HUMAN RACE AFFLICTED WITH QUEER DISEASE Cooper Says Internal Parasites Cause Much Suffering Everywhere. The following remarkable statement Tuna ..nnn-tl.. rcnrln hit T . T rVvnno It concerns the preparation which has been bo widely discussed throughout the country during the past year, and has sold In such enormous quantities . in leading cities: "It is now a well-known fact that wherever I have Introduced my New Discovery medicine, hundreds of peo ple have brought Internal parasites, or tapeworms, to me. In many cases these people did not know the nature of the parasite, and were consequently extremely nervous until I explained the matter to them. In some cities so many have bad Mils experience that the public gemerally became clarmed. "I take this opportunity of explain ing wnat these creatures are, and what j j. unio retruHu buuui. mem la uie past. "Tapeworms are much more com- ture to say that tea per cent of all chronic stomaoh, trouble, or what Is Inown as a 'rundown' condition, Is caused by them. An individual may suffer for years with one of these great parasites and not be aware of it. And W. A. UNDERWOOD, Paudlenian, N. C. SAVE THIS ANYWAY. Put in Some Sate Place, tor It May tome in 11 and v Some Day Here is a simple home-made mix ture as given by an emineut authori ty on Kidney diseased, who mikes the statement in a New York daily newspaper, th-ttit ill reliev altnon any c.ise of K Jusy tcoub'e if Ukeu before the suge of Bright's UUerne. He stated th it such symptom is ianie buck, p iin iu the aid-i, f ie j nenc desire to urinate especially at night; painful and discolored uriatio:j, uiv readily overcome. Here is the reoi pe; try it: Fluid Extract Dandelion, on half ounce: Compound Ktrgm, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sr eaparilla, thee ounces. Take a teaspoonfnl after each m;.d and at bedtime. A well-known druggist here iu town is authority that these ingre clients are all harmless and easily mixed at homo by shaking well iu a bottle. This mixttra has a pjca liar healing and soothing effect upon the entire Kidney and Urinary structure, and often overcomes the worst forms of Uheumatism in just a little while. This mixture is and care the llhuuntisn by forcing the Kidneys Alter and strain from the blood aud system all uric aoid aud foul, decomposed waste matter, which cause these afllictious. Try it if you ain't well. Save the prescription. Hog Cholera. The greatest drawback to the hog industry which breeders in this country have to contend with is what is known as" hog cholera" an 1 "swine plague" Hog cholera is a highly contagious disease and unless checked is liable to carry off a great number of hogs in a very short time. Mr. A. P. Williams, of Burnette Creek, Ind., tells of an experience which he had with some hogs that had the cholera." Five years ago," says Mr. WilIiams,"I was iu the employ of Mr. J. D. Richardson, Lafayette, Ind. as his barn foreman. Some fine hogs that I was feeding took the cholera. I gave them Sloan's Liniment and did not lose a hog. Some were so bad they would not drink sweet milk and I was compelled to drench them. I have tried it at eveiy opportunity since and always find it all 0. K." Write for Dr. Sloan's free book on the treatment of Horse?, Cattle, Hogs and Poultry. Address: Dr. Earl S. Sloan, 615 Albany Street, Boston, Mass. ASHEBORO PEOPLE WITH WEAK LUNGS NEED VINOL. Many people inherit weak lungs which are likely to be attacked by consumpiion. So also are lungs weakened by disease or by a stubborn hacking cough. No matter what the cause, Vinol strengthens weak lungs and gives one the power to throw off wasting dis eases. The reason that Vinol has such power to heal and strengthen is becauss it contains in a highly con centrated or all of the curative, medicinal and strength-creating elements of cod liver oil, actually taken from fresh cods' livers, with the nseless, nauseating oil eliminat ed and tonic iron added. So sure are we of what Vinol will do that ' we ask every person in Ashcboro suffering from weak lungs' stubborn hacking coughs or any wasting disease to try Vinol ' on our offer to return money if it fails. Standard Drug Co . Ashe boro, N. C. "Contrary to general belief, the ap petite is not greatly increased It only becomes irregular. There is a general feeling of falntness, however, and a gnawing sensation in the pit of the stomach. "People afflicted with one of these parasites are nervous and depressed. Their chief sensation is one of lan guor, and they tire very easily. Lack of energy and ambition affect the body, and the mind becomes dull and slug gish. The memory becomes not so good, and the eyesight is generally poorer. "The New Discovery, in freeing stom ach and bowels of all Impurities, seems to be fatal to these great worms, and almost immediately expels them from the system. I wish to assure anyone who has the experience just related with my preparation, that there is no cause for alarm in the matter, and that it will as a rule mean a speedy restoration to good health." The Cooper medicines are a boon to stomach sufferers. We sell them. I The Ashboro Drug Co. ' How modest these ship-subsidy roocerrs are, ihey only want con gress to appropriate $700,000,000 for the owners. Do yon have backache occasionally, Or ''mitclies" in the Me, ami sometimes do you feel nil ti red out, wiilwit ambition ami without f net-gyV ,1( no your kidneys urn n t of order. Tiike DevViit'B Kidney iiiil' Hiuil dor I'illa. Tliey iroiiipily relieve 1 nckuclie, weak luck, iiill.muiiutiiin of lliu bladder and weak kidney. Sold by Slandard Drug Co. ami Asheboro Drcij; Co , Aliebom, N. J. Judge Judsou Harmon, 'of Ohio, is being banned oy his O no friniids for the Dem tnratic nonim ttio i fur President, lie is one of iht moat honest and able 111111 hera of the n ty, and as the I is? would lie able to unite all f.:ti h. KODOIj Kor Dypi'pia and Indigestion is the remit of a Hcientilie. omlmmtion, of natural diijesianU with ve? table acids and contain) tint ..Mnr' juices found iu a heulthv stomach. It is the bet re nedy known to day for dysp)sia, indigestion and all troubles arising from a disordered stomach Take IvODi I tod.iyt It is pleasant, proiui t and thoro.ih. Said by Standard Drug Co. and Asheboro Prill? 1o , Ashebor X. O, The Uepu jliom pjnic has struck the President's Cabinet, so the Baltimore correspiadoat of the New York Times reports; and that Secretary B inapirt w.u compelled to cut dovn his Oiinsi-an gifo list. Tne Secretary when asked about it giid his expiriea3 3 is in no wise peculiar. When vou want the i e-u nt nWin'.i Carbo'iz d Witch Ilaxd Stdve. It is pood for littlo or big cuts, Inula or bruises, and is especially recommended tor piles. Hold by uiuiiaru urug t-o. ami dsncboio LHug Co., "The ujjvO. m.jerais has gone up," says the New York WorlJ Well, as longr as the people keen the Republican party in power which protects the coffin trust they will have to s:inl the exitfiiis of that trust and all the other tariff p roteced trusis. It is a well knoivri fuct that persons living In the Pine forests do not suiler from kidney diseases. One 4ese of Tiiieulea at night us ually relieves backache. 30 days treatment 8 1 00. Your money refunded if not sutis- fied. Sold by Asheboro Drug Co., Aslie Wo, aud W. A. Underwood, Randleman, M. U. A Detroit Lawyer, who is a mem ber or tne Convention to revise the Constitution of Michigan, pro poses to jail citizens who do not vote at elections. If that were a lopted it would require but another tep lo compel citizens to vote the Republican ticket. For over sixty years doctors have endorsed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, weak lungs, bronchitis, 'con sumption. You can trust a medicine the best doctors' ap prove. Then trust this the next time you have a hard cough. The beat kind of a testimonial "Soil lor over sixty years." A Mad by J. O. Aynr Co., l.ow6ll, Mass, lao manuaoturan of J SARSAPAKILU. tiers PILLS. HAIK VI0OB. Ayer's Pills keep the bowols regular. All vegetable and gently laxative. Weak Lungs Bronchitis ANIMAL INTELLIGENCE. Th Difference Between Instinct and Reasoning Power. Most anJmals have little self con sciousness, and their reasoning powers at best are of a low order, but in kind at least the powers are not different from reason iu man. A horse reaches over the fence to be company to an ther. This is instinct. When It lets aown the bars with its teeth, that Is reason., When a dog finds Its way borne at night by the sense of smell, this may be Instinct; when he drags a stranger to his wounded master, that Is reason. When a Jack rabbit leaps over a bush to escape a dog or runs In a circle before a coyote, or when It lies flat In the grass as a round ball of gray, Indistinguishable from grass, tbis is instinct. But t same animal is capable of reason that is, of a dis tinct choice among lines of action. Not long ago a rabbit came bounding across tbe university campus at Falo Alto. As It passed a corner It suddenly faced two bunting dogs running side by side toward it. It bad the choice of turn ing back, its first instinct, but a dan gerous one; of leaping over the dogs or of lying on the ground. It chose none of these, and its choice was in stantaneous. It ceased leaping, ran low -and went between the dogs Just as they were in the act of seizing It, and the surprise of the dogs as they stopped and tried to hurry around was tbe . same feeling that a man would have In like circumstances. "Evolu tion and Animal Life." PLANT ODDITIES. Flowers That Possess Eyes, Though They May Not See. The night hath a thousand eyes, but a nasturtium leaf has more. Holding np his band in front of a desert shrub, an experimenter has taken a nilcro photogrnph showing half a dozen dis tinct image of his fingers formed by the eyes of the plant. Many common garden and wild flowers the nastur tium, begonia, clover, wood sorrel and bluebell among others possess eyes situated on their leaves. They are mi nute protuberances filled with a trans parent gummy matter which focuses the rays of light on to a sensitive patch of tit-sue at the back of It In a similar manner to that in which the eyes of an animal do their work. A common nas turtium plant has thousands of such eyelets on Its leaves, forming thou sands of minute images of the objects around them. Rut, though a plant may have eyes, it does not follow that it Bees. It Is not yet known if the sense Impressions are telegraphed to some central nerve exchange corresponding to the brain of the animal. Iu addition to these light sense organs ninny plants possoss a touch of sensitiveness and a response to electric stimuli that show further resemblance to the animal world, while ferns, mosses and sea weeds In an early stage of their ex istence are capable of actually swim ming through water. Chicago Tribune. The Lady In tho Moon. An amtitour astronomer writes of the "lady In the moon:" "It Is n very beau tiful face Been In i..ofib und uplifted, ns thousu iu proud disdain of things terrestrial. The curve of tho throat U exquisite, nnd Indeed the entire outline Is marvelously li!Vllke. Tho moon lady may best be observed through a small opera glass when our satellite Is at half. At that time the tip of tho chin cbout touches the- terminator that is, the dividing lino between the light nnd dark portions of the lunar surface. Most people can recognize the man iu the inoou. Well, the hair of the lady, in which I can nlways fan cy I see a spray of orange blossom, forms the man's left eye, the nose aud mouth ' his nose, nnd the chin and throat the man's mouth." An Unhappy Comparison. A country minister bad just received bis first call to tho charge of a small church, nnd his wife, of course, was highly excited so much so that she was obliged to tell everybody of th good news. One day she met a farmer's wife and began the conversation. "Do you know, Mrs. Close," she said, "my husband bns Just secured the In cumbency of a church, and I can't tell you how delighted I am. I" "Yes," replied the sympathetic old lady, "I quite understand your feel ings. I felt Just that way when our pig took the gold medal at the cattle show." Pearson's Weekly. Very Plain. Two country women, mother and daughter, were at the circus for the first time. They were greatly taken with the menagerie. At last they came to the hippopotamus and stood for several minutes transfixed iu silent wonder. Then the mother turned to her daughter and said slowly and sol emnly: "My! Ain't he plaint" An Advantage. "Now," said Tommy's mother, "I hope you'll profit by that spanking nnd not be such a little savage hereafter." "Itoohoo!" blubbered Tommy. "I wisbt I wuz a little savage. Little savages' mammas don't wear slippers." Exchange. Practical. "What," asked tho dreamer, "would you do if you could be a '.mg for a day?" "Me?" answered tho practical man. "I'd borrow enough money to live on for the rest of my life." London Tele graph. It's so much easier to co.-fcrntiihito a man on his success than It is to sym pathize with hiru lu his misfortune-Chicago Rheumatism, Diabetes, Kidney Disease, Bladder Troubles, Liver Complaints, Indigestion, Constipation, and all other diseases aris ing from kidney and blad der troubles can be quickly, permanently, and Absolutely Cured. Every sufferer from any these dread diseases should learn at once of the greatest cure known to modern science. Herington's Tablets are endorsed by physicians every where. They have cure i thousands thev will SURELY CURE YOU. Send 25 Cents Today for lilwral box of these tablets. If they do not cure you we will refund your money. Fill in Coupon and send it to us toaay. HERINGTON MEDICINE CO GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. HERINGTON MEDICINE CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. I enclose 25cent for which pleoepenrt, postage prepaid, 1 box .Herlngtou's tablets. My Name My Addtess For Rheumatlo and Neuralgia Pain." take Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. They relieve the Pain and allay Nervousness. A WOMAN'S BACK. The Aches And Pains Will Appear if the Advice of This Woman is Followed. A woman's back haa many aches and pains. Most tunes 'tis kiilnys' fault. Backache is really kidney ache; That's why Doan's Kidney Pills cure it. Many North Curolin women kno.v this. Read what one has to say about it: Mrs. Nellie Benson Reeves, of 218 North Try on Street, organist at the Episcopal Church. Charlotte, N. C, says: "I used I loan's Kul i.ey Tills and they have benelitcd me more than anything else I ever tried. I obtained them at a dm-' flore and nerd them for my Lack J and kidneys which have caused nic j j.'ieut trouble nr.d misery fur a ruin-, ln-r if yiars. The use of this rt- nn-dy wonderfully benelitod me." J For sale by all dealers. Trice 50 j cent. Foster-Milbu in Co., Buffalo, I New York, sole ttciits fur the Unit-' eil Slates. Benicmber the nanie Doan's and take no other. Relieve Neuralgia with Dr. Miles' AMI Pain Pllla. 26 doses 25 cent. i THF 3 I Farmers' News Scimitar ONE YEAR, payable in advance, - 50c. SIXMONSIIS, 25c. Less Than One Cent Per Word. Reliable Market Reports. The Latest Telegraph News. Stories for Women and Children. Best Agricultural Paper in the Country. Page of Condensed News of the World. Farmers' I'nion Articles from every State in the South. Junior Department of Great Interest to the Mothers and Little Ones. Farmers' Weeklu News Scimitar, Memphis, Teun. You arc judged by your stationery. Does it appear cheap ? The Courier Job Office, Asheboro, N. C. Employs skilled labor, lias most modern equipir.cnt, Most artistic and popular type faces, Latest and varied stock of papers. And we use best inks. Send us your next orde At least it will interest you to get our prices. Thousands Have Kidney Troubls end NsYer'Sasnect it. Prevnlrni-y of Kidney l:ii Must people c'o realize the alarm ing incrtate and remarkable jncvalency i t kidney disease. Wliile kidney dis- VyTmost common diseases mat pre vail, thev are '"I almost the last .JL recocnized bv patient and pby -.aJ-'' SlClahS, UliO fun tent themsel ct $ irilh diK-torini; the rfcta, wliile the oriy tiwl diaeusc undermines the system. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often impressed, that lr. Kilmer's Swnum-Root, the great kidney remedy, full".!).! every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the bneli, kidneys, liver, bladder and i vory part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water aiiil scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, aud overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often during the day, aud to pet up many times during the night. The mild anil the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best, bold by drug gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., liitig- hamton, N. Y. When Homo of Bwmp-noot. writing mention this paper anddon't make any mistake, but remember the name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, liiughamtou, N. Y. THE WORLDS GREATEST SEWING MACHINE LIGHT RUNNING Ifron want elthernVlbrntlnePhnttle, notary Bbuttlcor a Single Thread Chain Stitch J j Sewing Murhtne write to THE NEW HOME SEWINO MACHINE COMPANY Orange, Mass. Many sewing machines are made to sell rccarilless of Quality, but the 'W Home is made to wear. Our gnaranly never runs out. Sold by nulliorizpd dealer ouly. FOR SALE By Dcai'ni ss Cannot he Cured by local up, I cations, as tin y c:,tniot reach thedi-cased i ilonol the ear. Then- is oidv oi'.entiy to deafn ss, and is by eon', slim lioi'td r. mi 'die-. Iieafiicss is cau-ed by an 1 iullainid l- .in lit .i: m the mucous lining of the Eustachian I til. -. When this tube is iiillantcd vou i,ac n rumbling sound ..r impel lid heat ing, and when it is etit iidy i !o-i .., I 'cable. S the lestilt. .11"! unices tin 11,1' iii ni ilion eat' be I I lieu cut and 1 I N It h.. li .i. led to its tioi-imil condition, he.iiiug ,ili be .le 1 rove. I furever; . li ne en-i s out 1.1 o n are cmi-cl by I'atiirrh. . which i- nothiie; but an iiiihiucil ciii.liiiiiii of. the mucous .u, u e-. We will give Hundred liollars lor any ease of iean.e.. .e .us, , l,v catarrh that cannot ; Is. cured by Hall's l at; rrh, 1 'lire. Send for . Circular--, flee. 1 I. I'. M 'Al Y .it'll., 'I'm. 1. 1,11. ! sold l.val! dpi! Bt-tK I le. i 'lake Hall s l.iuiih- i'ibs for c,.us!i.aui.n. BHSHtaQBSBiZ ML R i f:VHQt NORTH CAROLINA, Iu the Superior Court. itiinnolph County. W. s. slcon, Adinr. o. t. a of Alrx Kusm-11. do- VS. Zorudu Russell, et al. NOTICii The ui-fcinlniit. Itjilx-lla Rii'h. will tnke notice that an urtiou eulitluit as above bus brcu enm iiiftuvii iu tbe Suit-rinr Court of Runilolph (i.unty (i, yell tract of land Minute lu Mild county and .stale of North Carolina iu New It ipe Township, lor as. t to pay deb's, in which land tbe said defendant, 1-ubellu Kii ti is interested: ami the said defendant will lurther tnke notice that site is required to appear liefore - I Randolph County, N. ('., at the courthouse ill .' ! A-helmni. N. C on the Mth day of January, I and nuNwer or demur to tiie petition Iu Kud actim, or the phiiutiH' will apulv to the ior i-ie renci iiciimuucu in sum jieiuiou. This, Hist duy ol December, i'T- V. C. HAMMOND, C. S. C. North TaroUiia. Randolph County. D. J. Krazlcr, widow of D. M. Fruzitr, deceased. VS. Mattie Sulder, Ross Snider. Marcus Erazier, ct als NOTICE. The defendant above named, Mattie Snider, Row Snider and Marcus Fruitier, will take notice tnut an action entitled a hIkivh hat been commenced In tne Superior! 'unit of Randolph county, licfnre tbe Clerk, for the purNise of lutvintt the doiver of D. .1. Frtizier allotted u her out of the lands of D. M. Frazier. deceased, in which lauds the de fendants alove named hove an Interest a-s heirs atjluw; aud the said defendants will further bike notice that they are required to appear be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county at his ofllue iu Asbelin, N. Con the Sd day of February. Mm, ami answer or demur to the isHltion iu said action, or the ietltioner will apply to the Court fur the relief demanded iu Hie said petition. W. C HAMMOND, C. 8. C. This, 81st day of Dee., isor. NOT1CK. Hnvlni; qualified as administrator on the estate ofj. Rutliiiu Murdock. deceased, accord ing; to law, I shall sell al public auction to the hiKbest bidder for cash, on the premises ou tbe Tih day of January, WON, the following persoual property, town: 1-8 interest in Farqulmr Boiler and Engine aud and a OrcenslKiro Saw Mil). une teiun of red mules; one two-horse waou anil harness; seven head of hoirs. A lot of com and other articles too tedious to mention, AD persons IiiivIiik claims ug-ilust said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned, dulv verltled, ouor before the d dnv of January, I'.KIH. or tnl notice will lie pleaded In bar of their recovery; and all persons owinii said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement. This the 1st dnv of January. liw 1.. M. KEAKNS. Admr. NOTICE. Ilaviim qualified as executor nu the estate of liioiee H. Kime. dis'eil'-ed. according to law. all per-ous having claims against said estate are untitled to present Ihem to the uuder.igned, dulv vet ilicd on or h'-fore the :id day of .lanuarv, l'.itti. ort'iis notice will ! pleaded in btirof their recovery; and all persons owing said estate should cmne forward and make immediate set tl in Mit. 'ibis the 1st ilav ol .lauuiuv, 1!T . W. c. KI.MK. Executor. t&XSSZBEflBI Men's and Boys' ! Clothing. A suit that will sSiiit any age and form can be found in our complete line, A weli selected line of stouts, slims, sin gle and double breast ed suits, any color you want. A large "range of blacks from $10.00 TO $25.00 It's easy buying a suit here. Come and look at our line. W.J. MILLER Asheboro, N. C. R. NEAL, PHOTOGRAPHER AND JEWELER Randleman, N. C. When in BALTIMORE STO .I THE 130 Rooms Elegantly Furnished Rooms J With Hath 1 ami en Suite Centrally Located Opposite Camden Station. Main Depot B. & O. R. R. Kates Si. 0(1 Per Hay And I pwards SF.ND FOK MOOKLET Hotel Joyce F.altimorc, Mil.-