THE SOSOW SCHOOL! Lesson VI. Second Quarter, For May 12, 1907. j THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Gen. xlv, 1-15; I, 15-21 Memory Verses, 4. 5 Golden Text, Eph. iv, 32 Commentary Pre pared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. jCpright, 1!07, by Amcri, an Pns Association. We have bfforo us the task of sum mnrizius and getting the heart of the last nine chapters of this wonderful book of beiriiiiiins, the topic of the portions assigned as the lesson heing "Joseph's Forgiveness of His Brethren," which will have an analogy in Jesus' forgiveness of Israel when they shall receive Him at His coming in glory and, turning to Him with the whole heart, shall say, "I.o, this our God; we have waited for Him, and He will save ns" ilsa. xxv, ih. The gospel which does not proclaim forgiveness of sins ns the tirst thing freely given is rot the gospel of God, but "another gospel" of uiuu's device (Gal. i, 0-1:2; Acts xiil, 3S. :)!: Luke xxiv, 4r.-4s. If Jesus has been truly revealed to ns, then we have heard Him say, "Come near." and life and conscious forgiveness are ours in Him (xlv, 4, 30, 11, with which compare Kph. II, 13; I, 0, 7i. To question the reality and sincerity of this forgiveness, as Joseph's brethren did (1, l"t, Is only to display the contemptible meanness of our sinful nature aud to accuse the Lord of forgiving as we do. No won der Joseph wept when after all his kindness to his brethren he found them so misjudging him. Our similar treat ment of our blessed-Lord is enough to make Him weep too. What an abundant revelation of the heart of Christ is to be found In His three weepings at the grave of Laz arus, over Jerusalem and In Geth semnne: We would do well to consid er in this lesson study the seven weep ings of Joseph (xlil, 24; xliil, 30; xlv, 2, 11, 10; xlvi, 2!); 1, 1, IT), five times over his brethren and Benjamin aud twice over his father. Last week's lesson left Joseph ruler over all the laud of Egypt nt the be ginning of the seven years of dearth and in full and absolute control of all the corn to be had. If life was to be prolonged. It could only be by applica tion to Joseph, aud the corn had to be paid for. In our case there Is no life but in Christ, yet it cannot be bought, but must be accepted, a Joseph's breth ren obtained theirs, freely (I John v, 12; Rom. vl, 23i. Tha testing of Jo seph's brethren in chapter xlil and the remembrance of their guilt suggest the true penitence of the nat4on In days to come (Zech. xil, 10), when they shall look upon Him whom they pierced. In chapter xliii Judah consenting to become surety for Benjamin and his plea In chapter xliv, 1S-34, are among the most eloquent parts of the whole Btory, and particularly so as we re member that our Lord came from Ju dah and is spoken of as the surety for Israel 'in Jer. xxx, 21, revised version, margin. The words "peace," "wel fare," "well," "good health," of sliil, 23, 27, 2)S, are all the same word and remind us of Mordecal In Est. x, 3, but especially of Him who Is our peace, our health, our salvation. In xlv, 1, Joseph made himself known to his brethren. Jesus must make Him self known to us, and this He longs to do by His spirit through His word. We should beware of reading the Scrip tures without seeing Jesus, for other wise it may bo time lost. It is beau tiful to see Joseph recognizing the hand of God in all the events of the past (xlv, 5, 7, 8, !'; 1, 2''i and sending the messages of love and good cheer to his father from the long lost son. Two of Joseph's words to his breth ren as he seut them to bring his father should become watchwords with be lievers "Kegnrd not your stuff, for the good of all the land of Egypt Is yours," and "See that ye fall not out by the way" (verses 20 and 24). God would Lave us as strangers here, regarding not this world's goods except in so far as we can use them for Him, but, rich toward God in Christ Jesus, have our affections set upon things above and avoid all strife as we Journey on. In proportion as things unseen be come real all things seen and temporal become unreal. Jacob in his old age is careful to walk with God, and as he is about to pass out of the land of promise to go down to Egypt he seems to Lave some misgivings and to desire a message from God. lie is therefore granted a comforting and assuring mes sage from his faithful God (xlvi, 1-4) and so goes on his way to greet his long lost son. He could not believe that Joseph was still alive till he saw the wagons which Joseph bad sent for him. It 13 well when, there is visible evidence In our lives that Jesus lives end has sent us to bring people to Him (Eph. 11, 10; Tit Hi, 8) . Do not fail to note the meeting of Jacob and Tharaoh and Jacob's testi mony (xlvii, 9k also Jacob's blessing upon the two sons of Joseph (xlvill, 13-20) and the wondrous fullness of the blessings upon Joseph himself (xllx. 22-20). Compare the last words of Ja cob and Joseph in xlviii, 21, and 1, 24, and note the assurance of deliverance from Egypt as foretold to Abraham in chapter xv. 12-10. See Joseph's twice tepeuted "God will surely visit you" (1, 24, 25) and think of the testimony of that coffin In Egypt to many a dis couraged soul ":ho8e long years of op pression ere Moses led them out. We look not to a tead person, but to a risen, living, returning Christ, who will . fulfill every promise of God to every believer. THE FARM TELEPHONE. Bring The Hurnl Dlxtricts In lot Touch Willi The 1 ullahltnnts of The T4 iiNKettlleuce on Th. Furm More Desirable. , Farmers are probably the most enthusiastic telephone users. To the resident of the rural sections, the telephone means even more th.iu it dues to have a splendidly organiz ed postal service, distance reducing, rapid transit ekctrc systems und they live almost twxt door to every other inhabitant in the city. Consequent ly even without the telephone they have not the sense of isolation, the feeling that they are cut off from all their fellow beings that the farmer experiences. Even with all these advantages over the farmer, the cUv dweller, almost without excep ta i n, has a telephone in his otlice or in hid home, lie linds it abso lutely iudispensible. It '3 a busiuess In many ins'a-.ices more busi ness travels by way of the telephone than over all the other highways of commerce. There has been and still is a Li'eat demand for the telephone in this count y aud all are bending th'"ir energies to supplying this de mand. The latest developed telephone field, however, is the rural or the agricultural sections of the country. Two reasons can be eet down for the backwardness of telephone develop ment tn these places. The tirst and most important is to be found in the fact that up to the last four oi five years farmers practically did not know what a telephone was The.; depended entirely for com munication on the slow going mails or their own teams. The secontl reason was the fact that even h"ud the farmers wanted telephone ser vice they could not have had it. The Bell Telephone Company absolutely refused, time r.nJ time again, to give any telephone service to small cities, much less so to a half dozeu or more farmers scattered over wide sections of the country. "There is no monty in it," said they. But then t ter men came into the tele phone bnsiness, the men who are now known as the "Independents." While, comparatively speaking, the telephone development on farms is not great, yet taking into consid eration the very short time the far mers have had telephones at all, this development is most wonderful of the achievements of the telephone. On the modern farm the telephone is a luxurious necessity. One could expatiate all day on the utility of farm telephone aud yet not have to (piarter. To the farmer the tele phone is almost human. It is more to him than any other of the great inventions of the ninetenth centu ry. A telephone on the farm is the best investment a farmer can make, to say nothing of its convenience, and where he can build his own line the expense is nothing compared with the benefits. 1. It saves time, 'horse ilesh'" and money, making many trips to the village unneces-ary. 2. It gives the farmer all the advantages of his village neighbor, by placing him in communication and easy access of all. 3. It calls the doctor night or if : 8i m mm filf 1-5 Ssff ,! I ii , !-!r,T?.i. ;i ri ':A5:'.V-'.V'" Ifc ; 7.'.'i4",'V;"!0.-. -ly.' V f M 1 If ' $ ! day, saving the time that may often mean life or death 4. It orders supplies from his hardware or implement dealer sent out by parties coming in his direc- tiou, and in urgent cases by special messenger, saving t'ie time which j a hx adjunct to rural life, o the farmer in seed time and har- j For full information, rates and vest meaus many dolLrs. i teims apply to The Asheboro Tele- 5. It gives him the daily weath-lphone Company, Asheboro, X. C. er reports whenever he cares to iu- quire, enabling him to avoid loss of MOORE COUNTY ROADS. crops by storm, aud the oppoituuity I of planning his work accordingly, 'uomi k..u AimoHntion to work 0. It enables him to take every j '" Kr""" t'on,,,,0,," ati vantage of the market in the sale! The Moore County Good Road of his grain, and his grain buer is I Association meeting appointied ever ready to keep him informed. Messrs. D. A. McDonald, Jno, L. In this alone he can save more than Cunie and Geo. H. Ilumberas a the cost of his telephone every year.- 7. It euables him to call up his grocer and sell his butter; eggs and vegetables before thev leave the farm, receiving therefor an average price far in excess of what he would receive were he compelled to accept what is offered in a congested mar ket. 8.- It places him in direct contact with the Post Otlice in the eveut of important adjunct to his rural deliv - ery privileges. 9. It sells his stock to the local shipper for more than the market price "in order to till up the car," and nables him to deliver it in prime condition, .villi the least pos sible shrinkage. 10. It enables him to plan his Work during harvest aud threshing when "exchange work" is necessary, and many delays from break-downs in securing supplies are prevented. 11. It places him in direct com munication with his town aud comi ty officials whose represutative ca pacity enables them to more fully serve his interests. 12. It gives him the important dailv news and keens his local news paper fully informed of the social happening in his neighborhood. 13. It rver-steps storms and snow-drifts, aud brings to him assist ance in time of need. 14. It renders fire protection nd is the best "thief catcher in the world. 15. It is protection to wife and daughters against the importunites of tramps and vagabonds, and gives a security nothing els can. ltj. It finds the way strayed cat tie, returns the lambkin to the fold and becomes the shepherd of the neighborhood. 17. It gives his family church and social privileges they can not enjoy without it, while his rural neighbors are always within 'talk ing distance" though many miles apart. IS. It affords his family, and especially his young people, the social converse so essential to their happiness, making home more at tractive and therefoie more enjoy able. 19. Over it he discusses business, politics aud religion, debates '.vays and means" with his neighbors, ar ranges picnics aud club outings school meetings and road-work, in fact the thousaud and one advant ages whered istanceis annihilated. It makes ruial life- the most ideal cf all life, brings the whole country within the confines of a neighbor hood and bestows upon the farmer HtllFlMlii TO GUARD 'SHIPS against the unseen dangers at sea, the United States Government maintains lighthouses. To guard your home against the un seen dangers of food products, the Govern ment has enacted a pure food law. The law compels the manufacturers of baking powder to print the ingredients on the label of each can. The Government has made the label your protection so that you can avoid alum read it carefully, if ft does not say pure cram of tartar, hand it back and Sap plainly ROYAL is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder a pure product of grapes 'cids the digestion adds to the health fulness of food. I many, if not all, of the privileges of his city kinsmen. It is the most valuable iuvest nent he can make, pays fot itself many times every ytar and when jnce installed will make i itself 8i indispeusibl'e as to remain Central Committee to inaugurate an energetic campaign in favor of the Bond issue. The Committee has made arrange ment to have speakings at Cameron, Vass, Southern Tines and Aberdeen on the subject of Good Roads on next Saturday, the 27th inst. On May 4th a Good Road Rally and Barbecue will be held at Pine- i hurst. The Barbecue and dinner "H be iurnished by Mr. Laouird 1 Tufts. I Miss himna Patterson, daughter of Mr. William Patterson, residing near Jwagara, accidentally fell mto the well Sunday mo ning and was drowned. Col. J. W. Hinsdale of Winston President of Glendon Mining Co., 11 have a fine exhibit at James town Exposition. No Tuberculosis In The Ciuat'sMilk.' The milk of the goat has of late been the subject of much investigat ion, and the higest medical authorit ies re unanimoi a in c'eclariug it to be the most wholesome and desira. ble milk obtained from animals for human consumption, snys Richard Arthur, in "Ihe Circle magazine, I ".vs February. To begin with, the Uoat is extremely unsusceptible to, Hn(i indeei1 practially immune from, tuberculosis. It contracts this dread disease only in conditions which can j naraiy comeaoouc in condition wmcn catl hardlJ C0lne about in the oniin- ary course of thing. .Next, goat s milk is more nearly allied than any other to human milk, not only in its composition but also in its pecnl iar fermentative properties an imp ortant point. It has been establish, ed beyond refutation that infants da prived of their mother's milk thrive upon goat's milk much better than on that of any other animal. Summer School at Chapel Hill. The University wishes to help the teachers of the State as far as possi ble, especially with a view to the new high school movement. A sum mer term for these teachers will be held this summer at Chapel Hill. It is important that teachers be pres ent at the opening, June 17. The only charge for teacheis will be a registration fee of $3.00; for others, an additional charge of $10.00 for tuition. Board and lodging can be ob'a neJ in the village at reasonable rates, varying from $10.00 to $20.00 a month. The University building will not be available for these pur poses. The courses offered are in English, Latin, Mathematics French, Ger man, History and Elementary Phys ics. MM n BAKING POWDER IPo Po IP. (Prickly Ask, Poke Root and Potaaslnnt.) MAKES POSITIYI CURES OF ALL FORMS AND STAGES OF- Pkjrielui MlH P. . ' tid eambiuUoa, ut pieieirte tt wtlfc anl MttifoctiM (or th um el all form! nd iUm of Prlmi7i Sondr7 aad Tertiary SypMlia. SjphUltla Rliaa jatlm, Bcraloloai Dlcera aad 8orai, eiaadalar Sw.lllofi, Rhomtiira, Kid ney Complaint, Old Chronit Ulon that SYPHILIS har ntltted all treatment, Catarrh, flkln Dtaeeeae, Eclema, Chronto . F e m a 1 Complaint, Mercurial Potion, Tetter, Boaldhead, etc., ate. P. P. P. It a powerful tonle and aa exeellent appltiier, building op the ejitem rapidly. If yon are weak and feeble, and feel b.dly try P. P. P., and RHEUMATISM Sold by Asheboro Drug Co., next door to the Bank of Randolph. The Store of QUALITY as Here you can find any and everything suitable for the proper furnishing of the home, be it humble or magnificent in its architectural construction. Mantels. Tiles and Grates. We have them in all styles and at all prices and they are sure to please. Carpets, Mattings and Upholstered Goods. Never was there a more complete and handsome array of these goods shown in a North Carolina City- An inspection is sure to make you a purchaser. Dining Room Sets Chairs, center tables, buffets, china closets, etc., and the very latest patterns ara shown. Our silver hollow ware and fine china can't be du plicated in the State. A large line of ranges on hand- $1.00Q worth of lace curtains to close out at cost. If its anything you want in the house furnishing and kindred lines you can find it at our store. Notice We will pay fare both ways and deliver your goods free of charge on a purchase of $100. or over and deliver your goods and pay fare one way on amounts of $25.00 and up to $100. This means from Asheboro or any point along the line to High Point. Yours for satisfactory business, Peoples House Furnishing Company, 8 Big Stores South Main St. SEND' YOUR DEPOSITS If you live out of town and wish to nuke a de posit it is not necessary that you make the depos it in person. Send it by mail. Our system is simple, effectual, and does not necessitate a single visit to the bank. Deposit may be made with or without a pass bcok for we always return a re ceipt for deposits not entered) in the pass book. Write us for details. 4 PER CENT. INTEREST ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS. COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY. 1 BANK OF SOUTH GREENSBORO, grelnsboro. n. c. Branch of Southern Life & Trust Co. ' CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $335,000.00 E. P. Wharton, Pres. E. L. Sides, Cash. INCORPORATED Capital Stcck $30,000 RALEIGH, N. C. 1 CHARLOTTE, N. C Pullen Building. J I Piedmont. Ins. Bid. rurair Ai'mmij) KiVKthn ivnrM'a l-t iii modern Busines Kducatlon. Oldest Business CollcKi' in North Carolina. Positions guaranteed, Individual Instruction, Wenlsoumcii HooK-Keeping, nmiru.uu. , rem iu .bi.i, i,y iunn. nu ftir HomeStudy rutes. Write todav for our Catalogue, oilers and HIkIi htidorsenientii. Itiey are Inc. Adda. KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Raleigh. N. C or Chrlott i 3 i WILL GIVE THIS wQl refill h a" reacts. Weal of oarer aad all diieaae leanltlai (rem arartazliic th ayitem an eared by the aa of F. P. P. Ladle whoa lyitem are poliosed and whoa Mood I la aa Impure condition da to mnatmal Irregularities are peonliatly benefited by the wonderful tonie and SCROFULA blood eleaaelac prepertle of p. P. P., Prickly Aih, Poke Root and PolaaaJaaa. Sold by all DrufgUta. F. V. LlPPMAN, ProprUUr. Savannah, Ga. GO Well as QUANTITY. High Point, N. C. THROUGH THE MAIL- backed by a written contract. No vucatiou. BEAUTIFUL PICTURE. FREEZZ perann in ach nclphbnrbood. Everybody he or lh wot it will gt t the beautiful trtur froehy trti The rirh fn naiL The bctiutifiii pirture in cttlictl "fruit and Klwer ent them tod y u can aline! lh pi rlii re i K. If M lii ti- ! riht f or Iramiut i iplenihdo tell their refrenliiuif ' it. 14 ftnmmorine c"lrs, juit anieut fur an y dining ruum. d I will tend you thepirttire hv return mailpre- n i nave nut tne picture r ( Lb l want you little favor for mr: I want ia to Indues two of your nrichhnri U tend me only 10 crntn each ard to each Brtichbor OI your who payi 10 eta. 1 will then tfnd another picture In connection with a special offer. It will telle only to pen tn two irirnda atxi fr the picture aeithm r afterward. Betheflmtto write. imtev, no. need n nothii On a noiul or in a letter aay "Pear Mr. Ranking-11m eand Die your picture free prepaid." Addrw H. K. RANKIN. lewleawaBMBaiaweHM 1