w-rAr- THE TIDE HAS TURNED; SEVEN ARMIES IN RETREAT The Sixth Week of the War Between Germany and the Allies Ha Brought a Vast Reformation; Rout For Germans. The sixth week of the war be- te marching south on three roads tween Germany, France, Great in that neighborhood is not Britain and Belgium, has brought a vast transformation.' The pursued are now the pur- surers. ine irresisiiDie sweep known. The Belgian army is credited with the determination to reoc- cupy Brussels and claims to have Qallcia and Russian Poland cue. cess appears to cling to the Russians. They are reported to have won a decisive victory "at Krasnika nd Tomaszow! Thurs day. The Austrian and German armies are estimated at 40 divi sions of infantry and 11 of cav alry, totalling more than 1,000, 000 men, and reinforced by sev eral German divisions. The Rus sians describe their line as ex- BETTER BABIES CONTEST. State Fair Plans a Better Ba bies' Contest. Plans have been made for an other Better Babies Contest to be held at the State Fair, Ral eigh, October 20, 21, 22 and 23. So nonular was this feature at last year's Fair that it was de-Jof North Carolina, ;aa u,T .v.t. ovil o Kirr the extravagance and l.iucu w nave aiiumci c w6- u ger one. ' More space and better Progressive-Republican Plat-forn 1111 . tending over several nunareaipn,,:.. ,av oirpaHv verst (a verst is about two-thirds !provided and every convenience js being arranged for the babies of a mile Fighting has been proceeding -continuously since August 25 of seven German armies through shut the railroad between Liege I Ziansluim to "win important German line of com-imnoth in Pold and Gfcia' health exhibit, and an-effort is the disposal of the poor house and Belgium into France met an im movable force at the river Marne. The army of General Von Klusk, which so long battled to turn the allies' western flank, was slowly and steadily outflanked. Its retirement be fore the small but hardy British army hrs turned the tide of bat tle. If French official reports are correct all the German armies except that facing Verdun and a few miles west, are retreating. General Von Kluck's army, which a week ago was a few miles southeast of Paris, has re tired more than 60 miles to the northeast, while on the extreme right the army of the Bavarian crown prince, which was attack ing the French eastern line from Nancy to Epinal, has fal len back to the frontiers of Lor raine, permitting the French to reoccupy Luneville and several Ition which they liken to the pass other towns and their mothers. In connection with the Better Babies Contest, there will be a The Progressive Republicans of Randolph county in convention as sembled do hereby endorse the stat platform and do recommend it as be ing a most progressive document, well suited to the needs of the State and deplore mismanage ment of the affairs of Randolph coun ty, necessitating an increase in the taxes of 7 cents on the hundred dol lars valuation and that we pledge our selves to a more economical adminis tration of the affairs of the county government. Whereas, the present poor house is a disgrace to civilization, we favor ertion.Tt Stoto Tde ? rure vrt? a blishment " a modern cou" ty ing the scattered German forces wta St fi Jf J rQiT.froom where doctrs and health Whereas, it has been demonstrated composed, for the most part ofStafe,S Vn AnS v? ?l officcra wil1 ive lectures and that the office of the county treasurer reservists toward the southeast !J?a. l iUuuu P"80?6.1"3 P1 , demonstrations on all phases of is an unnecessary expense on the coun i- ii -r that thev were Obliged to With- n. nA n-e voK,-Q us an unnecessary expense on the Ll ?"eliVc;e draw from Lembenr and concen-! a T JhIZTZZa 'Icounty in that the banks of the comr- man armies critical. The army trate m a better position because sons cf babies entered will b which was south of the Arfonne forest, thfcy argue, hardly can retreat eastward owing to the J. T. Turner's Cash Market. Pays Highest Prices for all kinds of Produce. Turner is the man that made a Cash Produce Market in Ashboro Why not sell to him when he pays more. Others come and go, but Turner is on the job all the time. He keeps ail kinds of Grass and Field seeds for sale for all seasons. Go and see him. They raised the price 50c per month on hi phone, and he had it taken out. Now he will have two dolt lars more a month to pay the farmer for his Produce. Dont fail to see Turner when you have anything to sell. He pays all cash. dang from the strongly held,nf- French fortress of Verdun, while the mountainous character of ha the northern wing of the Aus- made by doctors, trained nurses inan army in roiana waSEnd children's specialists. The threatened by a greatly superior score card svstem will be used in making the test, which will insure a square deal to every baby. General Joffre, French commander-in-chief, pictures the re treat as hurried, if not disord erly, with the Germans aban doning prisoners wounded and supplies. Sunday week was the darkest day of the war for. the allies. The batttle of Rawa Ruska, which is proceeding, apparent- 1 ill at i i o . r the Argonne district renders re-ft a ? 1 e cr a , 1 " treat due north impracticable. ilhe ,Au.stria? . armv- Archduke. CAVALRY HORSES ARE The left wing of the Germans, ' AT'J! T ? 6 1 IN GREATER DEMAND they believe, must retreat in a army there. A message from northeasterly direction. irwSnHf lL r1??1 Shortage of Suitable Mounts Is They also cherish the hope the rnof e Gailcian j Causing British Officials that the Beligans may succeed operations will determine wheth-1 Uneasiness in clearing the Germans out of the Austrian army will con-j pMhni tr,an v,Q ofir.Q : tmue to be a factor in the war.' Shortage of cavalry horses is man rmy "would be obSged to 'Austria is reported to be enrol- causing BriM army -r , iiino- npr last. r'lncAQ nf roaanroo mucn uneasiness. retreat on l,UXemDUrg, an opera-;"- T" : Z- pv i' a the best equipped men in the county 1.! 1 TTT! 1 J J 1 Trf-il - -v -I Vi r n --r-i ni nrr 4 In r i i 4-u. -u uon in Hiiitriana over tne nro- "cianu ucw cuwuiakcu narrow bottle neck 'ress of events n the French breeding of light mounts, but un- The German version of the bJtth? .fi?lds- there are no signs fortunately officers from conti- I v-F nZ J. T nonrol ovivtiAo motto, ot f-vH f h a battle of Marne is yet to be , ieJu f""K U1 ewauofl. 1,011- "'V7i? Paying our county officers is ex uuii tuuiiy wuie ius usual ounuay "6"" ouu "mo ira vacant, madeauate. and unbusmesi calm. ty will handle the funds at little 0 no expense, we favor the abolition of the office of the county treasurer and that our representatives in .the next General Assembly is hereby pledged for the enactment of such a bill. That we favor a state wide primary law for the selection of all candidates from the President of the United States to township constable. We favor honest elections and deplore th' use of money, whiskey and other cor rupt methods and favor a stringent corrupt practice act to govern both the primary and general elections. We denounce the present system of "farm demonstration" as being strictly inadequate and an imposition on our people and while we favor bet- omcialS jter methods of farming we believe that our demonstrator should be one 0: We pledge ourselves that if placed in power we will audit the affairs of the county at least once a year and that the reports shall be published, Whereas, the present fee system heard. The German official wire- t.rjvrflnfr. inAriemiAtp.- and nnhusiness V 11 -i . .1 1 o ; 1' : T7" .Newspapers continue to.Ior years ana Dougnt tne most like, we hereby pledge our candidates grated from Paris to Bordeaux j took a fortified position south irr " C: rSr,"f, counsel the DeoDle against over-'select sadlers. Belgium and .if elected to be placed on a straight I : iT'ntl ii :-:T;Y optimism and any belief that the 'France have paid $300 for a suit- l ? food administra- in uiai, uicok;i. iv j. cvui uo c ivi- - u i i i .. i.i , ,,i. rc tion. xne iees at. present reaciuug me cal success by -the army of the!war would be a lonS and cstly able mount for an officer, while jenormous sum J $3,300.00 for the iter i.'i for the The French government emi-!crown prince, which it reports,'. The Gern in a long sad procession of mo tor cars. An attack on the capi tal appeared iminent and the main German force had hammer ed a huge wedge into France be tween Paris and Verdun with its center some miles south of that line. The French people trembled with the question whether their army was the beaten army; whether the history of 1870 will repeat itself. The battle of the Marne, which was decided in a week, is regarded by military critics as the most marvelous reversal of roles of two armies known. In their view it appears to have decided the first phase of the war and to have made im possible the plan which the Ger man staff is supposed to have had of smashing the French by one comprehensive stroke, and then turning the bulk of the Ger man forces eastward to confront the Russians. The military experts, however, are still cautious. While reco- west of Verdun, and the begin- Deeds and sheriff - We favor the organization of Pro gressive-Kepublican Clubs in every precinct in the county and the waging of a vigorous campaign. We endorse the Bulletin as the or- Buelow, is giving the German' have seldom been authorized to people the same caution. He pay more than $200. Further- Z :Tr.l : r; 'tells them they are only at the more, the foreign buyers have the south of Verdun with heavy , beginning of the sacrifice and Paid a higher price for three artillery . No date is given and suf A . M . ; year-olds than the English buy ii. . i "An nndpninhlp viV trv " ic 'ers would nav for four-vear-olds. tie. cuimiiaiiuer ui uie aniea,"0" ijr. S0 at the people may be posted on The position of the troops as lorces ot tne results in the big Germany, liuy ana Austria the issues through the paper, .-. battle the kaiser's armv hpo-nn ; annually have sent officers to. 6.wieu.lu "ie rieuui icpu , iBj - .V-Vo" e F.r,rlar,H n flno I HE CARRIED AN UMBRELLA that the German right is re- cclou -M- a aii ounuay . ( .m ruviUu trpatin bpvond thp rivpr VpsIp I Retreat of the German armies mounts. The English papers which runs between Rheims and vigorously pursued by the trankly admit the continental Soissons ; that the German forces : French, continued yesterday, jcavairy omcers are oetxer juages in the center, which has pene-'uns wounded and stores being of horse flesh than buyers for the trated farthest south, are fall- aoanaonea. ing back north of Vitry-le-Fran-! ven the German left wing mgner prices. cois and Seimaize and have lfe11 back rapidly, and only the! ln adition to buying desira- crossed the hillv wooded coun-! crown prince's army held its' hie mounts in Ireland, the con- trv bpf.wppn Vitrv and Verdun ground southwest of Verdun. jtinental armies have also im- ing by. He caried a neatly rolled um- manv nich class marps brella though it hardly threatened ana me jrermans nave lost, xvevi-: ricuwi umioiji caho aoscii j - r - gny and Jsrabant-le-Koi. jinai von xviuck s precipitate re-lAivi" uoc" wicm m Tho FrOT1 annpar havo 'treat has Dlaced the crown bringing up the standard of their taken the offensive along almost prince in a dangerous position, .re-mount stables. the entire front, as indicated by W the kaiser's right army is un A dear old-lady who was very "so: in her prejudices was asked just why she didn t like a certain man. fehe had no particular reason that she could think of at that instant, but she had English army and are able to pay .been so emphatic in her expression of dislike that she knew she would have to find some excuse at once. Just at that moment she hapened to glance out of the window and seen him pass- success in the east Detween 'aoie to cnecK tne r rencn arm Luneville and Saint Die, where English soon, they declare, the THE COUNTRY EDITOR Quick as a flash she answered her questioner, 'He carries an umbreila whether it's raining or not he is a "softie." "But said her friend, also looking out of the window, 'Here comes your son William, and he is carrying an The pountrv editor thev sav tViPV havp rptakpn spvpral towns 'crown Drince may be forced to, Has trot a soft snflD most everv wav ' umbrella.' they evacuated a fortnight ago,! try to cut his way eastward; At six o'clock or just about LDThisiVdii not ltump ie ol? lad while renorts from Basel sav through the French lines south 'He takes the es out- I .that's another matter I don't wniie reports irom isasei sayiirougn tne rreiiLii nneb nui Then builds about fires or morc hke him anyhow and besides, it all hard fighting occurred y esterday , or Verdun or to surrender. iAn(1 t ri 0ian ih. offi Hfnr .depends on who carries the umbrella," nizing the posiblity that the Ger-'in the Gubweiller valler in south- ihe news ot the deteat vhicn He thinks of several items then, she replied triumphantly. man srmips mnv vot TQllr on 'orn Alcona rpnphpH ("Jprmnnv tVii nnorVi 'And writes them with his mstv nen ; I That is the position some draw a strong defensive line, they recognize also the possibili people have taken regarding that wholesome and relreshing beverage Coca-Cola. r?CT v,; :v. 1 hev have sairl a coon manv linlcmd iuuco iu ilia lavviiu; cikiii.-uuiiii titc, . o j Ninety thousand men are re- Switzerland, caused profcupnd ' He grabs the big old . awkard stool ported to be engaged. Another depression. It came on the lorty- rrCu 3;r XV.;', ty Ot the almost complete evacu- dispatch from Basel says the, fifth day of the. war. On the And sets type at a steady pace. ; things about it and in each instance ation of France and Belgium. French artillery and cavalry ! same day in the Franco-Prus- In just half an hour, jhave had it proved to them that their Paris announces that the Ger- have annihilated two squadrons ' sian war of 1870 the Germans 'A man comes in a-feelin' sour . tales were not true mans have evacuated Amiens, of German cavalry in that neigh- received the news of the fall of He srEts to telk and swear hke thun" It Coca-Cola gete mS of its re The position of German rein- borhood. j Sedan and the collapse of the;why didn't vour old measlv News." freshing deliciousness from the small iorcements 01 tu,uou reported to in the battles proceeding m t rench campaign. In an engagement between He says, while wiping off his shoes, "Have something in about my Phil, ATTENTION Read! Stopi Special prices on Childrens School Dresses and Dry Goods for the next 10 days. Childrens Dress es, ages 2 to 6 years, made out of good grade of Ginghams and Percale, 50c val ue 25c 600 childrens dresses age 6 to 14 years, biggest assortment in col ors and qualities 75c to 1.00 values special price 49c 400 childrens dresses, ages 6 to 14 yrs all the lat est styles 1.50 to 2.00 values speci al price 98c The prices of these dresses are cheaper than you can buy the doth and make them. It will save you a lot of worry and inconvenience to make them. Ladies House All grades Ging- School suits for dresses 1.50 t o hams Percales 10 boys, 6 to 17, 3 00 2.00 values, our and 12 l-2c values values our special special price 98c our price 9, 9 l-2c price 1.98 Calico, 6c values for the next 10 days 4 l-2c Dixie Dry Goods Company, Depot St Asheboro, N. C. t:;i, a no Mvo. iWho visited at Bishop Hill t i Ti. n T i Take my subscription off your books, Land, British Central Africa, the, Before I go and spoil your looks" Germans, according to the Brit- And then, the sour-faced talking guy ish official press bureau, were Departs, and doesn't say "good-by." driven back to the River Songwe, !K edltof thn le" aLone' . at. n a- u ! He hears the office telephone, which is part of the frontier be- lost a brindle cow jst niht tween the British and German Put in an 'ad,' I'll make it right, protectorates. j I don't beheve in paper 'ads,' Prince Joachim Albrecht of !iney re merely loousii mtie iaas, Priiia snn of thp lato Prints But,put.the. ad m anyway, Prussia, son oi tne late rnnce;And wait six months get your pav Frederick Albert, regent of My money nearly every cent ' Brunswick, and a second cousin Is in the bank at four per cent.; of the German Emperor, has 'ut just as sure as you are bom been wounded in battle. KSSS, Both the German and Allie Two women walked right in the door, armies in France are being rein-, "We represent," said one with glee, forced and the battle in France i The Woman's Sewing Society. is likely to last some days yet. Reports concerning the prog ress of the Russian and Austrian A favor we will ask of you. We want some bills and programs, too. A social we are going to plan, And make some money if we can. arms are meager but a Petrograd I We wan this printing done today, dispatch says it is believed the gf conr.se. or tmyu don't Py, p p J -a . V: u i For printers on the earth or Mars, German Crown Prince has been ;Won-t charge for helping our bazzars, appointed Chief commander of .Now, while you're in this frame of mind We know that you will be so kind As just to mention once or twice, In next week's paper without price Just what this social is going to be, 'Twill help our Sew Society.' And so from morn till late at night, The editor is in a plight. He writes up wedding parties, too Sets up an 'ad,' a job or two, And then he meets the local trains, No matter if it snows or rains. He gets an 'ad,' collects some bills, Writes "Sadie Jones has got the chills," Or, "Mrs. John Smith or Mrs. Grey Have gone to Galesburg for the day, And if, prechance, Bill Jones has died Bill, he is a worthless, darn his hide The editor, then, with his pen, Will write 'He was the best of men," And be as nice as he can be To try please the family. He gets some items full of mirth, He makes a record of each birth; Writes up the parties and the teas, The wedding anniversaries, The social gossip and the dope About the politicians' hope. Yes, editors don't do a thing; They're idle as an idle king; For country editors, they sav. Have got a soft snap most every da. Claude H. Small. the forces which are to oppose the Russian advance. Pope Benedict XV, in an en cyclical to the episcopacy of the world, urges peace and brother hood among the Nations. In this encyclical the Pope says: "We exhort most earnestly those who govern the destiny of the Nations that they should bring themselves to a frame of mind, whereby they may put aside all dissensions contrary to the welfare of humanity. The British Prime Minister has called for more men to serve the country. Additional BrHish casualties have been made pub lic, covering the period up to September 7, and bringing the total for the campaign close to j 19,000 killed, wounded and missing. bit of caffeine that it contains. They looked upon that as a splendid argu jinent against it. Then, like the old lady who was reminded of Son Wil liam, they were reminded that it is the caffeine in their favorite bever ages, tea and coffee, (even more than m L-oca-LOia) that gives them their sustaining qualities. But does that stop their criticism of Coca-Cola for containing caffeine? No their answer is similar to the old lady's they say "But that's another matter" what they mean is "Being prejudiced against Coca-Cola and lik ing tea or coffee, it all depends on what carries the caffeine." We think the joke is on them for caffeine is caffeine, and if it is not harmful in one it can't be harmful in another. We all know that it is not harmful in tea or coffee that it is really helpful in whatever it is this is bound to include Coca-Cola. Of course, the truth is, that having started an attack on false premises and having had what they thought were good reasons for criticism prov ed to be no reason at all, they are grasping at an excuse which does not exist, to explain a prejudice. So you see, after all, it all depends on who carries the umbrella to people who are determined to be unfair. Let us be fair. Former Randolphean Weds Reidsville GirL W. L. Maynard, formerly of this county but now of Salis bury, and Miss Maud Moore, of Reidsville, were married at Reidsville Thursday afternoon. They will live in Salisbury. Always Phone Your Orders Here We give you the quickest of service and at a price at which we both can live. Fhone us every morning if you are in doubt as to what you want for dinner. J. C. HANNAH & SON, One Horse Grocery, Specials for the Month of Sept. While They Last. Loose Roasted Coffee 15c lb 75 lbs. Wheat Bran S1.25 100 lbs. Cotton Seed Hulls. .$1.10 10c box or bottle Diamond Shoe Polish .: 5c. 1 doz. Holdfast Ccothes pins. .5c 3 doz. Clothes pins 5c 100 lbs. Cotton Seed Meal. .$1 65 3 packs Post Toasties 25c Mens 50c work shirts 45c White and marble table oil cloth per yd 20c Compound Lard 11c lb. Luzianne Coffee 25c lb. Calico 5e yd. Apron Ginghams 6c yd. 7 inch metal back comb 5c 4 hanger hat rack 5c 2 plugs United Farmer or Black Maria Tobacco for 15c 3 doz. 5c jar rubbers for... 10c Coat and pant hanger 5c 10c bed ticking 8c yd Mens 50c belts 35c 6 hotel glasses 25c 10 qt. gray enameled water pails 25c 12 in. gray enamel wash pan. 10c 75c alarm clocks 60c $1.00 Elephant overalls 75: 2 lbs. keg soda 5c 35c 4-string brooms 25c Cotton bat' 5c Lump starch 5c lb. 480 page tablet 5c 6 hanger hat rack 10c 100 lbs bran shorts $1 85 1 qt. jar pure vinegar 10c Pure barrel vinegar.. . .20c gal Arbuckel's Coffee 22c lb. 10c pencil box 5c We are Headquarters for School Supplies. Book Straps, Satchels, Tablets, Pencil Boxes, Etc L. W. LINEBERRY & CO. RANDLEMAN, N. C HUSBAND RESCUED DESPAIRING WIFE After Four Tears of Discouraging Conditions, Mrs. Bollock Gave Up in Despair. Husband Came to Rescue. Catron, Ky. In an Interesting letter rom this place. Mrs. Bettie Bullock writes as foIlow$ : "I suffered for four years, with womanly troubles, and during this time, I could only sit up for a little while, and could not walk anywhere at all. At times, I would have severe pains in my left side. The doctor was called in, and his treat ment relieved me for a while, but I was soon confined to my bed again. After that,nothing aafwd to do me any good. I had gotten so weak I could not stand, and I gave up in despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle of Cardui, the woman's tonic, and I com menced taking it. From the very first dose, I could tell it was helping me. I can now walk two miles without its tiring me, and am doing all my work." If you are all run down from womanly troubles, don't give up in despair. Try Cardui, the woman's tonic. It has helped more than a million women, in i;s 50 years of continuous success, and should surely help you, too. Your druggist has sold Cardui for years. He knows what it will do. Ask him. He will recom mend it Begin taking Cardui today. Write to: Chattanooga Mealdna Co.. Ladles' Advisory Dept.. Chattanooga, Tenn., for SpecwU Instructions n your case and64-pagt book. ' Horns Treatment far Women," sent in plain wrapper. J-6 'Phone Us! 'Phone us any news item and personals of interest. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteles3 chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pilea in 6 to 14 day. The first application gives aae and Rest. 50c. First Class Shoe and Harness Maker Rep&ir work a Specialty John McKinzie Next to L. M. Caudle's Store BEAUFORT, N. C. -the FISHERMAN'S PARADISE Spanish Mackerel, Blue Fish Trout. Plenty of Boats. Charges Moderate. : : COMFORTABLE HOTELS AND COTTAGES Extremely low Season. Week-end Sunday EXCURSION FARES via NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Ask ticket agents for time table and fares or write W. E. PORCH, Beaufort, N. C. H. S. LEARD, G. P. A. Norfolk, Va. J. F. MITCHELL, T. P. A. Raleigh, N. C.