T SARATOGA STYLES. Mrtakta4. ree ll;it .ln---( an vas. Rtron.e. Tan ami Patent Leather. There is but one Saratog-i one place only which ju'esei.ts such v. -ried attractions. Tin meilicinal wa ters, the beautiful t'ees anil walks, the fine hotels, the incoming and outgoing title of travil, a never failicg source of aiiiuseiiRnt, the delightfi:! morning and evening con certs on hotel verandas, ami above all, when oue has jewels and elegant gown?t Saraosa is the field for dis play. Hotel and hoarding-h nise pi azzas looK like llower beds in full blooa, go great is the variety of this season's eolor, at the tame time modified tiy the still existing "lad'' for white. 'OH Till K.YKM Mi'KNlNii HOl'to: Persons of correct and re I hied taste, usually dress plainly at. break fast time, although later in the tiny, they may astonish onlookers by their elegatat toilettes. Linen tailored "waists make quite a showing, and . eeme have a decidedly military air, with straps across the front finished by pearl buttons, a tuck and narrow .bretelle crossing the shoulders. White Marie Antoinette waists, "white figured percale and cross barred batiste waists are all fash ionable with the never-to-be dis placed black skirt. Lingerie hats, which by-the way have taken on a more elaborate air than at the begin ning of the season, are worn with any morning dres3 and stitched linen with a large white pompon, is also ratronized, but seekers after novel ties sport the Panama hat, trimmed by a simple, fringed scarf. f: -HOES. The striped canvas shoe with a bow on the instep, although one of ;row11 it' Morality anil Iteccm-y. In Charlotte on the fourth :j,50u Dotton mill operatives, from six dif. ferent mills, gathered together and held holiday. Their employers jingled freely with them and aided ;.n the E:::cess of the occasion, thus ihowing good feeling between work ; 'nan and employer. In all that host ;jiays the News, there was not a I drunk, rota light, no profanity: but i 'jood conduct, good fecl.ng, decency md ordtr. homebody sent a 50 1 gallon barrel of beer to the picnic ' grounds and the driver was told be sore he unloaded it to carry it back A-hcre it ..., no from, (.'onirast this. n a dry town, with some of the dis . lusting scenes on the same day in i yet towns. David.-. m Dispatch. : S A bunch of men wore diseu-sing mrders and the like, and the ques . ion of Gaddy's w hereabouts came ; Ip. Gaddy killed J-'ii banks about' year ago in the railroad camp : i?ar town. Immediately after the . ifime people swarmed over the sec on round about and hunted for i Se murderer. .During the above ientioned conversation, one man oW up and declared that Gaddy I'lB dead that hf wa9 caught and died on that Sunday when he shot 'ubanks. The men who hunted ir him were mad enough to have tiled him if they had caught bim, it whether they did or not is a stion. This assertion that he -taught and shot is the first we ; , '5 heard. It may be 60. David n Dispatch. last season's favorites, reappears foi morning and tan or white canvas were never more popular. Mack patent leather is best adapted for afternoon or evening, and either the sandal slipper or the tie is equally stylish, l'ronze footwear is "just the thing" with any toilette, except one for a ball or some other ceremo nious occasion, upon which satin slippers with hand embroidery and a Khinie-stone buckle or chiffon rosette are indispensable. White, washable calf skin combined with tan, in high shoes for outing, have been adopted by the fashionable class, and are even more readilv cleaned than canvas. The "diamond tip" stamps a shoe as belonging ex clusively to this season. A FT K I! NOON" IHlF.S.-K-. Many faulard silks are seen on verandas, in C'ongiess Park or the lllilin SU'tetS. some made in itimiier 'styles, others in the skirt and small ; blouse, Lingerie dresses in princess .style, are sonunvrous and varied I that to describe them would be an endless task. Princess dresses in blue, pink or white silk, trimmed with lace, and worn by the reallv young, are among the "sweetest and j prettiest costumes seen here. Nets I also are very charming, some trinim ed by puffs of colored satin on skirt, waist, aim sieeves, and others are em broidered in colors with contrasting colored silk beneath. I.AHl.E SAILOK H A To are in great tavor here, both for morning or afternoon, with large bows of nbbon or hemmed taffeta silk at the front. A peculiar hat has immense bows of white Brussels net, the edges finished by straw braid, and at the centre of the bon is a cluster of small flowers. Pictures iit'Alainam e Hattle ;i-iiinis, i Dr. W. A. Coble, of this city, is the owner of the laud on which the famous battle of Alamance was I fought. May Hi, ITU. This was undoubtedly the lirst battle of the Kevolut on, and consequently' the real c:adle of American liberty and independence. Appreciating" this fact, Dr. Coble, who besides being a patriot is also a learned historian, has had two large and handsome pictures made, one showing the . monument erected thereto the pat riots who fell in the battle. The other picture ii a good reproduction of the ceiebratid painting by J. Steeple Davis, that shows much of tin- battlefield a a setting to the death of an emmissaiy of the King by the hands of the rebels. Dr. Coble is. arranging to have these pictures in the libraries of tin leading Colleges of the State, ill the . public library fn Greensboro and at - the Guilford Jlattle Ground Mu seum. Copies will also be placed in 1 the State's Historical exhibit at the Jamestown K x j losi t ion . G ree n s boro Telegram. When! People who travel the highways in Randolph and Davidson counties are wondering ho much longer the good people of those counties will put up with the bad roads. These counties are usually progressive on other lines. Even just ten years be hind the times on the matter of good roads and it is against them. high Point Enterprise. 1 iDO YOU GET UP WITH A I,AME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes Ynu Miserable. Almost everybodv vl. reads Hie news mpers is sure to know t the wonderful nude ly Dr. i Kilmer s fwamp II Root, the -jreat kid l nev, fixer and bla 1- iv:imp- - iler feme. v. f I! U the '.rre it med ical triumph of the nineteenth century ; discovered after years of scientific research bv Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidnev and bladder specialist, ami is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame hack, uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and I'riht's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found' just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work and in private practice, ami lias proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement lias been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to findout if vou have kidney or bladder trou ble. When wi itiiiii mention reading this generous offer in this paper andsend your address to Dr. Kilmer S: Co., r.inf-lianiton, N. V. The regular fifty-cent and one- dollar size bottles are Home of Swamp-Root, sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, P.inghaiiiUin, N. Y., ou every bottle. Courtesy to Clerks. If customers would only stop to appreciate the trying couditioiis If'aich surround the average sales people there would be more court esy shown. If the dissatisfied customer would, just for a moment, fancy herself in the saleswoni ill's place, not ouly trying to be selfsuppoitiug but also perhaps shouldering the burden of caring for others besides. The average woman makes little prepar ation when she starts out o:i a shop ping t mr. She has a vague idea of what she wants, br.t she nearly always depends entirely upon tin clerk to know her tas e aud ideas. If customers would only think out at home what they want, how m uh they can pay for it aad where they would perh ips be likely to e cure what they wish. It takes so much time to show goods when a customer has not a def inite idea as to price, quality and amount of material needed. The customer should inform heiself as to the different prices of the d lifer ent qualities of the same materia!. It is the bet plan always to give a del kau idea what the material is needed for and how much oue cares to pay for it. Women shopping are so deeply interested in their shopping expe dition that often they forget to give any consideration to the girl behind the counter. Ketailcr go t Kaads. The "retailing" crowd have had scared looks on their faces all dur ing court this week. Judge Justice is a foe to the small groceiy keeper and the blind-tiger fellows who want to make money through this illegitimate form of traffic. His common sense was shown yesterdav wnen one tellow was couvicted aud thought he could escape with pay ment of a fine. lie offered to natii tine of $500 to be released, but the Judge told him to give his money to his wife and chil reu and sen tenced him to six mouths on the county roads at hard labor. We are tola that one or two fellows who "smelled a mouse ' have made it con venient not to be in all this week. (Jive the fellows a few mouths on the roads and it will soon out a stop to the business. Statilty En terprise. On the lirst of this month a pas senger coach was put on the Dur ham and South Carolina railroad, which runs from Durham to lion- sal, a station on the Sea'-oard Air lane 'J: miles south of lialeigh. Kver since the completion "of this railroad, two years ago. or.lv freight ! trams had been rim on it. A ca-! boose was attached to each freight train, in which persons living along I the road weie allowed to ride with'-i out any charge. This i? the only , railroad we ever heard of. on which ' only freight trains were run and no passenger was charged anything foi , riding on it. This passenger coach, attached to a freight train, makes? connection at Bonsai with No. :'S j on the Seaboard, and leaves lionsal on j the ui rival there of "No. 3s. i NOTICE. Having ipialilied as Executor on ihe es tate of Josiali Luther, deceased, before V. C. Hammond, Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph county; all persons having claims against said estate are notilied to present them to the undersigned, duly veri fied, on or before the 5th day of July I 'JOS, or this notice will be pleaded iu bar of their recovery; and all persons owing said estate will come forward and make imme diate settlement. , This 1 day of July 1907. J. W. Luther, Executor of Josiah Luther. III j FOR THE AILING 3 ABE. li. II. . l-'isher Kcrommenil Smer- ''S" Kemeilj. i Mrs Henderson A Fisher, of franklin township, sends the Post a receipt of a sovereign reuudy for aihnir babies. She save: i te one-third of a pint of fresh i milk, :i tabl.spomfuls of sweet I cream, one t iblesp ionful of sugir, J oue tablespootiful of lime water, two j thirds of a pint of boiling water, This quantity will be enough foi ! the baby a dav, but you will h ive i to make it again for it at night. l't I sure to keep the milk cool, and be j fore giving it to the biby Wuiut it a I little. It the babv s bwels get j loose use less cream in the milk ! Salisbury Post. Don't Forget Creates strength for aged, weak, run-down and debilitated persons and strengthens weak lungs. Vlnol is a Cod Liver preparation true that's why it is valuable but it contains no oil and Is delicious in warm weather. STANDARD DRUG COMPANY. The local telephone company at Fayetteville has been granted an amendment of its franchise by the Board of Aldeiman nd will spend $30,0n0 in improvements. The board also granted tne company au thority to charge a higher rate for service. Do y ' i really enjoy what yon e.C' lW-4 your I 1 I 'a-te gmi'f IK yen fei-l liuiigry and w.im mere? Or do you li.ive a lie.i vv. dull I : in.; iiber meals, sour sioimiii-Ii, beleliiiu on the stumm-li, bad breath, indite--. and dyHpepsia? II you s!;..i:l,l lake il be e Kodol lifter each inei'il. Kedol will no: !, ini.l strengthen your digestive iryiin- .:. i bullish the natural digestive iuiees ! u-v our stiiinaeh. It will make von el. i- .mII make your food do y u u.,',o,. Turn y m iood into md, rich blood. Kodol lii-ests it you eat Sold l.y Standard I h ug ( ami Ashehoro lmu t'o.' The aiiuuiil meeting of the diree ton i f the Orphanage at Thomas v'lle u-as held at that place last wee'. The report of the buperin teiuiciit showed the institution to be 1:1 a good condition and doing a great work. The orphanage sup ported 328 children during the year. "i hat a .Man ut 1,1 Ought tu kmv. Sylv.ems Stall. D. I).. Vir I'ublishinn Co., Phil- u.iilphiu. s!X" p. rict! 1 Hi). It 1 i been aptly sni'1 that a man at fortj live is either a fool or a pln Mrinn. In the curlier looks oi this elf anil Sex Series, the author, Sylvanus ta'.l, L. D., ha soiuiht to save vouiik Uvs, youiu men mid youni; IiusIhuuIs from mistakes In. ii uan only ls uvoi,k.l I intelligence. Kew ini-ii know th..t irreal physical chiiiiKos await them at middle life. I'rehaps It may be truth uillv -aid that men of forty-live areas ignorant of the nature of the oliain?e through which they 'l ire passing as boys at the period udolesceue In tin- book, Dr. Stall, in that honest, frank and fearless, but pure itml matchless wuy which 'listim;uishes.the earlier looks of th series, sets, lorth the character of the changes which occur in tin- physical life of loth nieil and women. Hie author milks- out a clear cau ; appreiso layman of what all itUclligelit physiclau uilmils prepares Us readers to solves the mysteries of those changes and by Inteligemv to escape Ihe sa l consequence of luiionince. To many men the Kui'lance of this hook will be u timely bene dictum. John Moore, a bad negro shot another negro named Carr and two negro women named Fisher, Tuesday evening of last week, on the farm of Mr. Furr, near the Iredell-Rowan Hue. It is thought one of the wo men will die, the others beiug only slightly wounded. Moore has not been apprehended. Nearly all old-fashioned Cough ."syrup ire constipating, especially those that en. 1. 1. n opiates. They don't net just right. ije.ly's Laxative Cough Syrupeontaiii no opiate..' It drives the cold out of the system !y '-ii'iv moving the bowel. Contain l!-..e i:i I Tar and tastes nearly as g -od as uu;.- -yrup. Children like" it. .Mid by -' i: i iid" Ilrug Co. and Asheboro I'nig (',,. I'.'.ick Duke, who is to marry Mrs. Iiiiiian. the Atlanta .'iciely woma:i, has bo;:i;ht the cor"i-r of Wh !ir. and ."dh Avenue, New York City,! f'T : present tor tiie bride, lie i . i . ..ii: l 1.. 1 pain one million m. iiunuie.i ii,.ni-. iti.ti ''.!l:ii's for the ground alone. A ri .iiisiug. clean, cooling, soothing, l.ealii.,' l,Mi;ehol I remedy i lleWitt's far l.o:ied Witch llacl Sabe. Kr burns, ( uis. scratches, bruises, inecl bites, and sure leet it is une'iiah-d. (iood for Tile. JJeivare of imitation. (let 1'eWiit's, !i 1st! e be,!. Sold by Standard Ihug Co. atl.l Asheb Hi) I Mug Co. The Proximity ba&e ball team de feated Thotna8ville on the latter's grounds, last week by a score of 5 to 2 in a hotly contested gam. HICKS' GAPUDINE CURES ALL ACHES Aad Narvoaaa TfialtwUltU AiraiM WASTING STRENGTH Women who suffer from unnecessary, disagreeable, painful, weakening, female complaints, will find that Wine of Cardui is a safe and pleasant remedy for all their ills. It acts directly upon all the delicate, inflamed tissues, purifying the blood, throwing off the clogging matter and relieving female disorders such as irregular, scanty, profuse, painful catamenia, prolapse, etc. Also relieves headache, backache, dizziness, cramps, dragging pains, nervousness, irritability, etc. If you need advice, write us a letter, telling us all your symptoms. We will send free advice (in plain sealed envelope). Address: Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT IN $1.00 BOTTLES "I WROTE YOU for udvke. anj by following It and takinoCirJui. my Female Troubles were turej. " Mrs. R. S. Wallace, Lavaca, Ala. Jl WINE OF The Baptist University Higli-raile school for wotnen. Thirty four oflireisand teacher. Diplomas given in the Arto, Sciences, and Philosophy, and in Music, Art, Expression and Business. Excellent equipment for teaching and illustrating the Sciences. Dis tinct School of the Bible. Full business school, in charge of a competent in structor. Art school, including oil, applied design and china painting. Regular Normal Course, elective for A. B. degree. Social short course for public school teachers. School of music, with ten teachers, and giving instruct ion in piauo, violin and pipe organ. Comfort of students looked after by lady physician, nure lady principal and matron Hoard, furnished room, literary tuition, heat, fees for plivsieian, iinre, gymnasium aud library 19-1 a yea; in ihe club .f"il) to .1 le-s Next session oiens Se.r 4, l'.MI7. For catalogue and all iufoiinution Ad.be.. R. T. VASN. President. Raleigh, N. C. r We also handle J. I. Xissen Wagons, Johnston Harvesting Machinery, Mowers, Stove, Hangea. Mill Supplies, all kinds of Hardware. Lewis-Winslow THE NEWEST AND BEST INVISIBLE That graceful, easy, stylish air which we give garments cannot be successfully imitated. There is nothing like serge for Summer Clothing. See our line. WOOD & We Sell the Earth! If you are interested in the proposition, in or near A jheboro, we think we can please you as to tot, prices and terms. Office in Bank B'ld'g. Armfield (Si Lavighlin. Real Estate DeaJers. WE M oiey asking (Q)1 the ethods IT arm That is why "THE FARM MONEY MAKER" has thousands of its subscribers in the South. That prosperous section is now awake to its enormous possibilities. Every farmer, fruit trrower or live stock man in the Great South should be a reader of Farm Money Maker. We are making a special offer to farmers in the Southern states. Cut out this advertisement and send it to us with 25 cents (just on half our regular price) and we will send you Farm Money Maker fr one year, or mail us 50 cents and you will receive it for 3 years Do it today. Address -.. FARM MONEY MAKER, Cincinnati, Ohio. CARDUI for Women, RAH- 1 HIGH POINT BUGGIES Are THE Best. Hardware ompany. ! .J Lacing Corset. Has been given an innovation by those who ap preciate , the comfortable, neat appearing article of dress. It has meyelet to rust causing unsightly ap pearance Can be woru under shearest material." Call at once and see tlieni. Faultless Fitting The Correct Style Superior Workmanship The Choicest Materials Are all embodied in our MEN'S CLOTHING MORING. TEACH