Tuc DtTir nrr? j THIRTEEN0MMUNITIES i Belgian relief fund. HIC DUUC HIT! TN RFlUaTTM TARVTNr v "v . J tug wi cim vuo iiu s JkSV-VxlA . ' J; . . ' ' ." i received by Randolph County Commit- AND RANDLEMAN NEWS PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY -BULLETIN PUBLISHING CO. J. E. MENDENHALL, Editor and Manager PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR The Bulletin and The Randleman News consilidated September 12, 1912. Advertising rates made known upon application Entered at the Post Office at Asheboro N. C, as second class matter. Wednesday December 16, 1914. TY COMMISSIONERS DEC. 1, T9t On cold storage? Liquor is perhaps on the free, list? The peaceful settlement of the Mexican situation does not seem to turn out so well ? The very offer of a compromise from the Democrats would make it look like somthing was wrong somewhere ? Another negro goes up for re tailing! Let the good work con tinue. It will clean them all up after while. It looks like a coldiay for jus tice in North Carolina when a man is told to put up the cost of prosecuting a common every-day liquor case ! Appeal From Districts Not Yet Helped; (Special Cable Distpateh to Sun) London, Dec. 11.? The repre sentatives at Rotterdam of the American Commission for Relief in Belgium have received a heart inent residents of Blankenbergi on behalf of thirteen Belgian seacoast communes which hith erto have not been assited. The two Blankenberge residents ex plain that these communes first suffered' through the influx oi refugees from the interior, Whom they helped as much as possible, then from the Germans who made severe requisitions on the already depleted resources of the districts. All communica tions of these communes, with Bruges, have been stopped. "We are deprived of ever y thing" the spokesman said. "No one knows whether; we will eat tomorrow or not. We ask in th; name of humanity for help. J. F. Bogrgs, wood and coal for B; C. Ely, Baltimore .... $5.00 f jail - . .-. $20.00 J?. K. Thorns, N. Y. ... .5.00 C. A. and J. H. Bristow, lunu Miss J. A. Thorns . 00 J. H. Redding, R. F. D. No. 2 1.00 Moses Hammond .. . . 1.00 Total .$17.C0 COUNTY COMMITTEE Asheboro Messrs. W. R. Julian, W. Arm field, J. S. Lewis C. C.'Cranfofd, l. M. Sharp, Rev. C. L.' Whitaker; Mesdames E. L. Moffitt, John Penn, Wm. Underwood. Miss Julia Thorns, Chairman. Franklinville Mr. Hugh Parks. Caraway Mrs. Emma Kearns. Kemp's Mills Mr. Anderson Bar ker. Providence-r-S. E. Coble. Science Hill Mrs. C. C. Hubbard. Farmers Mrs. G. T. Macon. Trinity Mrs. W. F. Ellis. Seagrove Mrs. D. A. Cornelison. The Belgians have covered themselves with glory, but such covering does not feed them or keep out the cold. . Send in your contribution to the fund for If i their relief. none is forthcoming, God knows what will happen." As Mr. Herbert Clark Hoover, chairman of the American Com mission for Relief in Belgium, says, "So far our efforts necessa rily have been devoted to provis Even with all the bluffing of United States D;stnct Attorney Hammer, every man who voted the Republican ticket in Rich land is ready to swear by it, and the Republicans have every vote they claimed. Cash contributions mav be j handed to any one of the County committee or lelt at the First National Bank or the Bank of I McCrary Redding. Hdw." Co nanaoipn. sneiiea corn and flour which, are particlarly desi rable, as well as any other mer- . . m - . i luuiuci tziai. - . . ioning the large centers." There !cantible product,, which you may S. E. Coble, Farm Demonstia- are no telegraphs, telephones. ! pleased to give, will be glad-1 tor, l month railways or postoffices, except received by . Mr. W. R. Julian fa"J Randolph, int. on note ber for bridges 8.50 Enterprise Mfg. Co. Lumber etc., for bridge 9.74 Asheboro Grocery Co., mdse for court house A. . .50 W. I. Sumner, holding inquest 10.00 Town of Asheboro water and lights 6.7 John M. Hammier, taxes re funded ; 9.84 S. A. Cox, burial pension 20.00 W. L. Stutts, coffin for pauper 10.00 J. F. Birkhead. work at court house 1.00 W. Foust. coal for Court house 11.00 Burroughs Adding Machine Co for work on machine . . . . 2.25 J. M. Rich, unloading and haul ing coal 16.64 C. E. Davis, repair and plumb ing 2.7S Arthur Davis repair on plumb ing 2.75 Asheboro Wheelbarrow Co , coal for court house 12.00 Asheboro Drug Co., mdse, etc. . f.25 A. S. Nowhn and Co., car coal 78.00 J. N. Kearns, burial pauper. . 8.50 L. M. Fox, Supt. of health, etc. 14.00 Asheboro Grocery Co.. mdse, for County home 18.20 J. 1. Turner, mdse, for County home 11, Alice Nance mdse. for Conntv home .. log J no. b . Jarrell mdse. for Coun ty home 8.05 fi.KK l. 1. loust, conveying jury to County home .... . . -JLD0 iiome nidg. & Material Co, lumber, etc Not long since we mailed' letters to many of our subscribers ask ing them to send a dollar to ap ply on subscription. Friends please let us-have the money. It is certainly much needed at this time. tor military purposes. The Bel- !"u uunverxea into staples or gians are forbidden to pass from leash. Remember "He gives their own towns and consequent-; twice who gives quickly." ly thtre is no communication throughout the country except by personal visits of our own members. County Committee. Side Lights on the Belgian Situa tion That Randolph County Is Trying in a Small Way to Alleviate. Mr. Herbert Clark Hoover, chairman of the American Conr- "What is the good of trying to do anything." The misery is too great, too widespiead. Any ef fort of mine will be useless." Of course this thought had to be driven out deputy, on Court J. M. Brewer, court September term . . . S. W. Porter, work house W. I. Sumner, inquest on luna cy W. T. Foushee, inspsctinir road etc W. T. Foushee, 2 days special meeting of boar J and mite age W. J. Scarboro, 2 days: special meeting: of board A great continued W. T. Foushoe, 1 dav and r..ib. enort was made, and much mis'. ase 16.71 45.00 2.50 4.50 8.S0 2.00 7.00 ery was alleviated. Now a far greater effort is ne- n j mission for RpIiW in BMcrinm rcf0" LW aueviaie misery on a j . , - , , cuiussai scaie. 1 day and H. A Tomlinson, mileage W. J. Scaroro, 2 days Geo. T. Murloefc, ?. days c!erk to Doara Just as fast as the evidence can be brought together and the pa pers drawn up is how fast the suit of the Republicans for the county offices is being brought to a head When you get mtoble effort of thdr own iaw u just canes a nine timeanci themselves. our ioiks are xaKing tne time to do a good job. Archibald Johnson, editor of the Charity and Children is very bitter in his condemnation of the Davidson county canvassing board's action in throwing out the box in South Thomasville precinct. Mr. Johnson should come over to Randolph and see the "real thing" performed here about every two to four years or just as often as necessary. says, it is aimcult to state the it, 4..j . , W. T. Fojsh. innnti .. position of the civil poulation of LSmL 5 iJ . t ViH- A- Tomlinson inspecting Rairi.,, ,n,-fv,t u Just returned from Paris. Thev hrMr ' ctim terical. I do not know' that his- y. A8 Athe;e' headed by j H a Tom linson , 1 day and tory presents any para lei of a r" ir 0, aii population of 7,000,000 people. 1 lf eveT th! was i are Surrounded by a ring of steel and n? a work m that can" k not be overestimated. In this war staggered by hor rors of which I dare not write in this letter some of us perhaps, utterly unable by any conceiva to save The amount and the character mileage J. E. Crayton & Co. mdsa., for Clrks office Randolph Supply Co., msde. - for County Home H. M. Bobbins, atty. to board . McCrary-Redding Hdw. Co. mdse . . McCrary-Redding Hdw. Co Co., .f0 4.00 4.70 M0 4.C0 :00 2.S0 4.70 10.50 24.53 .46.61 V11.41 2.40 nf thp rlptitntin ma onnvn. "e pw -u uespair oi numan ciated from the present -position I "f' ? t(?0ubt fng j G. W. Hmiard, Agt. freight on in Brussek OfthP nonnlntinr-!of a just Provldence- And then, L ca coal : the city an average of 218,000 1 Xt TSe deeds of Geo. T. Murdocfc, pfetag:e Sept were on the adult canteens and :fiJyh whlt? Pobl of men to Dec m ., 31,000 babies were on the baby .TTL" 5 J'k.e.itrean'3 l ST? '"'. " ote j i i- ? commit C. B. Julian, egbtrar iA tee is making in America will I Franklinville ...... V nO 14--Wl IVtllrnvk tTT J T? T Pnil i-.. w T . T line of mothers th hHdrVn tnat little candle throws his ei p??s " p ' ... Canteens. &A naufhty world." The gOod-R. L. White, Registrar inNVw Mr. Robert Hichens in a Wdeed,3 f 70ur l.tte uieiy sneu a inosi Kinaiy lignt, p vesisu-r m w. Ingram . Keeiatrar in canteens last week, or more than one-third of the total poulation. Probably no more pitable sight 104.94 7.50 10.82 60.00 45.00 16.63 15.96 21.83 18.74 III kx II II II W VV XI II II II II II II fill V II II ff ll If II IV v u iMMfflio)) UlUlgsCSlLllSUlIllSo Q n We have made ample preparations to take care t , j , eavy Holiday Trade in"every item that should be carried m a first class grocery store, and if your orders come here they will receive prompt attention and quic k service delivery. We have a big line of Fruits and Candies bought especially for the Christmas trade and bought at prices so that we can sell at a reasonable fig ure. We will make a specialty of Fruits and Candies this Chrisnmas and we hope to see the lace of all our old customers this and next week. A. 0. .Ferree o Groceries I 11 I I uuaiu .. , a (ill J. C. Farlow, 1 day judge elec- nr n' Back Creek 2.00 W. R. Julian, 1 day judge election,- Providence 2.00 W. R. Neece, 1 day judge elec tion, jrrovidence 2 00 DEEDS. HBusiiiess Local W. H. Dowdy to Vera Ethel Danielse 1 1-2 acres, $400. ti. Curtis. 1 dav iud , . . , ' O i Jt MUOliU VT fiAM T 1 U J. I'atmih 4- T A - ' uuu, uiunriy 2.00 j. a. craven l acre. $625 juage elec The Charlotte Observer, emi- iicni, ciuL,fawu auuiuiiLy m tne zer to tne Uommittee of Mercv in i; "- -.j usm-. State, said in a recent e'dition ' New York writes : When I was ! .m" , our EurPean blackness. ; that but tor the war cotton would , in Sicily immediately after the 1 Jv axcnnan wna? 01 e nignt " New Hope 7 17.05 iave oeen pernaps hve cents, or earthquake in Messina I looked!?. y .rr are aKinK tnat ques- Andrews, Registrar in words to that effect, and explain- into the depths and thought eu uiat tne war Drougnt aoout , realized the worst evils that can I a demand for a cheap grade of cotton goods, thus helping to keep the price up. Did the war make cotton go to seven cents or .did' the war keep cotton from reaching five cents? The jury has the case. After a good long fight Mrs. Estella Cameron has finally been ousted from the posjtofihe at Rockingham, and there de velop about seven Democratic as pirants. The blame of course al1 went on a poor postoffice inspe -tor, but just let them appoint a woman to a job and every Repre sentative from North Carolina will see to it that his name connected with it. is T1! TT "I J I n xne jienry voirton reiiei plan proposed m the last Congress and in the interest of the candi dacy of many Southern Demo cratic Congressmen was allowed to go over was very promply kill ed upon its introduction into the present session of Congress. Can Southern people call this gratitude at the hands, of the crowd whem she helped to vote into power? The committee on the Belgium relief fund is getting things well under way. NORTH CHARLOTTE POSTOFFICE ROBBED Safe is Shattered and Money and Stamps Worth $1,200 Secured Safeblowers robbed the North Charlotte postoffice last Satur day morning before day, realiz ing over $1,200 in stamps togthe er with $2-5 in cash and $25 in checks, and an additional appro priation oi the engagement ring of the Postamaster,-Mr. Warren V. Hall. A nearby store was entered' and quilts stolen to "cov er up" the noise. befall humanity. I. know now that it is more terrible to suffer at the hands of men than to be overwhelmed by a convulsion of nature. The horrors of this great war cannot be overstated. Many of them cannot be stated at all. Immediately after the fait of Antwerp I was at Folkstone, England. It was like a foreign town. The streets were throng ed with wanderincr. fugitives. whole families, old women with thin . shawls wrapped around fthem, little girls with-white faces and wide eyes that had seen things no children should see, tiny things just able to tod dle, babies of a few months old, and some just born. Many of there people had lived at Lieee. From Liege they had fled to Brussels, from Brussels to Ant werp, and finally from Antwerp to England. An old peasant woman whom I met in a camp of seventy ref u gees among the hop ardens of Kent said to me: " "But, my dear monsieur, Belgium no longer ex ists." She was from NnmnT- where she had pased her whole! me. ner little home had be;n razed to the ground. "When I left it the last time, monsieur. T walked' among dead bodies," she said, staring at me with her light blue eyes, which seemed always asking some question. Belgium has been turned into a vast fortress by the Germans and is likely during the winder to be the scene of more bloody fight ing than it has yet seen. After the earthquake in Mes sina the. misery was so wide tion with perhaDS faltering - . . . r r voices, seeing charity hfetd high in the West, will America and Americans." on Exercises by the Fourth Grade. Last week being the end of the third school month, the fourth grade gave the monthly exer cises which serve for the chapel exercises. Quit a number of the parents were present. The ex ercises reflected creditably upon the grade as well as their very ef ficent teacher. The program was the iollewing: Chorus by the school Joy to The World. I Bible Recitation by the grade. Christmas Belles, by Edith Bost. Solo, From the Eastern Moun tain, by James Underwood. Playlet Santa Claus' Visit--characters : Mr. Santa Claus," William Un-derwod. Mrs. Santa Claus Mabel Cox. Mr. Teague William Ham mond. Song by grade Jolly St. Nick. The banner awarded for the highest per centage attendance iTTTVVti -i- J-T- 11. . 1 fTTI wen i, tu tne seventn graae. liheir per centage was 99.05, the high est made by any grade since the opening of the school. Trinity W. L. Scotton, Registrar in Co- liimVkio bless ( H. C. Causey, RegisYrar'in Lib I ety J. A. Varner, Registrar in Tab ernacle m Thomas Graves, Registrar in Coleridge C. L. Lewis. Registrar in . I cord r A " -Registrar m ! Pleasant Grove 17.26 G. E. Bulla, Registrar in Back T. J. Bonkemyer, Registrar in W. Franklinville Sr EluAllen' Registrat in Grant Worth Lowe, Registrar in Ce- aar lirove C. L. Cranford, Registrar Asneooro G. W. Pugh, RegistrW in'prol ldence . . j Bank of Ramseur interest Avlz. months on Not Kn an Bank of Ramseur, 4 months in. iresi on isote INo. 122. ..... 20 00 in 20.58 22.58 21.20 19.99 20.09 18.60 16.60 16.63 .13.34 18.09 20.34 17.76 30.C0 4.00 SERENO E. PAY2VE DEAD Was One of the Formers of the Tariff Bill TT-V t - representative Sereno E. Payne, of New York, died sud denly at his apartment in Wash ington last Friday, death being caused by heart trouble. Ferd Ingold; Sec. BonrH Elections 15.20 A. C. Cox, 1 day judge of elec tion in Grant 2 00 C. R. Thompson. 1 d election in Concord W. R. Lassiter, baliff Randl'e- man election Herbert Tyson, 1 day judge of election in Brower W. O. Brown, 1 day baliff of t eiectipn in Brower J. B. PresnelJ. 1 dav ki;f -wt j - j "aim 111 New Hone o . T. jxuuer, 1 day baliflMn -LiiDerty A. E. Lassiter, 1 day' judge of election and C. board . H. S. Ragan, 1 day judge' of election in Trinty C. O. Inerold. 1 Aa-a. uiw' ' -ISCIAIJL 111 trrant 2 00 T. Penn. 2 davs KnHfr" S 2.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 A. Cox, 1 day tion. Coleride-e O. P. Gardner. 1 dav tion. New Market J. E. Comer, 1 day judge elec tion, Brower Arthur Ross, 2 days judge eleel tion Asheboro 1912 and 1914 W. C. Jones. 1 dav fllHcro snH 1 day canvassing board, Franklinville .. 4.3.3 C. M. Spencer. 1 dav iuHw of election in 1912 and 1914, New Market : T. A. Slack. 1 dav hnii'ff Franklinville 2.00 B. L. Kearns, 1 day baliff Ce dar Grove 2 00 D. M. Burgess, 1 day baliff' Col lumbia o v J. S. Kindlev. 1 dav hiliff Tk1 ernacle o ,vi Waltr Strider, 1 day baliff .Union . 0,1.1 T. G. Bonkemver. 1 A - J J wuim W. Franklinville 2.00 H. N. Brooks. 1 dav hnliff Coleridge W. D. Dorsett, 1 day" baliff Concord J. M. Dunn, 1 day baiiff, Prov idence Dr. W. J. Staley, use'of buildl ing Dr F E Asbury, profescional service to prisoner C. W. Steed, jailor for Novem ber Jas. Lilly, janitor f or Nov. '. '. '. Hugh J. Burns, repairing and sharpening tools Dr. L. M Fox. Supt. of Health - for October 12 50 Bank of Randolph, 3 months interest on Note No. 33. . . . 15.00 Bank of Randolph, 3 months in- trest on Note No. 20 25 83 Geo. T. Murdock, clerk to board 12-7th and 8th .. 400 Mrs. Ella Moffitt, interest on : T -M?tes,-. 15 and 16 60.00 Lillian M. Andrews, interst on Note No. 101 4800 Garrett L. Spinks to Lvdia A. 2,oo cer 91 acres, $50. j R. M. Cox to S. A. Cox, 50 acres, 2.00 i 150- ' i W. L. Bouldin to Washington Bould 2.00 ln 19-100 acres, $353.52. ' I G. E Lowdermilk to R. L. Albright, 8-00 tract of land $550. 6 ' ugn to c- Marsh 5-13 acres, $dUU. -- W. S. Crowsoii to W. Sam Wall acres, $r,360. Joe Shane !?632. Louzena Presnell to L. D. DeMarcus 5-16 acre, $600. Joseph Parkin to Trustees of Pop lar Springs Missionary Baptist church, 1 acre, $8. R Wright to S. A. Cox, 40 acres, HARDEN wants your rabbits every day in the week. High est market price, cash. HARDEN'S Headquarter: for rabbits. 48 to A. J. York 44 acres, 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.50 1.00 87.31 25.00 Song Service at Burnette's Chapel The song service and closing of the singing school at Bur nette's Chapel and also the clas ses of Ebinezer and Cedar Sauaro was postponed from last Sunday on account of the bad weather and will be held on the third Sun day m December if the weather permits. A. M. FENTPTSS I Pleasant Garden. N. C, . 8.19; Dec. 14, 1914. FOR SALE 6 horse Dortahle Boiler. If interested write or see A. J. Thurber, Asheboro, N. C. WANTED Turner's Cash Market, wants 5$iJgood fresh rabbits Nov. 2, and every day after that except Saturday and Sundays. Highest price in cash. J.T. TURNER, Cash Buyer. New Wood Yard. Wood all length and size delivered anv- where in town for $1 per load. D. W. Millikan. Phone 17G. Cedar Falls News k 1 m a large crowd attended the 'dleman. singing at Mr. A. C. Brown's on last Thursday night. Mis s Anna York is on the sick list. Little Florence Craven who has been-ill is improving. xnere win be a Christmas tree FOR SALE A cook stove. No. 8, cost $22.50 f. o. b. Dan ville. Has been used just a lit tle, but good as new and will lat a life time. Beautiful in arroe.ir- ance and can be had for only $15. Call or write. R. D. Lamb. Jem - salem St., Randleman, N. C. z-y-zt. WINTER Oyster time With the coming of cold weather its time to buy oysters, steak, roj 1st beef and pork. Best cash prices at C. A. Lamb'S-Citv Mnrkpt Rrn- He was born in Hamilton. K. "V on1 -r-vri r sxA J. A i was-aimost stunned by it. I remember seeiner two thousand jjWoundVI and almost naked peo ple Deing landed at a soldiers port, . and that same dav as I The Bulletin and the Progres sive Farmer for $1.50, an unpa raleled offer by this paper. train alter train packed with the homeless, the wounded, the mact, ana the dead for there were trucks full of corpses one leader in Congress he had much to do with the tariff legislation that has been passed in recent years, being active in framino- the McKinley and Dingley Tariff train nftov fvoin 1 :. . wwiojiuc tariff bill. He was 71 years old and was ' Fiddlers' Convention. The attendance at the fiddlers' Asheboro . " ,J w" " y rroi. Mene- J. F. Cameron. 1 dkv' inH ?n fna Mr- V& Johnson in Date of M. P. Bazaar Changed. !"d P?ay a the school house on The date of the bazaar to be '"5 n.fl tne 24th- Every given by the Woman's Mission- i bo?J cordlaUy invited, ary Society of the M. P. church L We are.fad to have Mr. G. L. has been rhan o-arl fvrv n 1r.iaven with us ap-am. I ; Madam rumor has it that wed itimg bells will riner out. ihi Yt,oc rm. ... , -.j tinier- The mill here is running on lull time we are glad to say. has been changed from Dec to Dec. 17. FOR SALE Two pairs Simp son Computing scales. L. W. Lineberry. Chlistmas Time is Here election in Cnnrmvl J. M. Shaw. 1 Aarr election in New Hope 2 00 Hayes Loflin, 1 day judge of t ei,ecn ln Tabernacle .... L. C. Smith, 1 day judg of elec o. M. Brown, 1 day judge t emCtion in feasant Grove.. T. Powers, 1 day judge of electian in Pleasant Grove. . W. G. Kinney, 1 day judge of election in Cedar Grove .... C O. Brown. 1 v- inJi.,. election Grant 2 00 1 ..Farlow' lday judge of election Rack C.raaV SA . . C.JU A. rrazier. 1 Aav inA nnJT C-1los.s 2.00 2.0C 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 the Armory night was on last Tuesday not as o-oo.l j -i 1 . ... as aesirea, out the quality of the music was number one. The bad weather was a drawhv Knf i spite of the small audience the F01 SALE A five room cot' Prof, and his able assistant de- , g?'.2 1-4 acres in lot, gool Charleston and Jersey Wake- ? nnn f PIants mail 1,000 for $1.00 post paid; 100 plants for 15 cents, post paid. 4-mo. R. O. Parks, Ulah, N. C. livered the goods. ,was almost obsessed hr t.IiPl.nnim,0i,. il. thought, natural, but toS.KH was w -1 ttt . " ......... first elected to Commas in lRsaJ -ie elec C XT- , , . 1 . ' -WiLLlllUia .... ... bmce that time he has served :J- T. Wood, 2 davs iudc ewl - -day canvassing Board W A f - w. a wmiams, 1 day judge election, J day canvassing 2.00 6.00 Wood-Pugh On last Sunday afternoon at Millboro Mr. Percev V Miss Gertrude Pucrh werp mar. ried. ,Se-bride is Postmaster at Millboro, and is a popular and nigniy esteemed young laav. The i ; groom s a popular young man, dleman N C a hustling young fanner of thej ' C iuinwuro ecuon. land tnr (o: ""T -xx ucmil SraPQ vines and fruit voaa a 1 t v,o. mau a storj 0"SLnaf th?.s. Property that ir vmi5uuu locaiy tor business. inaL?r0perty is wel1 Seated m Randleman, a city with goo 1 graded school, churches, cotton mills , electric lights and plenty of public work. LZl8 or any other wite, Box 331, Ran- I hsve a nice line of Christmas Candies, Apples, Oranges, Nuts and Raisens, and the price is right. Come and see me befoee you buy your Xmas Goods; I can save you money on yorr groceries. . I sell for Cash ard treat all alike' so when you trade with me you get the same goods for less money. Good Green Coffee Arbuckles Sugar 51bs. Soda 21 bs. 10 to 15c 20c 30c DC JNO. M. BROWN, At the I. B. Rash Stand I Subscribe to The Bulletin.

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