'7T77 ecu T5he COURIER treads ln'Both News and Circulation. I I I I me COURIER Advertising Columns Bring Results. I I Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Year VOL XXXII. ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, November 28, 1907. No 45 RIER. APPOINTMENTS OF M. P. The Conference of the North Carolina Methodist Protestant Church met at Greensboro last Wednesday, the sessions continuing mntil Tuesday of this week. The first session was given over to pre liminaries. In the afternoon Piesi dent Johnson addressed the confer ence on the work of the past yea. . In closing his address he referred to his desire to retire from thf duties of the office which he had hell for live je is. After receiving reports and refer ring them to t h- vim ions committees the el. ciion of olTicers was entered into with tl,e result as rcpott'-d in last week's Courier. Rev. V. E. Swum, of Ashelioro. whs elected 1'iesident on the second ballot, lit V . Willia.u Porte", of Burliiigrn, was made Seeretar the Conft recce. The time fir holding tin riel conference was set fir Thursday j after the thiid Sunday in Novem j ber. Fri.civ's sessions were taken u; with discussions of various depait nienrs of chinch work. Saturday there was a sharp riv alry for the next conference which closed with tli' iiecopfatice of tin itivttat'on from Liberty in Ran dulph county. Delegates to the Gei'erai Confer enoe which meets in Pittsburg, Pa., next May were 'elected af follow : Clerical, W. E. Swain, Asheboro: T. M. Johnson, T. J. Ogbtirn, J. F McCullough, 11. M. Andrews, Greensboro; J. D. Williams, High Point; A. G. Dixon. Henderson; Laymen, J. N. Willis, T. A. Hunt er, Greensboto; R. T. Pickens, High Point and J. Allen Holt, Oak Ridge. The following appointments were read Monday for the coming yean Alamance W C Lassiter. Albemarle To be supplhd. Anderson C J Edwards. Asheboro T M Johnson. Ashiville J S Williams. Broad River J E McSwain. Buncombe Geo L Curry. Burlington V M Porter. Caldwell Unsupplied. Chatham W D Reed. Chesterfield Unsupplied. Cleveland II S H Thompson. Concord D A Braswell. Davids hi To be supplied by J H Hulin. Denton G L Reynolds. Fairfield W T Totten. Fairview T F McUulloch. Flat Rock A L Hunter.' Foisyth K G Lowdennilk. Gastonia-T A Williams. Graham C 11 Whisker. Granville G W Holm. Greensboro T J Ogburn w i w i ....... 1 i. ...:n I u..;...r ci i, Guilford D A Hightill. Halifax W L Harris, Ha.v River J R Hutton. Henderson A G Dixon. High Point J D Williams. Ivey W A Lamar. La Grunge J F Dozier. Lebanon J 11 Mototi. Liberty J W Frank. Lincoln J A Burgess. Littleton U nsu pplied . Mebaue 11 M Andrews. Mecklenburg T A Plyler. Mocksville T H M tthews. Monroe H D Garman. Mt. Hernion 0 P Routh. Oak klidge W U Lowdermilk Orange Uii-upplied. Pinnacle aud Mt. Zion W F Kennett. Randlemati J II Bowman. Randolph W F Ash burn. Richland J II Stowe- Roanoke C L W hi taker. Rockiugham II W Braswell. Saxapahaw W M Pike. Stanley A O Lindley. St. Paul's C E M Raper. Tabernacle H L Powell. Uwharrie W J Hacktey. Vance J E Hattsell. West, Lexington Edward Sits. Why Not J A Ledbetter. Winstou Station G F Milloway. Winston Circuit Unsupplied. Yarborough N G Bethea. Superannuated J W Heath, P D Moore, W C Hammer. W C Kennett, J Garrett, C A Pichens, Geo E Hunt. Editor of "Our Church Peco. d" J V McCalloch. CONFERENCE. Without appoint nent at their own retiest: 1 I York, J II Turner. C A Cecil, G H Kiggs. Loaned to Seminary C E For li ties. Educational Work S Simpson. In the hands of the president J II Abernethy, J R Ncwlaud, J S Dunn, J L Giles. MIL SWAIN PRESIDENT. Uriel' SKclch of (tie cv I'rr-hlont ot The "'I. I, iiiler-icp. lo v. W. E. Swain, wi-o was 1 s' week elicted President of ti e N . . Coiiferei.ee of the M. I'' huivi'. W as bom III Ores Well, V;!Shll!''o" comity, this State, on July Is.Vi. He was gi ad it a ted fvom "n! kin Coi leae in the ch.-s ! 1 SS-1 . being oidained In t.I.e minis' l in lSS'i. Since Iim oiduiatioti he has f j been on tile Catawba, I,a ! i a u -:e, ar.ee and Mount Ueriicii ennuis, a:id thi Wntdeii -tii in-, ln'i ttij how at the Asheboto Mai ion, which por tion he Mas lilled lot the pist. four years. Koi four ytars he has jcr'.i d the Asheboio Slatun and ban d.mc a good work. The church has glow under his charge ai d besides mi in (teased enrollment the hoi.se oi wi.l,-b'i has been eiilatged ai d re paired ile is a tiieh ss worl.cr and while helig eiicrg. tie and devoted m the cause of the ministry, he is keenly inteiested in the progress of his toAii. Our people will lean; wit ideas ure that tie will cotilanu.! to nuke Asheboro his home. His successor as pasUr is liev. T. M. Johnson, of Gretmshoro. He is able and popular us both pas'.or and preacher. Mrs. Shoaf, charged with Cruelly Whipping the Little Fields Child While Visiting Her TlIK C'OIH IKK presents herewith a lent of Mrs. Shoaf, who is char.. with brutally nialfrcating the eh Id ot Mrs. T. C. Fields, of High Pom ai 's. onoau ana ner tiustiana a'v now in jail at Charlotte, being sect there for safe keeping. A recent attempt to whitewash the horrors of the crime have recent ly been llustraied by affidavits firm the attending phvsiciaiis, who de clare thai the case was uot mi-tretire- sented by vitid descriptions sent out to the papr rs of the State. Little Jennie Fields, the nnfortu nate child, is improving, though she will be disligured for life. Th mother is a bright youtg woman 30 veurs of age, intelligent and very good looking. The Shoaf s will be tried at (he February term of Davi dsou court. Later..! hey gave bond before Mayor A. F. Sams, of Thomasville, in the ium of $500 ei.ch for appear auce at the uext term of Davidson court. Ilea lb of .Mr?. Shaw. Mrs. Rebecca Shuv, wife of the late Peter Shaw, a prominent educa tor of Moore county, died at David sou last week. The deceased is sur vived by live children: Mrs. R. N. Page, of Biscr-e; Rev. A. R. Shaw, t hirlotte: Judge Thos. J. Shaw. Gie-nsboro; Mrs. Robinson, Greens boro; Mrs. Phillips, Manly; Misses Sarah Biid Cornelia Shaw. Davidson. The remains were inteivd at Bet lies- da church, near Mt. Gilead, Fridav. Now is the time to ti-t etr neighbors to subscribe for The CVu- ri -r. i ,1- CONDENSED NEWS. Alvin Huneycutt was killed at a railroad ciossing near Wadesboro one day last week. He was iu wagon with his wife Mid children. They escaped injury. Prof. J. .VI. Bandy, civil engineer of Greensboro, has just completed a water and sewerage system at Lau rinburgafu co-it of f 40,(MI0. He will install another at Wedi shorn. High Postell, was tried at Ashe vivle last week for killing Fi-wanl Edwards, of High Point. L' ( a plea of murder in ihe m-coikI tlegiee. acec-pled by I he S.illcl lor.t he deleud ant w as Kcu'el cc I to ' I v. urs ih the peuiieoii ity. Safe Cr.-K-I.eis were in evidence a: l'ai ieir-f near Wilson last. Fridav nifhi-. F.,i.ling tlie M pjiiy CiA Stove ' ' r. ke oe Coiuhiim'iou off anil by the Use of nitro glycerine the do.ir 'a .is blown otV. Only was secured . Cl.iience Fiuii was sci ious'.y stab bed at High Point one day I .si weik as he came out id Hie op! ra house. His atsalialit is li nktioT.n. ) The National Farmtrs' 1'iiiou ai New Orleans last week launched a sc-1 erne to ) hu e S.iit;u,Uut' bales ol cotton iu a w aieii nise lo hold for l.j ct 1Mb. Saturday a lace riU m c.nrrowly aveil-.t' at 1 ti i liiigtoi., N. ,)., U n.i prom t utioiicd the militia. The net started o'.er lie mtirder of a dice i. Ilicer b a negro criminal. Mis-j Callie Leach and Mr. El wood Blair we.ie mairied at 'i'lioni asvilie last week. Joe Newman, a young man about 20 years of age, was accidentally shot in the leg in Stokes county one day la ;t week. He died a few hours later from less of blood and shock to his nervous system. 15 cases of scarlet -ever are re ported nt Thomasville, and the grad ed schools have been closed ou ac conn of tlie epidemic. The engagement of M'-s Nfary Verser Gravely, of D ni Ule. to Mr. Ernest Ciapp.of Gree. sbo.o was announced last week. The marriage .ill take place iu Janua-y. Hay ti"8 Kin aw, aped i" years, was killed at. a cot - in -in ii- r Linn berton last. Friday. His coat caught in a shaft and his body wi.s c-. tried uiou.id a pulley horribly tnaiulicg it. A V'. mmfff Mr. T. C. Fields, father of the High Point Child that was so Brutally treated at 7 homasville. Ohio Republicans have endorsed Senator PorakT for re-election and for the Republican lonii nation for President. Peter . Hairston a imminent citizen of Davie ci nntv, was thrown from a horse near Walnut Cove h few davs ago and was seiiously in jured. II) is 40 years old. A company n)18 been formed at Wilson til publish an afternoon pa pr. Mr. J. O. Foy is Editor-in- chief, and R. B. Evans will he citv editor and advertising manager. $25 is offered to the person suggesting the name for the paper. A negro festival a few miles south of Mt. Gilead. in i;icl;nioud county last Wednesd iv night, a row occurred and when over it was fo'ir.d inai iour nan oeen rnot ami pro bably two will die. Whiskey was the cause. CAROLINA DAY. Will be Celebrated In Schools. Public FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20th, the Day. IntrreMinj; Pamphlet Issued liy llrpart- in nt of I'.ilin-atiiiii mi the Srotcli li il Sell Irinciit In Nortli ('aruliiiH.' A pamphlet h is been issued from the office of the Mate Snperintetiil jent of Public Install. :tion which contains the material for the exer icises to be held in the public schools iiifthis Stall North Carolitia D.iv." Friday 1 -em er ;"lt,'i. TI,, ! iH-i list of ihe cont n ure: Puface .1. V. Jovner. I Sug-Rf..iiis lo Teachers J For -'AM Ham illflell. Oiigtn if the Scute Mil. a i.e. L'oiinlie., Sell led in Part b Sco.cil i Irish in i irangi C. II. M bane. The lo-gulatois H. C, -',roo. Capture of Charlotte by Corn wi.JI.i. M. C. S. Noble. 1'athwi Kind's .Moui.luin W. (.'. Allen. My Couutiy, ' i'is of Diet S. F. Smith, Rev. D,: id Cald lt. ! --Jo eejin M . Moiela a.'.. J.iliie.-! Ki.ox P.Jk 1'el'iiaid. Ancre-v J.icl;s')ii- llilulll J.iC'vS.ill -Wllllalil AleX.ill li M iry Augusta :. W. Syken. I. V.'. Sykes. Graham R. 1). . I. ouiior. The coti:h Irish in Nortli Caro lina; Their Sehools Lharles Lee I taper. The old North S. ate- -William Gaston. The pamphlet is to be made a basis for the study ot North Caro lina history by the schools of the State for some time before North Carolnia Day, and on tnat day those children to whom the different arti cles have been assigned, will be call ed ujKin to answer the questions assign- d them. "North Carolina Day" in the puMlC sohoils was provided f ir by an ae.t of the legislature of 1V01, and October 12th was the day set apirt in this act unit as the State Superintendent designates some other time. Superintendent Joyner has changed the date to Mie last Friday beiore Chrisf.mis for this year and every succeeding year, as many of the schools are not in session in October. 'iiii.t-Kiiiiia.ini. Ilamsrtir One of tie pretfie-t v ediiings seen here in a long t me toik place 'I'm sdi.y, the l'.tih. at the l.o-pitable Inline of Cnpt. and Mrs. VV. I). Lane, where their sister. Miss Sallie For.st, was united in mariiage to Mr. K ii f us Finuason, the ceremony being performed by lu'V. Mr. l.'ich aid en, of High Point. The bride is prominently connected in Greens boro, Salisbury, Graham and New Yori.'. The groom is a wel. known young man of liamseur. pi"" I'D i"T- m Jennie Fields. Central Figure in the Thomasville Sensation. Burglars visited M t Gilead last ThuiodiiV night. They secured tools from a blacksmith short aud drilled holes in the safes of the Mt. Gtlenl Drug Co., and Bruton & Co., but wire fiigUtell-d away before any further progress was made. Every thing was in readiness for ilviniiuie. No g' cds were misted. The thief. enteiel a wimloA- at each of die stores. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. Perhaps the educational interest of the county has never been in a better condition than at the present time. One recent improvement is the establishment of two new high echo Is by Stale aid, one at Fa'iner and one at IJaniseur. These schools were made possible by the i i.-ing i.f a certain ujiount of money in each pl.ee and the linp'iea ing of the amount by the Slate. Friends of edueati. n will lei all the nppiopi i.t iion by th- l ist L--;.i''uiv of sol),, odd to be used for Hi.!: Seh,i..l iu-.-tl (it tlon and to be aoii..r hmed amoll the V.l' . e. unities j .01 Hoc to . i;e hull! e;n;h county has hi. mi. el . IIon,f .d loplesel.t 'P.es. l!.l..-do l.'i ill 1 1 1 1 1 cot t-'nlt T self I'eiliinate in securing tl:e.-e l.m schools. It w 11 mean the jd.'iciu.r oi high re! ool inl: uciion wjiliii: the leach et -aiys and gilds ..mi pub lic SlIiooI irai tiers al a Iniii'iiin::! of expense as tii'tiou Mi tiles' school w,ll befueto lln.-e i llglhh-to , liter. fhe high school will be run m con- eetioti w i;n ihe leme-itarv uo.k, I'd consists of ii st: ui-t'on beioml ihe common y.-hoo! branch's, which me included in the li.ci ev eu of work. It rhould not I e under stood that instruct on i i (he elemen tary nraiK'hes is tree of mi nm, I nt as scon as th.se are completed in any rchuol the student, can etllel Hie h'gh school department Jree ol tu. tlon. 'i he course of st udy embrace.- fmir years of woik. It will be s-en f ; nn the couise w hich appeals below that, upon the completion of the woi k a studetit would he weil prepared for teaching or for entrance into any of our best cjI leges and uniei situs. It ought to mean thao every t acht-r in tht couuty would lake tlie entile course as soon as possi' le. The couise of study follows: F.rst yeai EnKluh History, Arithmetic and Algebra, Euglish Grammar aud Literature, Latin and Introduction to Science, Second year Algebra, Aucient History to S0O A. D., English Coui pooitio aud Liteiatiue, Latin and PliVbical Geography. Third year Algebra and Plane Geometiy, Mediaeval and Modern History, English Compostt ou and Literature, Latin. Greek and l'lns c.-. 1-oditn year Geometry and" Ad vanced Aiitlinieii.', American mid N. C. History with Chics, English Composition, Wheiorie and Liteia t u it, Latin, Gavk and G -i man. I'io,. S. f. L.iiier will be Mioer ItlUlidel.t of Hie Fanner High School una Prof. W. P. U hite, of UulilSelir. l oth are com eti iu men and it is earnestly hoped that mam wnl avail themselves of this oppor t unity to tin uai high school work this year, because tin- appropriation will go :iiu, filed Dec. lt. .N KW sell lot, llofSKS. The people of liandolph county have decided that it dots not pay to have school in the old l.r house. They want something be'ti-i- aid their '.le.-ir-s are taking d. finite torm in action. Dtuir.g the last four oi five years nrich piognss has been made along this line, ami this year Lids f-iir to in lintain the pace. Ju Trinity township the old Mil ler school h ue has been moved and a new addition made to one end of the luilhlltig. Messrs. 1). M. Wel born and P. C. Flovd are the coin- Mrs. Fit I Is. Mother of the Unfortu nate Little Jennie. i i i i -,' . mittee and Mr. W. S. Needham, of Greensboro, is the teacher. Tlie new local tax district known as Glen. In, in New Maik.r, will soon have a new house completed. This hou-e is very large and built ia aexiruetice with modern plans. When h'. isied it will accommodate l;'-'n'ui.ils with space for two teach eis. i he people in that c. niinunity ar-- iilne to 1 1 -ii- needs ami no doubt the school will be siici es.-fu!. Mes srs. A. J'. Cnltratie, K. L. Davis, II. L. h ie, T. O. Maish, and J A. Kng.isu are Hie in. n.bers of ihe board of trustees. Miss Mas sah Lam et h. of Asheboro, wiil be gin tin- school early iu De em' er. li.:!iiet No. 1, oi Piiiey (irove, of Concu-d, nnd.-r the able oii;iervis lo.i id Mr. f rank liniermi and his assistants, has j-.ist finished a larga house and furnished it with good oesk-. These people are enthusias tic alid lunch advaiiceuieiit may be txpectid fiom them it; the Hear f u init. Mr. Thomas Ingrain, of Bom bay, a teacher uf much experience, will b-miflteiif this situation this year. The etn rgetic committee of dis trict No. 13, or Rocky Mount, of (rant, has been working wonders. Aooat a year ag.i their house was veiy unfortunately burned, but the rally "as made and today there is in) better house of the size iu the county, his also well heated ami good new desks are in position. The committee consists uf Messrs. II. D. Smith, S. G. Spjon and J. Al.Kitig. 'r. W. R. Ashworth, of Asheboro,. Route 2, is teaching for them. Down in New Hope they are build ing a new house for the Oak Glad School. This is district No. 3. Messrs. W. F. II x, T. L. Miller and J. B. Carter are the committee. rhecommuuity surrounding An tiock church aud the schoolhouse of the same name, in Brower, is per haps making the greatest transfor mation. To renUcp the nrpapnt j building which is about 20 feet long and 10 feet high, with a huge fire-1 ! plac for Ivating ap; attus and with I a very poor roof to prottct then j from the rain and suow, the peopl , are planning to erect a large iranie ; building in keeping with tl e gener al idea of schoolhouse architecture. , This work w ill commence at an early j date and pushed to completion ia i time for school early in January. Perhaps some houses have "been itupii.ved without notice being re ceived at the oflice. It is necessary ! to mention the addition of 10 feet ' to the primary room of the Central ; Falls house. This house is well con structed ami futtiis-hei seating ca ! paeitv for 125 pupils or more. Mis , Carrie Evei hart, of Thomasville, is ! principal with Miss Fleta Fox, of .vsi.eiioro, as assistant. Me.-srs. E. L. York, C. L. Hutch rson aud K, H. Liick compose the committee. Tnere are still some po.irly equip ped houses and some buildings that should be replaced by b. ttel struct ures. No doubt there will be a de cided improvement in the next year. Indeed some plans have aire uly beea litim licd. To supplement the usual efforts for improvement we now have the Woman's Betterment A s.iciatioii in working order, and we confident ly expect grea: things from it. Ex perience has proved that the women of other counties have almost trans formed conditions and as much may and should Ik- done ii. Randolph. We tisk the heaity cooperation of all concerned in the work of education in our efforts to piovule better build ings and more attractive grounds vite Murderer to Hang. The Supreme Court has refused ' grant a new trial to Frazier Jones, who was convicted in Guilford Su perior Court of murdering his wife at Gibsonville on last Thanksgiving Day. He was sentenced to hang last January, but on account of the appeal the sentence was not execut ed. The da? for execntiou will be 6xed by Gov. Glenn when decision is returned to the clerk of Guilford court. Hurled at Arlington. Brigadier General Geo. E. Pond, of the U. S. A., died at the home of his sister Mrs. H. T. Bahnson at Salem last week. The remains were interred at the Arlington Cemetery at Washington last Saturday.