PROHIBITION COLUMN. F.dited by The Narth Carolina Anti-Saloon Leagne. PROHIBITION LAW. What It Will Do and What It Hill Xot 1H.. It will abolish every licensed whiskey and brandy distillery in the State. It will abolish every saloon acd dispensary in the State. It will stop the wine tralic in the State. For wine can be sold only at the place of manufacture in (juantities of 2 gallons or more aud not shipped anywhere in the State. It will stop the sale of all those chemical mixtures, by what ever name known that will pioduce in toxication. It will place under most stringent and binding lfulatums pharmacists and physicians, who may handle intoxicating liquors lor medical pur poses. It will allow the ollicials of any town or county to regulate or pro hibit the .-ale of intoxicating liquors by pharmacists in the drug stores. WHAT IT WII.I, NOT I"). It will nut prohibit the farmer from making eider from fiuits grown on the fai m and selliut: the same at home or :n lii market town. It will not stop the manufacturer from making his wine and shipping it outiivle the State. It will stop fiie sale of those med ical preparations and essences that may have alcohol in them to pre serve tlieni or to hold the medical agents in solution, such as camphor, vanilla, etc. It will nut repeal existing prohibi tion laws. We are Hire when you have stud ied this law you will agree with us that it is fair. Under this law, l'uvensho,-o's vot ing wet would not make it wet, and Salisbury's voting dry would not make it dry. 1'i.der local option Greensboro Ins vntul dry, and as a locality she must remain so until the locality as such votes wet, while Salisbury has voted the other way. This vote on the manufacture and sale of intoxicating licriors in North UNCLE SAM RECEIVES GIFT. Keuwood ( any mi Deeded To I lilted states by Mr. Kent. Washington, Fell. :. One of the most public spirited u:'fts ever made to the govenneiit has come fiom William Kent, of Chicairo, who has just deeded o the United Stat'S "J,") acres of ptimeva! redwood for est on the southefii slope of Mt. Tamalpais, about six ntlies from the city of San Francisco. The laud was needed to the government witti the appioval of Forester liitlord Pinchot, Ch'ef of t'ne United State Forest Service. The papers' hate now gone to the Sn ieturv of the Interior and a proclamation decl.ii ing the cm von a National Moiiu- nient will I date. sineJ at ai: early This menus ili it more of Califor nia's l ed-vond oiati's will b ' saved for the scientific study aud pleasure of th-i who'e cotiL'ty, in fact the whole worl l. for the great 8. ij ioias are only found in the (ioldeu mate. This grove given to the government by Mr, Kent is one of the few tracts i f red wend foresls to be found in its liatnii'l slate in Citlilornia today. The land in f.tid to have cost Mr. Kent $4T,tui snn yea's ago, but its stand of led wood tun her alone is now valued at more than $150,000 on the market. To It. P. I).. Patrons. The Postmasters of the county desire to c 1 attention to the prac tice of some pntroni of rural deliv ery of placing loose co'ns iu their boiea each time they desire to dis patch letters instead of siipi lying themselves with postage in advance f their needs. This practice imposes undue hardship on rural carriers in remov ing loose coins from boxes and de lays them on the service of their routs. The postmaster, therefore, un gent'y request tht patrons of rural delivery provide themseWes and keep on hand a supply of stamps consistent with anu iu advance of their needs. It is also very desira ble that ruial patrons place in their mail boxes small detachable cups of wood or tin in which to place coins, when necessary, in purchasing supplies of stamps. The Courier publishes the ah)e at the request of eeveral postmasters in Randolph. Free for the ashing A samplfl of either Rydale's Stomach Tah'eis (for Iinligestii.ii and stomach trouble ,! or Rydale's l.iver Tablets (for tin Liver, Bi!o D iet and bow els,) or both if needed by biv sulTerer who will write tho liyd.ilo Itemedy Co., New ,(. port News, Ya. Carolina is quite a different thing from local option. Again, this law is right. For the influence of liquor is never local. Salisbury or Wilmington citizens, while controliny the sale of the traf fic do not control the dangerous and damaging inllueuce of this traffic. This inllueuce is felt for huudreds of miles around. Every citizen in the State has a right to self-protection against the iiilliieuce of this trallic, now central at a few points, aud the only way of protection is the abolition of the trallic through out the State. It was published in lecember that the Northwestern Railroad had gone dry. 25,000 employes of that road signed the pledge of total ab- jstiuence. J he railroau managen I had begun to show their preference for the men who did not diink, and ! their employes voluntarily signed ! the pledge. The indiist: ia? world I is coming to see the harm of the j liquor trallic. And what an anonia j lv set up 'licensed saloons and dissil j lei ies to tempt and destroy men who . are trtlllij to st-'V si:i.-r tor the sake I of tlnir jobs and tin ir families'. ! I North Carolina prefers mills and i j factories and railroads to s iloons I I and dispensaries. j I -I "The liltui is the M.:t his ohar- act'!' is the eharacti-r of the State. (Jiveii :i nation of salion-kecjier?, ami tin- nation is a ilrunksrd. liiven a nation of oantblcrs. ami tin- nation as a whole becomes the embodiment of this passion. (iivi-n it nation of libertines and prostiinfes. ami the nation itself is a mtmnmth monster of lust. The nation is what it people are l'e trillessof its resourc es and its power. I Noi th Carolina will put herself on ieeiird on May i'jth, in favor ' of eiii'ouraL'ing homes, cotton mills, furniture factories, farms, and airainst the liquor trallic--the enemy of all these. The present temperance campaign is a 'tattle of the home uguiust the saloon and the still. Anuther tousct'lt Panic. President Koosevelt has put the Interstate Commerce Commission to work to tind evedence that it is not 'my policies'' that have brought on hard times and the reduction of the w-iies of nil road men. As the Commission is a creature of the F.vcuti.'e it will no doubt discover that the "malefactors of great wealth'', such as Iliirriman, Hill, Rockefeller, V under ih and others, have been the sole cause of the panic and are reducing railroad on purpose to wonv the President. A H llilll !!! I 1 in" u'li'H ,!' Ilio'i ir.illl this ti'M- "On builders '' Me talked .1 t tircat Aivhil-ct-. artisi, aut'ii si'ulj-t'.is. I-;.-. j,. si.l that i ni.i'iHr l,,m l-.-.i !.s station aeli d a ser luiMiug and !e- Worlds r painters, verv one, no II 'ife, vho ',.'11 the H.uld belter than I builder, that he -j. di bud- for the n.. tld's better al- ioiH add-d thai lie f -mud it, was a I a ditch ell ruiivil. lie tnijf'it ulio discover a le's T..itie. works I'e.ii rein i'v like . r the vn i l.l s beticiii is a liuuian svteiu buil buiels the i loed. re-sv-ienn j,iid increase t. Uvlale's Tonic . li p irit'e's and es weak nervosa the stnuii'lh and weight. Ad who have u-ed b'yd.d 's Tonic, pn inees it a freat svteiu tmiic and builder. Ashebure liru'o. ( ulihaee Plants. Wm C. (ieraty, "tke cabbag plant man", of Young's Island, S,C. has an at r active advertisetneat in this is-ue. Ki ad it and then write him for prices and catalog, lie has spent 40 years buildiug his re putation an 1 has customers with whom he has placed his plants each season for nearly as many years. Mention The Courier. Knowing that some people say too much we will close with the following remark: Rydale's Cough Klixir is (J iaranteed iimier the U. S I'll re Food and Drug Law Serial number -IU to contain neither Morphine, Opium, Choloforoi nor opiates of any kind, and to be absolutely harmless. Ashsbaro I'mg Co. The anxiety of Republicans for the inhering man is becoming more and more apparent as the election approaches, and even Senator Knox is runuing Senator La Follette a close race with their Employer's Liability bills. Don't cough your head off when you can get a guaranteed remedy in Bees Laxative t ough Syrup. It is especially recommend ed for children as its pleasant t take, is s genie laxai ive thus expelling the phlegm from th system. For coughs, colds, croup, wh oping-coiigh, hnarsene s Rnd all bronch ial trouble. Uuarant ed. Sold by Aase boro Drug Co., and VV. A. I'nderwood, Raudlemun. God ednottes ui"it by editing them on their own resources. Newell Dwijjbl fl illis. MsnZiin file Itemedy conies ready to use, in a ciilliipuble lulie, with nozr.l i. Onesp pliciition Koothea and h sls, n duces inllara nun ion Hud relieves soreness nnd itching. I'rice oOc. Sold by Asheboro Hrug Co., Slid VV. A. Underwood, Kandleiuuii. "Every man to his trade" is an old adage and is familiar to nearly all of us. It is brief in its wording but conveys a great deal in its meaning. It is merely a terse way of saying that a man who makes a specialty of any one thing knows more about, and is more proficient in his particular specialty than any one else could be. It is for this reason that we all seek a specialist when we have any serious physical ailment. It is for the same reasan that The Rydale He uiedy Co., went to one of the best specialists in the U. S. on liver and intestinal troables, a professor in a Columbus, 0. Medical Col lege, and secured from him a presciiption from which Rydale's Liver Tablets ure made. This specialist knew more about liver troubles than a doctor who treats all diseases, and that is why Itydsle's Liver Tablets relieve and cure tuoro quickly nil livr troubles than the ordinary liver pills ai.d powders. Ml tablets in a metal box 23 cents. Aslieboro I 'rug Co. We should . treat our detractors and calnmatora as Mirabeau did. When ipeaking at Marsailles he was called "calumniator, liar, ussasin, scoundrel." He said: "I wait, gen tlemen, until these amenities are exh misted." A Virginia Lady ys: ''I have taken some nf your Kydale's Stomach Tubl.-ts and thoy did me mop? good than anything 1 ever look for Dyspepsia. I have had it nearly all my life and feel so thankful 1 have, at last. found something that helps me, for only those thHt have this disease knows what it is." Miss Nettie Spring. Taylor town, Virginia. Kydale's Stomach Tablets are sold under a guarantee to ctx all that is claimed fur tie in. Axheh ro Dreg Co A name that stand for rhuract that is svnoiivnioiis witli integrity, ls (ue u-st ' advertisement in tiie Wi tj - - K.l.,l w i. ..!:. 1 1... Ln.uvii iiml mrwl n-iK,!.!,. ,edv lor all iliordcr of the stomach, such as dy.-pepsia, heart i'lini, sour stoinacli and lieii'liing ( I jas. Ivxioi euiituins the an , e juices lounrl in a healthy tollla ti. Kol'oI is pleasant to take. It is uaruutced to give reliel and is said here . v standard 1'rug L'o. uud Aslicl)l,ro Kiig Co j What we would, do, lei us neiiiii ! to-day. Eveij god we would nave ' must lie paid tor in strokes of daily i effort. VV ilium James. Mr John Hi a, of miiiL,', hi., mivs Ml lunt' lieen selliiij; leWUts Kidney audi Itladder iills ler ulxiut a year aud they jjive I better satisfactiou than any uill 1 ever sold. lliere arc a dozen people liere who liave used them and tbev yoe i)eilc t satislui tion in every casa. 1 have used them my nil hue results." Sold by Standard 1 i usj C . and Ashebsro Drug Co. Happiness is a meai s rattier than an eiid. It creates energy, promotes growth aud nutrition and prolongs life. Be careful about thai iit:le eolith. Het somethinu rit'ui ,i.o ; aome (rood, relia 'le , remedy tlisl V oiuiove the bowels. Ken- uedy' Laxative Ooueh Syrup acts gently yd promptly on the bontls ami alleys in lliluuiatlnj at the same lime. It is ideas am to taka bud it is enneciahy recommended ' lor children, as it tate nearly a uood us I maple tuyur. bold by Standurd luu anJ Athelioro I 'rug Co. No education is adequate to the j needs of life which dois i.ol puduce decision of character, courage, self- t control and perseverance. , i If yos would like to fool some wise Cell'ee ! Critic, who "k sows Cellce on tau j aud flavor." quietly for him a batcli of j lr. Shoop'a "llnaiih Cuilee" uml serve it j piping hul. Il decaivrd Mrs Saooji, and will I ladieTS decsite any one. And there ia not a ;riu of real ColTee in it. II all li ' cilTee ia mad) from pure toasted graiua malt, nuu, etc. Made i.i a Minute no "0 to '.10 iiiiuult.s tedious boiling. 1-1-- pitsnds 2"ic. Aaheboro I mg ( y. , . . . . I One man s heart makes him a k i ijr I it ft hovel -atiother'o a wrech in u ! ,.,. - A Caul. This is to certify that all druggists him i authorized t refund your money if Foley's lloiiny ssd lr lads to cure your cotih or cold. It stops tue cough, heals th lungs and praT&uts serious results from a cold Cure, lsgrippe counts and prevents pnsu -Bonis and cousutuptioa. Contains no o;,i btes. Tss ;sDuius is iu a yellow package. Itefuse substitutes. Asheboro Drug Co. A sunny, cheeful heart changes a world of gloom into a paradice of I beauty. Haw Cough Cirrsis Multiply. W hen ysu have a cold the mucous mem brane is iiillained and tie disease germs which yu braatbt Ins lodgmsnt and mul tiply, especially the pnsumonia germ. Foley's Uouaj arid Tar soothes and heals the iullaoied sir passage, ataps the cough and tups s ths cold from your system, lie fuse substitutes. Aahsboro Drug Co. Leisure ii sweet to those who have earned it, bat burdensome to those who get it for nothing. Here comes tbs Spring Winds to chap, tan and freckle. Use Pinesalve Carbolized, (Acts like a poultice) for cute, sores, burns, chapped skin. Sold by Asheboro Drug Co, and VV. A. Underwood, Randteioan. Ai soon as a mQ begins to love his work, then will he also bttria to make progress. ManZnn Pile Remedy, Price 50 c is guar anteed. Put up ready to use. One appli cation prompt relief to anv form of piles Soothes and lie .Is. Sold by Asheboro Drua Co., and W. A Uuderwood, Uandlu man. Tbey are neer alooe who are ac ct mpHtiied with ooble thoughts. DoWitt's Little Early Iti rs, small, safe, ssle, surd little liver pills, hold by Drug Co. and Asheboro Drug Co. suro little liver pills, hold by butmliird A Glance Ahead. If Taft were elected President, he would probably hare the appoint ment of three or fonr justices of the United States Supreme Court. It is not hard to guess how such ap pointees would stand on the ques tion of government by injunction. With Federal courts backed br Taft, and a big army and a b'g navy controlled by Taft. there would be no ust for a Congress to make laws, or even for the blessedtintiue tive referendum; since the courts and the army and the navy, both directed by Roosevelt per Big Bill would really govern the country without regard to laws. This seems to be the true inwardness of the Koosevelt policies, so warmly en dorsed by some Democrats whos bind eight is better than their fore-eight. This is what 'ion, .lake Moore, State Wardeu of Georgia, says of Kodol For Dys pepsia: "E. C. IeV'itt & Co., Chicago, 111 lVar Sirs I have suffered more than twenty, years from indigestion. About eighteen months ago I had grown so mneh w orse that 1 could not digest a crust f corn bread and could not retaia anything on my stomach I lost '25 lbs ; in fact I ma le up my mind that I could not live bul a short time, when a friend of mine recom mended Kod d. 1 consented to try it to please him and 1 was liettor ill one day 1 now weigh more than I ever did in my life and am in hotter health than for many vears. Koilnl did it . I kii-n a liotllw con stantly, and wi itH this hoping that humanity will h'e liem-titted. Yours verv truly, .lake lo- There is no doubt that most of the business world, outside of Ual, ! strert, is opposed to the methods . f President U .osevelt even when tllev uppove some of Lis policies. L. M. FOX, M. D. ASHEBORO, N. C. Oftcrv Ins -.iri.Icssional wrvlce to the citizens of .AMieNiro and urrouniiin: cmiMiiiotv ue.ii-OM a Sesidcuce I DR. D. K. LOOKHART, DENTIST, Asheboro, N. C. t) a in. t'Jl p m il p. m. u S p. m OTKK 1 UK BASK Wood's Grass Clover Seeds. Best Qualities Obtainable and of Tested Germination. We carry one of the largest and best stocks in this country. Specialties that we oiler to ad vantage, are Alfalfa, Japan Clover, Tall Meadow Oat Grass, Paspalum Dilatatum, Johnson Grass, Bermuda Grass, etc. Our CrtaloRue rives fuller descrip tion! and iiit'orinailon atiout Grasses. Clovers and Farm Seeds titan spy oilier fleea catalogue pnolhhcn. Mailed free on request. Write for It, auu prices oi any i.eeas requirea. T.W. Wood & Sons, SEEDSMEN, Richmond, Ya. i 1 will attend at the following I i ! I dent'tr.v in its J J 1 ii i ML TAX Judge Shas Store ' " G E Carter's Store Union S A Cox's Store " Seagpuve Richland MoffltU Coleridge Thmas Hinshaws Store " Kllis & Jordan's Store Co'er'dge ' Cheeks Pleasant Crove John aness' Store " " Erect Brower Yoa UH Richland Michfield " Ulah Cedar Grove This is positively my last round for the collection of taxes for 1907, and all th who have not paid are earnestly requested to meet me without fail. 1 do not want to costs on anyone, but will be compelled t ) if the taxes are not paid this round. j TU:.. IT .U 2 1903. - ' TP - piif 1mm E3 (Frickly Ash, Pok -sums rosmri enmm or PtislciaHsadomP. P.P. aaasplaa- 7 will ragatn and atrangta. did combination, and pneerlbe it with J1 ' WaateeianarayaasaHsJsaaaaareaiatlag gnat MtWictton (or tb can of all fjj'fiaJ tnm rrrteil taeaytsw ara enwd by forms aadatagae of Primary, Beeoadary the ua t T. P. P. and Tortiary Syphilis, ByphlllU Bhoa- 1 ladiaews a sjalasjiaeapolaonadana matins, F-rofuloua Clean and Bona, If?!! whaMbloodlainaaiaipanosadltlondua Glandular SwoUias, BbsomatUBi, Kid- to maaatrual hreelarltlaaara peculiarly nay Complaints, old Chronlo Cloaca thai JJJJjj banaatad by tka wsaoarftd tonlo and SYPHILIS IWULA cd 1 haTetedsUdaUtraataient,CataiTh,Skin SaBBat blood cleansing prepsrtiss of P. P. P DiaoasN. Ecaoma, Chronlo Female JM Prickly Aah. Poke Root and Potassium. Complaints, Mercurial Poison, Tottar, aWaw Qol& aj all Druggists. Soaldhaad, ate., a to. P. P. P. la a powarful tonlo and an JJSj F. V. LIPPMAN xrallant appluasr, building op the J Prasrltor yatem rapidly. If yon ara weak aad aSmaiafJ feeble. and foal badly try P. P. P, and Savannah, " Ca. (IHt IH1 E U Fvl ATO SFvl THIS GLORIOUS 3QLDEN CLOCK FREE for a few mlnutea of your time. No one who has i a home to live in can afford to miss this truly , To secure FREE of cliar a Clock, most Important tiling in the home. such a Clock, too! BEAUTIFUL GOLD AND GUARANTEED FOR JEN YEARS. READ EVERY WORD OF THIS GREAT OFFER To pret this beautiful Clock j' lti'.i'j is mf mmiui'si iimiif in the world. All you h;re to do is write mo a postal card at. l Fay you want to put It. I will then send you liy mail, pre paid, a carefully wrapped package of liandsomo portraits of Georsu ushlnRton, mid nsk you to show I lie in to your nelithliors. These portraits are copies of tho best known painting of tho lirst 'roKident of tho Vnlted States, nnd are different from and handsomer than any pic ture of tho kind you ever saw. This Is Just tho picture for tho diniiitr-room or slt tlnfr room, and, because tho very namo Ueorpre Wash ington strengthens the love of homo nnd country In old and young nllke, everybody will want one of thorn nnd will be Kind to pay for It on tho liberal proposition I will autuortzo you to mnke. You only have to collect f 5 In this way to make this Glorious Clock yours forever. TWO BEAUTIFUL EXTRA GIFTSV In addition to the Clock I have two other lovely presents which I will give you two moro handsome ornaments which anyone who loves a pretty home will be delimited with. Ono of these gifts I will send to you FREI3 AND PRE l'AID as soon as I receive the postal card with your name on It. The other one I will give to you Just for lielnir prompt In followlnff my instructions. I will tell you all about the second extra (rift, when I send tho first one, which, r. I will do as soon aa I hear from you, so HURRY UP. ! Yflll TAUT MO PUAMfTC 1" writing to me, because. If the Clock does IUV lAIVEi nU bnHnbb) not prove to bo even better than I have de scribed it, and If it does not delight you In every way, you may send it bant and I will pay you handsomely in cash for your troulilo. Also, if you get sick J or for any other reason fail to collect all of the $5, I will pay you well for what you do. So you see, YOU CAN'T XOSE. so sit rlKht down nnd write to me as follows: D. R. OKRORXR, Manaarer, Nashville, l ean. Plraae eeaal me the or traits of Geors;e 'Waahlaarton and complete outfit for earatac the Glorloas Goldeai Clock, with the nnderatandlna; thnt this doea not bio me to pay yes . one cent." Then put your name and address. 1 i INC3RM HATED Capital Stock $30,000.00 RALEIGH, AT. C. Pullcn Building, Ill's st'IliiUI UIVK tlii" r l-t ! Jl i c.iiirir,. in N,.nli f. I lii. I . Itnil in-tn.i'l It I t,. II -t:i,l nt Aaaj aaaJh A aiaaa S aalaBa'' LAST ROUND! times and places for the purpose of collecting taxes for 19Cj S. L. HAYWORTH, sua FMaastua.) iu roans txa wrtam POSITIVELY GUARANTEED Not to Tarnish, the 5J And and to Keep Time lor Ten Years. i 2J fey TWO EXTRA CJFTsfeS x3, ,s Go with this Clock X5J I f CHARLOTTE, N. C. I Piedmont Ins. llldgt j in nmilern nuvitii's K.bieation. Hiimiios". i timr.inleoit. I.iii'k"l I.t a w ilwii nintraet. No vm aims, tcicli rl"ok kceiine. flionlmmi. I'''iiniuhi. lv mail, pest uv fur our fatiil'icne. i iiri-r. and Hiu'h Kndnreirieiit. Thejr aa KING S 1JUSIHESS COLLEGE. KalolsN. N. C, or Charlotte, N. C .Thursday forenoon " afternoon .Frday " - Saturday forenoon " -Mona afternoon " -Tuesday forenoon " " afternoon - Wednesday " -Thursday fTrio"n " " a'ternoon " - Friday forenoon " -- " afternoon " . Saturday forenoon " ' afternoon " Sheriff Randolph County. r