RECIPE MIXED OFFER. Druggist Hear Much Praise for TbU Simple Hoae-Made Mixture. Some remarkable ton eg are be ing told about town and among the country people coming in of this simple home-made mixture curing Rheumatism and Kidney trouble. Here is the recipe and directions for taking: Mix by shaking well in a bottle one-half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce Com pound Kargon, three ounces Com pound Syrup Sarsaparilla. Take as a dose one teaspoouf ul after meals and at bedtime. No change need be made in your usual diet, but drink plenty of good water. This mixture, writes one author ity in a leading Philadelphia news paper, has a peculiar tonic effect upon the kidneys; cleansing the clogged-up pores of the eliminative tissue, forcing the kidneys to swift and strain from the blood the nric acid and other poisonous waste mat ter, overcoming Rheumatism, Blad der and Urinary troubles in a short while. A New York druggist who has had hundreds of calls for these in gredients since the first announce ment in the newspapers last Octo ber stated that the people who once try it "swear by it," especially those who have Uriuiry and Kidney trou ble and suffer with Rhecmatism. The druggists in this neighbor hood eay they can supply the in gredients, whuh are easily mixed at home. There is said to be uo better blood-cleansing agent or sys tem tonic known, and ceruinly none moro hainiless or simple to list. Public Necessity Which Will Benefit All The High Point Enterprise Sajs: "The people aiound Archdale and Trinity will probably take souif steps towards improving the pub lic road between the two places. This is almost a public necessity and will not only benefit the people in ' that community, brr will be a great help to High I'oint and the territory fcouth of Trinity. A few hundred dollars would put this roud in that class condition and with the right man to head the movement we be lieve that the money can be raised very easily. "The work should be done thi? summer by all means, if not, by next winter the people from Trinity and below there in coming to High Point will either have to take the train or a flying machine." It is a recognized fact that Greensboro and High Point secuie a liberal portion of trade of Ran dolph coui.t.'. It has been secured through the progressive spirit of its citizens. For several jears Guilford county has be;jn doing permanent road work, and has built .macadam roads from these points direct to the Randolph line. All this time they have been advertising and cultivating the trade in this section. Toe ay the business men of Guil ford are urgiug oun people to build roads to connect with t lie in that they may light all the harder the merchants and business men of Rau- dolph. I When will our busiuess men and citimis awake to the great risk they take in allowing the matter of load improvement to remain on the shelf. Newspapers ol'Thr State. M. L. Shipman. of the Depart ment of Labor, says that there aie now in the State 10 morning dailies, with a total circulation of 50,152, and 20 afternoon dailies with 40.08C i There are 78 weekly papers, total '? circulation318,439; 25 semi-weeklies I with 54,220; 38 monthlies, with 104,713, and 15 semi-monthlies, with 208,840. The total number ' of papers is 295, and the total cir culation is 691,750. Of these pa- iers 133 are Democratic. 17 liepub ican, 38 independent, 13 education al, 11 literary, 7 tiade, 7 agricultnr al, 15 news, three fraternal, 12 Baptist, 6 Methodist, 2 Piesbyterian' 3 Holiness. Scholarships Offered. Send 100 subscriptions to the Courier at $1.00 each and get a $45 scholarship in a first class Bum ness College. Address The Courier Asheboto. J N. C, C. Box 154. 30 Days' Trial $1.00 is the offer on Pi ne ttles. Relieves Backache, Weak liack. lame Buck, Rheumatic pains. Best. n sale for Kidneys, Bladder, and lilnm!. Good for young and old, Satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded. Sold by Ashe- , boro Drug Co., and W. A. Underwood, Randleman. Ask The Courier for prices ou Job Printing. CAPUDINE m. m mrmm It acts lnunrdlitolT II W J Too f-l (!wu in IS ntnutes. You don't HPIAITW " know ltd ocxl. Itcnrxs Alfltilll HttDAI'Hci ALSO bf removing tb mum. 10 ssat. HUNTING STORY. frankllnvllle Huutera' Camping Trip The Fare. Clyde Ellison and Fletcher Allred, two ot Our noted hunters and trappers, returned a few days ago from an extended expedition to Montgomery and Stanly counties. Co January 20th they loaded up their wagon with traps, tents and other supplie and started for the above counties. They no doubt dreamed of coons, minks and rauxkrats that would walk headlong into their traps and of squirrel stew, roast goose and fat gobbler waiting to be captured. When they arrived at the happy hunting groand after a two day's journey, they pitch ed their tent on the bauk of I'eedee river, near Mill Ml., and after supper eat around the camp fire and talked of their former hunt ing and trapping expeditions, and after a flood night's reel they were up er!y next morning and plunged into the forest, set up a lino of traps and with tht'ir guns set out for a hu at as their rations had now been swallowed up and meal time was fast ap proaching. For several days they hunted and trapped and one lame muskral, one sap sucker one fish hawk were their only meat It is said that eggs near the happy hunting git und have advanced five crntsinthe dozen and chickens are roosting in the highest limbs. Th.- boys are expected to make another hunting trip a' out January 1U9!). L. F. F. Raudleman Items. Mrs Sallie Drniiiin and family left Thurs day far Albeiuarlo We are glad to see Charlie Beusley on our streets agHin. harlie Hanner, of Spray, is here. . J .-V lv.'y. of Greensboro, is in the city' T ie milN here are running on full time. J R MciJ-illum, who h;i boon ill for some time, dicil riiilay night, March L'S. The body was interred in the Xh Lebanon ceme tery at :':."i0 o'clock. Uev C M Campbell preached t!.o funeral. The subject wus "The last evening." Mr McCnllum was Weaving room overseer for several years ut the new mi I at this place. Duf McCollum, of Charlotte; James McColluni, of Spray; end Thomas McCollum, of t J reensboro; the brothers of the deceased, attended the funeral. Mr and Mis Walter ISruwn, of James town, are in town visiting their sister, Mrs J It Mc' 'olliiin. A company here has purchased the thirty-six hundred dollar Uiuse that has lieeu here fur wile for some time. This reminds nil) of the Creamery more than anything else, but bnstness men know. Clarlic Ellington and family moved to Burlington Thursday. If 15 Ellington, who litis accepted a posi tion with the cotton mill, at Burlington as overseer, came in Saturday night ami s;i he is delighted with his new home. Elling ton was general overseer of carding and spinning nt the Hatidleman mill for a long time, 1'resident (toiiipers of the Federa tion of Labor declares that wages must not be reduced, but he must remember thtit Labor is not protect ed by the Republican tariff like the Steel Trust, and therefore Labor is subject to the law of supply and demand regulating the price. What is the good of trying to boost the present LuauJ of Republi can prosperity when the Chaplain of the House of Representatives prays for the unemployed? Pleasant to take The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. Refuse substitutes. Price BOo. First Class Farm Implements at reasonable prices. You save Labor, Time and Money when you buy Implement that wear well and work well. The kind that we sell. We issue one of the best and most complete of Farm Implemeut Cat alogues. It gives prices, descrip tions and much interesting infor mation. Mailed free upon request. Write for it. The Implement Co., 1302 East Main St., RICHMOND, - VIRGINIA. We are headquarters for V. Crimp and other Roofing, Wire Fencing. Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, eto. Write for prices on any supplies or Farm Implements you require. rv n r rs Laxative Fruit Syrup ARE YOU IN BUSINESS ? Do you want People to know you are in business? Do you want more business? Here is the way THE COURIER "Did you know that this paper was read by nearly 10,000 People? Job Printing Answer the first question yes, and it naturally fol lows that t he other two should have the same ans wer. If you are in busi ness, you want the people to know it and you want more business. Tell the people about your bustnes through And read every week in the year? It is a fact, and in no other way can you get what you have to say read by so many people than to get an advertise ment put in THE COURIER. The Courier Job Depart ment wants your orders for This department is in the hands of skilled workmen who have the best of ma terials wherewith to do artistic and up-to-date job work. We keep on hand a stock of paper for this depart ment which for variety and quality is not excelled in Piecmont Carolina. SEWING MACHINE BARGAIN real ones, at SiDger stores. Buy nere ana ileal witn tne manufactur ers. The SiDger Company is per manent and responsible; its repre sentatives are always at hand to care ior oinger, ana Wheeler & Wilson macnines. .Look for the Red S Singer Sewing Machine Co. UUA JEWELRY STORE. The biz tunnel underneath the nuuson river, connenrino- York and New Jersey, normally openea ror tramc with an excursion by notables over the route and speech making. Master Dewey Ssurratt, son of A . W. Surratt had the misfortun to get his leg badly cut last week while chopping wood. NOTICE! W. W. JONES. On and after February 1st I ball do only a cash and barter business in he mercantile line. Thanking of my old customers for past patronage I hope for a continuance of the same. Will save you money by low cash pnees. I have on my hooks several hundred dollars in open accounts and will armreciate a nnrtinl nr full payment at your earliest convenience. W. W. JONES. W. H. W ATKINS, President, I!. I. SMITH, Cashier. THE BANK OF RAMSEUR, RAMSEUR, N. C, C&pit&l Stock $12,000 Total Resources $79,000 DIRECTOUS: HnKh Parks. Jr. Friwklinville-, J. M. Caviling, CelerMe; O. ii, Cox, Cehir Kails; K. 1'. Vli:irton, (irceiislioii.; W. II. 'M. kins, RaniM'iii" K. ('. Walkins, Runiseur; 11. U. Curler. Ifains.Mir, Bctlmel Cox, liam Mier, 1,'i.u (. ; 1. K. Craven, Uainseur. We waul tin- accounts of every corpora- j I offer every courtesy and Hccniniuorliitinii con- ! ' iimn mum in mis seemm. audi sistenl with sufe Imnliinr. We have a con- i scrvative management, strong IkiiipI of li- j rectors, Imiiilcit otlnvrs and Imrirhirr insu sance, thus securing our customer with every Mwille safeguard. W e issue certli cates ol f) )o,it lieaiiii!; I .-r cent, interest u time drjiosiis. mm tame MaawracTuain. rncumce ; CNMLC Ut T.SIKVI YJ WITHTHR CLASS Of AmXjrRTWJ V.U KQUIRl ths at thit run an lists ami WRITE i TODAY IrUUOf INFOffMTMN YOU OE5IRC O K :X. eroi.l, nt. W .1 A KM Kl H. Vre A .! AKMFIKI ti. ,lr Cashier. !The 3ank of Bandolph, Capital and Surplus, 50,000 Ot Total Assets, ever $;!O0,000.00 With ample asset. cxerl3nce au l protection we Holicit the business of the liatikiue putilic and feel Bute in saymit we are preparer! anil willinp to extei.l Ui our customer every facility and HO joruutKlutiou consistent with sufe I'Uiikmi;. DIRECTORS! HngS Parks, Sr . W J Armtlelfl.W p Wool, P B Morris, : C McA lister. K M AnnnVM, ORCoi, W F KeddlUR, BellJ Moftitt. Thus. I KedilillK, A W K Capcl, A M Kaukiu, Thus H KeddhiK, lir F Uburv. V. 1 Cox. WANTED! Would like to hear at once from owner having j'ood medium size farm or small business for sale in anv good prosperous lo cality. Please give price and description and rea son for selling. State w hen possession can be had. No agents need re ply. Address Lock Drawer 984, Rochester, New York. JOI PRINTING! THAT'S OUR FORTE. Good Presses and Newest Type to do Good Printing on Good Material and Quick Delivery That's Our Maxim Courier Job Office. 1 II Men's and Boys' Clothing. A suit that will suit any age and form can be found in our complete line, A well selected line of stouts, slims, sin gle and double breast ed suits, any color you want. A large range of blacks from $10.00 TO $25.00 It's easy buying a suit here." Come and look at our line. W.J.MILLER Asheboro, N. C. r"?f" The Cough Syrup that Sr yids the Bystem ef a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels is g, LAXATIVE Bees is the oripinal laxative couph tyrup, contains no opiates, per.tlv moves the bowels, carrying the cold off through the natural channels. Guaranteed to give Witifartion or money reluadcd. S. BRYANT, N". N. N !-V LIN I'rcsiilent. f'k-c-lres, J. H. COI.F..BCIiier. The BANK of RANDLEMAN Randleman, N. C. CAPITAL, $12,000. SI R 11. 1 S, $6,008. Six Years Successful Banking. Inteie-t A. c. counts N lici !:! Oi'inui'Tciitl Ac i.ii I'iivoraliie Terms. Very trulv, .). 11. COM-., Cashier 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks 1- Designs w w f f f ' Copyrights Ac AnTrtneBPTirtlng attkAtrb iind rtmrHntfnn may qulrkly aitoeriRiii our opinion frtw whether an Inventlnn is prohnhir fMitefahln. Communtr tMmofitrictlTronDdiMitiid. HANnnnHK on Piiwni enr iree. uiawt nvenry ior ouniiit patent mectal notic. wit hoot enure a. in tb A. Co. reoelva Scientific Hmerican A bnndtometr fllnrtrated weekly. T-arowt eir onlatlon of mnr KMeuAiflo lournai. Term a, 3 rear: 1 our month, (u 0otd by all newademlwa. Gouei SYRUP i iimim wqpny 1

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