The Scrap Book A Soft Answer. Two sisters while Ttsttlngj In Ireland got Into conversation one day with A tenant of their hostess. One of the girls, who Is quite stout, asked the old Irishwoman If she would have known them for sisters. "Well," was the answer, "ye look like, but yer sister's slender, while you, miss well, you favor the quane." ! FREEDOM. Is true freedom but to break Fetters for our own dear sake I And, with leathern hearts, forget That we owe mankind a debt? No; true freedom Is to share All the chains our brothers wear And, with heart and hand, to be Earnest to make others free. They are slaves who fear to speak For the fallen and the weak. They are slaves who will not choose Hatred, scoffing and abuse Rather than In silence shrink From the truth they needs must think. They are slaves who dare not be In the right with two or three. Lowell. Forbidden Fruit Is Sweet. IJcv. Madison O. IVtors, the New York clergyman, told this story to a group of young men: "I was strolling one line spring morning in a lienutifm park when I said to one of the guards, 'Look here, why do you have "Keep off the trrass" signs all over the park? Tou don't seem to enforce the rule. 'No. sir,' said the guard. 'The object of the sign Is to cause the people to more thoroughly enjoy being on the grass.' " When Pat Laughed Last. Two Englishmen on a visit to Ireland 111 red a boat f:r the purpose of having a sail. One. thinking he would have a joke at Tat's expense, asked him if he knew anything about astrology. T.e jabers, no." said Pat. "Then liiat's the best part of your life just lost." The socimil Knglishinan then asked Pat if he knew anything about the ology. "He no." "Well. I must say that's the very best prirt of y-:r life lost." A few n;i;i;:tes later a sudden squall arose, and the boat capsized. Pat be gan to swim. The Hritons. however, could not swim, and both called loudly to Pat to help them. "I)o you know anything about swim ologyV asked Pat. "No," answered both. "Well, be Jabers, then both of your lives is lost:-' No Doubt of It. The lesson was from the "Prodigal Bon," and the Sunday school teacher ;was dwelling on the character of the elder brother. "But amid all the re joicing." he said, "there was one to whom the preparation of the feast brought no joy, to whom the prodigal's return gave no pleasure, but only bit terness: one who did not approve of the feast being held and had no wish to attend it. Now. can any of you tell who this was?" "Please, sir, it the fatted calf"' cried several in chorus. Entertainment For Englishmen. Two American girls invited two Eng lishmen to visit them at their coun try Lome in America. One day a mes sage came saying the two men would arrive that afternoon. The family was thrown into a fever of excitement, and many plans of entertainment were sug gested. It was dually decided that, as Englishmen are notoriously fond of a "tub" and their guests were coming di rectly from the train, they should first be Invited to take a buth. The young men arrived promptly ami, after Borne demurring, were hurried off to the bathroom. In about an hour they emerged and went immediately to the hostess, saying, "We are sorry to leave so soon, but we only came to make a call and our train leaves in fifteeu min utes." I. ipplncott's. More Than Enough. An eight-year-old boy went to a church picnic and, being a favorite With the ladles, had been liberally sup plied with good thing to eat. Later la the day one of the ladies noticed the Iboy Fitting near a stream with a woe ibegoue expression on his face and his twnd-i clasped over his stomach. ' Wby, what's the matter, Willie?" he kindly asked. "Haven't you had enough to eat?" "Oh, yes'm," said the boy. "I've had enough. I feel as though I don't want J1 I've got." A Lincoln Comparison. When Lincoln was practicing at the bar, the opposing lawyer in a case had delivered a speech for the prosecution which was an exhibition of the man's conceit. When he was through, Lin coln rose slowly to his' feet and ad dressed the court as follows: Your honor, my colleague, who has Just delivered this brilliant exhibition f oratory, reminds me of a little flat bottom steamboat that way back in the fifties used to pull up and down the Mississippi. It had a five foot boiler and an eleven foot whistle, and every time It whistled it stopped." A Cruel Joke. An old man In Georgia named Jack Baldwin, having Iot his hat In an old Cry well one day, hitched u rope to a stomp ' and let himself down. A wicked wag mniecl Neal enme along .Just then nnd. quietly detaching a bell from Baldwin's old bllni' horse, ap proached the wey. bell In hand, and began a tliic-n-llng. i , Jack. thought the old horse was com ing and said: "Ilang the old blind horse! He's coming this way sure, and he aiu't got no more souse than to fall In on me. Whoa, Ball!" The sound came closer. "(Jreat Jerusalem: The old blind fool will be right on top of me iu a nilnit. Wboa. P,ali: Whoa. Ball!" Neal kicked u. dirt on Jack's head, and Jack began to pray: "0 Lord, have mercym whoa. Ball a poor sinner. I'm gone now whoa. Ball! Our Father, who art In whoa, Bi'.ll hallowed be thy gee. Ball g'e. v.hat'll I do? name. Now I lay me down to si gee. Ball! (Just then lu fell more dirt.) O Lord, if you ever intend to do anything for nie back, Ball! Whoa.' thy kingdom come gee, Ball! O Lord, you kuow I was baptized lu Smith's mill dam whoa. Bull! Ho! I'p! Murder! Whoa!" Neal could hold iu no longer and shouted a laugh which might have been heard two miles, which was about as far as Jack chased him when he got out. Atlanta Journal. A Perplexed Political Economist. When the light against Cuban reci procity was at Its bitterest point in congress, Senator Burrows of Michi gan received this letter from a con Ftitiiotit: Dear Senator If this here receprosty bisnes Is fixd between us and Cuba as they say we'll have to grow our own ter bac or c'.si-' make thorn Cubans rich ciiuiihIi t' buy the hull country. I do a llttel clmwln myself ami I don't b'leve In br.Uiliii tip in. trust. I d like to ratse my own plan. 1 ain't no hand to ask favors, but If you c.ii.'.d scut me a package of terbnc seed It would bo remembered. P. S. I want to raise the kind of plug v.ith tin thitiKs onto It. No Chance For Argument. "(ieorg'," said she to Iter liege lord, who was toasting his shies before the fire, "l suppose you get t.'ie credit for sweeping the snow oil' our front walk." 'I reckon 1 do, Cyuthy." responded (ieorge. "And you know you don't do a lick of It. 1 do it myself." "There can't be any doubt about that." "Well, v.hat sort of it man do you think , on are':" "I'm a hi. unod small specimen of a man. Cyuthy," said Ieorge, still se renely toasting his shins. "I have no doubt 1 n:n meaner and more contempt Iljie than ynii think. You can't get In I any argument with nie on thai prow iii'Hi. I'm the laziest, good for in '!i,n; est. or!:''i 'st man in the neigh bor'.s.v.l. If it wasn't that I've got such a g mil wife, I'd go and blow my worthless brains out. Supper ready yet, dear?" Got Even at Last. Court had been waiting fifteen min utes f.r the stenographer to arrive. Then some one was sent to the tele phone to find out why. "Iio you mean to tell me," she de manded, "that I have kept forty-one meu waiting fifteen minutes for meV "That's it." "Well. I'll be right along. That Is a funny thing. I have been waiting all these years for just one man, and now forty-one of them are waiting for me." What the Tree Would Say. I.ishop Seymour of Minnesota while walking wbh a young lady pointed out to her some of the fine trees Iu the neighborhood. She professed great in terest and delight. She cried: "How the noble aspect of beautiful trees stirs up the keenest emotions of the soul :" Then, patting a great, rough trunk, she went on, "You superb oak, what would j ou say to me if you could talk?" "I believe 1 cau be his interpreter." the bishop murmured. "He would, ly ray, 'I beg your pardon, miss; I am a beech.' " Waiting Fcr a Jury to Grow. "I have it case still pending In a south Coovgia justice court that has been there since 1S7H," remarked Judge Spencer R. Atkiuson, former Justice of the supreme court, to a group of friends at the cnpltol. "Soon after I began the practice of law I took a case for a client involv ing a verbal contract for building a log cabin. The amount involved was less than .S 1 . so suit was brought In the ju-'tVe court of the little country dis-t'-'.i t whe.-e the defendant, the owner of the log cabin, lived. P.y consent of all parties the matter was referred to a jury. The first jury came In with a mistrial. "Another jury was called, and there was another mistrial, and so it went on for six or seven terms of court, each successive jury failing to reach a ver dict. "Then, one day, just before it was lin e to call the case up for submission to the seventh or eighth jury, I receiv ed this note from the justice of the peace: "Dear Sir I write this to let you know the c::so of r.etkham agin Lyles cannot bo tried no rr.ore In this court. You have used up nil t'lo Jrrles In the district and It won't be possible to Ret no more Juries ur.'.ll lime crows up or some new folks ntoves lr.. I have wrote the same notice to the other side. "Your truly. - P. WUJAMS, "Justice of the Peace, 497 district G. M. "With that we dropped the case by common co:i:se::t and have been wait ing ever since for a new jury to grow." Not Whst She Expected. A vl-.lnw had bean courted and won by a physician. She had children. The wedding day was approaching, and It was time the children should know thev were to have n new father. Calling one of them to her she said, "(Jeorglo, I ai:i going to do something iiefore long that I would like to talk about with you," "What Is it, ma?" "I a::i Intending to ninrry Dr. Jones in n few days, and"' "Pu!!y for you, mat Does Dr. Jones know It?" GREATER PROSPERITY FORETOLD FOR European Failures Will Feree World to Look to America For Food Wheat Outlook Is Better Most Grain Is Short With Prospect For Oats Bad. The outlook for an it nprecedent ed year of pr sperity for the farm ers of the country and commercial interests, including the railroads hh well, is evidenced by the Govern ment crop report for Augiut, which was issued at Washington. Never before in thx history of the nation has the outlook been ho bright for high prices on the ae age for ail farmers' commodities. The situation ted ay is this: There i a shortage of 300.000,000 bushels of com, 100,000.000 bush els of wheat, 100,000,000 bushels f oats by comparison with last year. According to the report the out lK)k for the wheat crop is far bet tcr than it was a mouth ago. The tint crop, it is stated by those con versant, is the worst known iu years, besides being 100,000,000 bushels short. The Government ciop report esti mate in detail is us follows: inter wheat, 4()9,o00,0()0 bush el. (Spring wheat, l''.i,Ui.Ki,00J busk vU. Uats, 87(1, 000.000 bushels. live. :n,:IHI,(IOO bushels. li.ili.y, lfi'.l.llliO.liOO l)tiluls. S. riiii- wheat stanilSitt t!) 4-10. is In ST 1() Juii. U.lia are tl ..-r c. i t, as i;-ti per t-t :i t f, r I it 1 v . '1 he ci op of Khicj .1 f.ti it. i . ,u, ii tn'iii tact: .p. Mi CC V'.l l.i tied t '.I I i . t i' h.r. I i : i : .- I ; lie v GREATEST FUN MAKER r Wonderful Moving Picture Machine Gives No End of Amusement. You Can Have a Theatre in Your Home. Hoys and pirls and parents do you like to have fun? And boys, do you like to make money while you are liavini; a lot of fun? Here is an offer that means fun for the boys, fun for the girls, fun for the par eiits an offer that will turn your borne into a veritable theatre-no end of amusement for everybody. I mean a moving picture machine a KKAL moving picture machine that will throw iiKivinn pictures such as you may have seen at hi:,' entertainments. I'ntil recently no one could buy a moving pic ture machine for less than SKVKKAL HUXDKKl) lHHXAKS, but now you have an offer to yet a niovint; picture machine with :t.1l moving pictures All SOU'TKI.V KHKK. Just think a inov inu picture machine outfit I- KKK' 0 Scenes and events from nil over tne world are lirouht rik'lit lo your li.iiue liy this iiiiivinu picture uiaclnne. There is nothinu' that cannot lie repmiluceil liy lliemacliine. You may si-e stirrinir Imrse races, excitinsr prize lights, if you want Ilieoi.iliiriiiu'liuivliiries. with the lliieves iK-in' caiiu'lit in the act by our I rusty I'.ioieras. Ii.iltlc sc. iies. t : 1 1 i 1 1 scents, pi lures of coplt in rhurrh. pictures of ('resident Koi.sevelt iiml .nh. r L'rcat in. mi di'lirerii!.' ;.p.M.. iies, pit lures of i iiildren at play, le.nil inir s.-ene-. yreat i-irilKiiiiikes, and iiuiitle (N i.l others t.i it would keenly interest everyone. Mr. Kllis h:is photugnipliers ever in re.nliiiess to photnrapli every i l n m ,r hiippeiiln' of the that you r'-proilui-e ill your own home any public cv.-ii! liikiii!; phi in N '.v Vnrk ora'ij-- wh-re "!se us if yo i I o u-i the ground youri-lf. You "iin see ships i- . n in i into l he liarliornl .ev York or lliu toii. yo.i can s e Indii.iis liulitinv oil the plains iu the Wet. you cnm-vi'ii see iiie.'Xplosionol il ItusMiiu hatileship its is lirej iioii by llie.liipiiuese. You can s.'e the markets of'. the people in the streets of Paris and Naples, wild animals in the forests of Africa, and ex citing horse races. Piiurcol all kinds co with this moving pi. tare machine, so that thcr" Is no end of entertaiiuncui. I find uuudTltfl Noting plrlare aaratac. Mr it THIS MOVING PICTURE INVENTION THAN Tup film w.n"'n reproduce the wonderful "c pictures shown by this machine are thirty-two pictures to the foot, popular tnn;liird size. This In the size endorsed by the ib iiiiiiz movui( picture entertainers who make SSSSJ& i-'ii la th." ? hi , t ,,V T ..a ,,e"u'r" iith.-r and catch the moving object n In the dPTerent staees of action, thus presenting them to the eye as If thu objects were really alive ef.ire you. Yoj don't ripprl '". ',0 muf''1 traveling IUJ u u.u 1 ueeu when you have a good in .vim-; i.. 'ure mnchlne In the house. You fi -it i-U'ht in your own parlor nnd look at fniiu an ov-r t. world Just as If you ni l t riveted thousands upon thousands of miles nnd wer ,knn at the real scenes then in- ves. The moving picture machine keejs the entlr- liouseholrl In a continual ro-i-id of laughter when the funny pictures are shown. iii the coupon. For instance whon- yo" are 'n,,n at a ..ww bu,,,lne ne and the horse mi which a htint'-r is riding takes a tumble w'ie:i he lumps the fenco it Is funny to see the rl ler roll over iind over on the ground and tV'ti get up and feel the lump on his head. The machine is very popular when there is a p-i j ty at our bouse. Pmldml Ckarln I. Ellta, ak. ka this country for the deficiency in its food material. Iu toiinneniiiig n the present crop outlook, .limes A. Patten, who oa us 15,000,000 bushels xf oats, Said: "I look for an unprecedented year of prosperity am tog the lar mers and all the genet al business iiileretds of the country. While there is a jitvt tlirt.tge iu the crops, the in reaee in' pri.-e will more than make up for it to the fai titers. "The oat crop will bt one of the woist in thu hi story of i tin country. Not on y win there bo a shortage of about 100,000,000 bushed., 'lilt that, which is imiHeste l will bi of a poor : gi.tde. I "The liiilrotdi of t he land will j have all the sit'iiin thev can handle; I in fact, 'O-n- of tin; ro.els will iiuu I th ni-e'.v -s r Hi!; od to cure fj. the I shipnievn.'' . i ! is sin. I ii. n Auo'ie (i .-i , I l'w..,ioiri.- w v?i"' me ciiioe ,; I tx p.-ol I,., si mm. il ivi.ilioii in.ii.. e.iMi oci'teco ill. il .1111 til.- i'i'-5l I (I-, I, b. e.,,.e ,,f t.iO'V ..f tilt- 1 !Aioiift litiiei- I. Toe l'l'i Slili in ! 'iilo i.i- hi ..i! ..i,- 1 1 1 : . 1 1 iw.l I '..i 'Ii,. niile5 o;' ,c. I'm . Mini1 ' want ii in oe i.imiii p.'iis -cutioti ol i!i ii,..i w , ....... 1 1 j. d to kill ! ( en. i. u.i K. il . , . on the I I I' ;i in ti .i . i V Ii .III, "I- .1 !'. i e i i ,i.... -. . I. f 'l-l 'I to . . . .1 I or. ft , nr. . ' i .i.i Itlokcu Il : (''OHp'c'eil n. ! i-e lu 1 2 1 ' Li 3) ICTUME jlro" jI r xp. . H ERE IS A PHOTOGRAPH OF THE It Is the crealest entertainer ever Invented self and nil your visit. vn, KvtTytRxly will lu ulud to rotuc? to ytmr hum wticii you h;ivf one of thtsc f rent moving pi tun- machines iml yiir will luuj'h until your Hides split whvn voti st t In funny pictures. When you own thisiiovintr picture machine unci (lie film of SJ0 free pictures, you rnnvive entertniimientK and make lots mid lots of money. You will be sought after at church entertainments and every social function in jour ncihliorhoiid. The m.-irhino Is mmle of Rtmninn nmuit, Mn k fnpan; oiKht wheel merhnnUm which ilrtvos the iimviiitr U'luret: v.cltiur illiihra:m lenn, triple polished: MtHnlari (ultH extra retlcetur, tkrowinpr ray ii hlit ai feet, ii)tiirKtiiK' the picture up 10 ahout fn, fet't in diameter; lump in fitted with preat mtfety earlide frt'nerator. and producea the hiKhei Uizht power. Huh far renter liKht Miwtr than the ordinary electric liht, producliiK- .VKl candle power on the wereen and hrliipih out every detail of the picture with pronounced dintlnt tiiesi. The earldile ia uhtmhitrl-t tRie, moth miler lhau a kerosene lamp. We fir utt ita almniute nafety. With the out lit we aend liotilt with Instruct m ichiue. Any child can learn lu Ave luinutea BOYS "r1's marvelous - - Moving Picture MONEY c, Mine"-You can make plenty of money giving moving Pic ture Shows. GOOD WORDS T nin ilcllKlitcil with tl-.p ViK-fiino. I have boon nffpred four ilullai-M more ttntn I paid lor it. Leonard Alcer, JSIelli ille, A', y, Tlio Mnvlnsr Plctun- Mitcliinc Is all rlcht: It works all r lu lit it ii I I am iilcisiil with it. I tuimk you u thuu sand times for It. W. J. Lord, H wutliiiiii, X. J'. Tho Movlnar Picture Mn. liino works Ijkert charm. I exjiK-t to nirffcea iircut il. nl of money wii n it. J. Victor cUitzinuii, iJ4 Mulberry Street. Ji'mdiiig, 'a. the. MovitiB 1'lctnre Machine to to ennetlvns represented und I ih to Ihhnk you u thoasiii.d us It is orinyiin; nie noui lun 'und money. K. Martin. Montaiutun. I'a. MACHINE IS A GREATER THE PHONOGRAPH Fvorv Hnmo my tnrned Into a reenlar tVcry IlUUie k ,,. by elvinc niovlne picture shows. For Instance there is no one who would not lie williiue to puy to see Presi- I dent liooHtvelt dcliverliisT one of bi speeches. I It is so real l&fXeteUti is to read tne speet-li be is delivering and BHOOTTNO THX CTJTEB AT COITTT ISLABD, W. T. ran see every gesture he makes. Roys. It la marvelous. The live boy wllb one of these machines can muke plenty of money-all be wontr to spend, heiid . ..upon. THE UNITED STATES. Jurors Fur September Term. First Week: U. L. Jackson, J. F. Hurley, E. G. Green, J. M. Uob ens, Jas. Batten, Alexander Liv ing's to n-, J. M. Tucker, W. T. Mor ton, B. P. I lav wood, IT. F. Hulin, W. F. Kirkuian, J. A. Kirk, I). D. VI cKiti noil, Leucli ltiiHsell, J. M. Kike, A. !. Parker, H. K. Olark, E. U Stoker, Bolim.' King. .7. B. Hal tout, T. A. Thoma, E. C. litisn, M.J. LoLeod, VV. H. Rey nolds, J. S. Moore, It. L. Dennis, V. T. Smith, J. T. Cole, J. A. Floyd, A. L. Williams, A. Ii. S..i vty, O. J. Poole, M. U. Brewei, J. B Green, W. A. McDonald, G. N. Scarboro. Second Week: B. F. Bean, W. Ii. Hicks, J. C. Smith, W. B. John hoi , J. f. Luck, Jr.. Geo. W. Cog gi'i, J A Vtaue, Daniel Parsons, II. . Mxrtin. .1. D. Green. M. T. liiHic, K. M. IKerton. A. W. Burt, I!. V. u-.iidy, J. F. Shaw, W. L.'ew.. W. (I . Willian.p, J. C. hnl:c. l-'iom The Montomeriin. Pj f. J. Allen Holt has annouuc- .(I i hat h.- will be a candidate be loi. Iht'i'-xl lie'iinrral K! c.onjfivhS- i iii, oil c -.Venn. 'ii the lilifi iMs- i tl el. . I' "f. F..-.I' --a- -i l.i.i! Ik- v. . i i b. in it-- . i ii -i.. I Vll'il .'-'i- i . of ii-eiiV-nrr, vas j I i !ii St pi . i . W- nvti -iiid o! to I nrres i n r tii;ii'; ' oay his! I. ..Pi bill lH'..ei t!j- ,k-.v .o. l. of the ; I. .l-'a!nie. I .- ill's I .. i il." I tl.u mm MARVELOUS MOVING PICTURE MACHINE : no end of fun and merriment for your ioim, tellinjr how to operate thin marvelous limf to run thin marveloua i i-hi lie. liim - s Karl 'j!""""""""- ' 'f1-'" 'L- li,l'Nll.pill.-g'1aii.a,'iiiMiipii luiiijiiiijiil. I 'Otitis-?. m$ft0$!r-ir43www 1SZ.t. .'' iBisimi-e-'mf1-- -:- ' .- - Mat 1 I I thf. v.nriFBFri. rmvivr. pirrr n Y OFFER, ... , . , , ..... name nnd address very plainly. Mall this to me today. As soon as I receive it I will mnll you2of the most beautiful pictures you ever saw-all In brilliant and shimmerinnoolors. Tbereare fourteen different colors In the pictures, all wrought together In the most splendid manner. I waut you to dis tribute these Pictures on a special offer among the people you know for 25 cents apiece. They cannot get these p ctures at the art stores nt any iirioe. You may distribute two of the pictures, if you wish, at 50 cents, but you must sell no more than two pictures to' any one person. V hen you have distributed the at pictures you will ha ve collected $7.00. rnd the seven dollars to me and I will immediately send you KRKE the moving picture machine out fit and the 10 feet of film, containing 320 moving pictures, all complete, FREE. I have the so e rluht to eiv it the nuivHn. ..,u..i.i.. ...... ..... you tures, and the first one who answers will .Cat or tear eel Ikis (re f'i scss to teller is tcasssry. Sinplr .Us cosm, write yosr S sea asarisa slalal. ton reantst I will seal roe Its siclsres srf psM. Tkra sll roe will ksrt e ae Is le sUlriisii Ike siclsres. sss tec mofioi aiclsie schiss will ae jeers. CHAS. E. ELLIS PRESIDENT 649 W. 43d STREET Dept. M.o. NEW YOEK CITY A Genuine DIAMOND RING FOR $2.00 Guaranteed. WITH a DIAMOND RING I roveU FREE how to secure a BEAUTIFUL COM PLEXION. DIAMONDS and EXQUISITE. COMPLEXION are both desirable. An opporlimtiy to every woman is now offered for obtaining both. For $2.00 I OFFER A 12 KT. GOLD SHELL RING, tthaped like a belcher, with a Tiffany setting, set with a GEN CINE DIAMOND and vyll send free with every order the recipe and directions), for obtaing a faultless complexion, easily understood and simple to follow. It will save the expense of Creams. Cosmetics and Bleaches. . Will free the si. in from pim ples, blackheads, etc., and give the skin beauty and Hoftness. THE GENUINE DIAMOND RING IS GUARANTEED BY THE MANUFAC Tl lIEIt to he as REPRESENTED, and s-liouM any purchaser Le !Is6atisripd, I will . i Lilly REFUND THE MONEY. DO nr ir.T'PincE lead you to 1mUJ.IT THE GENUIXKN.-sS OR VALUE OF 'TIS PlN'G, ns the ali"Ve guarantor prn'ecti en.-li n"d every mirhaor. SEND :.!?l'0- IIY MAIL ami Mko ADYAN T.ViE OF Tills OFFER in the time is LIMITED. Send size at finger for which ll'.e i dei-ired. T. (!. MoELEY. .U Enti.'I.-il S.i-p-t Now York Citv and this Marvelous Moving Picture Machine, with complete equipment all given away all FREE absolutely FREE Complete Moving Picture Machine Outfit, with tafetr carbide generator and lamp, other equipment and 10-foot film set of 320 pictures. Thl (Trent Movln(r Picture Machine In no toy nor fimull i.uttlt, l.ut h r.-RulHr movinir .lciure niMclittto, iiTiitinif with tllnis ,m the same .rlnclile an the mnviiiK U-ture muehinex that are use.) Iiv cntvr tuinera custiufr buudriMlH unil nuuurvua of dollarn. UOW you can del this tupendoua outfit free is explained below where il aays in big black type. "MY OFFER." r MACHINE rORTHE E0ME HERE IS whr.t yoa ar to do In order to ivct this Hiimlng moving picture machine and the 321) moving pictures: Send your name and address on the free coupon that Is all. Write youi be the first one to receive the great gilts. FREE COUPON GOOD FOR MOVING PICTURE HACDINE 0FFE1 Chab. K. Ellis, President, W9 W. 3d Street. Dpt. U. ii .. New York. ' Dbar Mr. Ellis: Please aend me the twenty-etgtit pictures, so Outfit "YonrV'trui'y Sreat n"iV'DK l,lotur ninchlne Blgn your name and arid rem.