Space Belongs to K A, Moffitt, The Leading Popular Price Store of High Point, N. C. A. I HE LEADS IN LOW PRICES. j "NOT HOW CHEAP, BUT HOW GOOD" IS OUR MOTTO. DRESS GOODS AND MILLINERY OUR SPECIALTY Ladies arid Children's Low (Jut! -- ! . -j - ; I shoes at Low Prices. Call on me when in High Point. Randolph people always welcome at this store. i i H. A. MOFFI 0 The Popolar Price Store, This i - - GHjroiNT, N. C. H rSS: j 1 CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW. 1i 1 ' r ' I i "111 nirirre Ml 1 -: I f i BRAND" 'Evaporated Creanij in jail Size Cans Baby Size Sc, 6 for 25c. Medium Size lOc, 3 for 25c Large Size, quarts, 20c - x W. D. STEDMAN & SON, Phone! 66. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Items Picked up on the Street and Elsewhere. Swat. Clean up. April showers. Get busy now ! Save the coupons.' Keep on swatting. Pay your poll tax. And now all is ready for the hard work. Miss Mabel Fox spent Sunday in Randleman. Hard work wins the automo bile. Why not you? Jim Hoover, of the U. N. C. was in Asheboro Sunday. Hail is reported to have fell Through this section Monday. See that every Republican in your township has paid his poll tax. Mr. I. M. Russell, of Sophia, as a business visitor here Mon day, i John McCain, of Ellerbe, spent it of last week here on busi es. If it is fresh fish of any kind that you want go to the Star Market. Miss Alice Millikan of Randle man spent Sunday he'rer with friends. Mrs. M. L. Davis is spending several days here, the guest of friends. ' John McDowell is in Illinois this week buying a car of mules and horses. D. Auman of Browers Mills spent Sunday in Asheboro with his family". Your attention is called to the ad of the Star Meat Market in this issue. Mrs. C. B. Griffin, of Spencer, is spending a few days here vith relatives. The -quarterly conference of the M. E. church will be held next Monday. W. K. Dickens returned last week from an extended visit to Richmond, Va. Miss Barringer, a ' trained j nurse of High Point, returned home last week. Maybe we can plant corn now and dig halt and do a few other spring time stunts. Mrs. T. J. Betts spent a few days here the first of the week, tne guest of relatives. .'Mrs. Margurie Curry of Lex- "'gi'.-n, is the guest of her daugh ter. Mrs. C. T. Loflin. Several Asheboro people at tended the commencement at Kameur last Saturday. , C'-l. A. C. McAlister returned !ast Friday nicht from the Harriette Hammer at- Miss tended the Junior-Senior ban quet at Salem College last Fri day evening, i Miss Bertha Cox is spending a few days at Winston -Salem the guest of her sister, jMiss Blanche Cox, at Salem College, j The' week beginning June 29th has been definitely decided as the week which Asheboro is to have the Chautauqua. During this week the Teachers' Institute will also be held here. Prof. O. V. Woosley, formerly superintend ent of the Asheboro Graded SfVirmla will nrooiMo a fVio mis. Aiuue ivoupms leu last tute. weeK lor Kingston, Mass., where sne goes to spend! the summer, tf, mi husband, there. C.Cogburn left Monday where she joins her and they will reside Miss Rodema Cox has return -4 home after an extended visit 'ith her brother F. J. Cox. at xmgton. K. L. HilliarH. -Returned -unday afternoon from Worth 1 'e .where she has been visiting relatives. . ,rfolk Southern train No. 71 I c 9 s been leaving Asheboro . .... lt0 WVbil A.Wi.Q- fJQ effective last Sunday leaves cl o'clock. This train makes connections with the. Raleigh Charlotte trams at Star. with her son, Sidney Robins Capt. W. S. Lineberry, former ly of Randolph, but now Super intendent of Soldiers' Home, Ral eigh, was in Ashebpro Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jojin Porter, of Charlotte " spent last Saturday and Sunday in Asheboro, the guests of Mr. andj Mrsl W. H. Moring. j Mrs. W. S. Atkins aiid chil dren and her neice', Miss Annie May Gurley, of i High Point, spent Easter with Mrs. S. A. Hughs of Spero. !; Ford's Theater puts on "The Glow Worm," a three reel fea ture tonight. Thej management is givingan excellent shew and is fairly well patronized. The closing exercises of Shi loh Academy will Hbegin on the evening of May lsjt, Commence ment day, May 2nd. The public is cordially invited (to be present. Several Asheboro people at tended the Virginia-Carolina baseball game at; Greensboro Monday, and saw j the Carolin ians defeated in a one-sided rag ged game. j -. The estate of R. C. Blacock, the engineer who was killed when the trestle ffll in at Cum berland last Junes ha been awarded $9,500 as a compro mise-against the railroad. $50, 000 was the amouht sued for. Mrs. W. C. Hammer, E. F. Ross, Mr. and Mrs, C. T. Loflin, Miss Pearl Pritchard, R. R. Ross and O. W. Rich attended the fu neral of Dr. Reitzel at High Point Sunday. ij The fare to th$ Confederate Veterans reunion over' the Southern Railroad! held at Jack sonville, Fla., next month from Asheboro is $10.30, and it is ex pected that many! old veterans will take advantage 01 this ex cellent trip at this; rate. ; The more it rains the muddier it gets, and it looks as tnougn the bottoms were gone from some of the roads. Several people who went to Greensboro Monday found it almost impossible to make the trip in Tears and left them in Greensboro returning on the train. !: 'j The Greensboro Record is mean enough to j; say: lhere will be' no war wih Mexico. If it starts it will be ended in snort order. Cole Blease, ' of: South Carolina, has notified the war department that lie is ready to and only awaits . oruei. vj. course when Huerta hears of this he will give up right away. They seem to be iunable to et rid of Blease in soutn aroiina, hut nftrhaDS the Lbrd is prepar- 1 . t , , 1 n ing to take a nana oy senaing mm ouu Greaser ! ThP o-entleman who has charge nf tVio weather bureau in Wash- inrrtnn a wwk ors two ago ana who inaugurated a new taode of his C Dredictions, seems to have either been fired or made to go baqk to tne nrst principles. He cut outf wind e.nViotitntp'd "breezes. He also used crentle light and so on The reports for h week show Ha has made a "changement m his judgment" or has been kick ed ovtt I. . i. -Mrs. Dennis Curtis of Randle man Rt. 2, has quite a curiosity in the way of a chicken. It is a fine rooster about a year old that has four legs, two on one side and two on the other. When it" walks it only uses two legs; the other two are about two inches shorter than the ones it walks on. It is a healthy chicken and has a great deal of sense. Says the Winston-Salem Re publican, of Edgar A. Woodell, a former resident of Asheboro and the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Woodell, of Asheboro: Mr. Ed A. Wodell,fo r some time fore man of the Daily Journal com posing room, this city, resigns and goes to Greensboro to fill a similiar position with the Christian-Advocate. He is suc ceeded by Mr. D. E. Stroble. Ed is a good printer and clever gen tlement. As a personal friend, we regret to loose him and his ex cellent wife as citizens and our best wishes go with them to their new home. The Woman's Club having de cided to hold a Chrysanthemum Show in the fall, call your at tention to the following list of Plant; three blooms, dozen dozen flowers which will be accepted ; consideration $125. for entry. The attractive prizes which will be offerecT for all these flowers will be announced in the near future : Largest bloom on potted plant, any variety. Best potted plants, one each of the following varieties m collection : Lillian Bird, Black Hawk, Os trich Plume, Daisy. Finest plant, three blooms, white. Finest plant, three blooms, pink. . Finest yellow. Finest plant, one-half dozen blooms, white. Finest plant, one-half dozen blooms, pink. Finest plant, one-half blooms, yellow. Finest plant, one-half blooms, bronze. Finest plant, 1 dozen blooms, mixed variety. One vase, ten largest blooms, white. One vase, ten largest blooms, pink. One vase, ten largest blooms, yellow. Best general collection, cut flowers, in one vase. Ferns. Finest potted sword fern. Finest potted asparagus fern. Finest potted spingera. Roses. Best collection of roses, three taises, any variety or color. All the ladies in town ee cor dially invited to compete, the cjnly stipulation being that the chrysanthemums and roses tak ing the prizes are then the prop erty of the Woman's Club. April 17, 1914. A. L. Deek to J. Mitchell, 3 acres, consideration $20. G. M. Fox to Jas. H. Ingram, 2 acres W. D. Spoon to Estella Kime, town lot, consideration $125. J. A. Welborn to L. E. Mendenhall, 10 acres, consideration $1,800. L. J. and J. A. Presnell, to M. L. Williams, 8 acres, consideration $160. Elmer Rich to C. Bowman, town lot, consideration $300. W. M. Hooker to Walter Varner. 4 One ( cres, farm site "D" in Randolph L. L. Whitaker to W. LFoust, 1 acre consideration $300. I. A. White to Mary Matilidia White 16 acres, consideration $200. J. G. Cranford to C. C. Shaw, 20 acres, consideration $30. George Younts to Samuel Younts, consideration $10. T. B. Ehott to Madison Henderson, 117 acres, consideration $900. C. McNeil to C. C. McNeil, 64 acres. consideration $300. R. O. Burrow to J. D Ross, 5 acres, consideration$105. David Kepley to J. D. Ross, 1-2 acre consideration $40. Arthur Ross to J. D. Ross, town lot, consideration $250. W. V. Smith to G. S. Brown, town lot, consideration $1,300. Martha L. Miller to E. A. Sprinkle 75 acres, consideration $1, and other con siderations. COMMENCEMENT. Of Asheboro Graded School April 27-May 5th. on SPERO NEWS. Mr. Robert Summie of Central moved in to his new home last week, which he purchased from Mr. F. I. Bulla. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Millikan spent Sunday in Asheboro. Mrs. Maridia Clapp spent the week end visiting her son in Sal isbury, returning home Thurs day. Mr. Arch Bulla moved into his new home a few days ago. Mr. M. U. Kanoys school clos ed Saturday with an old-time exhibition. DIXIE DRY GOODS tO., carries the most complete stock of up-to-date clothing, shoes, hats, dry goods, furnishings, etc., at prices that will interest you. - Here are a few of our prices: Sea Island factory sheeting 7 l-4c best grade one yard wide Calicos 4 3 4-, 6c valuf. , Table oil cloth sold the world 35c our price 19c Ladies wash skirts for this week 50c Mens Pants $1.50 Values, This Week Come, start your summer trading right. Buy at our store and get your money's worth. ixie Dry Goods Co., D MILLER BLDG. ASHEBORO, N. C. The Randolph County Medical Society to Meeti The Randolph County Medical Society will meet at Ramseur house brought in by Fred Par. Bird Houses for the Park. The Park Committee of the Woman's Club having offered prizes for the best bird houses made by the boys or girls 13 years old or under, have receiv ed four bird houses in competi tion. The very laborate bird the first Tuesday in May at 10.30 rish deserves special mention and The commencement exercises I of the Asheboro graded school will be held beginning with Monday evening, April 27th and ending- Tuesday evening, May 5th, and the program has been arranged as follows: Monday evening, April 27th Play, "The Fruit of His Folly." Sunday, May 3rd, 11 o'clock a. m. Commencement Sermon, Rev. J; E. Thompson. Monday evening, May 5th, j o'clock Class Day Exercises. ' Tuesday evening , May 6, H o'clock, Literary Address Pres. W. A. Harper, Elon Col lege. The roll of the class of 1914 ; as follows: -John Thomas Moffitt., Jr., Jes sie Mildred Wood, Sehar Virtle Caviness, Ollie Lee Presnell, Rilla Bryan Spoon, Mabel Ruth Parrish, Luna Mabel Spoon, Hen ry Louis Ingram, Bessie Louise Auman, Beatrice Guelda Lewall- en, zeouion narns rvu&n, ucoc Millikan Ward, Lela Hannah Hay- worth, James Clyde Frazier, An nie Lucile Scarboro, luia mo ra Pritchard. i it 1 " JJ 4-1 a. m. ah pnysiciaus uj. me county are urged to be present at this important meeting, sev eral papers of importance to be read at this time. W. J. MOORE, M. D., Sec. Notice. The regular meeting of the Woman's Club will be held in the Club rooms Tuesday, May 5th, at 2.30 o'clock, instead of Wed nesday. A special invitation is extended to the school teachers, and every member is urged to be present. Death of Alpheus Allred. Alpheus Allred, aged 44, died at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Allred, south of Randleman yesterday morning at 8 o'clock, after an extended illness. Deceased is a brother of our townsman M. H. Allred, and of Mrs. E. E. Mendenhall, of Greensboro. The funeal nnd burial will be he'd from wr.e Hall church tov'ay - Wednesday at 2 clock. GAM A Special Hookworm Dispensary for Western Randolph. Feeling that the hookworm dispensary points, as now locat ed do not reach the people of the western portion of Randolph as they should so as to give them the opportunity tor the iree ex am ination and treatment, Dr. moane has decided to hold a spec ial dispensary at Trinity on two successive Mondays, April 21 and Mav 4th. Containers win oe placed in aH business places in Trinitv and I it is hoped that all .- - n ji will avail themselves oi xms op portunity on the above dates. At Montrose. F,vt.pnsive statements are be irio- made at the State Tubercu io. Sanitarium at Montrose. tv.ovo arp nnw more than ou uwv ... A tients at the sanitarium aim when the new buildings now be ing erected are completed the institution will be able to care for as- many as 75 patients. JSanford Express. Company K May Be Called. In the event of serious devel opment between this country and Mexico, the State Militia will be called to mobolize at the en campment grounds, at More head City. This means that the local military company win go to camn. but there is little like lihood that they will ever reach Mexico, as it takes a volunteer on the part of three-tourth oi the companies to carry tnem across the United btates line. Get His Money Back. There is an unanimity a:nong horse dealers 9ometimei as well as other people. A week or two sfeo a sale took place here. A Mr. White, from the country, Ljught one, Da -'' $65 for him. In lassoing the horse the trader crippled him for which he hand ed the new owner a $20 bill. Lat er on the horse died, ?.ni Mr. White went to Sanford to see the trader about it, as he was supposed to be the cause of the horse's death. Mr. White was promptly paid the balance ot the purchase money, his railroad fare and his hotel bill while in Sanford. Hats off to that horse trader; Chatham Record. as it is so spacious, and Duiit in such a durable style, it is ex pected that it will continue to shelter more than one family of birds each year. Two good-old-fashioned martin boxes were re ceived, made by Graydon John son and James Kivett, and it is hoped may be inhabited this year. The bird house made, by Clifford Morris was made after the pattern of the "Berlepsch" nest" boxes, pictures of- which were shown to the school chil dren. The real "Berlepsch" nest boxes are made by Baron Hans von Berlepsch, the great. German bird lover., who, after years of experimenting with bird houses invented a machine that would hollow out logs in such a way that the cavaties were practical ly facsimiles of the natural bur rows of Woodpeckers, Nuthat ches, etc. His success is describ ed as almost startling. More than 90 percent of the four thousand and more bird houses were not only occupied, but the birds paid their keep by keeping jhis estate "SSebach" free from insect pests which laid waste the surrounding country. The Prus sian Board of Agriculture took notice and caused extensive ex periments to be made with the result that they had 9,300 hung up in the woods of the Grand Duchy of Hesse and from 70 to 80 per cent used the first year. The Haincich woods having been stripped entirely bare by larvae of a moth in the spring of 1905, while the woods of Baron von Berlepsch in which there were nesting boxes was untouched and looked like an oasis in a desert. In the opinion of the gentle men who acted asjudges, they took into account the boy's own workmanship, and the time al lowed, four weeks, conditions which were not fulfilled, and de cided the fairest award would be to ask for the equivalent of the ( second prize for each of the four as they were all closely allied. The interest shown by many in the subject of birds is a hope ful sign, for thejf uture preserva tion of our bird life. gall RETAIL Standard Oil Co., X. T. INGRAM, Agent in m it ir r in it rr tr r i -rr !( Fish! Fighlj f Am getting in large shipments of Chesapeak Bay Red Fin Croak ers this week and will be prepar ed to take care of every custo mer for le s money than was ever known in Asheboro. Try me and be convinced. Stair Market, E. E. PUGH, Proprietor. ( Raleigh citizens cast 1,024 votes for and only .138 against a $100,00a bond issue for street improvement. The money is to be extended by the City Commis sion, - - KOR SALE- A fine Jersey Cow, fresh with heifer calf. Will give 11-4 lbs butter a day. Apply to W. T. BRYANT, Randleman, N. C BULLETIN ADDS BRING RESULTS. f i -1 T ' 4.. 4 1 J - J 1 i - I-, 1 5.

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