The Scrap Book Would Be the Death of Her. A priest nskoil a young man who had come to confess bow be en rued his Hying. "I'm uu aerowbnt, your river ence.'' The priest wax nonplused. "I'll show ye what I mean lu a brace f shakes." said the penitent, and In a moment was turning himself Inside out lu the most approved acrobatic fashion. Au old wo'iiau who had followed him to emfesion looked in horrified. "When It co 1:0 my tin.; father. ' she gasped, "don't put n p.-.i.-iiiro on me like that; it 'ud tie tin- i!e,i;!i of tnol" Tin-: I'AHi'iiMKXT TE.utt:i:a. Ours Is the h.-ml.-st task, yet r.-.t the loss Shall we reeelve tl.e biossinir f. r our tnll Krnm (he eholee pptrlta of the af:. rtlme. My soul la not n pihice of the p:ist. WheP outworn creeds, like Itmi pray senate. quake. Henries afar the vnnilal'R trumpet lioarst That strikes old systems with a thunder fit. The il-ne Is ripe, and rotten ripe, f ir change. Then I. t It come. I have no dread of what la calle-l for by the instinct of mankind, Nor tl.-ivk I that (Ws world will fall irt Ttec.i tear a parchment til er -Lowell. In a Different Class. Me'P'.da had eliminate 1 the servant girl pr ih'ein from our domestic circle for live yoars, and v,o lelt conscience ftrie! en on 1 he si;b;cct of her pay. "We've been paying Meliuda ;fl .1 v.ook for three years," mother said, "and slie does the washing every Mon day just as regularly as the day co:i:e ." "Why don't you pay her live a Veck':" father suggos'e.:. ' I e 's." n o her resp unled promptly. Me in la was Informed that she was to p." l'r. e per henceforth. She was deligVel. tn the following Monday Bhe did not bring forth the tubs on the bad; porch, as was her want. "Aren't you going to wash tiMay, Melinda'r" mother risked after the niort ing had worn along. "N ''111. I v live d"i:.ih ga s don't li no wa hi :'. I at is fo' .!o cheapah la dies." I.Iiiiiieoir's. It Depended. A S.-otcli minister was endeavoring to steer a boat load of ladles to a land ing place on one of the highland lochs. A sc;na!l was bursting, and fho steer ing was ditticult, when one of the girls annoyed him by Jumping up and call ing out anxiously, "Oh, where are we gons to?" "If you do not sit down and keep still, my young leddy," said the minis ter pilot, "that will verra much de pend on how you were brought up." One Point of View. Bart Kennedy, the English novelist and sociologist, says of our senate: "The senate Is true to the American people. Oh, yes, very true to them very true Indeed. Whenever I think about how true the senate Is to the people the case of Mary Miles comes Into my mind. Mary's husband was a soldier out in India fighting for his king. One day n friend snld to Mary: " 'Mary, are your thoughts always true to Charlie awuy out there fight ing the hill tribes?' " 'Yes. indeed, they are,' Mary an swered. 'Whenever a man kisses me I shut ni eyes and try to think It's Charlie.' " The Audience Agreed With Him. An English orator rose to make on extended speech. He began: "Mr. Chairman, I have liyoij long enough" "Hear, hcatl" yelled the audience, anil amid a storm of laughter the as pirant for political honors resumed his seat. Stood tho Test. Coasters of Cupe Cod can tell where they are by a scrutiny of the sand brought up by the lead. Captain Hunk er, confined to his cabin by sickness, once directed that the lead should be iironght to his lxrth for his Inspection. The craft belonged to Nantucket and was In a sand ballast. The male, doubling the captain's infallibility, dropped tha lead Into the ballast The captain's eyes dilated when he aw It, and he asked, "Do you say yon got this sand by sounding?" "Yes, sir." "Then, bj the great horn spoon, Nan tucket's sunk, and we are right over Topper's Hillf" Hard Praying. An old colored man stole a pis and after cetttag home with the animal knelt to pray before retiring. His wife heard him praying to the Lord to for give him for stealing the pig. She went to sleep with Uncle Eph still praying. Later In the night she woke op and saw ber husband still kneel ing En prayer. At daybreak his sup pllcadoua had not ceased. "Eph, K-hy don't yoa oe t bed?" asked his wife. "Let aie 'lone, 'Utah. De mo' I tries to silala to de Lord how I come to steal dat pic de wusser I gits mixed." Aa They Wore Written. A New Hugland druggist Is prepar ing nnhiue scrap hook, containing the written orders of some customers of foreign birth. Here are some that are copied from the original: "I have 11 cure pain In my -child's dln .r -nr:i. l''nre gi e my son some thl t f- relfi ; I'. -T'o-r Ti- ":'. fhw bi'-r.-er live aeuse -- ':! '. . . 1 f - : 1 Iiul;' 's :':: ttl.l-'s p; dote quick as possible by the enclosed girl. This child is my little girl. I scud you live cent to buy two sitless pow ders for a grown up adult who is sike. "You will please give the lettle bol live cents worth of epectff for to throw up In a live months old babe. X. B. The babe has a sore stummlcU. "I haf a hot time in my iusides and wit h I wood like It to be extinguished. What U good for to extinguish it? The euclosed money is the price of the ex tinguisher. Hurry pleas." Apostle and Epistle. A man riding through the mountain of Tennessee stopped rfc) veiling to water his horse before a little cabin, ontside of which sat an old colored wo man v.iiteliing the antics of a couple of I iekanlnnics playing near by. "tbio.l evening, aunty." be called. "Cute pair of boys you've got. Your children V" "l.awsa-inassy: Malt chiliuu! 'lced. dem's mah daticlitch's chilluns. Come hvnh, you boys." As the boys obeyed the summons the 111:1:1 Inquired their names "Chili to goodness, sail, detn cbillmis Is light smalit named:" said the old woman. "Ye see. mah daughtch done g -f 'lisrion long ago. an' tunned dose hy.ah boys right out do P.ible. sail. I'is hyah one's named Apostle Paul, an' do midairs called i:pistlo rotor." A Pert-ncrt Query. "Hog pard. ti. sir." 1 euan the beggar, st ippim; a suburbanite at the ferry. ' "Can yon spare a few cents to hel mo across the river':" "Haven't you any money at all?" 1 "N'oi a icnt." replied the begvrar. ! "Then what d iTereic e does it make which side of the river you're on?" T.Ippincoit's. He Recognized Tbem. "Private" John Allen of Mississippi 1 sioed watehins the parade of the Crand Army f the Kept:!. lie. "That's 11 ,:,1, "t tucn." comment- : el Allen, who f-m:!it all through the civil war on tlio Confederate side. "Tl or-' i-i some'lLtig strangely familiar about them. It seems that I have seen many of them before." "I to you mean to say." asked Senator Maon of Illinois, who st-'.l alongside, "that yo'i r"cocr::i::e any of those face forty years after t lie close of the war?" "Not fa. c: ba. ks." The Signature Wss Good. When the late Oovernor C.ilmore of New Hampshire was superintendent I of the Concord and Claremont rail- ; road he once wrote a letter to one ; of his section bosses who had done something to displease him. All the j man could make out were the date and i Superintendent Cilmore's signature. j Some time afterward, being In Con- I cord, the man went to call on the su- j perintendent nt his office. ! "Hello, John, how do you do?" said Mr. Cllmore. "Well, what are you do lug now?" "Why, I'm up here nt the same place on the section, Mr. Gilmore." "What! Pldn't you get a letter from me?" naming the date. "Yes. certainly." "Well, didn't you know that that was a letter of dismissal?" 1 "Letter of dismissal'."' cried the as- tonlshed John. "No; I couldn't make I 't out. except that it was from head quarters and signed by you, sir. But I after some f-tudy I concluded it was a I pass. As none of the conductors on i the road could read it they all ac- j eepted my statement that It was a : pass from Mr. Cilmore, and I have ; been riding on it ever since " John kept his place on the section. j Gacred Rishts. A true spoeiinoii of manly chivalry was eneoi'n'ercl In a Huston kinder garten. The teacher discovered that a ery small boy was chewing gum. and she bade him tllsireru'e it. "I can't." he said. "You can't?" she answered in sur prise. "Why. yes. you can, and you must." "No. I can't," be persisted and kept the gum in his tnoutu. "Now. why can't you give me that gum, Johnny?" "Because It belongs to a little girl in Somerville."-Ladies' Home Journal. Hard Lines "My mother gives me a nickel every morning when I take cod liver oil," said Willie proudly. "What do you do with It?" Inquired his little friend. "Mother puts It In a money box until there Is a dollar." "And what then?" "Why, then mother buys another bottle of cod liver oil with it." Embarragcsd the Boy. A business man was telling some friend of the disadvantages of hav ing two telephones in his business of fice. ''A uew ofllee boy entered upon the discha g? of his duties last week." sail the merchant, "among which du ties Is that of answering the telephone calls. TIk very first call resulted in his omlrg to n:e with the statement: ' 'You're wanted at the phone by a lady, sir. "'Which oie?" I asked, thinking of the two phon a "'Well. Fir.' said the boy after an mbana.' sed panse, '1-1 think It's your wife, s'r!' Harper's Weekly. A Chance For Fiohting Bob. Th.Oi:-r!i a tyi:)g:ip::!eal error In the tivlf .1 l.i.l a-ie to t;ie rpnate reading 'A 111! t. re -io p-'flv oncers In the navy, c -. 'ten Ir r!..a:ld have rend at SIMPLE HOME RECIPE. Mil This Simple, llclplal Recipe at Heme and Try It, Anyway. Get from any prescription phar macist the following: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup fciarrapa rillii, three ounces. Shake well in a buttle and 1 1! c a teaspoonf til doso after each lm-al iiul at bedtime. The above is considered by an eminent authority, who writes 1 1 a New York daily paper, as the i: i- .-t prescription ever written to icii-'V. Hackachc. Kiciicy Trouble. Weak Bladder and a!l forms of I'riturv ili'Vicultics. This inixtuie acts promptly 011 the el i mum five P- ucs of the Kidneys, tliiblitlg til-m to filter and strain th.' uric nci-. and other waste nutters from the M.iod which ciuscs Klii'iiiiuilism. Some persons who Suffer vi' afflictions may nor feel inolim puce much confidence in this s mixture, yet those w ho have -ay tip' n sul is ere simply eurpi tuc re'icf be in; ff.-c;ed withe, slightest injury to the stjimn or bt r nfpiiis. Mix sonic and uive it a tria lie 'lli;, the certai'.ly c.itiies liieh'v reooin .. ml e.l. It is l !.e pres. 1 ption of a.. mi uciit authoritv, v. hose entire r . : i t :i -li 11, it is .-.aiii, w it , stablinhcd '-v it. A ilrtiL'ir'-t here at home u 'ion '-hod slated t!,:,t he cotild . i'lo-l' supply the i- -'-I ..;;ei,ls or 11 1 i v the p.-escriptinn for mil' leader.-. ..!.-.' lei .'intliciois it a harmless. PaugtiU-r-, lilcrl Ollirer. l'lie follow ii-i; clKi-crs f- : ''v l nivliL. r i f 1 Lc I'onftiic:;:. 1 of North Caivh-H weie elect. . at (i 1 ecll-l'l T" 'a-t Week: Mrs I. U., . f fh:;. . pr. .-ii cut. Mr.- I.. F. I'll;.-!:, . f Gnu ;ir-i vice o-( .-.i.iei.: Mr. m. s. vin.::!d. -f w::,.:. loll. S-fOI . vice pr .-i !elt. Mrs. G. I' l-l vi-i. .d' Moiv . t hi) d ice or. Sid.'lit. Mi". F.'.M. Williams, t.f N . '!,. record' 11 l' secivtarv, Mrs. Gordon Finger, of Chm ; 'ite. c'ncspot.diiii; s-cri tarv. Mrs. L.o 1). Hutitt", of l; o i." 1'ieistrar. Miss Alice Nelson, of Groy .m treasurer. Miss Rebecca Cumeron, of Hills boro, re-elected historian. Mrs. W. 0. Shannon, of Ileiulcr son, re-elected assistant historian , Mrs. W. II. 0ertmin, of S.dis bury, chaplain. There's a re.v.m for that ael. in your hack right where it 'Mitches " . erv time you bend over, turn around er ".ilk m y .hsturce. It's y.air ki'h eys. Tul..- I e Will's Kidney and lllu.l.l.-r l'il'ls. Tl.. are 1111 ..pialed for backuil.e. weiik i-iV eys ami inliimn.alioii of the Lla.Mer A . k's treat niei.t :'5 cents. Sold by Slaa.l.o i Drug Co. A mob etucicd the j.til a; funic-'. Miss., Saturday nn-ming a id took Will Jackson, .Inn Shorts and Geo. U.'hiiiM'b, three Georgia s, and Ivi.ehed them . Th.-y viele asaocia cd with many it-cent b ; rlarics there. ! Tin- !!MI reliah!-' o,-lein re:, vitality, leg'ilin.-- 'lie k I -y-icin Iti-eeiiinieiideil bv , i.l- ll.e Ih-1. Siii-Ii i f i;.;, I M.itniiaiti Tea e.-nt. Tea ei ..tor; re eys mi l Iniggi-i - Hoeky i-lets. i- hone in your lion- means me. 1 a ,m think when ;t comes ' tune ainl wm r . CoiiMlipatioti and indigestion are twins. They ki I peeple inch by I e.l, -., ,jfe B.V.iv every d iy. Ilol'i-tei's I.',.,-! y M entain I'ea ri'tn.iv s the eutise; diives'tl.e diseas" away. 3" cents. Tea and Tablet,. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discourayesaudlcssensaniliitiou; beautv, vigor ami ciieertul licss soon disappear when thekiiineysare out of order or dis- eased. Kidney trouble lias become so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kidnevs. If the child urinates toooften, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should I able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet-tin, depend upon'it, thecausc of thedifli culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as we'd as men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty cent and one-dollar size bottles. You niavfeiHtptt'SasS have a sample bottle .icLKirrSSS bv mail free, a Home of snamp-itoot. ; aimmlct tcil-.iv,' u.l about Fwamii-Root, :nc" aim;.; ma:-; 1 e't lie tlicr-aiais '.f to -ti--.. ...,.il letters 7 c- : .-A ir e ) 1 1 ' . Co The Detective Genius. lOrima;.: In Ktiiuining cp tase things, sa'.d the M'tei.ui dcte. live, that go to aiake suiecs there i, .ne element we usually liaae o;.t. It's luck. My .l.inii.n is that It's nine tenths of the panic. Nup..lo.ii. the giei.r war gen ius, recognized this and had every con fidence in his star of destiny. That star went down eventually and left hliu In the dark like ot'.ier people. The next best thing to luck I consider In tuition, or the feeling that something Is so without knowing It to be so. I made a big reputation lu my day, icy only aids being these two luck and feeling. The case that did me good and made my superiors think I was a great detective were brought about almost exclusively by luck. I was In government service .then and was sent out west to look up the perpetrators of some $1,000 counterfeit bills. St. Louis was the point the money was supposed to em anate from, and there I went. This was the only pointer I had, and my work was very much like looking for 11 needle 111 a haystack. A way to not rid of those couu-torfeit-i of large denominations is in gambling houses where large stakes are play-d for. There's too much ex-i-lienii'i:; 1 - r pe e'le to scrutinize any thing eh ro;,. After spending several d;;; s without eci gen lug a suspicion of a clew lo wvk i I '.vent one even lug into a LMi,ib'i::g den. I didn't go there t" a 'lew because 1 hadn't then thought of the facilities such places afl'or.leil for distributing the "(jueer." 1 went because-1 don't kie.w what I went for. The place had been recei.tly .polled, rind the owner, a respectable ! l.i: g man, was dealing faro. I waicl.etl the game for some time, we:.' cut to the theater and came Lack ill ';! l alf ie-1 11. Fact is I w.ns he.::!-:-'- and I d beard that a tine supper was sel ."it after 11. After supper I lit a cigar i.nd went to the faro table. The game, which when I had left h i; ;iv in tin- evening was small, ha i ;.vv. :: very large. I no ticed ;.-.' I t I'es before different players t r.:c that the bank was havi::g a r:n of bad luck. l'v always b-'en a bit of a gambler .nyself. I had no money to play with, for 1 was at the lime drawing a small salary and really had no funds with me except for ordinary expenses. The truth is that from the time 1 had en tered the g: -ml -ling place I had burned to take a ban 1 at the game. I had torn myt'olf away to the theater, and I liiestlon if my return was not as much due to the fascination the game had for me as the supper. At any rate, the longer I looked on the more resistless became my desire to try my luck. I had peroral of the $1,000 counterfeit bills In my pocket and was tempted to make a sturt lu the game with one of them, but, besides the dishonor of play lug counterfeit money, suppose I should be detected using It. I could never ex plain the matter. It was unexplaln uble. Then the Idea came Into my head that I might claim I was work ing In the line of my business, though that would be pretty thin. Anyway, I finally couldn't withstand the tempta tion any longer and. pulling out one of the bills, slapped It on the big square to in. The dealer started. It was natural that he should start. Thousuud dollar bills weren't plentiful, though I had caught night of two or three during the evening changing hands. One wlnuer I bad seen paid one by the bank. Still, coppering with one was unusual. The dealer looked at me with the most curious expression I ever saw on a man's face Then be asked as calmly lis n sucking dove: "How much stands?" "I'lve hundred." I said. The cards were dealt, and the big square won. I was handed five $100 bills, four of which 1 shoved In my pocket with the counterfeit, putting the other on the game. I soon lost all I had w-oti and. realizing the risk I had run, left t)p house. On the street a man spoke to me. "Iet p." ho said. "There's been de tectives sent out from Washington; probably In town now." It didn't take me six mouths to dis cover that I'd struck something pretty big. though I hadn't the remotest Idea of an explanation. "All right." I said. "What's the oext move?" "Don't know yet. VVho put you on?" "Ycrt V.eep your end to yourself, and I'll k -v mine." "Wlia were you up to, anyway, snovl.i' '.he bill?" I reun-ail.'ered the curious look of the ilea:":- when I'd made my bet. and a ray nt !l;ht begun to break In on me. The faro bank must be a distribut ing point. I'ersous supplied with the bills would come In, bet then) nnd they would be paid out to winners who, If they discovered the counter feit. . would be chary of making a charge that would be a confession that they had been gambling. I'm only telling you this story to Il lustrate vhr.t luck will do for 0 man. How 1 proved my suspicious nnd nab bed the whole gang ts a story In It self and one In which 1 take some pride, but that was dead easy In com parison v.Ith got. lag a cieiv where there win no ilew lu t!;-;-t. When I oITerc ! the bill, int kno.vinr me. the dealer shov ed K triirh e When I went out he sent one of the gang after me to i-.i-.!:e i:iseo eries. Ktmposlng 1 had 1-ei-il : .;: 1 -.v'tll tl:e bills to pass In 1 " ' " ' '.i. 1:1 -i 1. iv t'.iovome' M We Trust Doctors If you arc suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de bility, nervousness, exhaus tion, you should begin at once with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor knows it, too. Ask him about it. Tnlem thro l dallT action of the bowli. poiiim.mii priHlurta m ruusiiiK hft.t aclia. tiiUmmiiPMR. fmifu-i. lyMrpli. hii.I tliu pi-fviMitiiiK tin SiilMilnirill llhet work. Aver'i Tills are llvor pills. Act uUj. all veuuittie. f HAIR VIGOR. iers Alit'E CURE. CHERRY PECTORAL. Money l.ict. On Monday seventh jf Oc'olici. 1 lost between Knee ami AsliebiMO, a Ian leather Hich, containing be tween 1'0" tai anil $i:i".(i(i in bills, silver anil checks, ainl j ;t, cl'S. The li ler will lc liberally re.vnnlcil bv tiolifwug ihi loser. V. M. T sn. Krcet. N. ('. This Oct. :th. Yi.ti never liave any trouble 10 get chiiil 1 en to tnke Kennedy' laxative '"oic'li Syrup. They like it ' eean,e jl tastes 1 par ly !;l,e maple wiknr. Ke--pely', I.nx- tiv ('..i Symp i, a safe, sine aed prompt i-.-n l.-r eoiifli, M"'l 11 Ids aial is "verv member of the b inilv. Sel.l by A, 'eli 10 )-.Il' Co. While attcnifitiii": to remove a belt from a jmlly with a stick last week, (itii, IStont, nti tnijiloye of the Globe Furniture facioiv, at Hiirh Point lost his eves b 1 he ttnk I t ( ; li till phi! in tl Ihiiiflback. striking him in the tyi-s. po , your hack ucli) '! 1 1,1 yen feel tired an. I drovv,y and lack.ii : ill iiinbiti n't if so tliei-e i, ,ot 1 let hi ne wr .hit u it li v,mr L elm v De'.Vitt's Kidney and Mia. 1. 1 r 'l'ills relieve neksiolie, weak kid. 1 v,. 111 il ii llamiiiiitinii 1 f the bladder A week's treatment -" els. Sold by Asheburo 1'rnn Co. TO PUBLISHERS AND PRINTERS We manufacture the very highest grade of Tyi"1, Hrass Pule in Strips, Hirks Col 1. 11111 liules. Bias- Iibor avii.g Kule, Brass Circles, Brass Lenders, Brass Hound Cert.ers, brass beads unci Slops, lb-ass llulleys Metal orders, l,end Metal Kiiri'ilure, I.t .ids anil Sluj;--, Metal Ixtl er,. Spaces ai d (,'u ids (i to -IS point, Metid Quoins, Ktc, Kte , Et., Kic. Old eoliiuin ru'm r. fae d ami made as pood ns new ai a small co-t. I'ii'.ise ii-iiH-mlH-r tluii we ai" lot in uny 'l ie,! or Combination ami are sure that we can make it jjrcat'y to your advantage to ileal with ns A copy of ortr Catnl ptie will lie cheerfully furnished on application. Philadelphia Printers' Supplu Companu, Manufacturers of TYPE and !lih Grade PRINTING MATERIAL Pre, iors Been Typo Foiim'rv. 39 North 9ih St. PHILADELPHIA For Agents A Success "The Old Worlb Aiu!lfe Ways" WM. j EN KINGS BRYAN. 576 Imperial Octavo Hill-en. 251 Hiinrb KltKruviiiK from ph.-UiRruplii. taken 1 Cel. Kryitii. Ke.-iuiiiu hiMiip iiniiiml tho world ami 111, viil. to all mitieim. (irmtust Unik of travel ever wriiien Most moee-fful U.kot ihix nei i-iu'u.ii. 41.0OO cailisi tor ill 4 montrxa. Wrap n lor sample reports of firi inn iiKrios 1-1111.I -veil. The n-onie huv 1 ilciii'i ih. Tti-in:, nt i. harvest. ; Outfit FREF,- Send tifiy cvnN to cover j '" "I niailiiiK uinl humlling. A.ldrosi, THE THOMPSON PUB. C0.,l. Louis, Mo. L. M. FOX, M. D. ASHEBORO. N.C. Often) bit. pnifeNNliuia.1 wiirlce to the citlieiu. of Avliebon and Hurrouiidliij cnmniunltv. nffleed: At Rexldenoe' Dr. J. V. HUNTER, PHYSICIAN - AND - SVR.GCON Office Aahnboro Drug Co. Residence Cornei of Mnin and Wm-tl hUeeto. Asheboro, N. 0. lr. S. A. HKNLLY. I V.yu rin- . nnd - Surc. asi;t:bc i c, n c '- ..,-.-r l; ,)t la.!MI.-, Vol.- SAGWA The Great Cleanser and Blood Purifier. Till) PHKPAHATIOX CO. TAI.M! TIIK KOl,MWl.(i l.tilKlIK.TM. SnrHnpArllla, Prtrkly A.h, (fen llnil, lltw Doclt, lilirubiirli. Alor., Wlltt "lirrr-, KMM.iirriiv t)MH4lrakr( and lianilt-llon. and Is a iKisitivt cure for HIieiimatisiD BIihuI JUMirder,. Mtoniaeh Tniut.les, mid Ki.lney Complaint, Wck lleiidaelie. Malaria, lndlKe-'tioii, ly. iep-iii, Cintipiitloii. Catin rh of the Stomaeh. Nervnienea. 'kin Inseu.-o Salt Kheiiin. Kezeiiiu, 8eniliila. nnd Nenriilm.'. Tin, noli l. ruil lueitieinv does it., work hy el.-an,iiiu mid purify iiiK the entire I1111111111 syslint. lMllt'K ftOc mill 91 prr ll.illlr, Kvery lint lie (jnnrantrril. Jllniiiifnctiirr! ty J. T. UNDERWOOD. "Imj ASHKIIOHO, A. '. Sold By Both Drug Stores, Ashcloro. N. P. COX, Jcweer Asheboro. N. C CHAS. L. HOLTON. Attorney-a.t-Lak.w ASHEBURO, - N. C. Practice in belli Stte ami l-e.leral ronrts Special attention iven to celleelioiis nml the t-ett lenient of estulcs. Oil;.-.-: Neiih tii.le court house. THAD. S. FER.REE, Attorney At La.v ASHEBORO - - - N. C. All matters attended to with care and promptness. Special atten tion given to collections and the settlement of estates. DR. D. K. LOCEHART, DENTIST, Asheboro, N. 0. ofllee Horn n a-m. to 1 p. m OYER THK BANK M(" Ks J p. m. lo i p. m. 1 am now In tny otlef prepared to nacUce dcnt,lrj In Ha varieu brauchus. HOTEL MARTHA WASHINGTON New York L'llth to Hdtli Sin. .luist K.ast of 5ih At.- '1 11 remain a Woman's Ho tel Kxeluciveiy . I liloik from i'Sih St. Subway, "'.Mi cio,s tou curs pis t h e door I lv.-r four Imii ilicl rooms. .'K- -I u t e 1 y Fir'proof Hates SI. 00 per Day and Up Restaurant for Ladies and Gen tlemen l oiivei ieiit lo Shopping p:nl Thuilie DiMiiel. Caters espeiully to Women trav eling or visiting A'ctv York alone St ml for Ho Met Hotel Westminster 16th St. and Irving Place, N. Y. One lilocl EiiHt of IboaoVay Homelike Hotel in Quiet Location European Plan up American Plan $3.00 up A. W. EAGER 1 "H Jt. bROADWAY CENTRAL HOTEL. CD MKk Tl I B SikEI-rr In the Heart of New ork Special Mttralion giTi n to lilies iBeacxtrteii Special Rates for Summer OUR TABLE ia thi louudatiou of our enormous butiiuea. American Plan $2.50 to European Plan $1 00 upward SenH for I.arf;i eoloied Map and (l.iiile of New Yo,L. .',i- f Tilly Hanes, Daniel C. Webb, J 1'roi-rietor. M-.-r.. l ormerly of ; ( h-ji 1. stoii. S. ;Thc Cnly Nrv. Vt ik Hotel a ' i:ir.N ft. , fllBfln S-S ; - , . " C -

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