1 'A MOORE COUNTY NEWS. N. R. Lewis' saw Mill at Glendon was burned last Fiiday night; also a lot of lumber; loss about $500. The Carthage and Pinehurst II. R. expect to be miming trains into Carthage by -Jul? loth. The little three-year old child of John Ileury Carrington, cbiored, was badly burned at Carthage Mon day. The mother was doing soma washing, and had a fire around the wash-pot in the yard. The child got too close to the fire, and was quickly enveloped in Haines.. Tuesday of lasc week while dig ging a well for YA Leonard, nmr Pilgrim, Davidson county, Ed Clark, colqred, was seriously injured by a bucket of 8toi:e defending 50 feet:n the top of hia head. Jake Haines, of Denton, was mar ried a few days ago to Mrs. Kinla Rogers Tate, of St. Petersburg, Fla. They will make their home at Den ton where Mr. Haines has extet.sive timber interests. Mr. Haines is a business partner of A. E. Davis of this county. Simmons tor National t'h 1 i-inuushl p. Special to The Olir-rrver. As a in it ter uf course the national committee of the Democratic paity will ehunge'its chairmanship next year. There have been suggestions of Senator Martin, of Virginia, by paper' of that State for the succes-! sion. We do not know cf his UaIi-1 fications for the national chairm it -ship, but there l.s one man host qualifications we do kuow of and of whom we can speak with contidt nee. This is Senator Simmons, of North Carolini. He has the genius of politics and is big enough and skill, ful enough a.s a captain for the place. To Prevent t'onsii million. Physicians o f Tuft's Medical School, of Boston, Mass., have been experimenting for months with vac cine inoiulation as a remedy and cuie for consumption. The object of the study is to prepare a vaccine that will sufficiently strengthen the resisting powers of the blood that death from the great White Plague will be occaa onal instead of com mon. They claim success in their efforts, several cures having been af fected. The American Magaziue. The most interesting thing in The American Magazine current is the first installment of Ray Stannard Baker's studies of the race question in the Souht, "Following the Color Line." This article is confined to Atlanta and treats for the most part the it-cent riots in that city giving the point of view of both races. It is very good reading and is illus trated. The title of another article especia'ly thrills The Observer, "At Last We Can Fly." There is much other good matter in this number. .Mis. ( air Improving-. Mrs. Lula H- Carr, who suffered serious ii jury by being thiown from a buggy at Greensboro, iu which she was riding four weeks ago, is recovering very satisfactorily and hei physician says she will be able to leave St. Leo's Hospital in about ten days. Klin Away To Wed. Durham, April IT Mr. Louis A. Sears, of Independence, Missouii, and Miss Kate Sears, of Chatham county, came here to get married last week. The bride is a daughter of Mr-. Harmon Sears, a prominent farmer of Chatham, and she is a very popular young woman. Every woman upprvcmlos a lieautifii complexion, so much desired liy men. Such complexions come to all who use JlnlliKtrr's Rocky Mountain Tea. ".r cento, Teu or Tab Ida. Sold by Standard Drug Co. A man never boasts that he dosen't know the meaning of fear when his wife is present. Thousands have pronounced Hollister's llocky Mountain Tea tho greatest healing power on earth. When medical science fails, it tmecceils. Makes you well and keeps you well. 35 cents, Tea or Tablet. Sold by Jtamlard Irng Co. .Mix Tills at Home. The following simple home-made mixture in said to readily relieve and overcome any form "f li'heiiiniitisni by forcing the kidneys to lilter from the blood anil system all t lie uric acid and poisonous waste ma'ter, re lieving at once hucIi symptoms as backache, weak ki'lnej-H and bladder and blood dis eases. Try it, as it doscn'l cost much to make, mid is said to lie absolutely harmless to the stomach. ' (let tliP following harmless ingredients from any Rood pharmacy: fluid Extract I'andelion, one half ounce; Compound Ivur U'on, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsapa iilla, three, ourci's. Mix by shaking well in a bottle, and iakc toaspoonful after each nieul and njain at bedtime. This simple mixture is said to give prompt relief, and there arc veryjfew eases of lihiu natism and Kidney trouble it will fail to cure permanently. These are all lmrmless, every day drugs, and your druggist should keep them in the pi ese.i i ption department; if not, have him order them from the wholesale drug houses for you, father than fail to use this, if you iire alllicted. OTHERS READ THIS DAUGHTER OF C, W. BTOMP Mrs. C. W. Stump of Canton, Ohio, writes: "I wish I could induce every mother who has a weak, sickly child to try that delicious cod liver prepar ation, Vinol. Our little daughter was pale, thin and sickly. "We tried various medicines, but without any benefit whatever, and she could not take cod lirer oil or emulsions, as they nauseated her and upset her stomach. "Learning that Vlnol contains all the medicinal and strength-creating properties of cod liver oil, but with out the disagreeable oil, we decided to try It, and the reSulta were marvel ous, eo quickly , was she restored to health and strength. "We have never sold a medicine equal to Vlnol for delicate children. Sold by Stindani Drug Co. . FASTIDIOUS WOMEN consider P:xtine Toilet Antiseptic a necessity in the hvc-nic care of the person and for local treatment of feminine ills. At a wash its cleansing, germicidal, deodorizing and healing qualities are extraordinary. For sale at Druggists. Sample free. Address The K. Paxton Co.. lioston. llat,s. Saw Moon Over Iliglit Shoulder. A man saw the lecent new moon over bis rijfht shoulder, and he h expected trouble ever since It came the other morning, when he fell over the railing of the back porch with a pan of ashes in his hand. There was just ice enough on the porch to throw him against the railing which was just high enough to give him the necessary tip and the law of gravitation and the ashes did the rest. The neighbor who saw htm alight, and said it re sembled the tiling of some old Fourth of July cannon loaded with the old fashioned smoky powder and charged with ash pan, grief and profanity. It is said i h man cussed everything from the new moon to breakfast. That's what he got for believing in signs. Business Guide. Ken u Delation. The penalties of a "fast life" are thus portrayed by the Moore County Ne'"3: The man who takes the red, red wine, Can never glue his lips ' to mine. The man vflio chews the navy plug Will in our parlor get no hug. Who smokes, drinks or cuts a deck Shall never, never bite my neck. Don't you monkey wjth those cards Or never can we he pards. The man who gurgles lagt-r beer, Can never, i ever chew my ear. DrinR nothing stronger than red, pop, Or in your lap I'll never flop If aught but water you ever taste Just keep your arms off my waist. If you drink wine or other slop, You can never hear my corset pep. The man who smokes a cigarette" Can never squeeze me you can bet. What's iiri .Mime. Moved by the giief of a man who. o wife had just died, and seeking to console the mourner the minister said "My brother I know this is a great grief that has overtaken you and althoguh jou are compelled 'o mourn the loss of one who wa yot r companion and partner in life, 1 would console you with the assui ance that there is another who sym pathizes with you and feels to em brace you In the unfailing arms of love." At this the bereaved man looked up quickly and asked "what's her name?" Ex. What is it that tastes as pleasant i mapel sugar and quickly relieves coughs and colds? Mothers who have used it will quickly answer: "Kennedy's Lnxative Cough Syrup," The pleasant cold remedy that expel Is the cold through its laxaiivo action on the bowels. Confor s strictly to the 1'ure Food and Drugs Law. t'outiiins no opiates. Sold by the Standard Drug Co , and Asheboro Drug Oo. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup CONTAINS HONEY AND TAR Relieves Colds bv working .them out of tho systom through a copious and healthy action of the bowels. Relieves Coughs by cleansing the mupous membranes of the throat, chest and bronchial tubes. "As pleasant to the tasta as Maple Sugar" Children Like It How To It u it a Newspaper. When a man goes astray Keep it out. When the critic roasts a play Keep it out. When two men in anger clash; Win n n merchant goes to smash; When tho cashier Bleak the cash Keep it out. When they ipmrrel in I lie church Keep it out. When a teacher wields the birch Keep it out. When nine women fair to see VPhisper something over tea Print ii? ( toothless gracious i.ie! Keep it out?" When two statesmen make a de;d Keep it out . When another tries to steid Keep it out. Stories thin and stories lull; (rood and bail and bhf ami small Anything that's news at all '.Hear 'tin shout: Keep it out " j Pi : hi t v II Kii i.u-Tn ssi - wit. Selected. The sweetest lives are those to duty wed, Whoee deeds, both great anil small. Arc close-knitted strands i f an unhruker. thread; Where love ennobles all. The wrhl mav sound .o trumpets, ring no bells- The Book of I.iTe the shining record t lis, Thy love shall chant its own halatitudes After its oivn working. A child's ki-s Set on thy singing lips shall make t!iee glad; A poor man helped by thee shad make thee strung; Thou shall lie served thyself every sense I f service that thou renderest. Ei izuiiait Bmiiiktt Buowsim;. Driul I.eftrrs. The following is a list of dead letters re maining dead in the Ashchoro post olliee April loth I '."C: Allied J Cat, Mrs. M 1'. Kirkmaii. Miss Elie Lain, J ab buck, El.is Mollitt, llew Manor, i.-.;iia!i j'heerinau, Jack Walker, Mr. Lizzie. When calling for the above letters please sav thev were advertised. Yiin will U'!h-j ovr. tin bi'iirtu approval of at h-ast one persou when you please yourself. LEGAL NOTICES. KXKCl'TOR'S NOTICB. Ilavini; uuaiiliol as executor of John Hatn inoiut iluceiiscil late of Kulolol h County, S. C. 'I his is to notify all persons huvimt claims utfal list the estate of said ilceeascd to exhibit them to the iitiilcrsinned on or Ik' fore the 1st day of May 1HUN or this notice will lie pleaduill in oar of their recovery. All persons indebted to sanl statu will pleasu make immcuiute payment. This April Nth, liiW. MADISON HAMMOXli, Kxecutor ot JOHN HAM. MOM) dee'd. LAN'D BALK. By virtue of an order of the Superior JOourt of Randolph C'oiiutv in the special tiioceedlm; en titled Penrl leonard, Fred Leonard et nl Kx Parte. 1 will on the 10th day of May 1KU7, al IU o'clock ill. sell to the highest bidder ill Worth- ville N. 0 . on the niemises the following tracts of laud, tn.wit : First Tract. Adjoiuini; the hinds of Acenith Kfiitnss and others, heKiiming at an ashu on the banks of Iieen kiver, thence Kast 5.V1-S chains to a stone in the old line, thence North 24 chains ton stone, thence West 3 IS chains to a stone. m Julian's line, thence South chains to a hickory, thence Vet4-.'-t-J chains to a black mini on the river bank, them e South follow. mi; the varimis i nurses of the rier to the lie- Kinninif, cnutaimiiK lit acres more or les-. Second Tract. Adjoining thu lauds of E. s. Coble mid others, licgintiing on a small hickory r. s. Coble s line, runniiiif .N. on the dviMon line is elmins mid .Vl links to a stouo in the Worth Miinulncturini; Ciiminuiv's line, thence West on said company's line, one chain and 5S links ton Stone, thence South 17 chains and75ius ton dead black oak iu K. S. Coble's line, thence Smith M degrees Kasiousaid Cobla's line, to Hie ln'Kiuuiug, containing thrui- acics of laud inore. or less. Third Tiact. Adjoiliinl the lain: of I). I.. Leonard snd others, bcifinnim; at a stone. Leonurd'a line, running thence il chains ami fi." I links to a hickory, thence S 5 degrees Kast on Coble's line 4 chains ami u'i links to a stone, thence North ." chuins and M links to stone, thence North :i!) degrees West 7 chaiua U7 links, to the beginning, containing -J-7-I0 acres more or less. Terms of Sal Half cash and thu balance on a credit of six mouths, title to Ik- retained until all of purchase money is paid. ThlsSlh day of April, 1'C. NOTICK. Having qualified as executor on the estrte of Samuel Arnold deceased, before W . C. Ilainnioud, Clerk of the Superior Court of Kaudolph County, All persons having claims aguiusl said estato are nolilleil to present them to the underslgneil, duly verilled, on or lie fore thu lst duy of March puis or this notice will lie pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons owing said estute will cuiiie forward and make immediate settlement. This 11 dav of March l'07. W. W; ARNOLD. , Kxecutor. LAND SALE. Hv virtue of an order of th Superior Court in thc"siecla! pn edings entitled Scth W. Luugh- lin, ailiniiiilraior of Jacob Chrisco, deeeused, et ul Kx Parte. 1 will, on the Dili day of May, 11107, at the limit house door in AsheUiro. Norih Carolins. at J-' o'clock in. sell tu 111 highest bid deratpulilic unction, the followiug duscrilied real etule. to-witt 1 Tiact On tn waters of Ktchland Creek, be ginning at a rock pile, running thence north W , haitistou pi st oak; theiicn ruunliif west t-'t ch ai us to a pot ouk; thenc running south clisint U a led 011 k. theuce" runiiinii east g,r chains to ihe begimtiiig, containing tiily acrtsi. more 01 less, except seven acre soldi oil "of suid 1 land to Wilkin's Harrow. I! Tract Beginning at n pine, Drake's corner, thence north on Drake's line lili chain to a sas. satrus, Trogdrtn'.. corner, thence cast on Trog don's line 14 chn'iis loa .-take Tmgdon's corner, theuce south on Trosdnn's line l chains Ui a sloncpiU 111 said Chris. -o's own hue, thenco j west 011 said line II cliaiiw to the h.'eiiniin,-, containing :lt neres. more or lcs. Said land sold on the following terms: fine- half cudi und the balance 1.11 a credl: of t-ix 1 mouths, litlu 1 1 h. n-t, lined until nil the pur chase money Is paid. j Thi- til a day of April. H0; . t J. A. Si'l'NCf., Colill'iissiouer. i 'Ittl.SMKKV 'ALE. I'.vvTitue 1 .f an in I. t oi the -11 r rim Ciiiiri.il limidulph Countv 1.1. ide in 1 -.v : i ciion there 11 isndil.g eiil'.lk'd W. 1'. llryallt vs. Kni.dolp'i CreaimryCo. I will se'l at C0c.1t line-,. door in As 1. I. .111. s . c. at pi.l.lie .ne iioii to to the hielie I blddtron Mondn.)'. Mavi.lh, I'.'.T, nt l'i o'clock, M.. a certain paier l ,,1 hmd a. buildings siiiuited iu Ihil.do'.ph ci.'.inlv- and 'n ll.c town of Han. lien. an. N. '., it l.-n, ; ihe plan; of the Randolph Creamery Co. sml liu.led as follow s. vu: adjoining the lands of tho southern Railway Company and oilier-, eommeiieiiig m a stake northwest corner of Penrl Hosiery M'fg, OVs. lot iu Southern Railway line, Ihni'ce cast 175 feet Ui a stake, thence north so feel in a stake iu John K. Kerree'i line, thence went 175 feel to a stake In Southern Railway line, theuce ah-iut soith along railway line kj feet the tieginulng, containing 1-3 acre, more or less. Teims of fale, CASH. Sale to lie approYed by the Judge upon resn t of the sale. This. April 4th, 1U07. N. N. NKWLIN. Receiver Kaudolph Creamery Coin p:m y LAND SAI.K: By virtue of an order of sa'u irrutiteil by th. Superior court oi Kan lolph countv on the peti tion of . hones yf. Vimcaiiuoii, administrator of J. H. Meliunii l iiL'iiiii-t James A. Mi Iminel t t al I shall Ml at the emu thouse door in Ashclmro at isi ii clock M. i.n the Mil day of Mav nmr, the tlml.eron l he f. ,,mimk ti let nl land, lo-uit: A tract of hind In tidar Grove imvii-hip. in said countv ud.ioiniim tl.tl.itnlsiif Alsou Cooper. Isaac Hicks and others (-oiiluitiini; alMUt :.in eres or I will sell all tne Ha u a hie l'ine. oak and poplar timber on aid land that measures .' i:hih. in duiinetcr al :n inches from the .'riiiiinl on the slump. Said land K known as the J H Mi Oimiel Home tract. I'lirclm-crs will have two years t cut and remove the limUr. TKKMs, l ash. This 1-1 i'av of April IM; . J. M. VIM ANNO.N, Adinr. and Comr. LAMiSAI.K! By virtue of tin order of sale granted bv the suiierior ourt i,i iiiindolph couiilv on the i ii tion of H. M. Kece against .Icsm- fox et i,l. 1 sluill sell al (lie eourihim-e door In Aslu-horo at iu o clock M. on ihe mil dav of Mav J'.mr. the following real et.ite. lo-ivit- A Iraet" of hui.l in Kichhind l innhip. in suid county adjoining me iiiiiosoi ii a. .tun , gut ami others imuuiied H fnlloWs. to-wit. HiMtiii'in; nt n whil.. i.nU 1 W. Cox's corner by a sinn!! brunch and running south Si chain and :',1 links to a post oak in iiiiiin .ii.ii.ii s a i iu- icenec on nis line 4 chains and 30 links to nis coiner a black jack, thence south on lil line ii chains and :)1 links to a stone In his line thence east chains ami tit links to 11 pistoan thence 1101th :il chains and tin links to a fem e Ihi nee east 011 said Cox's line to the beginning containing li acres mure or ie-s. Terms, ca-li. This 1st dav i f April 1WI7. JOHN T. llklTT.MX.Comr. i North Carolina. ) Superior Court Kaudolph County, f Before the Clc.k. Arkat ie Skecn, w idow of X. R, Ski en, e Hoilgtf, M .1. Hoi! et al, heir al law. John K. fr'kccn, NOTICE The defendants .lee llodgeand John It. skeen willtnke n. t;re thai an ml inn nntitli-il ns alsive has Ih-cii commenced 111 t ie Superior Court of Randolph County t., lime allowed to the piaintiil lierdimer iu 'he Inn Is of N. R. skcrn. deed. The dcleiidai.tv Jes.c Modge and .lolin It. Skis'n will lurthei' lake uoiiei-that they are re.iiested to aptn-iir lieiore Ihe Clelk of llle Supt uorCurt ( ir Kainlolp, I'liumy 011 the S'.lth day of AS-ril, 1!'7, anil answer, plead or demur to ihe ieiii..u In till" cuiw 01 Ihe piaintiil' will upply to the court fur the u-lief ilemaiuled iu Hie peiitoii. This, March vli, 1.I7. W. C. HAM MONO, C. S. C. Kaudolph Ciitiiijr. NuTICP:. Bv virtue oi a 11101", .'age deed executed 10 the undersigned on me I Ith 01 March i:m: hv Mar. eus Hunt, William K iriker and wile,' Laura Kariker. ami duly rerouted in the Kegi-ier's office in Ka'idoli!i Co. in hook 1 1:1 page :'.. I will sell liTi-ush to the highest bidder ut ihe court hou-e door iu A-heln rooil the 4lh of M ly 11107. at 1! o'clock 1:1. the following described I ind conveyed in Mini inortga.'e, in Tabernacle Township, iM-giiiuin- a 1 .1 pine knot;f.. C Si 111 1 h s hue thence in llen' y . uilh s li.ie Kast .'W-.' :) rods while oak - in I., c Smith's line, thence nearly South l.'-J -i rod to a pine knot in Henry Smith's hue. the.ice N n tli -' .1 10 Is to the heuinn iig iMiitaiiiing c.': : cieand .7 rods more or les . Al-o another lot beg lining at hickory North cast comer thence .south 1 --'rods 10 a stone, ihence West 43-1 -4 mils to a slake. thence North 17-1 -i rods to a post oak. tin ice Km! II rods to the begin ning containing in acres more or less. Said is made to foreclose said uioitgage. L. C. SMITH, Mortgage. April i 1W7 North Carolin Kundolph Conutr, VS. Watson Alsten. lialliis Alston, Lizxie Alsten, mid her husband Alsteu, Kosa Alsten, Phillip Alsten, Caleb Alsreu, und Mollie Mc M asters, heirs at law. The defendants, Watson Alsteu, Dallas Alsteu, l.iz.iu Alsten. Celia Alsten and her husbaml Alsten. Rosa Alsteu, 1'hillip Alsti-w and Caleb Al sten, heirs at law of Phillip Alsteu, dis eased will take notice, that an action entitled as above, has bii li instituted iu the Superior Court of said county lor a petition to sell laud to create assets. Said laud being the land of the late Phillip Al len, the said hell's lit law defendants as afore niil. will further take notice Unit they are re united to RpH'ar ut the office of the said clelk for suid county, iu the court house, on the illh day of May, 11107. uud answer or demur tii the complaint tiled in said action, or Ihe plaiutih" w ill upply to the court for the relief therein de manded. This March 3d, 1SHI7. w. C. HAMMOND, C S. C- NOTICE. Having lieen apiminted receiver of liaiidolph Creamery 0,1. puny of the Superior Court of Randolph County, this is to notify nil poisons having claims uguiusl .aid creamery Company to present thein to the utulcsirgucd itumcilinlclv. This March .''th Bin; X. N. NKWLIN. Receiver. NOTICK. Having ip'alilieil us Administratrix 011 the es tate ot .. 1. Rush sr.. deceased, notice is hereby given to all icrsotis holding claims aguiut said c.liitc to present thein 011 or before Ihe first day of April P.icK, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons due the estate are reiiietod to make immediate puvmeiit. This March VJ. III.. 7, MKS.JKAN RC.-H. A. linn. notice. Having i'ialHid as HiUmii'stralor on the csiau ofSiiiiii J. I'ltur Otceuscd.be W.C Haiu- nioiid. 1 Ii rk of the suii nor Court of Kan. lolph County, all persons Inning claims uguiu-l said estate, are untitled to present them to Ihe under signed duly veriiieil, on or Udoiu the a 1st day of March IMiS or this notice will be pleaded iu bur oi iheir is covery: and nil peisoiisovv iug said es tate will come forward uud miike iiniueditile set- etit. I hi LAND SAI.Pi. Hv viriiie of nil order of sale grained by the Su lienor Court 01 Han. lolph countv on the peti tion ot Julian (iiirm r and Worth ilarner and otliei". minors bv their guardians, hineiy c. I.nssHer. Ex Parle. I shall sell at the vnurthnuse door in Ashclsiro, Norlh I'uiollnu nt VJ o'elis k .M. 011 Moiuliiy ihe i:th day of May 1'I7, the follow ing real estate viz. laying mid Isdug iu Con. -oi. I township, iu said county uud on t'nhuirie river and liegiuiiiug on the bank of t'w liKrne liver ut 11 red oak 011 a shoal, ihence north si degrees east M piles I11 a cointuou black oak. near an old mud through the Held, theuce .'In drwes north -At ki1cs tou black oak, nun. .. Iheiiee east fW degrws. north VI mles 4 while ouk Ihence ellst li4 degrees, north SO p.. les to Nouh Husii's line, thence west ii.') degrees, north 011 said line Ho iilcs to a rock, corner, theiu c south to Nouh Rush's eorncr lin k, 4 iles. thence west 011 sai l Rush's line In the t'w hairic river, thence down said river its various courses lo Hie licginnliui containing o'luciesnioreorless. l einis of sule one-half cash and one half in si x ni.i'.ilhs delcrreil piiMiienl to ! on interest fioni dale. 'title leserved until )--iiieut of all of Jthc purchase money, ihe p..i niivcuiei.iiu.in 10 pay nil cnsii ami take deed. March lith 1'" '7. ind Sni.ti, Altonii v K. c. I.A. I I I U. Conn, NOTICK 1 . A. Ibivvvoith ha this d.tv cut-! w lug land ill Rnnilol.lb Countv. i, t of .icies ini.reo, !. ...In 1 ..: : up on 111.- waters, .1 Deep Uivei. a i s..fs. I.. Havwioih. I lvu.i si, . r ai d iNiuuded a eillo-v-. I:, g .11 the iv, st ,..pk of De.-p K: Ul I.. . .,1 et'i.f S, 1,. II. III''- hied. ,1. loss smd river to a slake on c.i; ha is ..I Un Cienee a I loll ll '.V al . I coaise ill.. a..' the las' I.. ",1. of Deep 1 Ver the van. .us emits, s ll-eleei lo .1 Mai;., oi, the east '..ink of said river ..ppo-ih- the soiithea-t conn r of the Se'.h l ox Ian ;, t.n hec west across s.iid river lo the soul he. et cot mi ei IhcSelbCox laud, thence sotilhvv aid along l!ie the west bank of Deep River I he various eoui.es the various thereof to a Spanish oak on the bank of said river, llsyworth .ti Wright's corner thince snutuward along the west bank of said the various courses therenf to the iH-glnning f ir whirl! wilhout nbieetlon Hied within 'Ul .lays, from this date, be wilj H'k lor a wnrrant of survcv tc the C4iui;ty survevor of Kau.tolph i counlv. J. F. Hol'oroiis, This Sleh. i, tWC. Kntry Taker. P, IPo P (Prickly Ask, Poke Root and Petasslum.) . MAKES POSITITB CORES OF ALL FORMS AND STAGES 0F- Fhyileiaai eadona P. P. P. a fplaa- job win retain flesh and itraacth. did combination, ud prworibn U wttk pR Wut at snergy and all dlneuet ramlUn great satisfaction for Uw cures sf all VakW from arartulnc Uw syitam an cored bf forms and stages of Primary; Secondary tha nan ( P, P. P. and Tnrtlary Syphilis, SyphillUo Rhou- Latltoi whooa systems srn poisoned and matism, Sorofulona Utcera and Soros, QJJJ wioas blood la in an impure condition dnn Olandalar Swellings, Rheumatism, Kid- sjsnmm. menstraal imgnlarilles are (wcallaily ney Complaints, Old Chronic Ulcers that WllV benelltod by tha wonderful tonie and SYPHILIS SCROFULA CD have relisted all treatment, Catarrh, Bkin psjaj Diseases, Eciema, Chronio Female jf blood cleansing propertlea of P. P. P Complaints, Mercurial Poison, Tetter, 9 Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Pataaalaav Scaldhesd, ate, ate. Sold by all Drngglsta. P. P. P. is a powerful tonic and an aaaaaW excellent sppitlter, building np the V. LlPPMAN, Proprietor, system rapidly. If yon arc weak and aMayaaaal Savannah Ga feeble, and feel bvdly try P. P. P., and ' ' RHEUMATISM Sold bfAsheboro Drug Co., next door to the Bank of Randolph. Sp ring We have exercised unusual care in selecting our dress materials this season, and we are prepared to sat isfy every taste as to color, design, price, quality and quantity in Dress Goods. No handsomer line in the county. Our trimming counter, with it, Laces, Ribbons, Embroideries, etc., are demanded by the fashion makers. Consult us. Asheboro Department Store Co. 3 W, . fonts by iofy?: HIGH POINT MAHINE WJMS Engineers, Founders, Machinists. High-class repairing in all lines. Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Saw Mills, Lathe Mills and Pumping Machinery. None but expert mechanics employed. We make a specialty of repairing on heavy machinery and sc'icit cor respondence. P YOU REQUIRE PROMPT SERVICE WRITE US. L.?hT SOL ImZFdim raWVAre THE Best. We also liiiinllt' J. I. Xiswen Wagon, Jolim-ton Hunt'i-iing Mucliiiicrv, Miiut'i's, Siovrs, loiiio. s. Mill Su ipl it's, nil kimlM of lliinhiiiiv. Lewis & Winlovv We Sell the Earth! If you are interested in the proposition, in or near Ajheboro. we think we can please yon as to lot, prices and terms. Office in Bank B'ldV. Armfield (Ei Lavighliru Real Esta.te Dea.lcrs. r Don't foriret us, when you need fai niirs implement ir-uch as CORN PLANTERS, rVSOWERS, RAKES, FLOWS, PLANTERS; infac, all kinds of Hardware. McCra.ry-Bsicddin B Tha Traveling JYIan GETS CLOTHES THAT '.J. E.D C ART L AFi D WEAR WEIL. AND FIT WELL - & CO - LC0K WELL The Merchant Tailors and Shirt Makers Lumber 115 "uth Elm St., (Iretnsboro, North Carolina- V When yoor feet are comfortably shod you can work or rest with equal ease. We have a complete line of Peters Shoes for ladies and the well-known Walk-Over for men. New Dress Goods and Trimmings. HIGH POINT 1 B la if w I IhC Hardware ompany. -v Hardware CompEvny r timwwjjwi al Who is iVleasured By ... J

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