.. .... .... j-.v 1 : r-.-;..fc .. X"-'" --' jr -I; N AND RANDLEMAN NEWS. NO. 3 VOL. 9. ASHBORO, N. C, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1914 PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRACY of Progressive Demo Will Be Called Soon Meet ins crats , .t woek the Washington cor-r,,non-ient of the News and Ob- piver sent out the news that t,e .... 1-0 Hpmoerats are tre- imtt r rnv. " 'fro- to call a mass meeting in RoleiSh for the purpose of out- ri n an ot batue. ine an- Lv "onvnt has created no little H. B. VARNER WILL TRY FOR R. N. PAGE'S JOB ! FRAZIER PARK. Lexington Man Sends Oat Con fidential Letters Asking for Support. H. B. Varner of Lexington is Some Interest Is Being Aroused for Improvement. The announcement in The Bul etin two weeks ago that money was wanted for the improve- sending out another series of ment of Frazier Park has creat "confidential" letters. The first ed. some interest and a commit letter was a "feeler." 1 but the! tee from the Woman's Club is , ; . . I t-i J- ' J Jl J . IMPORTANT CHANGE IN POSTAL RATES SUPERIOR COURT second says "I expect to be a working to raise funds to im-! been the chief topic of conversa tion ?mong politicians since the Announcement was made. Com- mentinflr on tnis repoi ivax. uiw nce pje. who was named as one the leaders of the new move Lrt aid that he wishes it dis tinctlv understood that neither tne State Farmers' Union nor the State Conference for Social Service as an organization, iiaa anvthing whatever to do with the Proposed meeting. He says that if certain men connected with either organization hap- formal meeting when it was re solved to call a larger meeting, thev were there simply as in dividuals, just as men from the state University and the state's public health work and others also happened to be there.-Non-Partisan, v,. p. savs the Farmers' Union members may be depend ed on to support the measures it has officially endorsed, such as ix i:t'orm and the increase of The inheritance tax and income 1 tax. local option, land segrega tion between the races, allowing white communities an opportu nity to stay white, an industrial system of education, the in- ititatie and referendum. While the State Social Service Confer ence is in earnest about its de mand for better child labor and other announced policies of state government, it is taking no of ficial part in this movement. Both organizations, declare Mr. Poe- are r.on-partisan and essen tially non-political. As organi zations they will have nothing to do with, any political move ment. Mr. Poe. J. W. Bailey and H. Q. Alexander, the latter presi dent of the Farmers' Union, are mentioned as the special com mittee to issue the call for the progressive convention of democrat-, and of this committee and its purpuse Mr. Poe said: call will be issued soon, within the next week, ana ot course 1 cannot antici pate its language. The idea has not yet been fully . matured. There is a widespread feeling here in North Carolina, however, that the voters who really favor nrosressive measures have not j. made their influence felt strong ly enough in selecting the can didates for the legislature, espe cially candidates for the senate, ana m shaping county piai form-, and a movement is now together with legalized pri maries for the future." candidate for Concress and prove the park property. want your support." It is a worthy cause and it is This means that Mr. Page will .to be hoped that something like have opposition, ak Mr. Varner's $500 can be raised by public sub- letter amounts to an announce- scnption, ana nave tne town ao ment. nate $500, thus giving $1,000. This would meet all the needed Former Randolph Man Passes1 Thomas E. Linden, who 7S years ago was born in Randolph County, and who for the last 24 'vears has been in the furniture! ---- - business in High Point, died last ; tne town- week of paralysis at his home at High Point. He was a mem ber of the Methodist Protestant Church, an ex-Confederate sol dier, and belonged to the Junior Order. He leaves four children all living in HigTi Point, Walter, Mary, Thomas and William, the two last-named being men of families. The mother, died some 30 years ago.' -' Local Postal Authorities An nounce Important Ruling of the. Department. Two important changes in the postal rates have recently been made of the Postolhce Depart ment, that is of interest to the general public. The; first change is already effective and the sec ond becomes effective March 16, and in each instance it means a substantial reduction in the rates. The first change is that "third class mail" consisting of printed Convened Here Monday Three Weeks Term. for Bulletin's Contest Opens With- Several Nominations BOYS' CORN CONTEST HAS FINE PROSPECT improvements and make a most matter, photographs and blue attractive spot. We heartily sanction the move and trust that it will meet with the approval of every citizen of ,rfnr LZfwniThen on the 4th Monday after it the biggest in results. DEATH CLAIMS DR. SAMUEL A. HENLEY ANNUAL SOCIAL. Of M. E. Sunday; School Given Friday Night. The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Redding in east Asheboro which section was at one time the chief center of the town's activity, and connected with much interesting history was the scene on last Friday night of a brilliant reception, the an nual social function of the larg Aged Physician of Asheboro Passed Quitely Away Last Wednesday. Dr. Samuel A. Henley passed quietly away last Wednesday morning at o o ciock aiier an iu- ness cf five weeks, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. L. D. Bulla. He has been almost an invalid for the past year, and about two months ago his home was burn ed and since that time he has resided with his daughter. Dr. Henley was born in Back Creek township, Sept. 5, 1836. He was the son of Nixon and Mary Henley. He was educated at New Garden Boarding school, which afterwards emerged into Guilford College. Later he went to Jefferson Medical College, of rmiaaeipnia, wnere he receiv prints, wmcn rate of one ounces, with a weight limit of four pounds, continue to take a flat rate as above :for any dis tance when the package does not weigh more than four pounds, but now takes the parcel post zone rate for packages weighing more than four pounds,-up to fifty pounds for the first and sec ond zones and twenty pounds bevond the second zone. The second change is that books weighing eight ounces or less continue to take the 01a flat rate of one cent for each two ounces, but packages of books weighing more than eight ounces now take the parcel post zone rates. Randolph County Superior Court convened here Monday for a three-weeks term. The first two weeks will be taken up with the trial of civil cases, and beginning on Monday, March 30, Farm Demonstrator of Davidson the trial of criminal cases. . Says It Will Be Biggest in Judge M. H. Justice is tjhe pre- Country's History, sidincr iudere. A Lexincrton special says: T. Under the law the March A. ole, the ew farm demon term of court consists of a court tion agent, announces that the for civil cases only, commencing boys' corn contest this year is to on the 3rd Monday in March and be the biggest in point ot num will contiue for two weeks of ber entering -in the history of until all business is transacted, the county,and he hopes to make He has More Prizes and Nominations Will be Announced in Next Week's Paper The Bulletin's Popular Voting Contest, announcement of "which was made in this column last week is creating considerable in terest in fact more interest than we had imagined for so short a time and there is every indication that the contest is going to be a "go" from the very beginning. Nominations of con testants are being sent to this the 1st Monday in March (which induced the county commission- this year is the 5th Monday m ers to appropriate ' 15 for each March, same bemg the 30th ot township, to be divided into,office an(j soon there will be March) another term of court prizes of $7.50, $5 and $2.50 tormany wno wouid be willing re- win convene ior me purpose uj. tne nrst, secona anu uuru yieiu trying criminal cases. Witnesses in each township, the offer being in criminal cases need not cor. e conditioned on as many as six until the 30th of March, as no bovs entering the contest in witness fees will be allowed be- each township. H. B. Varner fore this time in criminal cases, has offered a free trip to Wash ington city, along with the state SHOOTING AT FAIRVIEW. corn champion next fall, to the boy who grows the most corn on VISITOR LEFT WITH HORSE AJfD BUGGY Bob Gray Arrested for Shooting one acre of land. Negro Girl. The hookworm campaign is Rob Gray, a negro man, 40 doing peat good in avidson. Dr. . .. 1 , .u fl T .onnnrrl a native OI UaV- years uiu, onui icu-jctu iu . v, j? vq girl in Trinity township Tues-idson who m of ttj day afternoon at 4 o'clock, ne " -oVm, i m0 he-has made 4.000 examinations. Claims uiau wic suwuug "" ""i . . o aaa n;n;0 ciuenwti. oevciai ucgiuco , i at the home when the affair oc- are consmexeu c,i iiHror, rp average county, this record is a 7 nTnd wbtfal ood one. The county - cmri -v 4.1. i sioners have decided to extend UiayillK Wll-ll I11C vuv - - . l TJ. QQ nau a UlStOl 1U Ilia nauu anu. veo , n - . m i r,a " xi. u v,Qmr. Leonard believes that the JSdSnSi them it wartime number of examinations will run yard, telling them it was time He hag f ound Solwas d53S Se and treated 500 cases of hook- gin coming out II " r i i i l I np ruia.ru ui oiucnucu v a neatiy through ner leu mng. i,---- - mannered Sheriff Birkhead was called to "i-x x . "7" nn night andpi t n;5Z. y,t t tt ' - 1 I J 1. T7K I ' t t mtn phi as xianes xiu.xiduii, a i" wn. -j f: i. i .. T . I . jri " 1 mAIVTA I 1 1 Jill LS tate dealer iromtne wesv wno bod uray '"" - lica much trouble of late. visited StoKesdale sever, aays ana a nara ,,r The boar took a shot at j , t-, . rnnn r. . ago, ana wnu ai lcx uajvius r u .. . : J j v.Q QnntViprrT-railwav tor allow and Rush, in 1876: from this union '..P i l-u-r xr anKmlforl send savsltiie OUtneriT riiiwty xux wxv.vv r r mnna rn spvprxi laiiiis. uuiiun- uciuic. 11c o uwaa w er classes of the Methodist Epis copal Sunday school. The affairs ed his medical training. During was well attended, something the war Dr. Henley was at the like 50 guests being present. Salt Works in Wilmington. He The evening program was well began the practice of his profes filled with several interesting sion about the close of the war contests and a series of brilliant at Hill's Store in Concord tow-n-tableauxs, featuring many in- ship, this county. He was mar- teresting subjects, both past ried to Miss Eunice Roxanna and present. Among the best: Rush, daughter of the late Nook characters were Mutt Jeff" by Jesse Scarboro and Sulon Stedman. . A delicious course of refresh- Slick Article Visits Stokesdale and Tells Marvel ous Stories, According to several residents of the town of Stokesdale the well-known swindler-of fiction, Get-Rich-Ouick Wallingford, in his palmy days was apoor bung-'.back of the ler compared with Hrpssed. smooth stranger and descnomg mmseii tne scene uJ.w vpnr r der dealers. uray into cuswuy.K ' , M11 XlCfc V c wcu ments was served and the even ing was most enjoyable spent. Another White House Wedding. President and Mrs. Wilson last week announced the; engage ment of their youngest daughter, Eleanor, to William G. McAdoo, Sectretary of the Treasury. Mr. McAdoo is 40 years old and has six children and one grand child. GOING FORWARD. Road four children were born, all of whom survive him. Dr. F. A. Henley and Mrs. L. D. Bulla, of Asheboro, Mrs. Sallie Michaux, of Atlanta, Ga., and Gurney Henley, of Philadelphia. Mi's. Henley died in 1885. Dr. Hen ley married his wife s sister, Mrs. Luella Rush Cranford in 1886: to this union three chil dren were born, Earle' who died several years ago; Sam, who is at Southern Pines in a Sanatori urn and Paul Henley, a pharma cist in High Point. Dr. Henley moved to Ashe boro in 1888. He has practiced medicine in this county more than fifty years, doing great service to humanity and giving tions on several larms, doitow- peiore. xie sumu aUU station here to remain ! ed bum, tove out that the shootawas acade nChfe of po; OI tne neignDornoou, axux xxw iKik ai. iic no been seen since. There is a re- j Wednesday ward of 25 for the.maivs arrest trial. ana conviction. - Me was piaceu in jix ucic ;- "QartT1 wnfl r,led in and morning to await ""r' , , "rrv.TTL 7i- WARREN CHAIRMAN. Democratic Convention on June 17 at Raleigh. SERVICE FOR CONVICTS. instructed to take immediate stens to force a clean up. There isirnicidissatisfaetMm here over the present station and a moye- mpnt for the a new station cipients of the big five-passenger Maxwell Automobile or the beau tiful Carlisle piano, and the oth er valuable prizes that are to be distributed. Watch the Paper. We would advise all contest ants to watch the paper every week and keep in close touch with the work of the contest. We will probably next week an nounce the date of the nrst count and announce several additions to the already valuable list of prizes. The prizes which we will add to the list will range . in value from 50.00 downward, but will be well worthy some good work, and in this way will be the recipient of a good prize and amply repaid for their work. We want the contest to De conducted with the greatest pos sible fairness, with no occasion or opportunity for anybody to criticise. The ballot dox is now at our ofi&ce, ready to receive votes. The box will not be open ed until the first count is made. The judges will be absolutely disinterested people, in whom everybody will have conhdence. There will be no favorites and no chance for favoritism, ine iaay who secures the largest, number of votes will win the automooue and so on down for the rest oi the prizes. Voting can commence at any time in a ballot box which is placed in this office and the key ta the box will be .given to the awarding - mmittee whose Will Now Be Pushed to Comnletion. For the past two months the 'relief to many who were unable i j 4-t v,;T0vori fhp to compensate him. iruiy, a progress of the froad workers' man who has served humanity and no great amount of good has has gone to receive his reward, been accomplished and the new- ; Dr. Henley has been recognized general forward w graded road. has been some-'as a man oi superior aomij in demanded right thing terrible to S. ,n However, the worK win soon ue m c , Tr? i A r welThnder way and with favor-1 Tucker church at Back Creek, able weather many.. .;n:a T be completed on both tne roaus cu . toward the Davidson county une in a short time. 11 1 -nA 1-rl ATI- t t? ,n nm no fn SnnkA on meu.4 AU1 - . , . TI I name win pe annuuxxvev nev. o. worthy ot the town, is uemg ther issue 0f this paper, iasi ounaay aiiuw... considered. xjse the free vote coupon m "Rpv. J. E. Thompson, pastor oi isano. Tf vou know ct any Diirino- a two hours' session hp M.E. Church. conducted a ser- Varner and His Picture 1qjv w,o has not been nomina- vp fVio stntp Dp.mocratic execu- UriVo for t.hp convicts at the camp To see Varner's picture go- Qriq wVinm vou think would fivp committee at Raleigh last Ln last Sunday afternoon at 3 w through the Laurmburg Hx- ,av0 a o-ood race use the nomi- TnocHiiv mVht. Thomas D. War-Lviv.lr. The service was inter-Lv, an e-e marked advertisement isL,,-.-- hlank below and send r-on nf Now Bern, was elected Lotino-. and seeminerly enjoyed another of the crrim pleasantries UQ narn(3l fn this paper or bring chairman to succeed Chas. A. by the unfortunates. 0f life. We like Qld Man Var- it in person and her name will Webb, of Asheville, resigned. ner. We will do anything for UQ entered. It matters not if Picture Films Made at Greens boro. A company has been organiz ed j.t Greensboro to manufac ture films for moving picture shows, and will be financed by locai men. The company ex pects to furnish .films for shows in Virginia, West Virginia and North and South Carolina. T,ir.p 17 was chosen as the date WILL PAY $100,000 kirn we can do, professionally, 0ia hA married or single. for the state convention and Ral- TO STATE TREASURY 0r in a neighborly way. But for Read the ruies in the large ad eigh as the place and other dusi- . him to spend nis goou uto in this issue or we win man ness of importance to the party Vanderbilt Estate in North ar- with the neWspapers, printing them upon reqUest. transacted. The roll call of the 0lina Subject to Inheri- his picture, and running for Those who do not understand ,?ffo mpmhershin showed nr.A Toy rornrrpss well, it is his own 4-v, vnioc! an( regulations of this vuiiiiiiifv''-' r - I taAtvb i v0 it i r, Vi V"J c . 53 members present in person or timated in the office of money, and we take it maybe he contest can call at this office or by proxy. , , , the Corporation Commissioner can spena it as ne &eCO hmte us" ana we win ue picao Chairman Webb announced Knrh Carolina estate Everything j-4-U T T? -Rlair mem- ir..j.j.iH T.ne ueaiii ux a. j-. , - The Parcel Post Is a Money- The funeral and burial were conducted Thursday by Rev.. Mr. McFarland, pastor of the High Point Friends church and Mrs. 1.1 T J il A ,VnVn Ana Liee. pastor ujl uie nsucuuiu The voluntary dissolution of ; Friends Church and Rev. J. . B. Uhp United States Express com-1 Thompson oi tnei. cnurcn T VliV w..-" . , , , t ot tne late eorge w. v"x""u tIxrxri?aai?1? a ism pttTS will pav into the State Treasury HENNESSEE AN1 rl 1 in inheritance tax about $100,- 000. The property in tnis state to go over the proposition with them. , We want new subscnoers anu tttnpt BY JUDGE LONG U lot of them, and these girls will get them tor us Dy seeing ber of the committee from Mont gomery county. W. L. Parsons, A p.ountv. was chos- en in his stead. Also the resig- Biftmore pr0per- Each Must Pay a Fine of $100 their friends and induing thgg nation oi w. a. .uevxii, w uiau ville, was accepted, and D. G. Tirnmmitt. of Granville, was chosen in his stead. Devin re signs on account ol being ap- th rt of the estate that goes aupenoi cuiuH, widow. Under the pres- IV-A. v-' f-r art A Piscrah forest Prior to tne revenue act ui 1913 now in force there would and Give $2,000 Bond to to subscribe or renew xux uub. paper. " We guarantee to mane It IS sx Niirht Schools. tated that night schools literates, such as have been successfully operated in Ken tucky, have been opened at two points in Harnett county and that they are patronized by wo men from 35 to 50 years old and by r. en up to 60, some of them grandfathers. pany proves beyond doubt that the parel post has come tostay. The big express men of the country realize that a pront is being made by the government on this business," oeciareu sen ator Keynon. ! The body was interred in Asheboro cemetery. the 15,000 PERSONS OUT OF CHANGE IN MANAGEMENT. llig FIRST SPRING DAY. i Out . Last Passing of Express. Compa nies Hits Employ ees Hard. pointed to judgeship. a to the widow. Under act. however, the widow's r- I T T neep tne reaw. X " TOpiT worth the money both factions ann we ex- phme ngnt, juoge .!rscribers for many years After hearing . , . i -i. 4-v n ai tex xictixing v" i. Tv i ovorv siihscriDer. anu wc ca ave .Pr tell their stories of the Glen Ai-r ; ,r'hold all these new sub- fight, Judge . Long, oi , f to come. the State Superior court, Tues- Hg moror. T.nP W1UUW H I . T-t tt X IIUIj la "" Then came the matter of time as VeU as that of the to? nifit, 0? make this contest nr,A iono of rthe state conven- -rr il .avaA oc nn in- anu vv. j. " ' " ' , Ifnr us. ouu v - - . , . 1 otner neixo. is ie. Hnr, Mr. Abell. of Johnston county, the only way we can make money of rthe state conven- a 1 11 TVn-ioTvn offered the resolution nentance' will be printed Crowds Came Sunday. The last crround hoer day was fl'i last Saturday and Sunday vjis one of the prettiest days of the year. Many people took ad vantsige of the warm, balmy day and were out in the sunshine, Either walking or riding. Mr. W. R. Julian Succeeds Mr. J. M. Allen. At the meeting of the Ran- Wopk dolph County Farmers' Union WOKK cofrirdav week. Mr. W. R. Julian was chosen to succeed Mr. J. M. Allen, resigned, as manager of , the Randolph Sup ply company. Under the effici- -xTr VnvV March 15. ine ent inauagcuicm- - New YorK, AViarui txy .... n nnvn Trry.sn. ; rmmA and nf thp TTnited states jiix-, uu twn-wu, ,tx ine unvr, iT ! A Vw tho farmers, has , j I naming Raleigh as the place and piedmont Chair Co. Gets Chai June 10 as tne uhib. - : OPed that this IS tne uate iui t $100, court costs ot $ouu, anu Nominations to give ?zfuuu surety ubuuwj . k will keep the peace oeiwwu contestant who has each other and all citizens oi I .prpd the race cau 0r send to penoa ox ffi f receipt book and Nort)i Carolina for a Tiwoilin(r of the Home motu- a cnartex um" & nve yeaia. . , SOme sample copies anu Unveiling OI uie nwn " t:w, Phair Homnanv. of rm; fV,Qr feudist received PUI. , u- at tVia Nortn tjaroiind, uie x-icuiiivii xr. r-rrr :r- ---... work snouia ue cuimncuvw r - i I A n L aVaia noniTfl .V.H.I WW ilUUllU- I w,itio I tinOQ WITH T.IIH CALC U vlUll I f----- iiuimi" . - InTlPft 1 passing ox tne opiated by the farmers, has IS'to,,dtaS,23fJl good showing and .Mr. S tCw IsfoOO persons out of i Allen goes back to to farm rt in Asheboro, cai "Tentinirle; oicrt rnvinea r.hairs and other furniture. Hennessee and Abel Pitts were SomeSonTihT-es. SoWSepS M nrecinct meetings or h Old Aunt Clara Deberry, col- for three years. . I . 1 n .rn nT H nn nimorv plpr.tions lor ascertain- ored, wno was a BWp.UA."ur Ml in1" J A dissolution of "Coal Trust." Lhf dissolution of the soft 'jal Trust" was ordered Sat iry by the Department of Hurt in Runaway. .-i'. A. S. Coltrane, living six roi. south of Greensboro, was svqrely hurt at Greensboro Sat urday morning, when he was th:';vn from his wagon while he v-as attempting to stop the run away horses drawing the vehicle. ? ' Tv roceived in south ot Asheooro witn tne ue., SSSy and Ws approximate-.wishes of everybody. ly $6,000,000 a year. Many ot tnese empiuco, es pecially in. the larger offices, have grown old in the service of the company ana it was oaxu w- dav that few ot tnem were nnan- cially able to retire xxuxix v.- employment oi some suit. STATE MUST ACT OR OR LOSE MONEY When They Planted Corn m i March j The old gentleman who used to nlant corn about the first of March is sure soniething Postoffice Department Gives Governor Craig Ten Davs Time. North Carolina is about to loose the $40,000 ailoted to it from the Federal (iovernment for good roads. The postoffice Department claims that H. B. has varner or liexingwm na wu' Prj"rnrX SJ'. W- Railway MaU Clerks Appointed. StionlforTandidatrsf eieciiuiio iui y. . , , , . , i fnr hor tnrLiiro moro annomtea PV me WnO naa Ueeil Wui"6 "v wxcxxvo " rr- -- a. number of years. Some say Department last Saturday: she was 130 years old, but oth- 6. L. Harrell, Wing; J. . j Unli'mm cVio was this F.ilonhnro : J . F. (jraraner, old.-Troy Montgomerian. Charlotte; H.. W. Carter Ashe- . . ville; lieorge ragie, xicAUi6, rruu RAcim&. -r p Williams. Salisbury ; H. Mr. "R. F. Keith, who has been A. Ellis, Santord; eroerrxuw- i11-" i- . i J.T A iioort thP SlT.Ua.UUIl. gone: wrong wth tne j A Governor Craig has been told farmer, who did not get all his I ovg something is done corn planted m March in the old that : Q iged wiI1 be turn- days was considered a poor stick, i Greensboro Record. jed elsewhere. n-T-oasionah iudicial and state senatorial omces ana iur exit ing delegates to county conven tions, and May 23 as the day for holding county convention x,i each county declaring for the - suit of precinct meetings or nritnarv elections or for ascerr taining the choice of all electors in mass convention and appoint ing delegates to the state, con gressional, judicial and state senatorial conventions. Another Aviator Killed. T.iontPTiant Dressier, a Prus sian army aviator was killed at Berlin Saturday by an aeroplane fall. collector of customs for the Port ard, Mecbarncs; S C s of Wilmington, nas resigneu . . - "c, WAb. Char- !1VK IT K iTUIl t " 1 says tnat ceruain rr filTarw tiv. Winston-Sa iem: v. xi. nuciiiav Hazel- nersistently SMta igh belSp- wood; M. A. Boykin Raleigh; T. S and nave continued to J. Uiman, White's Store; & J. Cnd his heels every since Wil- son was elected.' as term of charlotte , H . SElhson tojeota UlllUC uura w -"-f , February- boro. An early start j cou- : this i-i .Astimvi-i oVinnlH hp. : is an error, uie wuiwu icfoH Marr.h 18. and for this rea- UU VVV , son all 25-vote coupons oeanng the date March 11, will be ac- , cepted up to and mciuuiug March 26th. . A Trifle Delayed. Because of snow and delayed freight -the Daily JNews iasu Thursday couian t nmsii v- ; ing its morning eaition unvn ax- ernoon. wnite papci uav. fc hausted and there was nothing to do but to wait, ine news is chewing up lots of white paper ? these days and a car load doesxi t , last long. When we used to live . in the west, and trains were de-; layed and the stage coach could ; rovpl we nrinted on wall pa-1 per. But a bolt oi wan pap wouldnT last very iun v vi ; four deck perfecting press of the Daily News. Everything, ; !1 t i V y 4 s fj '- -s- - - - -

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