT. N33 Raleigh, North Carolina. Gentlemen : I enclose, with this coupon. Ten Cents and the names of two persons I know to be interested in farm life, for which send me The Progressive Fanner and Gazettcfor 10-weeks that I may get acquainted with your paper. NAME - POST-OFFICE STATE VS7'a4-k your name and address above and enclose this coupon with ten TfllQ (ffff c w ! LC cents in stamps in a strong envelope and send direct to the office of OJ-IC IS The Progressive Fanner and Gazette, Raleigh, North Carolina, or Starkville, , T . Mississippi. tO NeW SUD Send the names of two persons interested in agriculture on separate sheet of SClifoerS Ollly Fill it in and Mail To-day ,'Finitv Park School A first-Class Frepsratony School Certificate of Graduation Accepted for Entrance to Leading Southern Colleges. Faculty of ten officers and teachers, Campus of seventy-five aerer,. Library containing more thr-iA forty thousand bound vol umes. Vell equipped gymnas ium High standards and mod ern methods of instruction. Frequent lecturers'by prominent lectures. Expenses exceeding ly moderate. Twelve years of phenomenal succes. For catalogue and other infor mation address F. S. ALU RIDGE, Bursar Durham, N, C. WHY BE BALD. When Parisian Sage is Guar anteed to stop Falling Hair, or Money back. Partisian Sage is the most de lightful hair dressing in the world it is pleasant, invigorating and refreshing. It makes the hair soft, beautiful and luxuriant. Wherever Parisian Sage is known, it is the ladies' favorite hair dressing. If, after using one bottle, you do not say it is the most delight ful hair dressing you ever used, you can have your money back. The price is only 50 cents a large bottle at J. T. "Underwood's. It is guaranteed to cure dandruff and falling hair, or money back. The girl with auburn hair is on every bottle, THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina Four regular Courses leading to Degrees. Special Courses for Teachers. Fall Session begins Septembers, 1910. Those de siring to enter should apply as early as possible. For catalogue and other information, address JULIUS I, FOUST, Pres. Greensboro, N. C. Ar rivirg and Departur Trains. Southern Railroad. TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 3 36 11:15 a. m. 142 . 4:00 a. m. 134 3:50 p. m. 144 6:30 a. m. Trains Arrive From North. 107 3:50 .p.m. 141 10:00 a. m. 143 9:30 p.m. 135 4:25 p. m. Trains Nos. 135 and 144 Sun days oniy. All other trains week days only. N. B. Above schedule figures published only as information and are not guaranteed. No. If You Have Any Doubt of the merits of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey one bottle will remove that doubt and your cough at the same time. Look for the bell on the bottle. It is genuine. A & A RAILROAD. Trains Leave Asheboro. No. 107 (Passenger) 3;55 p. m. " 71 (Mixed) 7:15 a.m. Trains Arrive at Asheboro. No. 136 (Passenger) 11:15 a. m " 102 (Mixed) 7:05 p. m. Cash For Chickens and Eggs. Randolph county women hang their arms around their hus band necks and implore them to take their Chickens and Eggs to J. T. Turner who pays the farmers more CASH than any man in Randolph county. J.T.Turner, Cash Buyer. UNDERTAKING Caskets Coffiens Robes Good Hearse Furnished When Requested, Good Team, Careful Driver. Our goods are right, our prices are the lowest. , LET US SHOW YOU. J. W. Jolly & Company ASHEBORO: N. C High Point Buggy Got THE STUFF in it. That is what 500 Ran dolph Men will tell you. Lewis & Winslow Hdw. Co. Ml B w mir h I I IN EACH TOW1I and district to lltFimmfifiwrf ana sfecml offer at once. JS O ItlOJNii, V KEQIJIKIjJJ until you receive and approve of your bicycle We shin yonnywhere 1x1 ithe JJ. S. without a cent deiosit m advanced 5S5 AlS anow ix, UAis- X.KIAI. during which time you mai ride the bicycle and put it to any test you.wish. If you are then not perfectly satisfied or do nowUh to keep the bicycle ship it back to us at our expense and you wiUnoto outoneceMi FACTORY PRICES a??Sthe hfifhist E mak9 J . -j5i e lma11 pr?-fit above actual factory cost ' You save its to $25 middlemen's profits by buying direct of us and have the m Wactwers euYi? antee behind your bicycle. DO NOT BUY a bicycle or a pair of tires Srom at any jrice until you receive our catalogues and learn our unheard ot fallo $nces and remarkable special offers to rider agents. v jacurjr YOU WILL BE ASTONISHED Thl ya. ""Lis ?urJaau? catalog, and r , , . J"" ""iwu raoaeis at me ivonaerfulv niCTrft! nrsiVp'o . . "rJZS!-00, pront aDove nr cost. j vi " , "ijli"j'rot wu sen uur uicycies unaer your own name n'atp a doubleour prices. Orders filled the day received. p3tc at 'n . Y . ,JJ" . v" c ,UJ. 1101 reguiariy nanaie second hand bicycles, but 'r? Y. "u'"uVl " niiiu iaKen in iraae py our Chicago retail stores. These we clear on vrui"P"y pnues ranging; rrom o.i to or tO. descriptive bargain lists mailed free COASTER-BRAKES Blnsl eel8? imported roller chafns and pedal?, rwaira and 1 tn-DnaiVLd, equipment cf all kinds at half the usual retail Prices. repairs and rtT 0 HEDQETDIOBn PSnCTDDE-PDOOF SELF-HEALIHG TIRE A SAMPLE PAIR TO INTRODUCE, DULY The regular retail price of these tires is Sis 5U per pair, but to introduce we will sell you asampiepfiirtorStJSuKcash with order$4M). NO MORE TROUBLE FROM TlCTORES NAILS. Tacks or Glass will not let the air out. Sixty thousand pairs sold last year. Over two hundred thousand pairs now in use. rt rcn o 1 arm tx. ii Tf ;ci-'tri and easyridmjT.verydurableand linedinsidewith 3jsjSp porous and which closes up small punctures without allow ing the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satis fied customers stating that their tire3 haveonlybeen pumped lip once or twice in a whole season. They weigh no more than an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given by several layers of thin, specially prepared fabric on the tread. The regular price of these tires is $8.50 per pair, but for advertising purposes we are making a special factory orice to the rider of only $4.80 per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is received. We shin r nn approval. You do not pay a cent until you have examined and found them strictly as iemSliA We will allow a cash discount of 5 per cent (thereby making the price 4.55 ed send FULL CASH WITH OKDEK and enclose this advertisement. You i y?tt sending us an order as the tires may be returned at OUR exoense if fnrnr,,i .,nsk m not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and moneyVent to S ITfeSS bank. If you order a pair of these tires, you will find that they will ride ealiJr woi? a wear better, last longer and look finer than any tire you have ever usedor tfJT' u fasr. know that you will be so well pleased that when you wanVa bicyefryou wllfriv,5"' Ve Wt want you to send us a trial order at once, hence this remaribTe tire offw yUr rder- iF YOU NEED TERES SSVSSSll fW ' the special introductory price quoted abovel or write for our big Tire and SunlfJrLf "d tnaJ-at describes and quotes all makes and kinds of tires at about half the JM7 CataloS whwh Notice the thick rubber troad "A and puncture strips "' and 44 D," also rim strip n to prevent rim cutting. Tlila tire will outlast any other make SOFT, ELASTIC and EASY BIDING. tti ffirVT IHI A BT but wr.lte Vs a Ps,tal today. DO NOT THINK OF BTJYIN o Kr- 1 UM etUM Wf&ga or a pair of tires from anyone until you know Hie ru?L JrTJtt- offers we are making. It only costs a postal to learn everything. ViiteTKOW woaucrful J. L. HEAD CYCLE COMPANY, CHICA60, ILL