GO T3he COURIER Leads iriIBcth News and . Circulation. j me COURIER Advertising Columns Bring Results. I Bsued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. ' $1.00 Per Year. VOL XXXII. ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1907. No 4 FIRED FATAL SHOT. Wife Held For Murder Of Husband. ANTI-MORTEM STATEMENT COMPLICATES CASE. Mrs. Ethel Barentlne Blair Held For The Murder of Her Husband In Col umbia. S. C. On Thursday of last week Mrs. Ethel Biirentine Blair, wife of Mc Culley Wellons Blair, a conductor rnnuing from Laurens to Columbia, S. C, shot and killed her husband in thei- home in Columbia. The tragedy has created quite a sensation in Columbia and through out North and South Carolina. The aute mortem statement of the dyin man. who lived only half an hour after the shouting, v that hid wife had shot him because he got after her itbjut being too intimate with a passenger conductor by the name of Arms. He said he went into his wife's room on letiirnmg from his run in the afternoon and took a seat and commenced to quar rel with her about I he -ged nili mucv, when "lie picked up rt pistol and shot him. (The pistol was one Mr. Claud West, her nephew, hm given her about three year ago. He said then was no souffle; tlu were quarreling, not lighting. Mrs. B'air was examined befon the coroner's jury, who returned i verdict holding that Mis. Blair killed her husband. Her statement was a lengthy one, and in it she declares that there was nothing said about any man, but that her husband came home very much in toxicated and began to quarrel with her, as was his custom on many other occasions when he was drunk. She was sustained in part of her statement by her niece, Miss Man ning West, who lives with her, while she was sustained in some parts and contradicted in others by Mrs. Neill, a lady boarder in the house. A colored woman who was a cook attempted to corroborat her statements, but was contradicted by the other witnesess whose names are mentioned. Mrs. Blair says her husband cursed and tried to get the pistol to shoot her and she got it before he could; that he was quar reling with her because she had not paid a bill. Mr.i Blair's mother, Mrs. Cynthia Blair, who lives in Asheboro and will be 73 years old the 20th of next Angus', together with Mr. C. A. Blair, of Ramseur,' went to Col umbia on last Friday and returned with toe corpse of the dead man on Saturday afternoon's tiain. The funeral services were held at ihe M. E. church on Sunday afternoon at one o'clock, Rev. N. R. Richard son performing the funeral cere mony. Alex. B. Blair, a brother, who married a sister of the woman who was alleged to have done the killing and who is yard conductor of Dan ji lie, accompanied tne re mains from Atlanta; also railroad coudnctor Claud West, a son of Mrs. Jennie West, another sister who recently died. Conductor Arms runs on a pas enger train from Columbia through Noith Carolina every day, and was the condnctor who took up the ticket of the mother of the deceased when she went to the side of her dead sou on last Friday. Thee dead-man is a son of the late Mr. R. S. Blair and Mrs. Cynthia Blair, und was born and reared - eight miles south east of Asheboro near Holly springs, ana was 4& years old. lie has been engaged in railroading for 25 years or more, Tom Blair, who was conductor on '97 and killed near Danville three vcars ago, was oue of his brothers; also Alex. B. Blair and C. A. Blair; Mrs. R. L. MahaL-y, of Salisbury, Mrs. B. V. Kivett, of Ramseur, Mre. G E. Allen, of Empire and Mrs.' John 0. Ingold, of Ashe boro. are his sisters. The dexd man was formerly a passenger conductor in North Caro lina running from Charlotte to Washington, and was one cf the best known and most popular con? ductors on the roaa. ibeveral years ago he married Ethel Barentine who was a sister of his brother Alex.'s wife and lived with her in Salisbury at that time. She was a beautiful woman and all went well for a while. Fiuiliy there was trouble between Mr. nd Mrs. Blair which resulted later in their sepan tion Mrs. l'!uv 1 ed i-i Speiicir li several years running a boarding I house, iourorflve years ago she moved from Spencer) to Salisbury. After the trouble with his wife Mr. Blair, it is said, contracted the habit of drinking and lost his job as con ductor on the Southern. He went to South Carolina and was employed ty another railroad. It is said he would go to Salisbury once a year to see his wife, probably often r, and stay a week. During this time his wife did not enjoy tne reputa tion of being an upright woman, and no gentleman who cared for his reputation was ever caught m her company. She is still not an unattractive woman, although she. shows some marks of dissipation as she has for many years, it s said, drunk whiskey regularly. For the: last three years she and her husband j have been living together in Colwut- I bia, aud she has been keeping boarders. She is a daughter of I!ev. Dunrvm Barentine who was local minister and lived near th- Salisbury road four miles west o Asheboro, and was a member c what is known as the OharloUi M P. Church between Asheboro cin the county home. "r. and Mr. Marentme moved fiom Cheraw, S. C. r'luaiji e e t nl 1 ved for sevei al"vears in thi-i county, but moved 20 eatS ir more ago ll (i leeiodi. i .1 w here birth, died leav it.g three The parents of th" deceased a i all the members of his fa ni y st unt high in the communi-y. Ik- was a mason and belonged to one ' more railway Brotherhoods. During the half hour in which he lived after the shooting his mind was perfectly clear and he talked until he reached the hospital mid pnyed for his wife, and children. He left two children, a little girl aged 12 years and a boy aged 9 years. He requested that the song, "Blest be the tie that Binds," be sung at his funeral, and it was his le quest that he be buried in Asheboro. 100TH ANNIVERSARY. The Randolph Chapter of Daughters of the Confederacy Observe Lee'i Birth. The 100th anniversary of the birth of General Robert E. Lee was appropriately celebrated at the academy last Friday night n der the auspices of the Randolph Chap ter of the Daughters of the ;on federaey. Col. A. U. McAlister read several tributes to Lee. Among them were Cardinal Wolseley and Benj. II. Hills, the latter considered one of the prettiest tributes ever paid to any man. "lie was a foe without hate, a friend with out treachery, a Boldier without cruelty; A rictor without oppression, and a victim without murmuring; He was a Christian without hypocrixr. and a man without guilt. He was a Caesar without his tyranny; Frederick without his tyranny; Napoleon without his selfishness; and Washington without his reward. Lee's farewell address to the Con federate army was also read. His favorite hymn, "How Firm a Foun dation" was sung by the !audience and Mrs. Kephart sang, "Come un to Me . Mr. Archibald Johnson, editor of Chatity and Children, was the orator of tne occasion, and his address was interesting and in structive. He spoke particularly of Lee as a man, compared him to Washington and held him up as an example for all school children. He urged the parents to teach the'r children to honor the memory of Lee and all Confederate veterans, and insisted that the Daughters of the Confederacy and the teachers in the schools impress upon the minds of the children the many connneu dable traits of Robert E. Lee. There was a large and attentive audience out to participate in this, the first public meeting of the Randolph Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy. Asheboro Furniture Company. The Stockholders in. the Ashe boro Furniture Company Leld their meeting in the Company's office last week. The company did a good business last year and the usual dividend was declared. The direc tors of the company are Messrs. P. H.Morris, B. Moffitt, Dr. F. E. Asbury, W. F. Redding, and W. J. Scarhoro. P. II. Morns is presi dent, W. J. Scarboro, vice president, and J. S. Lewis secretary and treasurer. ;. v i 7m - .m ' T j t 1 State's Exhibit Palace. Tam sto wn Exoosition. Norfolk. Va. MINING IN RANDOLPH. . ItA AffQ FATAL AFFRAY. Several Mnehine liccently InstalUu Doing; StiiTesKi'til Work Capitalists Active. Com uniealed. There appears to be a genera revival in mining in Randolph county and parties from different poiuts of the Worth are now with us almost continually looking up mining properties. This is attributed to the success met with at various points, with what is known as the Snodgrass Gold Washing Machine. Al' ready several machines are now at work with success and several more are now going in as soon as they can be compietea. xnis mac nine is up; plying a long felt' want, as Rt i.1 dolph county is noted for its vast bodies of low grade ore. This machine with a capacity of 200 tons of this soft ore each 24 bouts, makes it a paving investment when in it 50 per cent per ton of the gold is saved. At numerous points in this coun ty there are vast bodies of this low grade ore that will average from $1.00, $2.00 to $3.00 per ton. So you can draw your own conclusions when it is a known fact that from 50 to 75 per cent of the gold can aud is being saved. GOLD AND SILVER. Iola Mine In Montgomery Supports State's Output Most Important la South. Director Chas. D. Walcott, of the United States Geological Survey, reports as follows on the production of Gold aud Silver in the Southern States: The Southern Appalachian States, inc ndiog Alabama, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virgiuia, maintained during 1S05 an aggre gate output of $380,500 in gold and of 110,300 hue ounces in Biiver, valued at $67,283. The most strik ing changes from 1904 were an in- ciease in silver from the copper ores of Tennessee and a decrease of gold in South Carolina. Increased ac tivity in quartz mining was noted from Alabama and Maryland. In North Carolina many mines pro ductive iu 1904 were closed, but th- yield from the Iola mine, in Mimtgo i ery county, compensated f r this. At present the two most i.npoitant gold mines in the South au- the Haile, of South Carolina, iind the Iola, of North Carolina. W. H. BADGETT DEAD. Was Grandfather of Mrs. J. T. W ood, of Asneboro Aged 90 tears. Last week Mr. W. II. Badgett, of Jackson Hill, died at his home there. He was iu his 90th year. Lie leaves a wife and one son, Mr. C. L. Badgett, Mrs. II. C. Byrum, (jooleemee, and Mr. J. T. Wood, of Asheboro, married a grand daughter of Mr. Badgett. The funeral was conducted Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at Cool Springs. Mr. Badgett was a member of the Meth odist church. Mr. Badgett was one of thj best men in Davidson county. In many ways he was a most remtrkable man. He was vei v strong intellectually, and had a tine memory. By profession ho was a s u eyor. ARE Holmss, State Geologist and Van Lindley of Greensboro. MAY ADDRESS THE MEETING IN FEBRUARY. Organization of Caiiniy (oil Itoixla Association Perfected Legislative Committee Appointed to Draft Bill. First Monday In February. This is the date of the next meet ing of the Good Roads Association ; ! of Randolph county. At a meeting of the oracers of the Association held Monday night in the office of the secretary, the or ganization waa perfected by the elec tion of S. W. Lini hlin, fiist vice president; R. K. Ross, second vice piesident; G. G. Hendricks, vice president for Asheboro township a'ld W. J. Scarb-jro, vice president for Asheboro. The other townships left open at the last meeting will be appointed at the February meeting. A legislative committee has been appointed to draft a bill to be pre sented to the legislature as follows: Win. C. Hammer, G. G. Hendricks and H. M. Robins. This bill will be submitted to the February meet ing of the Association for ratification. President McAlister, at the in stance of executive committee and officers of the association, has issued an invitation to Prof. J. A. Holmes, State Geologist; aud J. Van Lindley, of the Guilfoid county road com mission, to be present on that day ind address the public of Randolph. These gentlemeu are probably the best posted in the otate on economic road work and will talk interestingly to everv one present. Begin now to talk the meeting at the Courthouse the first Monday in February to your friends and let it develop the largest public assembly of progressive citizens of Randolph ever held. Commercially, agnculter ally and for home comfort, this movement means more than all else, and should be heartily supported by every public spirited, progressive citizen of the county. DEATH ATARCHDALE. Mrs. Winston Died Suddently from acute Attack of Heart Disease. Mrs. Winston Blair died suddenly at her home at Archdale Sunday about noon from an attack of acute heart disease. The funeral was conducted Tuesday from the home, the interment being at Springtield. Mrs. Blair was 53 years old, and a daughter of Mr. Duncan White She is survived by her husband, a sister in Pennsylvania, and one brother, who resides iu Thomas ville. She was au estimable woman and had the affection and regard of relatives aud friends. James Hariness, 50 or 60 yeais old, surrendered to Guilford's sheiilf at (Ireensboio a few days ago, confessing that 10 yen s ago he stole a horse from Sheriif Wy croft, of Iredell county. IV ng of dodging be surrendered hm self to the authoiitie-. Yiiiii; White Man StaMtcd. Another At l!i;ll Point Saturday. Wiiltei HeilHi-e1 h is under arrest I .-it. IIilIi I'-Hnt e.h-u-ged wilh causing ill- deaiii "ii bumhty, of James iiurcn. They engngel in a qnar iel S.iturdHV miirning in the yard of Hie TouiliiiHoi. Chair Co., during which ttie f t-irmer stabbed Church witn a knife, ueath following on Suuday at the Juuior Order Hospit al. Hedspeth whs arrested at Ker nersville. His brother, William, who. it said, began the quarrel, was arrested at Greensboro, where he had gone to meet his brother, and is being detained as an accessary. The young men were given a hearing yesterday afternoon. Case Moved t o Iredell. Th1 case against Delia Dilling ham. Henry Lea, and Geo. Irvin, the three defendants who were not lyuched at Salisbury on. the night of August 6tb, 1906, by consent has been removed from Stanly county to Iredell county, where it will be called for trial on Wednesday, Jan uary 31st. At the September term of Rowan Superior Court, the trial of these defendants was on motion of the defendants moved to Stanly county for trial at the January term which convened on Wednesday of last week. As this was only a term of one week and the docket was au unusually large one, it was agreed that the case be removed to Iredell county, where it is more convenient to all parties. PROGRESSIVE ETHER. Patrons of Ktlier Academy Want Special Tax for Hetter School. Prof. J. M. Way delivered an ad dress at Ether Academy last Wed nesday night in the interest of s special school tax for that district The citizens of that section are con templating this action with a view of making Ether Academy a graded school. Prof. Way spoke (.t the condition of the school, of which Prof. J. N, Cagle, of Granr to-vu ship, this county is prhoip.n, in glowing terms. Returning Prof. Way is tel ih schools iu the southern part of t lie county ana report iiiein ma 1 1 ic ing condition. Subscription Puid. L. P. Craven, M. A. Caje, !. f. Cox, H. B. WhII, E. B. Johns,,,., P. M. Julinn. (i. II. Hardin J..n-s A. Ellis, f. W. Milliard. Mrs. V. C. York. R.iheit. Hhiiup", I) Amiim, John Dick, us A. r. (.:ix, Fillmore Presnoll, Ira Cornells,, n, Vli-s Bertha Burres,-. IV, f. N. C. English, (!. H. D.ois, V. E. Hianson, Uev. B. F. llurgeit, W. O. Hanis, Henry Gamer, A. W. Nixon. O. D. Bean, Shuhal Farlow, J. W. Luther, R. C. Lambert, C. W. Birkheid, T. J. S'eed, W. C. Presaeil. Dr. A. H. tJaveiiens, JoBiuh Krazier, I). W I osier, Mis. Ali"e Sialey. Last SuiiUay at the home of P A. Routh. in I'uvidenoe township, Ernest llouth and Miss Annie f''h-'r-Y, h-th rf Griyf' Chapel, w,re miiried. GENERAL ASSEMBLY. The Busiest Session Ever Known at Raleigh. RAILROADS UNDER CONSID ERATION. Reduced Kates Met by Strong Opposi h tlon Anti-Trust Bill In Hands of Scnats' Judiciary Committee Asjlum Case landed. Gorman News Bureau, Raleigh, N. C. Jan. 21, 07. The third week's wo, k of the General Assembly began today at noon with every prospect of a busy week and the chances arc that sev eral of the most important public bills to claim the attention of the lawmakers this session will receive attention in one or the otLer of the two biitnclif s of the legislature. Among these is the Aycoek anti trust bill is ri;id oue. The meas ure will provoke debate in both houses after it leaves the committee room. 'J'Le important bills introduced early iu the session by Senator Gra ham and others to n-.ul'te railway operation and reduce u,.- rates of transportation ;.nd for other pur poses will bo considered by the Ben ate committee on railum! the latter I art of this week and wili consume several days of the sittings of that committee before reaching the sen ate proper. Repiesentatives of the several railway companies will be here from a distance with statistical facts and other figures, access to which is essential to the committee in dealing intelligently and justly with the corporations in perfecting the provisions of the bills. There appears to be a largely shared disposition among the legis lators, so far as the road justment of passenger rates is concerned, to make tne first class fare two and a half cents maximum. There is soma talk of abolishing the second class coach entirely, but I have noticed that there has developed considerable opposition to this policy within the last week. As some of the lawmakers hive stated to me a class of people would take offense if that was done although under the 2-12 cent rate they could ride first class for less then they now pay for the inferior second class accommoda tions. Tbey would demand a sec ond class rate in reduced proportion, say to two cents, and tbeietore it is altogether probable that the bill when finally passed will contain that provision. iJesiues, 1 have heard senators say lately tiiat the second class coach is necessary. The important bills affecting the life insurance bnsiues; tnat have bo far been intiod.iced uv in the hands of the committers and they will pro bably not come up i'i the senate proper this week. The bi'ls affecting child labor in cotton milN an I other fa -tones will also be deferred till later in the sessio'l. During the pit week and afiev c'ciMiinuig ihre- il iys ended Fri lay night in th- aeij uitul of the a'te dams charged wuh the death of th" patient Nal;. Judge Jones, however, in commenting iu open com i, siated that while the verdict as in accordance with the evidence, which was not Mif!'e enr to convict the ii dieted un i; ol n nrder, the evi dence also clearly snowe I that the treatmeut which the pitient receiv ed was "brutal and ho; i ible." That is s io ig language and Judge Jones is a man th i" weighs his words. Still the treatment referrd to was probably chaigeable to the attend ants and cannot prop rly be laid dircctlv at the door of the tuperin- I teni'a-'iis and management of the iiisti u tion. The latter ought, how lever, in all reason, todiaw thecheck reii, a little tighter on a'tendants after this, aud that will in all pro , bab lity be done. I AttiieSabbnh Observance Con tention iu Gretnsboro last week I President Kils, of Trinity, Col I lege, delivered a nmarkably fine j uldrees. Trinity Y. M. C. A., j elected officers for the new year with j W. V. McRae president. Siock holders in the Greensboro Loan and Trust Co, held their an nual session Thursday. S Bryant, of RanJIeman, occupied the chair. The president's rpo:t showed the ' net earnings for 19 )6 to be 19 per cent. The board oc directors was re-elected. Among its members are W. 11. Wat kins of Ranseur; O. R. Cox, of Asheborj and S. Brya.it, of Randleman.

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